The sea breeze ruffled Brock’s tunic as he leaned over the ship’s railing. While much had occurred in the world since he had last gazed upon his city, Kantar appeared unchanged. A season had passed – a winter filled with loss balanced by the promise of a better tomorrow. He put his faith in the notion. Duty required him to remain vigilant, but he prayed for a future filled with hope and joy and peace. To that hope, he held firm, gripping it as if he would fall to his death by letting go. Perhaps that was the truth of it.
Morning sunlight reflected off the dark blue waters of the harbor. The docks were busy with sailors, fisherman, and dockworkers, each focused on the task before them and oblivious to the troubles weighing on their king. That was the way of the world – citizens going about their lives and placing their faith in the crown, leaving the greater worries to those who ruled. Many sought the mantle of king as a path to power. Brock treated it as a burden to protect those who could not protect themselves. Perhaps my ideals make the crown heavier, but it is all I know.
The ship slipped past the breakers, and the captain called for furled sails. With a course set for the nearest open slip, the crew furiously prepared to dock. Accordingly, Brock turned and went below deck so he wouldn’t be in the way.
Knocking at the first door, he waited until he heard “Come in.”
Inside, Tenzi rested on a bunk, propped up on one elbow. Parker sat in a chair with his feet on her bed.
“We are arriving,” Brock said. “Tell the others to gather their things. I promised the captain the ship would be his again as soon as we landed.”
“At least the man has a ship.” Tenzi said, her tone conveying her discontent.
“Must we do this again, Tenzi?”
“Just ignore it, Brock,” Parker said, his face showing the hint of a smile. “It’s nothing personal. She feels incomplete without a ship and will moan about it until the issue is resolved.”
“Have you two considered my offer?”
“I spent two decades as an admiral, Brock,” Tenzi said as she pushed Parker’s feet aside and swung her legs down. “I’m not sure if I want the job again.”
“That was then. This is now. After Olvaria threw her lot in with the Empire, we must be doubly wary of our position on the sea. Ri Star appears to have withdrawn, but it may not be the last of them. Until I have assurances from Olvaria, I’d prefer to take precautions.”
“You will guarantee spots for my crew if I take this position?”
“Absolutely, on your ship or on another.”
Rather than reply, Tenzi stood and stretched. “Hand me my boots, Parker.”
“Are you two staying in the citadel?”
Tenzi sat and began pulling her boots on. “No. We’ll stay at an inn with the crew, or what’s left of them.”
The comment brought a sigh to Brock’s lips. Only five members of Tenzi’s crew remained, the rest lost over the previous months during various battles – just another reminder of the price paid for freedom.
“Very well. I’ll see you on the docks.”
Brock ducked out and moved to the next room, opening the door and startling Broland awake.
“What?” Broland sat up, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it?”
“Perhaps two hours after sunrise.” Brock reached into the wardrobe, pulled out his pack, and began stuffing it with clothing.
“Why did you let me sleep so late?”
“I figured you needed it. The last few nights didn’t go well for you.” Brock recalled Broland spending the bulk of three days and nights on deck, throwing up anytime his stomach contained anything more than water. Rough seas could affect anyone, and Broland was particularly sensitive to such things. “Eventually, your body needs a long, restful night to catch up.”
“You’re packing.”
“You’re observant.”
“Have we arrived?”
“We will dock in the next few minutes.”
Broland slipped his boots on and began gathering his things. By the time their belongings were collected, the ship had settled. Brock and his son headed up the stairs.
Tenzi, Parker, Joely, Hex, and Shashi were already there, huddled with Captain Thumbolt. The group turned and headed down the plank as Brock and Broland approached the captain.
“Thank you again, Captain.”
The man bowed, his fingers absently twisting the tip of his waxed mustache. “It was my pleasure, your Majesty.”
“As promised, the quarters are, again, yours. I’ll send a courier down this afternoon with payment, so don’t be too quick to set sail.”
“No worries. I plan to stay the night anyway. I need time to find cargo to bring back to Wayport.”
“Do me a favor, Thumbolt,” Brock said.
The captain’s face drooped with worry. “Sire?”
“Wayport is in dire need of food. The battle, brief as it might have been, was a drain on the resources. Do not overcharge them.”
“But, your Majesty, trade is all about supply and demand. Their demand is high, so prices rise with it.”
Brock put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I am not asking you to forego a profit; rather, I am telling you to set a discreet price. I will hear of it if greed surpasses your ethics.”
The man sighed. “Yes, my King.”
With a chuckle, Brock patted his shoulder. “Good man.”
He turned and descended the plank to join Broland and Tenzi’s crew on the pier.
The walk into the city was quiet, interrupted with only snippets of conversation. Brock drank in the view of the docks, the bay, the city walls, and the bridge to the south. He passed through the gate with the guards watching him and the others as if they were no different from any other visitors. Dressed as he was with his hair far shorter than usual, he appeared nothing like his normal kingly self. Broland had donned a hat, which hid his features. Traveling with Tenzi and the others, the king and prince could easily have been mistaken for common sailors. It had been decades since Brock had experienced anonymity. The feeling was liberating, if even for a short time.
Center Street was busy – a thriving throng of people buying and selling goods. Brock and the others weaved their way among the foot traffic, carts, wagons, and the occasional street performer. The city felt healthy, prosperous, and alive.
The scent of freshly baked bread stirred Brock’s hunger as he came to a bakery. Stopping, he bought two loaves of bread. He broke off a chunk for Broland, another for himself, and handed the other loaf and a half to Tenzi, who began tearing off pieces for the others. The bread was warm with a hint of butter, delighting his mouth and surpassing the promise his nose had whispered. Chewing on their delicious prize, the group continued along the street, moving uphill and toward the waiting citadel.
Just before reaching Upper Kantar, Tenzi and her crew departed with the plan to settle down at the Aspen Inn for a few days. Brock and Broland wished them farewell and resumed their journey.
He and Broland passed through Upper Kantar with ease, and it wasn’t until they reached the citadel gate that Brock was challenged.
“Stop and state your business at the citadel.”
The guard was new, a young face Brock had never before seen.
“I must speak with Captain Wharton.”
The guard looked at his companion, who was a few years his senior but also was unknown to Brock.
“What’s this about?”
Brock sighed. “Just get the captain. He will know me.”
“You expect me to bother the captain of the guard without even a name?”
“Tell him the son of a tanner is at the gate and wishes to speak with him. Unless, you would rather fetch me Queen Ashland?”
The man’s eyes flared. “Do you play me for a fool?”
“Not at all. In fact, I’m doing my best to make you not appear a fool.” Brock said in earnest. “Just get me Wharton.”
After a drawn-out, frowning glare, the man turned toward his companion. “Draw your sword and watch them.” Speaking to the archers on the wall, he called, “Shoot these two if either one moves.”
The man then whisked off while Brock and Broland waited.
A few minutes later, the man reappeared with an imposing man in a black leather uniform. The man’s dark, wavy hair ran to his shoulders, his stern face marked by scars and a dark goatee. As he drew close, the man’s mouth turned up in a smile.
“Your Majesty!”
The guards stared at Brock, their mouths gaping, eyes wide. The younger one began backing away as if Brock might bite him.
Brock hugged Wharton as the two thumped each other on the back, Wharton hitting Brock hard enough to force a cough.
“It is good to see you, my King!” Wharton then turned to Broland, hugging him fiercely. “And you as well, my Prince!”
Brock smiled, “While I am happy to see you, Wharton, I miss my wife desperately.”
“Oh, yes. She is in court at the moment but will happily retire for the day when she learns of your return.”
Wharton turned to lead Brock into the castle, but Brock paused and approached the mouthy guard. He placed his hand on the taller man’s shoulder, the man flinching as if the touch burned.
“Do not worry. You were only doing your job. Just try to remain humble and courteous unless the people you deal with force you to do otherwise.”
The man nodded. “Yes, Sir…um Sire.”
“Good man.”
Wharton then led them into the castle, through twisting corridors, and into the great receiving hall. When they approached the throne room, the guards, both unknown to Brock, parted and allowed them in.
Ashland was seated on the lone throne at the front of the room, her brown curls glistening in a beam of sunlight streaming through the high windows. Brock noticed the throne was hers, his nowhere to be seen. A guard stood beside her, armed and ready. A clerk sat to her other side, recording the words from an old man who stood before the dais. When Ashland’s eyes met Brock’s she stood, the man stopping mid-sentence and turning to see what had captured the queen’s attention.
“Brock!” she whooped, jumping off the dais and flashing past the startled man, her skirts billowing behind.
When Ashland reached him, he wrapped his arms about her and lifted, spinning her as his heart sang with joy. He put her down, their lips meeting in a long, urgent kiss that left his heart racing and both of them gasping. Her eyes gazed into his, bright blue and full of love. My goodness, I have missed looking into those eyes…
“Ahem,” Wharton said, breaking the spell. “You do realize this is a public forum?”
Brock turned around and found dozens of citizens seated on the benches, all staring toward him with mouths agape, eyes like saucers.
“Yes, it is I, King Brock, returned from battle,” Brock bellowed. “You see, the news about my death was premature. Know this: we have soundly defeated the Empire, and they will not threaten Kantaria again for years to come. Wayport took much damage, but the city remains and the citizens there will rebuild. More importantly, the freedoms we value remain intact.”
Ashland extended her arm toward Broland who stepped into her embrace. She kissed his cheek and smiled. “Oh, Broland. Thank Issal, you are all right.” Broland stepped away, and Ashland looked at Brock. “What of Brandt and Cassie?”
“Both are well. In fact, they are heroes and played key roles in saving many lives. You will be proud to hear of what they have accomplished.”
A tear ran down her face. “Yes. I am sure I will.” Her gaze lifted higher, her hand running along the short layer of hair on his head. “What happened to your hair?”
“I had a little accident. Nothing worth mentioning.” No need to worry her. He then said in a loud voice, “Court for today is adjourned, for I would very much like to be with my wife.” He kissed her again and stared into her eyes. “In fact, court, and everything else at the citadel, will take a leave of three days. We have more pressing things to address.”
“Like what?” Ashland asked with a twinkle in her eye.
“I suspect you know, but I will save that for someplace more private.”
She laughed, the sound lifting Brock’s spirits even higher and bringing tears of joy to his eyes. He was with Ashland again. He was home.

The carriage hit a bump, sending Everson and the other passengers into the air. Ivy grabbed his hand, and he gave her a smile. Across from him were Jonah and Cassie. Jonah chose to ride in the carriage because he didn’t dare ride a horse with his paralysis. Of course, he never enjoyed riding anyway. Cassie chose to ride with Jonah, saying she wanted to avoid the weather. Based on the looks she gave Jonah’s unmoving legs, Everson suspected she was concerned for him.
Everson peered up at the mountains, still white with snow although the valley had thawed and was in the process of turning green. Melting snow followed by early spring rain had left ruts in the road, resulting in a rough ride.
The Fallbrandt Academy of Magic and Engineering came into view as they circled to the east. Above it, the Arcane Ward towered over the school, dark and windowless and brooding. Even knowing the truth about the Ward, Everson felt the searing impression as intended. Fear me, the building demanded. Most obeyed.
Riders passed the carriage in a gallop – Curan, Chuli, Brandt, and Quinn. Watching his sister ride by with a grin on her face left Everson wondering what it would be like to ride a horse. Fear of falling lest his useless legs betray him had been a deterrent for much of his life. Since he invented his mechanical legs, the opportunity had never presented itself. Perhaps it was time to make it happen. With the war behind them, Everson found his future filled with new possibilities.
The carriage slowed as they passed through the gate and entered the Ward stable yard. When the carriage stopped, Everson turned toward Ivy.
“After you, my dear.”
“Everson.” She rolled her eyes. “This is one of those times where you should go first and then extend your hand to assist me.”
“Oh. Sorry. I’m trying.”
“I know. Don’t worry about it. Just climb out so we can go inside.”
He opened the door, holding it while he helped Ivy and Cassie out. Curan and Brandt opened the other door and helped Jonah out so Curan could carry him. The eight wardens headed inside. Without discussion, they headed to the second floor and knocked on the Briefing Room door. A moment later, Benny Hedgewick opened it and blinked in surprise.
“You have returned.” He stuck his head out and looked around. “Where are the others?”
Quinn responded, “Delvin sent us back and told us he needed time to meet his contacts in Kalimar before he returns.”
Benny nodded. “That sounds like him. And Thiron?”
Sadness passed Chuli’s face at the mention of Thiron’s name.
Everson said in a somber tone, “May we come in? We have much to tell you.”
“Yes. Please.”
The meeting consumed an hour as Everson and the other wardens relayed the events in Wayport and Kalimar. Telling of the deaths of Torney and Thiron cast a veil of sorrow over the group. Though many others had died, the impact of losing friends had a much stronger impact.
“What of the other wardens? Has Rena returned?” Everson’s voice fell to a hush. “Does she know about Torney?”
Benny looked at the other leaders, a look that only increased Everson’s concern. “They have returned, all except Master Kwai-Lan. He did not survive.”
“And what about Rena? Is she all right?”
“Physically, she is well.” Firellus shook his head, his worry apparent. “However, her mental state is…very poor.”
Cassie gasped. “Where is she?”
“In her room, I suspect. We meet with her daily, taking turns. However, she remains despondent and will barely eat.”
Benny added, “Most days, she won’t even get out of bed.”
“What happened?”
Nindlerod answered, “The mission in Vallerton did not go well. They saved most of the citizens but were forced to abandon the town. In fact, King Cassius has closed the Red Towers and the entire surrounding region completely, barring anyone from entering. Something is very wrong there.”
“When the squad returned, Rena was already in bad shape,” Benny said. “Hearing about Torney’s death proved to be too much for her fragile state. We don’t know what to do. As you are aware, it is not possible to heal mental illness.”
Everson thought of Cassie, aware that she and Rena had grown close. Her concern was evident and he wondered what they could do to help.
A long moment of silence was interrupted when Brandt stood. “If that is all, I am beat,” he said. “A hot meal and an even hotter bath would both be quite welcome.”
“There is one more thing,” Nindlerod said. “We approved Henrick’s expedition. He departed last week and set off for Vingarri.”
Everson frowned. “Why Vingarri?”
“Since it is the oldest city in Issalia, he expected to find the oldest wrecks off shore there. More than anything, the boy seems determined to find keys to our past hidden at the bottom of the ocean.”
Everson wondered what it would be like to explore an ancient shipwreck. As the group wandered out of the room, his mind wandered, dreaming of what Henrick might discover.