
Chapter 35



AMANDA INDULGED IN another spoonful of the white chocolate crème brûlée and held back a moan of ecstasy.  After living on hospital cafeteria food and take out, the meal at this Italian restaurant was pure delight.  “Are you sure you don’t want to try the dessert?  It is really good.”

Her date, Hayden Carter, a pilot that she met recently at the airport, laughed. “No, I am sure; besides, I am enjoying watching you eat.”

Laughing, she said, “Desserts are my weakness.”  She looked at him once more.  She was glad that she took the risk and accepted his dinner invitation. “I have really enjoyed tonight.  Work has been so crazy that I have had little time for myself.”

“I must admit when I first saw you on the plane, I never would have taken you for a doctor.” Hayden said.

Laughing, she agreed, “I get that a lot.”

“So why the CDC and not in a big hospital or private practice?”

“My father died of Lou Gehrig’s disease when I was twelve.  When he was diagnosed with it, I instantly wanted to know what it was and after his death, I wanted to find out why no cure had been found yet.  My mom said that even though I was little, I always wanted to know how things worked and if something was broken, I would try to find the best way to fix it. 

“When I started studying Lou Gehrig’s disease, I found out there was a whole world of viruses and infectious diseases out there.  In a way, I hoped I would discover a virus or disease that no one had yet discovered.  I even had dreams of grandeur, where I would be the one who found the cure.  When the position became available at the CDC, I honestly didn’t think I would get the job, but I prayed I would.  ”

“So, you aren’t worried about catching one of the viruses you study?”

Shaking her head, she replied, “No, I make sure that I wear all the necessary protective equipment and take all the precautions.”

Taking her hand to his mouth and kissing her wrist, he said, “It is a shame that you have to cover that beautiful body of yours.  I bet if the patients could get a good glimpse of you, they would instantly start to feel better.”

Just the simple touch of his lips on her wrist melted her.  It has been so long since she had time for a date, and right now, she couldn’t remember the last time she had sex. 

Of course, these feelings may be because she was close to finishing her third glass of wine.  She knew that she was being extremely talkative, but it didn’t seem to bother Hayden.  He seemed content to sit back and listen.

As she found herself jabbering on about her family and work, she stopped and smiled over at Hayden.  “I am so sorry.  I am not normally this talkative.”

“There is no need to apologize.  I find everything you have to say quite fascinating, as a matter of fact.”

Protesting, Amanda stated, “You didn’t take me out to dinner to hear about my work, and I haven’t given you much of an opportunity to talk about yourself.”

As the waiter cleared away the dessert dishes, she asked, “Would you like to have a drink at my house before heading home?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

On the way out of the restaurant, Hayden offered Amanda his arm, which she gladly accepted.  He opened the car door and waited for her to be situated before closing the door.  She found herself falling for this man only after a short time. 

Hayden slipped behind the wheel and started the car up.  A smile formed on his face as the engine came to life.  Amanda watched how he handled the car. “It has always amazed me how men can become so infatuated with a vehicle.”

Hayden looked over at her, placed a hand over his heart and gasped. “A vehicle.  This isn’t just any vehicle.  This is one of the finest automobiles ever crafted.”  It was after all a Mercedes CL 550.

Amanda watched as he lovingly caressed the instruments and steering wheel.  She wondered what those hands would feel like on her body.  Amanda could appreciate the luxuriousness of the car as she settled into the rich leather seat, but to be honest, cars never meant much to her.  All she needed was something to get her from point a to point b. 

The short drive to her house was silent; she was starting to doubt her invitation for him to come in for a drink.  She honestly didn’t know much about him, except he was good looking and an airline pilot.  However, something about him made her want to pursue a relationship.

Once inside her house, she poured each of them another glass of wine. “I am sorry about the limited choices.  I may have a bottle of vodka here.”

Shaking his head, he replied, “Relax.  I am more of a wine person rather than liquor anyway.  Being a pilot, we have to watch our alcohol intake.  The new regulations have made it too risky to overindulge.”

As they talked about his work, she noticed that he had not made a move towards her.  She began to wonder if there was something wrong with her.  Amanda went to take Hayden’s empty wine glass from him, when he pulled her down onto his lap.  He reached up and removed the clip holding her hair, causing it to spill down her back.  He tangled his hands in it and brought her lips to his.  Amanda found her arms moving up to his neck – not wanting the kiss to end.  She whispered against his lips, “I don’t want to spend tonight alone.”

Hayden looked up at her, his eyes glistened with desire.  Once more he took her mouth in a gentle caress, her breath skirting his lips.  Only when her mouth was compliant and willing, did he deepen the kiss, thrusting his tongue inside to dance with hers.  They kissed with such passion that it ignited a spark deep inside of her.  This was what she has desperately wanted, no needed, for so long. She pressed her body against his and desire coursed through her body.

She reveled in his touch as his hands tenderly cupped her jaw.  His lips blazed a trail to her neck and shoulders.  He unzipped her dress and moved his hands so gently down her body; the feeling of his hands touching her bare skin turned her insides to molten lava. 

In one swift move, he stood up and carried her off to the bedroom.  Once they were on the bed, he moved his attention to her breasts.  He rained tiny kisses over each of them, cupping them in his hands to bring them closer to his mouth.  His warm lips closed over one taut nipple.  She moaned as she closed her eyes and let the sensations take over her body.  He suckled and nipped, constantly changing as to catch her off guard.  Her hands grabbed the bedcovers as he turned his attention to her other breast, giving it the same tortuous attention. 

His gaze was all heat and never has she seen such fire in a man’s gaze.  Pleasure vibrated through her, as his hands worked their magic.  He felt warm and solid against her body.  His movements were slow and steady.  He felt so good inside of her, so right.  She could feel herself going over the edge and into oblivion. 

