Chapter 20
Muka led them along the road, heading into the first blush of sunrise.
It had taken the rest of the night to wind their way down the tiers and start east across level grassland toward the village of Osa, which was only half a day south of Mondami. There, Muka was sure, was a woman who could help them with a better disguise. “She is a rudama,” he’d said, explaining that it meant ‘sorceress’ when Never asked.
Now they crouched within a stand of trees, looking down upon a guard post in the distance, two men stationed before a low, wooden barrier. One man looked to be carrying a bow, but it was hard to tell in the poor light.
“This is not the only road heading toward Osa but it is the most direct,” Muka explained.
“I can distract them,” Ayuni said.
“What do you have in mind?” Never asked.
Never frowned; the memory of her tearful expression from earlier still vivid. “If we’re planning on burning them, let me.”
“No. I mean, that stand of trees off to the right. I think I can start a fire there.”
Muka was nodding. “Let’s try it; we can circle around from—”
“No, Muka. I think we might be close enough,” she said, though her expression was one of doubt. She knelt and closed her eyes. Next, Ayuni raised her hands, palms open before her. She cupped them and after a moment, a dancing flame of green and blue appeared. Never blinked. No knife, no blood, no crimson flame – just how different was what she called the Fire of Heaven? More lunai power? Perhaps Muka would know.
Ayuni opened her eyes, shifting to face the trees. She drew in a deep breath and exhaled. The flame bent toward the distant trees and then flickered out. Ayuni stood with a satisfied smile. “I didn’t know if I’d be able to do that.”
A moment later, grey smoke began to billow forth from the stand.
The guards didn’t react at first; not until an orange glow appeared. It was vivid against the shadowy stand of trees and the still lightening morning. Never turned back to the guards – one of which was now standing quite straight. After what appeared to be a short argument, he grabbed his fellow and started toward the growing blaze.
“Let’s hurry,” Ayuni said.
Once more, Muka led them along the hard-packed dirt of the road, moving swiftly. Between watching their surroundings and looking out for Ayuni, Never had done his best to keep an eye on Muka too, but the man was not showing any signs of slowing. He was still sweating, and his movement wasn’t totally free, particularly when it came to twisting his torso, but he was healing remarkably well. Even for someone who had Amouni blood applied directly to a wound... his own lunai at work?
And then there was Ayuni’s Fire of Heaven. It wasn’t so dissimilar to crimson-fire but nor was it the same. Had Father... done something to her? The monks? Ayuni didn’t seem to know all that much about it herself. Was her mother guiding her somehow? Just who had Father chosen as part of his dark plan to propagate Amouni children? A Kiymako sorceress?
The guard post slipped by and they continued on toward Osa.
“Should I put it out?” Ayuni sounded concerned.
“Best to let them,” Never replied. “We can’t afford to turn back.”
The sun had well-and-truly risen by the time they reached Osa. The village ran along the banks of a stream, dozens of buildings surrounded by more green rice fields and in places, crops of tomato plants and other vegetables, too.
Few people were about; most were at work in the fields but those that remained watched them as they passed by, heading for a home set a little ways beyond the rest. Never kept his hood raised, hoping people would focus more on Muka. It seemed there was no temple at least.
“Let’s hope she’s home,” Muka said when they reached the wooden door. A single large window bore closed curtains of clean white. He knocked and waited.
A voice called from within. “Who is it?”
“You can open up, Iri. It’s Muka.”
The scrape and thud of a bolt being drawn free followed, then the door swung open to reveal a young woman, probably a few years Ayuni’s senior, wearing a heavy robe of fur, despite the warm sun. Yellow ribbons of varying shades had been woven throughout the fur and she wore a similar dyed headband.
“Muka, it’s been a season already,” she said with a warm smile. She pulled him inside. “Bring your friends.”
Never let Ayuni enter first, then stepped into a single room – there was no dividing walls or curtains, just different furniture. One corner bore a neatly-made bed and the other a stove and two chairs around a table. Floor to ceiling shelving with a small stool before it, was packed with herbs, powders, vials and what appeared to be various parts of animal and insect, along with a collection of scrolls.
Muka handled the introductions and although Iri seemed surprised at Never, she grew wide-eyed at Ayuni. “You are the Princess in the Temple?”
Ayuni shook her head. “Just a prisoner, truly.”
Never glanced at his sister – was she starting to sound like him? Surely he wasn’t rubbing off on her so soon. Yet if so, it was a strangely comforting thought.
“Iri, we need your help,” Muka said. “We have to be able to travel more freely. Can you do anything for Never, here?”
She scratched at her nose. “I think so. It won’t be foolproof, but I have something. Let me find it.” She moved to her shelves, stepping up onto the stool to reach for one of the higher shelves. She brought down a jar from beside a phoenix statue and removed a black fang. Next, she took an empty jar and filled it with water from a basin. To this, she stirred in silver powder and handed it to Muka. “Place this in the sun out back. It needs a bit of time.”
He did as told.
“Thank you,” Never told her. “What of Ayuni?”
“Few people outside the temple would recognise me, Never,” she said. “It might be enough if I can change my clothing and hair.” She reached up to take her dark hair into her hands.
“I might be able to help with that too,” Iri said as Muka returned. “It’ll take a little while, and it won’t smell nice at first.”
“I’m ready,” Ayuni said.
The rudama collected a chair for Ayuni, placing it before the basin. Then she prepared another mixture, which she then applied to Ayuni’s hair. A strong scent followed, and Never moved to the window when it became clear Ayuni wasn’t going to be in any pain. “Can I open this?”
Iri nodded. “Just the window, leave the curtains.”
He did as instructed, then looked to Muka. “I hate to ask, but how do you feel now?”
“Well enough.”
“You’re healing faster than I expected.”
“That is a good thing, surely?”
Never chuckled. “I agree, but I didn’t expect it – maybe it was how I administered the blood,” he said. “But I wanted to warn you. Doing so might change you, and I’m not sure how yet.”
He nodded. “Niswan told me. I would rather live changed than have died, you do not need to worry.”
“Good,” Never said. “I’d wondered if it had anything to do with your... other abilities. After all, everything else about you seemed pretty fast back there with Hiruso. You surprised me.”
Iri had looked up from her work at mention of Hiruso, brow furrowed. “Oh, you’re not mixed up with him, are you?”
“Just until I repay my debt to Never,” Muka said in a tone that was firm but not dismissive. Iri sighed but did not continue to question Muka, who turned back to Never. “Well, on the bridge I wasn’t expecting you to have your own impressive abilities.”
“But Brother Hiruso?”
“I’m still no-where near his match, that you saw.”
“What is it? He could do things I’ve not encountered, and I’ve seen a lot of strange things over the years.”
“It is an art, for mastery of the natural power within each man, each woman. Even children possess the power; it is no secret.”
“I’ll have to trust your word on that.”
“My people call the art lunai, after the moon. The northern peoples of Kiymako call it pho and the Restless have their own word too. Usually, only members of the temple are given extensive training in the art.”
“So both you and Wanatek?”
“Yes. Wanatek is my superior in the art but even he could not best Brother Hiruso alone – not now.”
“If he stands in our way, together we will do what one cannot achieve,” Ayuni said.
“I hope that is true, Lady.”
Never nodded too, trying his best to offer some semblance of agreement, yet his doubts were not so easy to shake, despite the heartening show of unity.