


Abramson, Jill, 289

Abuse, animal, 230

Abusive behavior

condoning, refusal, 261–263

types, 230

Abusive ritual, performance, 174

Abusive spouse (term, usage), 96

Accountability. See Offender accountability; Perpetrators

lessons, 249–251. See also Sports

Accused, The, 115

Accusers, 260. See also Alleged victims/accusers

Activists, 64–71

Alleged victims/accusers, 77–79

American Pie, 120–121, 192

Amos, Tori, 159

Anger management skills, 229

Animal House, 121

Anti-family stance, 86

Anti-male label, 95

Anti-racism educators, responsibility (opinions), 234

Anti-rape activism, male defensiveness, 82

Anti-rape movement, 188

change, 155–156

Anti-rape violence testimonials, 247

Anti-sexism backlash, 159

Anti-sexist leadership, potential, 239

Anti-sexist males/men, 184–186, 241, 244

educators, paralysis, 241–242

groups, initiation, 266–268

impact, 76

momentum, increase, 254–255

neutered wimps, claims, 86

presence, need, 245

work, challenge, 51

Anti-violence activists, 235–236

Athletes, MVP impact, 207

Athletes of color, dismissal, 138–139


Bad boys

behavior, excuse, 156

posturing, 165

Baker, Katherine K., 150–151, 287

Bancroft, Lundy, 26, 166, 272, 287

BangBus, 187

Barbarism, 269

Barely Legal, 30

Barker, Bob, 176

Barracks Heroes, scenario, 224–225

Barry, Kathleen, 195–196, 282, 287

Battered women

advocates, 164

frustration, 111–112

literature, 95

myth, 164

programs, 95–96

responsibility, 95

Battered women, movement

advocates/researchers, 45–46

insights, 87

obstacles, 94–95

Batterers, 53

abusive behavior, denial, 27

characteristics, 28

intervention programs, 49

Battering culture, 117

Beauty and the Beast, 164

Bergen, Raquel, 287

Berkowitz, Alan, 211, 219, 272

Berkowitz, Scott, 265

Bertuzzi, Todd, 141

Bevacqua, Maria, 287

Big tent movement building, 255–256

expansion, challenges, 256–258

Bird, Sharon, 123

Birth of a Nation, 281

Black culture, fault lines, 144

Black men

bad behavior, code, 137–138

racist stereotype, 134

stereotypes, problems, 143

violence, racist image, 135

Black-on-black violence, 143

Bowker, Lee H., 287

Boy code, 280

Boy Scouts, questions, 257–258


abuse, repercussions, 44

behavior, 240

anti-male implication, 86

excuses. See Bad boys

permanence/repetition, 86–89

disrespect, girls (attraction), 163–165


lyrics, desensitization, 163

popularity, danger, 165–166

immaturity, 247

influence, 270

knowledge, gathering process, 232–233

men, concern, 43–46

message, sending, 233

mothers, impact, 236–237

peer pressure, 118–122

perpetrators. See Violence

pornography, impact, 191–192

posturing. See Bad boys

suffering, 277

teaching, women (impact), 246–247

violence exposure, studies, 231

Boys To Men, 291

Brothers, men

loyalty, 27–29

relationship, 35

Brown, Kevin (violence), 88–89

Brown University, rapist names (writing), 80

Brownmiller, Susan, 93–94, 279, 287

Bryant, Kobe

accusations, 77

behavior, 138

case, settlement, 78

lawyers, impact, 27

Los Angeles Lakers fans,

responses/reactions, 139–140, 154–158

rape charge, innocence, 156–157

victim, 175

Bullies. See Leykis; Limbaugh; Stern

Bundy, Ted, 134

Burdick, Michael, 205–206

Burdon, Eric, 60

Burke, Sean, 140

Bush, George W. (preventive war), 121–122

Butkus, Dick, 208–209


concept, usage. See Mentors in Violence Prevention

education. See Gender violence impact, 113

roles, 124


Canada, Geoffrey, 99, 287

Captive Daughters, 196

Caputi, Jane, 287

Cash, David, 116

Cassidy, L., 287

Catholic Church, sexual abuse scandal, 106, 234

CAVNET. See Communities Against Violence Network

Celebrity culture, pretensions, 172–173

Center for Study of Sport in Society (Northeastern University), 124, 209

Center for the Advancement of

Women, 12

Central Park Rampage. See Puerto

Rican Day

Chapman, Tracy, 60

Cheney, Dick (dissension, silencing), 121–122


abduction (summer 2002), 104–107

alcoholic parents, impact, 228

education, 227

rights, 261

sexualization, 184–185

Chippendales, nonsexism proof, 199

Chivalry, trap, 52–55

Chmura, Mark, 138

Christmas, George, 207

Chu, Jeff, 287

Chyna (Joanie Laurer), 172

Clay, Andrew “Dice,” 128–129, 285

Clothesline Project, 64

Clothing, provocativeness (problems), 152–153

Coaching Boys Into Men, 227–228

Cohn, Carol, 121, 287

Columbine shooting/massacre, 99, 173

Communities Against Violence Network (CAVNET), 266

Condit, Gary, 23

Consciousness, raising, 60–61

Consenting adults, definition, 30

CosmoGirl, 163, 165

Coulter, Ann, 287

Council for Prostitution Alternatives, 195

Cox, Bobby, 138

Creativity. See Men

Criminal mind, analysis, 23

Crowd psychology, 103

Crowley, Kristen, 202

Cullen, F.T., 288

Cultural deficiencies, 269

Cultural setting, teacher credibility/popularity, 244–245

Cultural values, teacher/transmitter, 151

Culture. See Battering culture; Rape culture

collective will. See Male culture impact. See Sports; Stripping policing mechanisms. See Male culture; Male-peer culture relationship. See Race women, socialization. See Misogynistic culture


Dahmer, Jeffrey, 134

D.A.I.P. See Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project

Darrow, Clarence, 280

Date rapes, 80

DC Men Against Rape, 284

DeBecker, Gavin, 50, 287


breakthroughs, 31–33

usefulness, 31

Denizet-Lewis, Benoit, 281

Department of Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence, 72

Deviance, 149

Different Kind of Dude Fest, 267

Dines, Gail, 181, 184, 190, 271, 287

Divorce, 263

Dobson, James, 185

Domestic disputes, 105

Domestic violence, 6, 7

advocacy, 69

crime, 229

prevention, 9

survivors, 115

women-led movements, 253

Dowd, Maureen, 165, 278, 287

Dowling, Colette, 54, 288

Dr. Dre, 142, 166

Dubin, Marc, 266, 272

Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (D.A.I.C.), 223

Dworkin, Andrea, 54, 273, 277, 288

Dykens, Timothy, 202–204


Earp, Jeremy, 271

Edelson, Jeff, 288

Egos, stroking, 73

Ellsberg, M., 288

Emerick, Al, 262–263


Anger Management Tour, 167

anti-women lyrics, excuses, 162

cultural force, 159

cultural meanings, 162

homophobia, 161

lyrical endorsement. See Violence lyrics

degradation, reconciliation, 165–166

desensitization. See Boys; Men impact. See Girls; Women reading, impact, 159–160

misogyny, 158

critics, defense, 281


danger. See Boys; Men

impact/setback. See Girls; Women

pornography, 160–161

racial storyline, impact. See Racist myths

rebel image, problem, 168–169

sex symbol, 163

success, impact. See Mothers

verbal bullying. See Gays; Women

Engender Health, 264

Ensler, Eve, 267

Entrepreneurship. See Men

Eriksen, Shelley, 274

Erwin, Patricia, 223


Fabiano, P., 288

Facts, 19

Faith-based organizations, participation, 257

FaithTrust Institute, 257

Faludi, Susan, 94, 288

Falwell, Jerry, 185

Family violence, consideration, 7

Family Violence Prevention Fund, 10, 43–44, 227, 285–286

poll (2000), 255

Farley, Melissa, 181, 282


men, relationship, 35

role/teaching, 234–236

Fear, geography, 135

Fields, Jerri Lynn, 272

Female sexuality, prominence, 172

Female strip cultures, contrast. See Male strippers

Female victimization, 81

Female-on-male violence, 46

Feminazi, 74–75, 178

effect, 76

Feminist outsiders, 223

Feminist perspectives, attacks, 107

Feminist politics, blunting, 94

Feminist strippers, 198

Fergusen, D., 288

Ferguson, Ann, 271

Financial resources, contribution, 264–265

Finch, Atticus, 227

Finkelhor, David, 288

Fisher, B.S., 288

Flutie, Doug, 207

Flynt, Larry, 30

Fort, Daryl, 272

Fortune, Marie, 257, 272

Foubert, John, 287

Foster, Jodie, 115

Frankenberg, Ruth, 144, 288

Fraternity Anti-Violence Education Project, 259

Frey, Amber, 278, 288

Friends, men (loyalty), 27–29

Funk, Rus Ervin, 272, 288


Gacy, John Wayne, 134

Gang rape

participation, 123–124

videotaping, 191

Gangsta rap

debate, 143–144

violence/fantasy, 145

white masculinity, relationship, 141–146


assumptions, 125, 128

bashing, 9, 209, 214

Eminem, verbal bullying, 168

murder/bigotry, 51–52

stereotype. See Men

Gazmararian, J.A., 288

Gender crimes, 98

Gender neutral language, impasse, 97

Gender neutral problems, 90

process, explanation, 93–97

Gender neutrality, intentionality, 96

Gender violence

athletes/race, relationship, 137–141

crimes, men (conviction), 114

discussions, 232–233

issues, 67, 222

language, 258

racialized dimensions, 147

male cause, national conversation, 6


self-interest, 37

shutdown, 13–14

occurrence, frequency, 20–21

one-size-fits-all prevention strategies, 147

personal level, benefits, 40

political crime, 269

prevention, 44, 49

bystander education, 116

education, 238

men, interaction, 67–68

model, usage, 209–210

politics, challenge, 258–259

statistical proof, 21–22

stopping, 240

Genovese, Kitty, 116

Gilligan, Carol, 62, 288

Gilligan, James, 277, 290

Girlfest Hawaii, 147–148, 267, 280


attraction. See Boys; Men

bodies, war zone, 151–152


lyrics, impact, 163

popularity, impact/setback, 158

men, concern, 42–43

pimp targets, 282

rape message, 156

risk-reduction model, 234

suffering, 41–42, 192

treatment, preference (belief), 211–212

Glass, John, 205

Global actions. See Local/global actions

Gloucester Men Against Domestic Abuse, 267

Godfather, The, 121

Godfather, The (WWE character), 172

Goldstein, Richard, 160–162, 281, 288

Gonzo porn, 190

Good guys, 52–54

characterization, 183

Good Will Hunting, 39, 277

Goodfellas, 121

Goodwin, M.M., 288

Gottemoeller, M., 288

Graham, Danielle, 73

Grazer, Brian, 162

Great unmentionable, 140

Groupthink, documentary accounts, 121

Guilt. See White guilt

pleasures, 181

presence/existence, 24–26

Guy language, 265

Gwinn, Casey, 50


Hammer, Rhonda, 272, 290

Hanson, Curtis, 162

Hanson, Katherine, 290

Hardcore, 190

Harris, Eric, 173

Harvard School of Public Health, 234

Hate humor, 168

Hatha, J., 290

Hayashi, Mark, 244

Hazing incident (Glenview, Illinois), 99

Heise, L., 288

Heisterkamp, Alan, 283

Heldman, Caroline, 272

Hell’s Angels, 203–204

High-profile male athletes, public service campaigns, 256–257

Hilburn, Robert, 288


epidemic, paradox, 264

transmission, 263

Hockey, fighting (tolerance), 141

Hoes. See Whores

Holland, Daniel, 44

Holocaust, good German role, 116

Holsopple, K., 288

Homophobia. See Eminem

gossip, 244

male attitudes/behaviors, 247

normalcy, appearance, 163

spread, 146

Hong, Luoluo, 259


killings, 56–57

saving, 55

Hook ups, 152

hooks, bell, 131, 132, 288

argument, 146

Hooters, 233

Hotaling, G., 288

Human behavior, explanation, 92

Human erotic imagination, complexity, 183

Humiliation, 71

Humilitainment, 187

Hunter, Susan Kay, 194

Hunting for Bambi, hoax, 204–206

Hurrell, R.M., 287

Hurt, Byron, 194, 211, 216, 282

Hypermasculinity, 194

posturing, 144, 228


Illegal Motion scenario, 216–219

Information Technology Association of America, 192

Institute on Domestic Violence, 267

Institutional reform, promulgation, 268

International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women, 285

International Human Rights Law Institute (DePaul University College of Law), 196

Internet, growth, 251

Interpersonal conflicts, male behavior, 39–40

Interpersonal violence, forms, 91

Intimidation, 243–244

Iverson, Allen, 105


Jackson, Janet, 109, 146, 279

Jameson, Jenna, 185

Jensen, Robert, 149, 186, 188–190, 282, 288

Jewish women, tensions, 66–67

Jhally, Sut, 47, 281

Jockocracy, 124

John, Elton, 161

Jonesboro massacre (shooting), 97–100

Juvenile detention centers, boy populations, 45


Kalven, Jamie, 50, 273, 288

Kanuha, Valli, 223

Kaplan, Claire, 272

Keathley, Elizabeth, 168, 288

Keegan, John, 202–204

Kelley, Robin D.G., 145, 288

Kellner, Douglas, 120, 280, 289

Kennedy, David, 97–98

Kid Rock, rap (impact), 195

Kilmartin, Chris, 265

Kimmel, Michael, 119, 227, 273, 291

Kindlon, Dan, 99, 289

Kinison, Sam, 50, 285

Kivel, Paul, 131, 135, 289

KKK, rebel models, 169

Klebold, Dylan, 173

Klein, Alan, 243, 289

Kristof, Nicholas, 286


Lad magazines, increase, 120

Lakoff, Robin Tolmach, 289

Landesman, Peter, 282, 289


impact, 97–108

shift, 92

Lapchick, Richard, 140, 209, 273, 280

LaRiviere, Mike, 262

Latino men, racist stereotype, 134

Laurer, Joanie. See Chyna

Lawrence, J.M., 203, 289

Lefkowitz, Bernard, 28, 242–243, 289

Leigh, Janet, 202

Letourneau, Mary Kay, 106

Levine, Amy, 272

Levitra challenge, 209

Levy, Chaundra, 23, 105

Levy, David, 271

Lewis, I.A., 288

Lewis, Victor, 25

Leykis, Tom

(bully), 172, 175–178

misogyny, extremeness, 175176

women, manipulation, 177

Limbaugh, Rush, 75, 289

(bully), 172, 178–179

Linkenbach, J., 288

Lisak, David, 272, 289

Local/global actions, 268–270

Loffreda, Beth, 289

Lord, Audre, 132

Lovers, men (relationship), 35

Low-level harassment/abuse, 24


MacKinnon, Catherine, 93, 289

Mahlstedt, Deborah, 259

Mailer, Norman, 145

Male Athletes Against Violence (University of Maine), 123

Male culture

collective will, 255–256

policing mechanisms, 125

shift, 117

Male educators

involvement, 241–246

personal comfort level, 242

Male leadership

absence. See Schools

failure, 247

Male pathology, 81

Male rage, tapping, 159

Male sports culture, leadership potential, 248

Male strippers, 199

female strip cultures, contrast, 282

Male-bashers, 73, 75

criticism, defusing, 247

defensiveness, 80

implication, 79

Orwellian quality, 76

problem, 78

Male-bashing exercise, 106

Male-bashing women, 85

Male-centered partying culture, 120

Male-dominated society, women violence/hatred, 146

Male-peer culture

dynamics, 125

policing mechanisms, 125–129

Mancipation Proclamation, 265

Mandela, Nelson, 253, 283


caricatures, 196

cultural beliefs, 26–27

establishment, 145

problems, 169–172

Manson, Charles, 134

Margold, Bill, 190

Marine Corps, 114, 273

characteristics, 223

conversion, 232

motivation, 223–224

MVP impact, 207, 222–225

Marks, J.S., 288

Masculine characteristics, exaggeration, 102

Masculine socialization, impact, 99

Masculinity. See Gangsta rap

homosocial enactment, 119

play-fighting, relationship, 68

posturing. See Hypermasculinity

Massie, Thalia, 280

Mathers, Debbie, 167

Mathers, Marshall, 161, 164, 169

Mayer, Jane, 289

McBride, James, 122, 289

McCall, Nathan, 121, 123–124, 280, 289

McChesney, Robert, 289

McEvoy, Alan, 277

McGuire, Amanda, 190

McMahon, Vince, 171

McPherson, Don, 77, 265–266

MCSR. See Men Can Stop Rape

Mederos, Fernando, 133, 147, 289


culture/messages, 251–252

sexual content, 193–194

sexualized bodies, display, 233

Media Education Foundation (MEF), 273

Media literacy, 251–252

Meili, Trisha, 278, 289

Men. See Anti-sexist men

abuse, help (seeking), 261

assistance. See Women

bashing, 73, 75

behavior, 240


reduction, 192

truth, 182

concern. See Boys; Girls; Women control, importance, 133

creativity, 265–266

defensive hostility, 25–26, 32

disrespect, 43

girls, attraction, 163–165

dominance, need, 229

education, women (impact), 61


lyrics, desensitization, 163

popularity, danger, 165–166

empathy, 220

entrepreneurship, 265–266

honesty, 260

influence, 122

rewards, 270

issues, 12–18

loyalty. See Brothers; Friends measuring up, 123

misogynistic attitudes, 211

opinions. See Sexism

peer pressure, 118–122

perpetrators. See Violence focus, 5–6

personal responsibility, seriousness, 258

power, usage, 268

primary perpetrators, 15–16

relationship. See Women

self-help, 259–270

sexism (challenge), gay stereotype, 127–129

sexual pleasure, assessment, 189–190

silence, complicity, 25

stories, 46–49

suffering, 277

support. See Women

increase, 47

testimonies, 48–49

traditional roles, viewpoint, 147

truth, selectivity. See Real men values/beliefs, 230


cessation, 50

connection, 263–264

impact, nonrealization, 38

problem, historical dimensions, 21–22


defense, reasons, 83–84

fighting, rationale, 84

loyalty, 84

trust, question, 258–259

Men Against Violence, 259

Men Against Violence Against Women, 262

Men and Masculinity conferences, 254

Men As Partners, 264

Men Can Stop Rape (MCSR), 123, 267, 284

Men of color

caricature, 134–135

dismissal. See Athletes of color status quo, maintenance, 41

Men Stopping Rape (MSR), 254, 284

Men Stopping Violence, 254, 284

Men’s Health, 279

Orwellian inversion, 82

Men’s Leadership Forum, 267

Men’s Rape Prevention Project, 284

Men’s Resource Center for Change, 285

Men’s Resource Connection (MRC), 285

Men’s rights movement, disinformation, 15

Men’s work, field (growth), 254

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), 124, 209

bystanders, concept (usage), 210

conversations, shift, 215–216

development, 207

impact. See Athletes; Marine Corps model

goals, 216–217

usefulness, 214

participation/expectation, 221–222

real-life situations, usage, 213–214

scenarios, 216–217

abuse focus, 214–215

SEC funding, 209–210

sessions, 125, 283

conversations, 219

initiation, 212

train of thought, impact, 217–218, 220–221

trainers, response, 212, 213

trainings, 284

workshops, athletic department (acting cosponsor), 248–249

Micro-politics, 259

Miller, Paul, 289

Miller Brewing Company, 208

Misogynistic culture, women (socialization), 9–10

Misogyny, 228. See also Eminem; Leykis; Rap music; White rock music

Mob psychology, 103

Mock-rape, 171

Moore, Steve, 141

Mosmiller, Tom, 289


blaming, Eminem success (impact), 166–168

impact. See Boys

role/teaching, 236–237

Movements, experience, 94

Moxley, Martha, 105

Moxley, R.Scott, 191

MRC. See Men’s Resource Connection

MSR. See Men Stopping Rape

Mullen, P., 288

Multicultural movements, political attacks/bureaucratic inertia, 94

Mura, David, 289

MVP. See Mentors in Violence Prevention


National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, 267

National Basketball Association (NBA), player assault (league image), 141

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, 59

National Collegiate Athletic Association, MVP material (usage), 209–210

National Conference on Men and Masculinity, 285

National Domestic Violence Hotline, 275

National Network to End Domestic Violence, 77, 235

National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS), 254, 284

National Victim Center, 110

National Women’s Studies Conference, 111

Nelly, Pimp Juice beverage, 195


gender-violence tragedies, 6

impact, 20–33

Nixon, Richard, 208

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 239

NOMAS. See National Organization for Men Against Sexism

Non-egalitarian sexual relationship, 152


Oakland Men’s Project (OMP), 25, 254, 284

O’Brien, Jeff, 221–222, 273

O’Connor, Anne-Marie, 289

Off Our Backs, 279

Offender accountability, 96

Offsides scenario, 219–220

Okun, Rob, 272

OMP. See Oakland Men’s Project One in Four, 267

Orange County, gang rape trial, 191–192

Organized team sports, leadership (prized ideal), 250

Out-of-context media coverage, 23–24


Paglia, Camille, 85, 279, 289

Palffy, Ziggy, 140

Palmer, Craig T., 87, 290

Palmiero, Rafael, 283

Parental divorce case, 44

Parents, awareness/worry, 233–237

Passive voices. See Voices

usage, 108–109

Peacock, Dean, 264

Peer cultures

dynamics, 122

policing mechanisms. See Male-peer culture

Peer pressure. See Boys; Men

Pence, Ellen, 223, 273

Penelope, Julia, 111

Perkins, W., 288

Perpetrators. See Men

accountability, 118_

characteristics, 28

focus, 15–16

Petersen, R., 288

Peterson, Scott, 133–134

audience involvement, 135

Phillips, Lynn M., 201, 289

Piercy, Marge, 49, 277, 289


impact, 194–196

mention, 198

Pines, A.M., 290

Planned Parenthood of South Africa, 264

Play-fighting, relationship. See Masculinity

Pleck, Elizabeth, 289

Pollack, William, 99, 126, 289

Pop culture, storyline, 152–154

Pornography. See Reality porn cruelty, demand, 189

degradation, 5

honesty, 182–184

impact, 181. See also Boys

industry, 230

criticism, 186

profits, concern, 193

marketing, 184

negative impact, 192–193

production, industry understanding, 186

wars, 184–186

Pre-wedding ritual, 126

Prisoner rape, 22, 46

Privacy, invasion, 191

Pro-feminist men, 241

Pro-porn feminists, 185


discovery, 197

violence/targets, 201–202


age (average), entry, 276

impact, 181

Pseudopedophilia, 190

Psycho, 202

Puerto Rican Day (2000)

Central Park Rampage, 102

violence, 24, 97, 102–104



complexities, 146–147

culture, relationship, 131

discussion, white men (impatience), 140

questions, 132

relationship. See Gender violence

Racial matters, importance, 132–133

Racial/ethnic group, characteristics, 133

Racist myths (perpetuation), Eminem racial storyline (impact), 166

Racist stereotypes, 103. See also Black men; Latino men

RAINN, 286

Raj, A. Mucci, 290

Ramsey, E.M., 289

Rap music, misogyny, 142–143


kit, completion, 218

prevention educators, 16

scandal. See U.S. military

survivors, alcohol problems (percentage), 45

victims, 150

war crime label, 269

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) program, 278

Rape and Violence End Now (RAVEN), 254

Rape culture, 117, 188, 284–285

concept, 149

contribution, 178

existence, denial, 68

Rape Myth Acceptance Scale, 230

Rapestock. See Woodstock ‘99


characteristics, 150–151

defining/avoidance, 79–83

facial features, 28

mythic image, 149–150

types, studies, 114

Rapping, Elayne, 201, 289

Reagan, Ronald, 95

Real, Terrence, 290

Real Men, 254

Real men, truth (selectivity), 19

Real Men Outdoor Productions, 205

Reality porn, 187

Real-life violence, intervention, 163

Reed, K.C., 194

Reich, Wilhelm, 290

Rich, Frank, 161–162

Riot Girrls, 267

Rivers, Victor Rivas, 77, 235, 290

Robinson, Glenn, 105

Robinson, Lori, 66, 290

Roiphe, Katie, 85

Rosenfeld, Diane, 188, 272

Rossi, Jerome, 77

Roy, Patrick, 138

Rumsfeld, Donald (dissension, silencing), 121–122

Runnion, Samantha, 105

Russell, Bertrand, 19, 276, 290

Russell, Diana E.H., 93–94, 290

Rybak, D.C., 109


Sabo, Don, 247, 272

Saltzman, L.E., 288

Saturday Night Fever, 121

Schlafly, Phyllis, 86

School-based anti-sexist efforts, 241

School-based gender violence prevention education, male participants (need), 245


athletic subculture, role, 247–249

athletics, culture, 233

male leadership, absence, 237–251

prevention programs, 238–239

systems, strategies, 249

Seinfield, bystander reference, 115

Self-interested denial, 26

Senior leadership, responsibility, 268

Sex industry, 182

sexist exploitation, 183

Sex trafficking

business, 198

demand, 196–198


acceptance, 29–31

men, opinions, 126–127

popularity, 62

women, battle, 17

Sexist behavior, condoning (refusal), 261–263

Sexist ritual, protest, 127

Sex-positive advocates, 126–127, 184–185

Sexual abuse histories, 42

Sexual assault

survivors, 45, 115

victims, 93

Sexual harassment laws

concept, 93

passage, 174

Sexual objectification, 188

Sexual predators, percentage, 196

Sexual relationship. See Non-egalitarian sexual relationship

Sexual slavery, war crime label, 269

Sexual titillation, exploitation, 109–110

Sexual violence

men (approach), reluctance, 69–70

normalization, 151–152

prevention, 9, 182

men, entry, 185–186

movements, 257

secondary factors, focus (reasons), 105–106

survivors, support, 65–66

women-led movements, 253

Sexualized violence, depiction/exposure (impact), 153–154

Shaw, Hank, 265

Shepard, Matthew, 51–52

Shock jocks, 175

humiliation tactics, 230

Shock therapy approach, variations, 32

Silbert, M.H., 290

Silver, Scott, 162

Silverman, J., 290

Simpson, O.J.

behavior, 138

news coverage, 139

trial, 131–132

Skakel, Michael, 105

Smith, Bubba, 208–209

Smith, C., 288

Social activism, change, 266

Social forces, impact, 37–38

Social justice education, 115–116

Social norms theory, 11–12

Social positions, 122

Socialization, impact. See Masculine socialization

Sociopaths, myth, 29–30

Soler, Esta, 10, 290

Sommers, Christina Hoff, 85, 86, 290

Sons, men (relationship), 35

Sophocles, 73

Sopranos, The, 121, 135

Spears, Britney, 152

Spitz, A.M., 288


accountability, lessons, 249–251

culture, impact, 210–222

Sports Leadership Institute, 265

Stafford, Judy, 283

Stannard, David, 290

Stark, C., 288

Stein, Nan, 290

Steinbeck, John, 113, 279

Steinem, Gloria, 8, 279

Stereotypes. See Men; Racist stereotypes

Stern, Howard

(bully), 172–175

popularity, question, 173–174

show, 154

Stoltenberg, John, 182, 290

STOP grants, 275

Stratus, Trish, 171

Strippers. See Feminist strippers; Male strippers

violence/targets, 201–202

Stripping (strip culture)

impact, 181

mainstream movement, 126, 198–204

men, respect/disrespect, 200

sexist trappings, impact, 203

Stuart, Carol DiMaiti (murder), 135–137

Stuart, Charles, 135–137

Survivors, 64–71. See also Domestic violence; Sexual assault

alcohol problems, percentage. See Rape

male support, importance, 260

problems, 64–65

support, 260. See also Sexual violence

Swartz, Shauna, 187


Tailhook convention, sexual assaults, 23–24

Take Back the Night (TBTN) rallies, 31, 64, 278

Tangemann, Linda, 272

Tarnas, Richard, 61–62, 290

Taylor, Art, 209, 273

TBTN. See Take Back the Night Teen dating violence education, 246

Teen People, 163

Teen-relationship abuse, 237–238

Thelma and Louise, 61, 107

Theweleit, Klaus, 278, 290

Thompson, Michael, 99, 289

Thornhill, Randy, 87, 290

Timberlake, Justin, 109, 279

Torre, Joe, 35, 77, 277

Tough Guise, 251

Touréé, 161

Train of thought, impact. See

Mentors in Violence Prevention Triple H, 171–172

Trunked, 187

Tuchman, Gaye, 61

Tucker, Debby, 59, 273

Turner, M.G., 288

Tyson, Mike, 138


Uniform Code of Military Justice, 57

University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 80–82, 271

Unser, Jr., Al, 105

U.S. military

complicity, 197

rape scandal (2003-2004), 97, 108


Vachss, Andrew, 110–111, 290

Vagina Monologues, The, 267

van Dam, Danielle, 104

Vanilla Ice, 166

V-Day, supportive male roles, 267

Venn diagram, 256

Victimization, risk, 36

Victims. See Alleged victims/accusers; Sexual assault

blaming, 27, 29, 112

propensities, 211

focus, 15–16

respect, 6–7

support, 240


boys/men, perpetrators (predominance), 78–79

cycle, breaking, 235–236

Eminem, lyrical endorsement, 161

experience, 38

sharing, reticence, 38

explanation, 87–88

imitation, 170

perpetration, responsibility, 92

responsibility, shift, 110

self-perpetuating cycle, 228

sexualizing, 153

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), 11, 86, 275

Violence Against Women Office (Department of Justice), 245–246, 266

Virgin, forced choice, 152–153


passivity, 108–112

hearing, 71–72


Waitt, Cindy, 283

Waitt, Ted, 77, 264–265

Walker, Alice, 132

Wallace, Michelle, 132

Warshaw, Robin, 290

Weisberg, D.K., 290

Wenner, Lawrence, 290

White experience, racialness (examination), 144

White guilt, 25

White masculinity, relationship. See Gangsta rap

White men, impatience. See Race

White Ribbon Campaign (WRC), 254, 285

White rock music, misogyny, 142

White womanhood, defenders (racist role, rejection), 139


forced choice, 152–153

(hoes), impact, 194–196

Wife-beater (term, change), 96

Williams, Oliver, 267

Wiltz, Teresa, 290

Winfrey, Oprah, 266

Wise, Tim, 134


abuse, 83–84

blaming, 92

bodies, war zone, 151–152

conservatives, 85–86

control, men’s right, 73

defense, reasons. See Men

degradation, 103–104

economic/political power, increase, 71–72


lyrics, impact, 163

popularity, impact/setback, 158

verbal bullying, 168

experience, impact. See Men

focus, 16

hatred, 129

lyrics, 141–142

openness, 190–191

rants, 176

human rights, denial, 263

impact. See Boys

introspection, 20

leadership, 239–240

libertarians, 85–86

listening, 59

power, 71–72

loyalty. See Men

male protection, problems, 52–54


allies, gratefulness, 14

concern, 42–43

support, 253

mistreatment, 93

personal male issue, 53

movement, second wave, 93

objectification, 103–104

problem, 263

opinions, marginalization, 68

physical appearance, features, 199–200

pimp targets, 282


global impact, 149

message, 156

number, 110

reduction, 186


advocates, 117

limits, 201

risk reduction, 112–113

self-censorship, 25–26

sexual aggression, responsibility, 207

sexuality, features, 199–200

socialization. See Misogynistic culture

struggle, 8–9

suffering, 41–42, 192

traditional roles, viewpoint, 147

violence, perpetration, 106–107

Women, issues, 12–18

gynocentric nature, 17


ignoring, excuses, 13–14

personal relationship, 14–15

Women, violence

acceptance/cultural norm, 160

connection, 263–264


admitting, 36

assistance, 259–270

relationship, 5

problem, naming, 91–93

rebellion, misperception, 168–169

reduction, 7

men, involvement, 16–18

Women of color, violence, 41

Woodstock ‘99

men, impact, 101

Rapestock, epithet, 100

violence, 97, 100–102

World Wide Web, growth, 251

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), 103

problems, 169–172

women, role, 170–171

WRC. See White Ribbon Campaign

Wrestling, problems, 169–172. See also World Wrestling Entertainment

WWE. See World Wrestling


Wynn, Mark, 51


Yancey, Kitty Bean, 290

Yllo, Kersti, 91

Youth violence, 263


Zoll, Miriam, 263–264, 271