The Divine Power sent enlightened souls down to earth to prevent humans, who we call Normals, from shifting to the side of darkness. We are called Light, or L, Glows. Our primary purpose is to maintain goodness and light. We are born through the vehicle of a Normal body, and we look and act similar to Normals. We can have health issues, experience trauma and loss, and deal with a bad hair day. What sets us apart from Normals—besides our teal-colored auras that only other Glows can see—is all Glows have powers and obviously, Normals don’t. For example, L Glows can sense when Normals need help up to fifty yards away, even through walls. L Glows can also help animals and plant life survive and flourish. We work hard to positively influence Normals to make the right choice and stay in the light.
Darkness soon sent his own form of Glows—Dark or D Glows. Their purpose is to spread darkness. D Glows are excellent at detecting liars, being natural liars themselves. They can also eat whatever they want without gaining a single pound. D Glows take extreme pride in their appearance and try to influence Normals by convincing them that selfishness, indulgence, money, and power are the ingredients for happiness. If we had mottos, “Pursuit of happiness” would be their motto, while “Pursuit of wisdom and good character” would be ours. In extremely rare cases, some D Glows are able to learn the magic craft. Unfortunately for us L Glows, if many start to learn the craft, then we will have a harder time keeping Normals in the light zone.
One thing D and L Glows have in common is our teal-colored auras. Although it’s frequently easy to tell who is dark and who is light by the way the person acts, the auras do not distinguish what side we are on the spectrum—this is why we have our own aura scale. We must go once a year for blood tests to see where we stand on the aura scale. We are also highly encouraged to test with a person we are dating to prevent inadvertent aura conversion (Dark Glows have been known to trick Light Glows to move them on the scale). All aura results are kept on our permanent record and a shift on the scale of two or more points for any Glow is reported to the respective Councils. I’m not sure what happens to D Glows when they shift toward the light, but L Glows have an intervention, what Normals might call rehabilitation. A +5 on the scale is a Pure Light, 0 is neutral, and −5 is a Pure Dark. Anyone in the negative zone is dark. L Glows can move into the dark zone and D Glows can move into the light zone, but it can’t happen overnight—this is why blood tests were made mandatory. It helps the Council better track and prevent L Glows from moving further away on the scale.
We always chuckle when we hear Normals claim they can see people’s moods through different colored auras. That’s impossible! Although Normals also have auras, even if they could see them, the glow from an aura doesn’t reflect moods, and they aren’t colorful for Normals at all. Normals in the light zone have simply a very light-gray or off-white aura. The more in the dark zone a Normal is—determined through their personal values, not mood—the darker the gray. There is a gray color scale for Normals we have to memorize to determine Normal placement on the scale. All Normals start at a light gray. When they turn eighteen, this can shift to the right, toward light, or to the left, toward darkness. Normals tend to stay around the same place after the age of forty, but beforehand it can be tough keeping them in the same zone for longer than five years. One last thing you should know about us, no matter what category, is that like Normals, all Glows obtain auras only after their eighteenth birthday. Training starts about a year prior to prep them for their aura birthday.