
Chapter 46



AMANDA ARRIVED AT THE office early, despite her harrowing experience last night.  As soon as she was seated at her desk, Jane walked in.  “Dr. Bowers, what on earth happened to you?”

Not wanting to go into detail about what happened last night she said, “I had a little accident is all.”

“Well, that doesn’t look like a little accident.  I came in to tell you Dr. Bentley asked that you come to his office right away.”

As soon as he saw the injury on Amanda’s head, he knew that the rumors were true, “I received a call late last night informing me that you were attacked in your home earlier.  I was even told that it would be in everyone’s best interest if you were offered some vacation time so that you could recuperate.”

Amanda looked at him with surprise.  The only ones who knew about the attack were Hayden, the responding officers, and the paramedics.  “I appreciate the consideration, but to be honest with you, work will keep my mind occupied.”

“I agree, but I also think that you need to tread very carefully right now.  I received another phone call early this morning.  I do believe you are starting to ruffle some feathers, my dear.  A certain Congressman, a senior member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee for the Department of Health and Human Services, called to make sure that I offered you a paid vacation in light of your accident.”

That very comment left Amanda speechless. “Just how did anyone know that I was attacked?”

“That, my dear, is the million dollar question, but more disconcerting is why a Congressman even called with regard to a CDC doctor?”

“And are you going to listen to the direct order that I take a vacation?”

“My dear, that is solely up to you.  On one hand, I am sure that you do need the time off with regards to your head injury, but then again, we also need your help with regards to the influenza outbreak.  A few more cases popped up overnight; these were nothing as extreme as what we have seen, but I am worried it will only be a matter of time.  If you do take a vacation, we need to make sure someone else is fully apprised of the situation.”

“Well, you can put your mind at ease, because I have no plans on taking a vacation.  I am also beginning to suspect that someone does not like my line of questioning.”

“Yes, but how is it that they know about your line of questioning?  I, for one, have not breathed one word of this to anyone.”

Amanda was suddenly overwhelmed with fear.  The attack in her home wasn’t just a crime of opportunity; someone had actually tried to kill her.  What could she know that inflicted such fear in someone to result in wanting her dead?  If her assumptions were true, then this could be a conspiracy of immense proportions and her life was in extreme jeopardy. 

Suddenly, she had a feeling that she was in way over her head, but who could she trust?  She was starting to believe that this was definitely a conspiracy of some sort, but she was unsure as to what extent and just how high up this conspiracy went?  Her main problem rested in the lack of proof that the vaccine was causing the fatal flu epidemic.  All she had right now was highly suggestive facts. 

There was no doubt in her mind that whoever had contaminated the vaccines had some very powerful connections, but why would someone do this?  Why kill all of these people?  It seemed that if another pharmaceutical company wanted to hurt their competition, they would have instantly harped on the deaths; but also, they would immediately announce that their vaccine was better and definitely safer. 

She just had no idea how deeply someone with the CDC was involved in this.