Why You Act the Way You Do, Tim LaHaye, Living Books, 1988.

Spirit-Controlled Temperament, Tim LaHaye, Tyndale House, 1994.

Your Personality Tree: Discover the Real You By Uncovering the Roots of Your Personality Tree, Florence Littauer, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989.

Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself, Florence Littauer, Revell, 1992.

The Treasure Tree: Helping Kids Understand Their Personality, Gary and Norma Smalley & John and Cindy Trent, Thomas Nelson, 1998.

Your Spiritual Personality: Using the Strengths of Your Personality to Deepen Your Relationship with God, Marita Littauer, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

Godly Personalities: Growing Spiritually in Your Created Personality Type, Roger Deemer, Deep River Publishers, 2011.

Wired That Way: The Comprehensive Personality Plan, Dr. Marita Littauer, Regal Books e-pub, 2006.