Use your conscious brain to manage adequate nutrition, hunger, cravings, energy, fatigue, and fat

As humans, we can activate our conscious brain to

avoid mindless eating by managing our nutrition,

ensure we are getting adequate nutrients,

enjoy food without adding extra layers of fat, and

combine mind and body to achieve our goals.

All of us are capable of using our conscious brains to control what we eat. In the process we discover far more joy throughout the mind–body network from making healthy food choices and exercising than we did eating potato chips or hot wings on the couch.

I also hear from thousands of talented runners every year who tell me that they tried to eat better but relapsed back into the comfort foods containing sugar salt and fat that don’t deliver the nutrients needed for repair and performance. Some are not overweight and some are running quite well. I tell them in the short run they may not notice a difference when they transition to healthier choices. Long term health and well-being will improve with good nutrition.

I’ve heard from thousands who have not had the performance capacity to stay ahead of the pick-up bus in their favorite marathon or qualify for the Boston Marathon but found that a healthy dietary change became a catalyst during their improvement journey. Because they felt better with more energy, the workouts were better—especially on the tough days. A positive change in food choices has been shown to turn on brain circuits to improve quality in exercise.

By using the simple strategies in this book you can set up a cognitive eating plan that will put you in command of your food intake and will make you feel better every day. This can significantly improve the way you feel when running and performing your daily activities. When you combine aerobic, enjoyable running with mental focus on eating, you can feel better, prepare for improved performance, reduce general fatigue, recover faster, and burn more fat.

We have a powerful mind–body network that is interconnected. Eating influences mental activity, and mental activity influences eating—all day long. But we have many subconscious eating patterns that are deeply embedded. This chapter details the exciting new research, showing how you can consciously activate brain circuits to give you control over subconscious eating patterns that lower our energy and reduce motivation for running.

Yes, you can harness this network to be the master of your nutrition, feel better, and improve health while controlling diet, weight, and performance nutrition.