The loss of a faithful running companion is stressful to the subconscious brain and results in lower motivation to run. When a running dog dies, for example, many runners lose motivation and cut themselves off from the good peptides that could turn their attitude around. A cognitive strategy can restart the program.

If a running companion moves away, call him or her before a run. Talking and hearing the voice can recharge many of the positive motivational peptides that can get you out the door. Many runners actually bring a cellphone with them and call when the motivation runs low. Some call this their lifeline or motivation connection.

Go to races, talk to other runners in your neighborhood, and attend running club meetings. Look for running groups, such as the Galloway programs. Most runners who reach out for another running buddy find one.

Stay in touch with your friend, and run together in a mutually agreed upon race. This turns on the positive attitude brain circuits with more vitality.

You realize that running alone activates the same good brain effects you experienced when running with your buddy and keeps the positive attitude peptides transmitting good messages.