Picture credits

The sources of the photographs are indicated in the individual captions, but I would like to record a special thankyou to Ann Yule; Donald Macleod; Ian Macleod, Dingwall Museum; Don West; Sybil Davidson; Archie Chisholm; Ronald Birse for the Report of the Mitchell Construction Company on the Moriston Scheme, and the copy of the Civil Engineering and Public Works Review with the article about the Breadalbane Scheme; Wodek Majewski; the Aberdeen Press and Journal; Nicholas McCormick of Edmund Nuttall Ltd; Hamish Ross; Iain Macmaster; Barry McDermot; Heather Ward of Scottish and Southern Energy plc for all the plates from the archive of the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board (NOSHEB) and for permission to adapt Hydro-Board maps to show the various schemes; Perth Museum and Louis Flood; and Carol Morgan, the archivist of the Institution of Civil Engineers, for permission to reproduce the four figures from the Institution’s Proceedings.

Every reasonable effort was made to track down copyright holders and obtain permission for use of the illustrations, but if anyone has been overlooked, I hope they will accept this apology.