And I say “we” because I, Summer, am writing this bit. And it pains me to say that Guy, bless him, has made an utter pig’s ear of his fresson numbers! The first official one ought to be the one he learned before meeting me, but since he’s so eager to get going, we don’t have time to go back and renumber them all. Therefore, I shall begin with:
Fresson 0. Friends keep you sane.
Right then: Off we go.
Friendship must be earned.
Friends listen.
Friends respect each other’s property.
Friends keep their promises.
Friends respect each other’s way of doing things.
Friends only have to apologize once.
Friends trust each other.
Friends shouldn’t be afraid to admit their fears.
Friends take care of each other.
Friends are stronger together.
Friends respect each other’s life choices.
Friends communicate.
Friends aren’t afraid to be honest with friends.
Friends respect each other’s beliefs.
Friends shouldn’t be afraid to ask friends for help.
Friendship shouldn’t force you to give up you.
Friends shouldn’t part in anger.
Friendship cancels distance. Not the other way around.
Friends can fight, and they can also make up.
Friends don’t leave friends behind. (Thank you, Guy.)