Reader Group Guide

1. It’s a common thing to greatly admire an older sibling. It’s also common for a younger sibling to feel ignored. What were the dynamics in your family?

2. Having a friend who sees the real you can be one of the most rewarding experiences in our lives. When did you have your first real friend like that? How did he or she change your life?

3. Have you ever felt judged for your gender? If so, how did you handle it?

4. Charlie fell in with the wrong crowd because he felt unloved at home. How can we keep ourselves from this reaction in our own lives?

5. What do you think caused Golda to head down the wrong path?

6. Margaret was quick to make assumptions about others. On what criteria should we evaluate other people?

7. What makes you feel safe? Is this true safety or just an illusion of safety?

8. Margaret’s worth was tied up in how she looked and in her status. Where do you find your worth? If it’s based on an illusion, what can you do to change it?