Out & About | Wildflower meadows

Britain’s wild flowers tend to thrive on poor, chalky soils where grass grows thinly (which means they are competing less for light and nutrients). Unfortunately, much of our natural flower meadow land has been lost due to intensive farming (it’s estimated that we have lost up to 99 per cent of this valuable ‘unimproved grassland’ since the Industrial Revolution), but our remaining meadows are found in some of the most picturesque areas of the countryside and are unquestionably worth a visit in late spring or early summer when they are in full bloom.

The flowers themselves are just one important element of a complex and sensitive ecosystem. They support a host of pollinating insects, including bees and butterflies, that provide food for small mammals and birds, which in turn are prey for apex predators like owls and foxes. For ground-nesting species including the lapwing and skylark, the long, uncut grass provides both nesting material in the spring and protection for their newly hatched young in the summer months.

So, pack a picnic and an identification guide and go wandering among the wildflowers in May. You’ll find buttercups, daisies and primroses all thriving alongside rarer orchids and cowslips in these stunning, spacious and diverse habitats.

A note of caution – the flora and fauna of our ancient meadows exist in a fine equilibrium. This balance can be easily upset by unintentional trampling of plants or nests, so stick to marked footpaths and picnic sites wherever possible.

You can also grow your own wildflower meadow relatively easily – not only does it create a very attractive, low-maintenance area of your garden, those bees and butterflies will love you for it. You’ll need a patch of lawn in a sunny spot, and garden centres now sell mixed bags of wildflower seed for all types of soil. The best time of year to sow is in the autumn but, if you’re in a hurry, you can also buy established plug plants and even ready-sown wildflower turf.