Words of Thanks

This book would not have been possible without the generosity of:

David Rago Auctions,
333 N. Main St.,
Lambertville, NJ 08530.
Phone: (609) 397-9374.
Fax: (609) 397-9377.
Web site: http://www.ragoarts.com/.
E-mail: info@ragoarts.com.

The Iridescent House,
227 First Ave. SW,
Rochester, MN 55902.
Phone: (507) 288-0320.
Web site: http://www.iridescenthouse.com.

Adamstown Antique Gallery,
2000 N. Reading Rd.,
Denver, PA 17517.
Phone: (717) 335-3435.
Web site: http://www.aagal.com/.

Antiques of Red Wing,
307 Main St.,
Red Wing, MN 55066.
Phone: (651) 385-5963.
E-mail: antiquesofrw@mcleodusa.net.

Memory Maker Antiques,
415 Main St.,
Red Wing, MN 55066.
Phone: (651) 385-5914.

Carlson s Antiques
Bill and Sliv Carlson
Wayzata, Minn.
(952) 475-0586