Chapter 6


Definitely an L Glow, I thought as the car pulled away. She was sincere and caring. No D Glow would be truly interested in helping me with a marketing project unless they received something in return. This could be an easy turn. I wouldn’t mind spending time with her. She had a big smile and I liked how she was sweet but still sensual. Let's face it; being a nutritionist, she clearly takes care of herself. I stepped out of the car and went into the modern marketing building and up the elevators to my eleventh-floor office.

My father would approve of this Skyla project, but I didn’t want him to find out just yet. Something held me back. I decided I would go out with her a few more times to figure out the best approach to move her into darkness. It was times like these that I wished I was more like Alecia—this kind of stuff came easy to her. I had gotten away with not turning anyone yet because my father was more concerned about setting me up with the right D Glow girl for what he referred to as the “assured continuation” of his legacy. Although I would likely partner with several women in my lifetime, each one would have to be approved by my mother and father—and trust me when I say they were going to be picky. As for the D Council, they didn’t really begin clamping down on D Glows for lack of turns until after the age of twenty-five, so I still had nearly a year to get some practice in.

Hit with a sudden wave of determination, I decided then to go for it. Why not turn a Light Glow? It could be an easy win for me.

After working straight through dinner on my project, I took a break and called Skyla. I had only planned to talk for a few minutes, maybe toss in some formalities, and then get her to go out again. We ended up talking for over an hour and a half. I got sucked into listening to her talk about some of her crazy work experiences, like a girl who came in wondering why she was always tired even though she only ate bread. I laughed as she talked about how she and her friend Lorana always ended up getting lost whenever they decided to take a road trip. Before I knew it, it was 9:30 p.m.

“Oh, light!” I exclaimed, careful to use a popular L Glow expression I had learned from a former D Glow agent my mom had hired to teach me about Glow culture. “It's already 9:30 p.m.?”

Don’t get me wrong, Normals used dark and light terminology, as well. They were just unaware of the true origins of the words.

“I really need to get going,” I said. “I have some paperwork to finish up tonight.” Skyla seemed fine with that and we ended the conversation with a time and address for me to pick her up for dinner tomorrow.