My mate, Joe, for putting up with … well. He knows what he puts up with.
My beautiful and clever daughters, Amanda, Megan, and Samantha, for not turning into delinquents while I wrote this book.
My mum, Bonnie, for not letting me turn into a delinquent while I wrote this book.
My siblings, Ian, Ali, and Erin … for making out like all the knitting is cool.
My nephew, Hank, for being five years old and wanting to learn how to knit. (I forgive you for breaking the ball winder.)
My long suffering friends, Lene, Ken, Cassandra, Emma, and Denny. I owe them all hand-knit socks.
My friend and agent, Linda Roghaar, for always picking up the phone and not sighing (too loudly) when I tell her my troubles.
Deborah Balmuth, crack editor; Pam Art, visionary; and everyone else at Storey Publishing who totally understands that no matter what the rest of the world thinks, you really can have a knitting-book emergency.
Finally, special thanks to every knitter I ever met, e-mailed, or ran into in a yarn shop. I’d know nothing without them.