There have been more finish lines to cross in my lifetime than I care to count, and I have crossed most of them in the arms of loved ones. After almost two years of working on this book, I now see the delusion of my original hope to be a relaxed, low-maintenance, self-sufficient writer. The truth kept a small village of people very busy pulling, prodding, praying, and “patching me up” across this finish line. And I am truly beyond grateful. They all deserve a major shout-out. I wish I could put their names up in lights somewhere, but I hope and trust my thanks here will do.
For having guided me to be a person who could have even imagined writing a book about gratefulness, I have countless people to thank. I bow here to three beloved teachers: Jon Kabat-Zinn, with whom I first studied at Omega Institute in 1993. Meeting you and mindfulness meditation was love at first breath. You woke up my heart — and still do. Lynne Twist, who beckoned me cross-country in 2003 to help inspire a world committed to sufficiency. You taught me by example that generosity makes us rich — and still do. Br. David Steindl-Rast, whose way of being and teachings converged to be the work I knew could hold everything that mattered most to me. You showed me the path to aliveness — and still do.
For generously supporting and believing in this project before it had come fully into form, I want to thank The Fetzer Institute, Gay Hapgood, Missy Carter, and Susan and John. Your investment offered me the rare, invaluable opportunity for greater ease and exploration as Wake Up Grateful awakened.
For holding me throughout the writing process with professionalism, dedication, and stunning patience, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to writing coaches/editors Lisa Bennett, Sage Cohen, and Rose Zonetti. I learned so much from each of you about “going above and beyond.” And go beyond you did.
For sharing your beautiful, quiet homes so that I could write and edit, rewrite and re-edit more times than I care to mention, I offer thanks to the Thayer Family, Lorraine Sahagian and Ted Giles, Paula and Will Bundy, and Mark McDonough. You showed me the sacred generosity of sharing space as a form of love.
For nourishing me, I thank Alice Cozzolino for her “food as love,” Jessie Childs for her kindness, and Saralee Hofrichter for filling me up on Fridays when my tank was on empty. Also, Didi Firman for her wise support as the book prepares to go to print. You each helped me keep calm and carry on.
For trustworthy and treasured friendship during this difficult year, I am blessed with abundance. A special shout-out goes to my long-time BFF, Martha Davis, who offered weekly encouragement and smarts, as well as support whenever needed, which was always. Also, thanks to “the Cones” — you know who you are. To Tesa Silvestre, Laura Loescher, Tuti Scott, and Jaij Wood — your long-distance, long-time love was sustaining. To Jenny Ladd, for weekly river-walk inspiration. To Ruth Folchman, Paula Bundy, Susan Clopton, Ellen Landis and Lisa Thompson, Ted Giles and Lorraine Sahagian, Betsy Dinger and Karen Jodoin, Deb Burkhalter, and Mark McDonough, thank you for showing up with me and for me on so many levels on so many days and in so many ways. And to the enduring memory and inspiration of Terri Schatz, Mary Ann Baker, and Paula Murphy . . . I am forever grateful.
For being the sister of my dreams, I acknowledge Martha Nelson Patrick. I could not do life without you; thank you for making it so I don’t have to. For my dad, John Nelson, and the joie de vivre I continually learn from your example, I am deeply thankful. To Johnstone Campbell and Rennie Nelson, with gratitude for your enduring love. For my brothers Johnny, Seth, and Paul, you are each a blessing. For William and Greg Hannum, who lived with me while writing this book, and my extended out-law crew, thanks for being a loving family to me. And for my mom, Sandy, I miss you more than words can say — thank you for teaching me such tenacious will to live. I wish you were here to share in the joy of this book’s completion.
To the Storey Publishing team, with their big spirit of welcome, aligned values, and commitment to grateful living, I am indebted. Most especially, to friend and publisher Deborah Balmuth, for saying yes and then following up with heart. To Alethea Morrison, for bringing such creative talent and commitment to this work. And to my inspiring, introverted editor Liz Bevilacqua for being an unexpected blessing on this adventure. Your appreciation and tolerance of this thin-skinned extrovert’s process warrants a grand prize.
For their vision, patience, and abiding support, I offer my great gratitude to members of the board of directors of A Network for Grateful Living: Adetola Abiade, Michael Barton, Rocco Capobianco, Sheryl Chard, Anne Hiaring Hocking, Mary Kostel, Steve Rio, Alberto Rizzo, Chuck Roppel, Pear Urushima, and last but not least, Brother David Steindl-Rast. Your collective belief in me and this project made it plausible and possible. I am truly honored to serve this mission with you.
For the indomitable Gratefulness Team, I am moved and inspired by you every day. Katie Rubinstein, Saoirse McClory, Jeseph Meyers, Serafina Restaino, and Rose Zonetti — you each offer truly extraordinary commitment, heart, and skills to make grateful living the blessing to the world that it is. You carry our work with grace, gusto, and grit (when necessary). There are few honors greater than working, and walking through life, alongside you.
And finally, for Linda Hannum, a gratitude category all your own. Anything I thought I knew about loving partnership has been redefined by your commitment. You have offered me the most unfettered, unconditional, unimaginable understanding and encouragement for many years, but this year especially. You have been the steady voice beckoning me from the finish line, cheering by my side, and whispering the perfect prompt in my ear when I faltered. Your arms were — thankfully — never far, and I needed them more than either of us could have ever known. I am blessed every day by the generous love, gentle wisdom, and deep laughter you bring to my life. I can honestly say that this book, my life, and the world are far better because of you. And yes, that is a lot of 3s! Sometimes one word of praise simply will not do. You are so much reason to be grateful.