
Two weeks later, Harper, Jess, Gabe and I wait in Darrell’s office for him to finish a lesson. He said we should check the Tall Grass site together. To emphasize “together” he made us turn off our cell phones and said, “No sneaking a peek before I get back.” The results would be posted at noon. The clock on Darrell’s desk now reads 12:03. I’m afraid we’ll combust from the anticipation.

“We could check on his computer,” Harper says, sidling toward Darrell’s chair.

“No! Jeez, Harper, have a little patience,” Jess says. She leans against the doorframe, hands in her jeans pockets. She looks relaxed, but I’ve caught her glancing to the hallway about ten times in the last three minutes. Checking for Darrell.

Gabe’s left leg jiggles against mine like it’s plugged into an overactive circuit board. Harper watches him but says nothing.

She and Jess found out about Gabe and me the day of the contest entry. We ended up going to the Honeycomb Café after all, because Harper insisted on celebrating our band name. The tattooed barista gave it away. “Hi again, Songbird! Where’s your boyfriend with the banjo?”

Jess grinned, happy for me. Harper said, “As long as he doesn’t get in the way of the trio.”

Now Jess pushes away from the door. “Here comes Darrell.” She perches on the couch arm beside me, and we exchange anxious smiles.

Darrell swings into the room and drops into his chair. “Sorry. Long conversation about minor scales. Thanks for waiting, gang.” He takes us in, then gives a small laugh. “You look like you’re waiting to be sentenced for something. Relax.”

“Relax?” Harper says. “This could be the most important news of my life.”

Jess winces, uneasy with Harper’s drama.

Darrell sighs and clasps his hands together on the desk. “Listen up. You guys need to remember that what’s important in all this is—”

“No!” I can’t quite believe that was me, but I also can’t stop. “I think what we need is to check the results. Now. Please.”

“What, no words of wisdom?” Darrell says, raising an eyebrow.

“No!” we yell.

“Fair enough.” Darrell turns his monitor in our direction. We get up and cluster around like it’s magnetized. He types. The Tall Grass festival website appears. The mainstage, blue sky, a crowd. I feel a hand grip mine. Harper’s.

Darrell scrolls to the Young Performers tab and clicks. Image of a stool, a guitar and a mic on an empty stage. Gabe takes my other hand. Darrell clicks again and a column of names appears. We all strain forward. I skim the list: Hannah Mac… Heavy Lifting…Honeycomb.

“Honeycomb! I knew it. We’re in!” Harper squeezes my hand and pulls me into a bouncing, squealing, laughing hug.

We’re in, we’re in! sings through my brain.

I notice Gabe’s hand is gone, though I didn’t feel it leave. I turn away from Harper.

Darrell, Jess and Gabe stare at the screen.

Gabe’s head drops. Jess puts a hand gently on his shoulder.