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Despite his burning back, empty stomach, and aching joints, Neo tore up the steps to the Palace and into the Throne Room, where Irvin, Zina, and Aggie resided with others.
Upon seeing Neo and Seneca, Zina leaped to her feet and rounded on the pair, hands on her hips. “Where have you two been?”
Neo held up a hand. “We’ll explain later, but, Dad, Ruslan’s ordered an Armada and they’re equipped with cannons.”
Irvin gave Neo and Seneca a hard look and leaned forward. “You two were in Tamuria?”
“Guys, it’s a long story and there’s no time to explain. We have to get our armies ready now. Dad, I’m sorry, had I just listened to you guys about marrying Kia and—”
Irvin waved him off. “We talked about this in August.” He looked to Seneca and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Besides had you not done what you did, this amazing girl never would’ve entered our lives.”
Seneca smiled for the first time in hours and embraced Irvin around the middle.
Irvin threw Neo a confused look.
He smiled and leaned into his father’s ear. “She—had a rough day.”
Seneca tore herself from Irvin. “I’m grateful for you.”
Irvin took her hands and stared down the door. “As I’m for you, Seneca. And now.” He broke away from her and cupped his hands over his mouth. “Ho, Guards.”
In came several men dressed in gray and canary-yellow. “Send me my bravest Knight, Santo ap Leuan, and tell him it’s his King’s orders for his mighty brigade to advance onto the Beach of Radyr at once. Fire-travel, for there is no time.”
The men burst into flames.
Irvin turned to Neo and Seneca. “I trust you two would love to join in this quarrel? I guess you’ve earned the right.”
Seneca glanced at Neo and he nodded.
Zina strode forward and embraced them both. “At least they’ve enough sense not to have tried to take that entire fleet on their own.” She looked from Neo to Seneca. “I sense it crossed both of your minds.”
Irvin drew his Sword. “Come, kids. Let’s drive back the Tamurians’ Armada once and for all, showing them the Southlandic Isles aren’t to be taken lightly.”
Fifteen minutes later, a man with ringlet hair knelt before Irvin. “Ah, My King.”
“Sir Santo, My Knight. Are you ready, Boy?”
Sir Santo looked out to the Strait, where a shade of black appeared along the horizon. “I’ll be fighting with my newborn in mind. David’s the name.”
Irvin grimaced. “If the time weren’t so dire, Sir Santo, I’d have let you stay home.”
Santo drew his Sword, which bore a golden hilt. “Nay, My King. Not when an enemy’s threatening Ddraigoch. You’re about to see one of the strongest wind storms ever.”
Seneca ran forward. “I can control wind better than almost any element, Sire.”
Santo turned to her. “Well then, Young Lady, one must prove herself if that’s the case.” He nodded to the Strait. “Pick your target.”
Seneca kicked into a windsurf and spun on the spot, twirling her hands until a tornado formed and sent it across the Strait.
Sir Santo’s eyes widened. “Wicked. With me, then.” He led Seneca, who grabbed Neo’s hand and pulled him forward.
Santo stood between Neo and Seneca as the rest of his brigade readied their Swords, some Swords of Stoicheion, others, Swords of Philosophics. Santo’s golden-hilted Sword gleamed like none other despite the sun drooping too low in the west to have any impact.
The black line on the horizon grew, containing a gap due to Seneca’s first shot.
Sir Santo pointed his Sword at the incoming Armada. “Steady. Stoicheions, wreak havoc when I give the signal. Philosophics, aim for the ships. He held up a hand and counted down from five. “Now!”
The Knights behind him fired in unison while the Tamurians returned fire, but their ships were too far off to reach the shore.
Sir Santo drew another Sword, a Sword of Stoicheion, stuck it into the ground, which caused the earth to tremble, and his Knights followed suit while the wood-bending Philosophics took on the ships.
The wave Sir Santo and his Stoicheions created, along with Neo, caused a tsunami to rise.
Seneca tore off into a windsurf and rode the water as it rose fifty feet above them.
Neo’s mouth fell open. “Sen, no!”
Irvin sprinted to the front. “What is she doing?”
Neo shook his head. “Like I said. She...she had a long day. Oh, man, Sen.”
She disappeared over the wave and descended.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The Tamurians’ cannons fired one after another.
Neo closed his eyes.
Another line of fire.
Sir Santo held up a hand as the tsunami swept up the ships and a windstorm Seneca created forced them to barrel-roll back into the horizon. The ships’ wooden planks, shredded by the tsunami’s power and subsequent windstorm, proved no match.
King Irvin stared out to the Strait. “What possessed her to go at it alone?”
Neo kicked at the sand. “We—discovered the Tamurians massacred the Untouchables in Tamuria City. There was nothing left of her parents.”
Irvin growled. “So, that’s where you went. One cannot blame her. She knew them better than anyone. To witness the aftermath of such genocide.”
“She became my best friend, Dad.” Neo strode into the frigid waters. “She saved my life back there.”
Irvin rested his hand on Neo’s shoulder. “They say when one fulfills their life’s destiny, it’s time for them to move on to the World of Spirit.” He looked to the stars. “She’ll always be there, looking down on you. And you know what? I know she’ll be proud of the man you’ll become. She had an impact on all of us.”
Above Neo, the stars shone in the clear night. He raised a hand to them. “Always, Sen. You were my sister-in-crime.” His throat tightened. “I’ll miss you, Bud.”
Irvin nodded. “Spirit knows no ending. She’ll live for eternity and one day you’ll see her again. She’ll be just the way you remembered her here in Gaia.”
Neo swallowed. “She just left me too soon.”
Sir Santo joined them and pointed out to the Strait. “I don’t think so. Look!”
A speck zoomed toward them, surfing on air.
Behind Neo, the Knights raised their weapons, but Sir Santo waved them off.
The speck grew and within ten seconds, Seneca’s outline appeared. After another ten seconds, she landed ashore.
“Sen!” Neo sprinted over and embraced Seneca, lifting her off her feet. “Oh, Gaia, don’t ever scare me like that again!”
Seneca rested her head on Neo’s shoulder, clutching his cloak.
Sir Santo approached, with Irvin not far behind.
Santo replaced his Swords and took Seneca’s shoulders as she and Neo broke apart. “Young Lady, that was the greatest skill I’ve seen from a girl your age. You’re a natural wind-bender and a most courageous soul.”
Irvin took Seneca’s hand. “I believe the girl deserves some recognition, don’t you all? She just saved our Kingdom from potential takeover.”
All around, the Knights cheered, many rushing forward to shake hands and slap fives with Seneca.
IN THE FOLLOWING DAYS, Seneca became known throughout the Southlandic Isles, which consisted of Ddraigoch, Northland, Southland, the Hackney Isles, and to an extent, Shamaria. She became the centerpiece in touring the Nordique countries.
Upon learning of what happened to Seneca’s family and Tamuria’s Untouchable caste, the Southlandic Isles and Nordiques declared extreme violations of human rights in Tamuria and each pledged reforms to treat their own people with more dignity.
King Irvin became the first to do this, signing into law the end of property taxes once a property was paid in full. At the same time, he enacted a flat-tax throughout the entire Kingdom, where all classes of people paid the same percentage of taxes, including its Monarchs. Both Southland and Northland followed his lead.
After two weeks, the tours ended and Neo’s back saw proper treatment, he and Seneca stood on the beach looking out into the Southlandic Strait as the first snow of the season pelted the country.
Seneca crossed her arms. “Think they’ll ever come back?”
“It’s going to be much tougher now our Isles and the Nordiques are on high alert. I think we’ll be okay for a time, but you can never tell with Tamuria. For all we know, Ruslan could be getting on friendly terms with the Arkaans and persuading them to do what he says they do; invade other nations and force them to submit to their ways.”
Seneca whipped around. “The same people he condemned?”
Neo stuck his Sword in the sand. “Sen, the number one thing you need to know about interventionist Monarchs is this: They never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Seneca cringed. “So, he will be back?”
“When he creates his own alliances, he’ll be back. There are going to be a lot of wars fought in Eura.”
Seneca drew a fist and held it out to Neo. “Ready for another fight?”
Neo connected his fist with hers. “We’ll never lose a war as long as we live. But first, let’s get a game of shotball going. Winter style.”
To be continued...
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Excerpt from Northern Knights, Book I in the Lord of Columbia Trilogy
Black and yellow-clad soldiers drew their weapons while others barricaded the doorways.
The center pig drew a Sword and conjured a fire-blast, setting the chandelier ablaze. “Freeze! Anyone attempting to leave the premises will be shot immediately. We have order from King Rooney to round up anyone appearing under age twenty-six. Turn yourselves in now, or we’ll use force.”
Twenty young people filed out of the lobby, some retrieving identification. Lira motioned to stand, but Cain tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her back into the seat.
“What’re you doing?” she said.
Cain kept a firm grip on Lira’s hand. “There’s only one way out of this. Time to play a new ballgame.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I’m not letting them take you.”
The lead pig looked about the lobby. “This is your last chance to turn yourselves in.”
Cain locked his hands around Lira’s shoulders. “Are you going to live your whole life this way?”
“It wouldn’t mean we’d be drafted.”
“You told me yesterday how it is here—”
Gunshots rang throughout the lobby. Those not yet apprehended screamed and ran for cover.
Three pigs headed for Cain and Lira, pointing guns at their chests. “Get on the ground!”
“It’s party time.” Cain leaped off his seat, windsurfed, as if an imaginary surfboard were under his boots, in front of Lira, and thrust his arms forward, conjuring a wind gust.
The pigs’ fingers found their triggers, but Cain’s whirlwind sent them crashing into the buffet.
The lead pig directed his Sword toward Cain. “Kill him, he’s using abilities!”
Two pigs behind the lead aimed their guns at Cain as he cast another gust and sent them headfirst into the wall, bidding time for others in the lobby to escape the budding chaos.
Others acted, including Lira, sending an array of fire, earth, water, wind, and other elements.
A returning Micah and Blaze blasted two pigs off their feet with a wind gust, while others fought with and distracted the remaining pigs in the lobby.
A band of pigs reentered, guns drawn.
Cain drew a fist and thrust his arms forward again, blasting the pigs into the opposite wall to join their collapsed comrades. “Let’s get out of here!” Cain windsurfed and assisted those continuing their struggle with the remaining pigs, some in hand-to-hand combat, others revealing abilities.
Cain led Micah and Blaze across the lobby as Lira transformed into a smoke vapor.
Micah caught up to Cain in a windsurf. “Where to?”
Cain burst through the double doors. “Anywhere but here.” He led the raid into the parking lot where two-dozen pigs stood guard, facing the hotel. It seemed this godforsaken Empire sought every young soul they could get their damn hands on and release them if their excuse for being in Ironton was good enough, but a powerful vibe accompanying a chill down his spine stated this wasn’t the case.
When the pigs raised their weapons, Cain, Micah, and Blaze kicked the ground together and sent a sonic boom.
Lira vanished and reappeared behind two pigs, where they collapsed within seconds.
Blaze dashed to the nearest van and pried the lock. “Lira, your metal control.”
Lira vanished and molded the metal lock on the first cargo van in her smoke form until Blaze wrenched the doors open.
While those in the first van hurried to their vehicles, Lira unlocked the second and third vans as Cain and Micah ripped the locks.
Cain tore open the hatch, where three-dozen souls his age scrambled to their feet, ripping off their handcuffs. “Get out of here, now.” He hopped back as the freed kids dashed out of sight.
Micah tossed his car keys to a reappearing Lira. “Get to the car and pick us up.”
Lira vanished and resurfaced behind the wheel.
“Take shotgun, Cain,” Micah said, when Lira reached the trio.
Cain slid over the hood and hopped into the passenger seat while the other two hurled into the back, Blaze’s curly locks awry.
Lira floored the throttle and raced to the main road.