B.S. = Bollingen Series. New York and Princeton.

CW = The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Edited by Gerhard Adler, Michael Fordham, and Herbert Read; William McGuire, Executive Editor; translated by R.F.C. Hull. New York and Princeton (Bollingen Series XX) and London, 1953–1983. 21 vols.

Dream Analysis. Notes of the Seminar Given in 1928–1930 by C. G. Jung. Edited by William McGuire. Princeton (Bollingen Series XCIX:1) and London, 1984.

Freud/Jung = The Freud/Jung Letters. Edited by William McGuire; translated by Ralph Manheim and R.F.C. Hull. Princeton (Bollingen Series XCIV) and London, 1974. New edition, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988.

Jung: Letters = C. G. Jung: Letters. Selected and edited by Gerhard Adler in collaboration with Aniela Jaffé; translations by R.F.C. Hull. Princeton (Bollingen Series XCV) and London, 1973, 1975. 2 vols.

Jung: Word and Image = C. G. Jung: Word and Image. Edited by Aniela Jaffé; translated by Krishna Winston. Princeton (Bollingen Series XCVIL;2) and London, 1979.

Jung Speaking = C. G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters. Edited by William McGuire and R.F.C. Hull. Princeton (Bollingen Series XCVII) and London (abridged), 1977.

MDR = Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C. G. Jung. Recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffé; translated by Richard and Clara Winston. New York and London, 1963. (The editions are differently paginated; double page references are given, first to the New York edition.)

SE = The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Translated under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud, assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson. London and New York, 1953–1974. 24 vols.

Spring: An Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought. New York and Zurich; now Dallas.

Types = Psychological Types. CW 6 (1971).

Zarathustra = Nietzsche’s “Zarathustra.” Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934–1939 by C. G. Jung. Edited by James L. Jarrett. Princeton (Bollingen Series XCIX:2) and London, 1988. 2 vols.