
Special thanks to:

Claire-for all your reviews, edit suggestions, cover ideas, snd your light; Amelia-for your cover design and story input, and your giving and courageous spirit; Ruben-for your love and steadfast support, to include always going along with any crazy idea I have ever had (and there’s been a lot). 

The best sister ever-Tammie Roy, and the talented Roy family, Adam, Ava and Anden. 

Mom and Dad-for not sending me off to military school during my rebel years.

The Lee family-for your friendship. Chumly-for your advice and encouragement, and letting me believe I am funnier than you; Arica-for your support and always being up for an adventure. 

Courtney Waldron-for being my beta test reader, a talented songwriter and friend.

Jyl Ferguson-Even though you are not like the D Glow character in this book, you are a pretty awesome Light Gray Normal. Thanks for letting me use your name. 

All those who have been there for me through the years, especially: Maria Rivelli, Wendy Bartley, Christine Castro, Richard Gomez, Miranda Roldan, Nicole Garlock, Gina Mouret, Stephanie (St. Jane), Sarah Saleta, Julie Reiner, Marlys Dewor, Christine Dever, Berit Goetz and Jamie Dougherty.

1 Thessalonians 5:5