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Albert, Prince 271
All Hallows’ (All Saints’) Day 225
All Souls’ Day 225
almond streusel crumb, honey-roast apricots with yoghurt sorbet 192, 193
rhubarb and almond tart 36, 37
whole roasted spiced cauliflower with almonds and sultanas 48, 49
Alverton Manor Hotel (The Alverton) 186
Amaretto 176
apples 196, 197
blackberry and caramelized apple trifle 212–13, 212
bramley apple and sultana chutney 214, 215
mulled cider with spiced apple jelly 33
pot-roasted pheasant with cider and apple 274, 275
scrumping 196
seared scallops with chestnut, apple and pancetta 256, 257
sticky toffee apple pudding 238, 239
venison, cobnut and apple salad 250, 251
apricots 176
honey-roast apricots with yoghurt sorbet 192, 193
artichokes, Jerusalem (see Jerusalem artichokes)
asparagus 87
asparagus and Old Winchester tart 92, 93
asparagus with duck egg and romesco sauce 94, 95
fillet of brill with crushed Jersey Royals, asparagus and herb butter sauce 120–1, 120
autumn hedgerows 218, 219
braised bacon with butter beans and new season carrots 166–7, 166
smoked bacon, one-grouse starter for four 188–9, 188
smoked bacon, warm salad of pigeon breast, charred spring onion and bacon 116–17, 116
basil pesto 142, 143
bass, fillet of bass with samphire, braised gem lettuce, and peas 164–5, 164
broad bean bruschetta 162, 163
butter, braised bacon with butter beans and new season carrots 166–7, 166
beef stock 284–5
beer-braised beef cheeks with pickled shallots 34, 35
rare roast beef with celeriac remoulade 272, 273
roast rib of beef 100–1,100
Beenleigh Blue cheesecake with sweet and sour pears 278–9, 278
beetroot 220
beetroot, mascarpone and horseradish tart 226, 227
beignets, blue cheese beignets with spiced damson dip 208–9, 208
Beltane (May Day) 84, 112
Beltane cake 124, 125
Big Butterfly Count 174
Big Garden Birdwatch 174
blackberries 200, 201
blackberry and caramelized apple trifle 212–13, 212
one-grouse starter for four 188–9, 188
Blakeney (Norfolk) 242
blood oranges 23, 30
blood orange, chicory and feta salad 30, 31
blue cheese beignets with spiced damson dip 208–9, 208
bluebells 84, 85
boar, wild 43
pappardelle with wild boar ragout 52–3, 52
Bonfire Night 249
Book of Common Prayer 248
bramley apple and sultana chutney 214, 215
bread, Viennese tin loaf 190, 191
bream, black 164
Brigid, St, Feast of 46
brill, fillet of brill with crushed Jersey Royals, asparagus and herb butter sauce 120–1, 120
brined pork chops with roasted red pepper and courgette salad 210–11, 210
British Divers Marine Life Rescue 242
British Summer Time 60
broad bean bruschetta 162, 163
Burns Night 25
Burns Supper 25
Burns, Robbie 25
butterflies 174, 175
cabbage, venison dog with chilli-pickled cabbage 258–9, 259
Cabrito 139
Beltane cake 124, 125
Beenleigh Blue cheesecake with sweet and sour pears 278–9, 278
chocolate, mascarpone and raisin cake 102–3, 102
gooseberry and elderflower cheesecake 148–9, 148
lemon and white chocolate roulade 80, 81
sticky ginger cake 58, 59
see also pudding
Calan Gaeaf 225
Candlemas 46
Canterbury Tales 158
capers, fillet of gurnard with a warm potato and caper salad 74, 75
carrots, braised bacon with butter beans and new season carrots 166–7, 166
cauliflower 42
whole roasted spiced cauliflower with almonds and sultanas 48, 49
winter piccalilli 50, 51
celeriac 267
rare roast beef with celeriac remoulade 272, 273
venison, celeriac and mushroom suet pudding 252–3, 252
celery, Jerusalem artichoke soup with wild mushrooms and artichoke crisps 26, 27
Beenleigh Blue cheesecake with sweet and sour pears 278–9, 278
blue cheese beignets with spiced damson dip 208–9, 208
warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
cherries, white chocolate mousse with cherry compote 168, 169
chestnuts 246, 247
seared scallops with chestnut, apple and pancetta 256, 257
chicken, leek and wild garlic pie 72, 73
chicken stock 285
chickpeas, warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
blood orange, chicory and feta salad 30
warm salad of new season’s spring lamb 98, 99
chillies 62–3, 63
spider crab linguini with chilli, garlic and parsley 184, 185
chocolate, mascarpone and raisin cake 102–3, 102
lemon and white chocolate roulade 80, 81
white chocolate mousse with cherry compote 168, 169
chorizo, sautéed squid with chorizo and piquillo pepper dressing 160, 161
chowder, sweetcorn and potato 204
Christmas Day 271
Christmas Eve 265
Christmas pudding, Sue Brown’s 260, 261
chutney, bramley apple and sultana chutney 214, 215
mulled cider with spiced apple jelly 33
pot-roasted pheasant with cider and apple 274, 275
cider vinaigrette 287
clams, razor see razor clams
clementines 266
clementine and sultana frangipane tarts 280–1, 280
leek and mushroom cobnut crumble 234, 235
venison, cobnut and apple salad 250, 251
‘Common of Mast’ 203
Constantine, Emperor 271
cooking with the seasons 12–15
Cornwall 242
Coulson, Francis 239
braised bacon with butter beans and new season carrots 166–7, 166
brined pork chops with roasted red pepper and courgette salad 210–11, 210
couscous, spice-roasted squash with couscous 228, 229
crab and fennel tart 186, 187
spider crab linguini with chilli, garlic and parsley 184, 185
crayfish 110
crayfish cocktail 114, 115
crumble, leek and mushroom cobnut crumble 234, 235
cucumber, harissa mackerel flatbreads with quick pickled cucumber 136, 137
‘Cutting of the Mell’ 202
cuttlefish and squid 154–5
Cybele, Roman Festival of 69
blue cheese beignets with spiced damson dip 208–9, 208
gin, a Well Seasoned Winter 282, 283
and sloes 199
dawn chorus 41
Dorset Pastry 226
duck egg, asparagus with duck egg and romesco sauce 94, 95
Duffers’ Fortnight’ 104
Dunmow Flitch Trials 158
Easter 47, 271
Eglwyswrw 159
Egton Bridge (Yorkshire) 130
elderberries 108
elderflowers 108, 109
gooseberry and elderflower cheesecake 148–9, 148
Harry McKew’s elderflower cordial 122, 123
equipment 14–15
Feasts & Festivals 8
fennel, crab and fennel tart 186, 187
feta, blood orange, chicory and feta salad 30
fillet of bass with samphire, braised gem lettuce, and peas 164–5, 164
fillet of brill with crushed Jersey Royals, asparagus and herb butter sauce 120–1, 120
fillet of gurnard with a warm potato and caper salad 74, 75
harissa mackerel flatbreads with quick pickled cucumber 136, 137
flatbreads, simple 287
focaccia, sea salt and olive oil focaccia 144–5, 144
Food & Foraging 8
frangipane, clementine and sultana frangipane tarts 280–1, 280
boar, wild 43
pappardelle with wild boar ragout 52–3, 52
venison 245
venison dog with chilli-pickled cabbage 258–9, 259
venison, celeriac and mushroom suet pudding 252–3, 252
venison, cobnut and apple salad 250, 251
game birds
grouse 181
one-grouse starter for four 188–9, 188
partridge and wild mushroom terrine 230–3, 231, 233
pheasant 268, 269
pot-roasted pheasant with cider and apple 274, 275
pigeon 111
warm salad of pigeon breast, charred spring onion and bacon 116–17, 116
spider crab linguini with chilli, garlic and parsley 184, 185
wild 64
chicken, leek and wild garlic pie 72, 73
potato gnocchi with wild garlic pesto 70, 71
George, St 91
Ghayour, Sabrina 229
damson or sloe 199
a Well Seasoned Winter cocktail 282, 283
ginger, sticky ginger cake 58, 59
Glorious Twelfth 181
hay-baked leg of kid goat 138, 139–40
warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
Goat (book) 139
Good Housekeeping Cookery Book 229
gooseberries 130
gooseberry and elderflower cheesecake 148–9, 148
Great Dunmow (Essex) 158
Groundhog Day 46
grouse 181
one grouse starter for four 188–9, 188
gurnard 66, 67
fillet of gurnard with a warm potato and caper salad 74, 75
Guy Fawkes 250
haggis 25
Halloween 225
Harry McKew’s elderflower cordial 122, 123
Harvest Festival 202
Hawker, Robert 202
hay-baked leg of kid goat 138, 139–40
herb butter sauce, fillet of brill with crushed Jersey Royals, asparagus and herb butter sauce 120–1, 120
Hinton St George (Somerset) 224
hogget 86
honey, fresh raspberries with honey and oat ice cream 170–1, 170
honey-roast apricots with yoghurt sorbet 192, 193
Hooper’s Hedgerow Hypothesis 218
horseradish, beetroot, mascarpone and horseradish tart 226, 227
‘Hungry Gap’ 82
hunter’s moon 202
ice cream, fresh raspberries with honey and oat ice cream 170–1, 170
iced strawberry parfait 146–7, 147
Imbolc (1st February) 46
ingredients 14
Islay 159
Jerusalem artichokes 22
Jerusalem artichoke soup with wild mushrooms and artichoke crisps 26, 27
Joannides, Dino 142
kale 65
warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
lamb ragout 118
lamb sausage roll with garlic and mustard mayonnaise 276, 277
roast rump of lamb, shepherd’s pie and spring greens 118–19, 119
spring lamb 86
warm salad of new season’s spring lamb 98, 99
Lammas Day 180, 202
chicken, leek and wild garlic pie 72, 73
leek and mushroom cobnut crumble 234, 235
pancakes, leek, Parmesan and prosciutto filling 57
lemon and white chocolate roulade 80, 81
lettuce, Little Gem
braised bacon with butter beans and new season carrots 166–7, 166
fillet of bass with samphire, braised gem lettuce, and peas 164–5, 164
linguini, spider crab linguini with chilli, garlic and parsley 184, 185
Llŷn Peninsula 242
lobster and charred sweetcorn risotto 206–7, 206
Lundy Island 242
Lyburn Farm 92
Mabon (autumn festival) 202
mackerel 132, 133
harissa mackerel flatbreads with quick pickled cucumber 136, 137
Maldon sea salt 13
Marine Conservation Society 66
marmalade, Seville orange marmalade 28, 29
beetroot, mascarpone and horseradish tart 226, 227
chocolate, mascarpone and raisin cake 102–3, 102
May Day see Beltane
maypoles 112
McGee, Harold 210
medlars and quince 221
membrillo 236
Mestral (Spanish Arbequina) olive oil 142
Michaelmas 201
Mid-Cheshire Gooseberry Shows Association 130
morels 88
Mothering Sunday 69
mulled cider with spiced apple jelly 32, 33
chestnut, spice-roasted squash with couscous 228, 229
leek and mushroom cobnut crumble 234, 235
St George’s mushrooms on toast 96, 97
venison, celeriac and mushroom suet pudding 252–3, 252
wild 222–3, 223
partridge and wild mushroom terrine 230–3, 231, 233
mustard mayonnaise, lamb sausage roll with garlic and mustard mayonnaise 276, 277
mutton 86
Mutton Renaissance Campaign 86
National Trust 84
Nicholas of Myra, St 266
Oak Apple Day 113
oats, toasted, fresh raspberries with honey and oat ice cream 170–1, 170
Old Winchester cheese
asparagus and Old Winchester tart 92, 93
basil pesto 142, 143
olive oil, sea salt and olive oil focaccia 144–5, 144
Olney (Buckinghamshire) pancake race 47
On Food and Cooking (book) 210
one-grouse starter for four 188–9, 188
roast pork belly with sage and onion 76–7, 76
spice-roasted squash with couscous 228, 229
warm salad of pigeon breast, charred spring onion and bacon 116–17, 116
warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
blood orange, chicory and feta salad 30, 31
pancakes, blood orange and marmalade filling 57
Orkney Islands 242
Ottery St Mary (Devon) 249
Out & About 8
the Owl and the Pussycat (poem) 221
pancakes 47, 56–7, 56
blood orange and marmalade filling 57
Parmesan and prosciutto filling 57
pancetta, seared scallops with chestnut, apple and pancetta 256, 257
Pannage Season 203
pappardelle with wild boar ragout 52–3, 52
parfait, iced strawberry parfait 146–7, 147
Parmesan shortbread 283
tomato galette with rocket and Parmesan salad 182, 183
parsley, spider crab linguini with chilli, garlic and parsley 184, 185
parsnips 244
parsnip croquettes 254, 255
partridge and wild mushroom terrine 230–3, 231, 233
pasta dough 287–8
pastas, pappardelle with wild boar ragout 52–3, 52
pears, Beenleigh Blue cheesecake with sweet and sour pears 278–9, 278
pectin 23, 196, 199, 221
peas, fillet of bass with samphire, braised gem lettuce, and peas 164–5, 164
peppers, brined pork chops with roasted red pepper and courgette salad 210–11, 210
Persiana (book) 229
pesto, basil pesto 142, 143
Peter, St 157
petrichor 104
pheasant 268, 269
pot-roasted pheasant with cider and apple 274, 275
Pick Your Own (PYO) 128
pickling liquid for fennel, carrots, shallots, etc. 286
pies, chicken, leek and wild garlic pie 72, 73
pigeon 111
warm salad of pigeon breast, charred spring onion and bacon 116–17, 116
piquillo peppers
sautéed squid with chorizo and piquillo pepper dressing 160, 161
spice-roasted squash with couscous 228, 229
brined pork chops with roasted red pepper and courgette salad 210–11, 210
roast pork belly with sage and onion 76–7, 76
venison dog with chilli-pickled cabbage 258–9, 259
see also bacon
pot-roasted pheasant with cider and apple 274, 275
fillet of brill with crushed Jersey Royals, asparagus and herb butter sauce 120–1, 120
fillet of gurnard with a warm potato and caper salad 74, 75
potato gnocchi with wild garlic pesto 70, 71
sweetcorn and potato chowder 204
prosciutto, pancakes, leek, Parmesan and prosciutto filling 57
pudding, sticky toffee apple pudding 238, 239
puff pastry, rough 288
Punky Night 224
quiche, asparagus and Old Winchester tart 92, 93
quince 221
quince paste 236, 237
raisins, chocolate, mascarpone and raisin cake 102–3, 102
rare roast beef with celeriac remoulade 272, 273
raspberries 156
fresh raspberries with honey and oat ice cream 170–1, 170
razor clams 44, 45
razor clams with herb crumb, lemon and parsley butter 54, 55
red wine sauce 285–6
Refreshment Sunday 69
forced 20, 21
rhubarb and almond tart 36, 37
risotto, lobster and charred sweetcorn risotto 206–7, 206
roast pork belly with sage and onion 76–7, 76
roast rib of beef 100–1, 100
roast rump of lamb, shepherd’s pie and spring greens 118–19, 119
rocket leaves, tomato galette with rocket and Parmesan salad 182, 183
romesco sauce, asparagus with duck egg and romesco sauce 94, 95
rough puff pastry see puff pastry, rough
Royal Oak Day 113
sage, roast pork belly with sage and onion 76–7, 76
blood orange, chicory and feta salad 30, 31
brined pork chops with roasted red pepper and courgette salad 210–11, 210
fillet of gurnard with a warm potato and caper salad 74, 75
tomato galette with rocket and Parmesan salad 182, 183
venison, cobnut and apple salad 250, 251
warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
warm salad of new season’s spring lamb 98, 99
warm salad of pigeon breast, charred spring onion and bacon 116–17, 116
Samhain 202, 225
samphire 157
fillet of bass with samphire, braised gem lettuce, and peas 164–5, 164
San Marzano tomato, tomato galette with rocket and Parmesan salad 182, 183
Santa Claus 266
Saturnalia 270, 271
sautéed squid with chorizo and piquillo pepper dressing 160, 161
scallops, seared scallops with chestnut, apple and pancetta 256, 257
Scoville scale 63
scrumping 196
sea salt and olive oil focaccia 144–5, 144
seal spotting 242, 243
seasonal eating 10
seasonally, living 9, 10
seasons, British 9
Semplice (book) 142
Seville oranges 23
marmalade 28, 29
pancakes 57
beer-braised beef cheeks with pickled shallots 34
Jerusalem artichoke soup with wild mushrooms and artichoke crisps 26, 27
Sharrow Bay Hotel 239
Shebbear (Devon) 249
crab and fennel tart 186, 187
crayfish 110
crayfish cocktail 114, 115
lobster and charred sweetcorn risotto 206–7, 206
razor clams with herb crumb, lemon and parsley butter 54–5, 54
seared scallops with chestnut, apple and pancetta 256, 257
spider crab 178, 179
spider crab linguini with chilli, garlic and parsley 184, 185
Shepherd’s pie, roast rump of lamb, shepherd’s pie and spring greens 118–19, 119
shortbread 289
Shrove Tuesday 47, 56
simnel cake 69
sloes 199
gin, a Well Seasoned Winter cocktail 282, 283
snowdrops 18, 19
soups, Jerusalem artichoke soup with wild mushrooms and artichoke crisps 26, 27
spice-roasted squash with couscous 228, 229
spider crab see shellfish
spring equinox 68
spring greens, roast rump of lamb, shepherd’s pie and spring greens 118–19, 119
spring lamb see lamb
squab see pigeon 195
squash, spice-roasted squash with couscous 228, 229
squid 154–5
sautéed squid with chorizo and piquillo pepper dressing 160, 161
St Barnabas’s Day 134
St George’s Day 91
St George’s mushrooms 88, 89
St George’s mushrooms on toast 96, 97
St Luke’s Little Summer 216
St Swithin’s Day 159
stem ginger, sticky ginger cake 58, 59
sticky toffee apple pudding 238, 239
Stir-up Sunday 248, 261
Stonehenge 135
strawberries 131
iced strawberry parfait 146–7, 147
Sue Brown’s Christmas Pudding 260, 261
bramley apple and sultana chutney 214, 215
clementine and sultana frangipane tarts 280–1, 280
whole roasted spiced cauliflower with almonds and sultanas 48, 49
summer solstice 135
Swallows Day 90
sweetcorn 198
lobster and charred sweetcorn risotto 206–7, 206
sweetcorn and potato chowder 204
sweet pastry 288–9
swimming, wild see wild swimming
tar barrelling 249
asparagus and Old Winchester tart 92, 93
beetroot, mascarpone and horseradish tart 226, 227
clementine and sultana frangipane tarts 280–1, 280
crab and fennel tart 186, 187
rhubarb and almond tart 36, 37
terrine, partridge and wild mushroom terrine 230–3, 231, 233
toffee, sticky toffee apple pudding 238, 239
tomatoes 177
tomato galette with rocket and Parmesan salad 182, 183
trifle, blackberry and caramelized apple trifle 212–13, 212
Twelfth Night 24
Vale of Evesham (Worcestershire) 87
vegetable stock 284
venison 245
venison, celeriac and mushroom suet pudding 252–3, 252
venison, cobnut and apple salad 250, 251
venison dog with chilli-pickled cabbage 258–9, 259
Viennese tin loaf 190, 191
warm salad of kale, roasted onion, chickpea and soft goat’s cheese 78–9, 78
warm salad of new season’s spring lamb 98, 99
warm salad of pigeon breast, charred spring onion and bacon 116–17, 116
wassailing 24
weighing and accuracy 13–14
wergulu 196
West Yorkshire ‘Rhubarb Triangle’ 20
Whetlor, James 139
white chocolate mousse with cherry compote 168, 169
whole roasted spiced cauliflower with almonds and sultanas 48, 49
wild boar see boar, wild
wild mushrooms see mushrooms
wild swimming 152
wildflower meadows 106, 107
Wildlife Trusts 84
wine, red wine sauce 285–6
winter piccalilli 50, 51
winter solstice 270
yogurt sorbet, honey-roast apricots with yoghurt sorbet 192, 193
Yorkshire Forced Rhubarb 20
yule logs 264
Yuletide 264