“In poignant reflections on the life of Abraham, Dr. Dunning reminds us that the journey of faith is often not a straight line. It is a series of small and large obediences to the often tender, sometimes demanding, but always faithful promptings of the Spirit. Every Christ-follower committed to the journey of faith will benefit from Dunning’s clear message that while the destination is important, what we become as we go is essential.”
—David Busic
Nazarene Theological Seminary
“Rarely does one find a text that so capably integrates solid biblical exposition, theological reflection, and faith formation from the reader’s own Christian pilgrimage. Through a series of studies in the narratives of Abraham’s journey, Dunning brings the reader into an engaging and transforming dialogue with the biblical text, key tenets of the Christian faith, and the life of holiness. This text demonstrates a depth and a breadth much needed in the church today. Abraham: The Tests of Faith will serve both as a trustworthy theological commentary on the biblical text and as a challenge to the Christian who seeks maturity of faith.”
—Timothy M. Green
Dean of the School of Religion and
Professor of Old Testament Literature and Theology
Trevecca Nazarene University
“The well-respected, seasoned theologian H. Ray Dunning helps us to discover from the narrative of Abraham that in the inevitable tests of life God will be faithful and we can be people of faith. These truths are preachable… teachable… and livable by faith.”
—Nina G. Gunter
General Superintendent Emerita
Church of the Nazarene
“Ray Dunning has reflected on the life of Abraham through experienced eyes, seasoned biblical study, and down-to-earth life lessons. The holy life, he concludes, is shaped in our response to the voice that calls us and the life situations that confront us. At the end, what we know best is not where we arrived but who God is.”
—Dan Boone
Trevecca Nazarene University
“Here is a biblically centered, theologically sound, and practical book, which in this case takes a careful, new look at Abraham’s journey of faith. I commend this book to all who are looking for a firmly Wesleyan study that will challenge the commitment of all believers everywhere.”
—Kevin M. Ulmet
Senior Pastor
Nashville First Church of the Nazarene