Kalemonath – cabbage month, when the first cabbages of the year could be harvested
February is the Rumpelstiltskin of months – short and bad-tempered – and it’s hardly surprising if some of that gloom rubs off on us too. It’s a bit difficult not to feel grumpy when it’s cold, wet and grey outside.
It’s in February, above all other months, that you might be forgiven for not sticking to your seasonal principles. There’s only so much swede anyone can take, turkey has long since lost its appeal and even the sprouts are running out. But before you fall off the Well Seasoned wagon, take a look at what else is on offer this month. It’s definitely not all bad news.
If ever there was a month designed for comfort food, this is it. Hearty stews and ragouts, together with the last of the feathered game, will keep us nourished, and although it’s true that sweet treats are thin on the ground, forced rhubarb continues to provide plenty of fruity goodness. That superstar of late winter, purple sprouting broccoli, usually hits the shelves this month, while hardy brassicas, onions and carrots are still plentiful, meaning that even if the choice isn’t as broad as we might like, there’s still plenty of good vegetables to go around.
February is both the shortest month and the last month that we’ll feel the full frozen grip of winter. That’s definitely worth a celebration or two, and Shrove Tuesday and Valentine’s Day fit the bill nicely. If that’s not enough, you might be cheered by the fact that we’ll see even more of those very early signs of spring this month. The first daffodils will flower, the first garden birds will sing and the first lambs will be born.
No one can stay grumpy after all that... can they?