Many thanks to Anna Links and the American Bookbinders Museum in San Francisco for providing so much insight and historical perspective to the art and craft of bookbinding. I appreciate your patience and assistance—and your delightful museum store.

To senior editor Michelle Vega: much like Obi-Wan Kenobi, you came into my life when I needed you most. Your intelligence, warm encouragement, and wonderful good humor have helped me in so many ways. Thank you!

I am grateful every day that I get to work with the smart, savvy, insightful, and deliciously witty literary agent Christina Hogrebe. Thank you for everything you do for me.

This book would surely not exist without the incredible support of my husband, Don. Thank you for your constant love and support through so many years and so many books. And thank you for helping to concoct the most awesome signature cocktail ever. Let’s have another round, shall we?