
Darkness cloaked Najin where Never hung from the mansion’s eaves, wings aiding his balance as he worked at the latch on the bamboo shutters. Upside down, the blood ran to his head, but he ignored the discomfort as he slid a thin piece of steel between the shutters, gently lifting the latch free.

Once it had raised from the catch he used his fingertips to pull the shutter open, slipping the steel up his sleeve then dropping down to a balcony railing. He hid his wings then climbed onto the sill, pausing to listen.

Only the faint sound of his breathing.

Good. All were sleeping, it seemed. He placed one foot within, then the rest of his body before closing but not locking the window. Then, he padded across the room by what little light slipped through the shutters, heading for Isansho Shika’s morbid gallery.

He drew the dark curtain back slowly, the brass hoops giving a soft hiss as he did, then moved within. The light was far poorer here, but he found the glass cases and paused to prick his forefinger, calling a tiny amount of crimson-fire, the red glow enough to find the display which held Hanael’s ring.

Then he paused. A few possibilities presented themselves, but he’d planned on the quietest, even though it would be clear he’d visited. But then, leaving a sign behind was not so bad as leaving a trail – something he wasn’t meaning to do.

He moved his finger over the glass and it began to melt, a hole spreading quickly. While the edges were still dripping, he reached in and lifted the ruby ring free. He let the crimson-fire die.

Then he turned and started back across the gallery floor, ignoring the paintings, and closed the curtain behind him, slowly still, since rushing out of a place was the oldest mistake.

In the room with the unlocked shutters, he pushed them open gently, letting moonlight in – then paused at the creak of wood.

“Welcome back, Never.”

He spun, knives in hand.

Isansho Shika stood behind him, arms folded. She still wore her hair shaved high and still carried twin blades... yet something about her appeared different. Was her jaw a little softer now, her eyes a little less cold? Or was it the moonlight playing tricks on him? For even as he peered closer, her features seemed to return to what he remembered.

“Lady Shika.”

“I bear a message.”

“If it’s about your dungeon I believe I can guess,” he said, blades still in hand. He could still escape easily enough but not without her raising the alarm, which would doubtless sour his plans for the harbour. Never stared a little harder at her. There was something amiss with her face, yet his mind – or his eyes – could not fathom it

“Wanatek wishes you a safe voyage – we have opened the harbour, in case you had not heard, please go with the Isansho’s blessing.” She raised a rectangular token, holding it out for him to take. “Captain Milagra has been kind enough to wait for you. You will find your possessions on board.”

And then everything fell into place.

The Lady Shika before him was not the one he’d met after being captured. This particular woman was an imposter, doubtless planted in the mansion by Wanatek. The woman offering him safe passage from Kiymako was owner of the voice he’d overheard in Okana, crouched beneath her window.

Just where was the true Shika? Prisoner or corpse? The latter probably would be the safer choice.

He took the token. “You have my thanks, Lady.”

She nodded.

“Would you pass on a message of my own?”

“Of course.”

“Please let Wanatek know that the Great Phoenix would be most happy to meet with him and that once Muka is fully healed, I’m sure he’ll help with the journey east.”

Did her eyes widen ever so slightly? “I will.”

Lady Shika turned from the window then and Never grinned as he hopped onto the sill and leapt into the night.




Hello! While you wait for Never’s next adventure (Spectre) I thought you might enjoy my other epic fantasy series, which begins with City of Masks:


A noble daughter burdened by power she never sought.


Perched on an unforgiving coast, the city of Anaskar is under threat from enemies within. Its own royal family feuds over possession of sentient bone masks of power, leaving Sofia Falco, daughter to the city’s Lord Protector, to foil a conspiracy designed to strip her father of both his title and powerful Greatmask.


A bitter mercenary accused of murder.


Yet when disaster strikes, Sofia is forced to flee the palace and into the city where she crosses paths with mercenary Notch. But Notch has his own problems - accused of murder, he must fight to clear his name, all the while hunted by the city’s robed assassins, the very people who are now searching for Sofia...


Follow two unlikely heroes on an epic fantasy adventure where the struggle over bone masks of powert hreatens to tear their city - and kingdom - into shreds.


Visit www.ashleycapes.com to learn more!