Jeff Galloway Training Apps by lolofit

It’s my voice coaching you through the workouts to prepare for and then race a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or marathon. You can use your music or that provided on the app. Special effect is that as the pace picks up, so does the beat of the music.


This vibrating massage tool is second only to a really good massage therapist in reviving sore or tired muscles. The vibration motion increases blood flow, stimulates the muscle cells, and feels good.

The Stick

This massage tool can help the muscles recover quicker. It will often speed up the recovery of muscle injuries or iliotibial band injuries (on the outside of the upper leg, between knee and hip). This type of device can help warm up the legs muscles and sore tendons before running and move some of the waste out afterward.

When working on the calf muscle (most important in running), start each stroke at the Achilles tendon and roll up the leg toward the knee. Gently roll back to the origin and continue, repeatedly. For the first five minutes your gentle rolling will bring additional blood flow to the area. As you gradually increase the pressure on the calf you will usually find some “knots” or sore places in the muscles. Concentrate on these as you roll over them again and again, breaking up the tightness. See www.jeffgalloway.com for more info on this.

Foam roller—Self-massage

The most popular size of this cylinder is approximately 6 inches in diameter and 1 foot long. This has been the most successful treatment device for IT band injury. In treating this injury, put the roller on the floor and lie on your side so that the irritated IT band area is on top of the roller. As your body weight presses down on the roller, roll up and down on the area of the leg you want to treat. Roll gently for two to three minutes and then let the body weight press down more.

This is a very effective pre-warm-up exercise for any area that needs more blood flow as you start. It is also very beneficial to use the roller after a run on the same areas. See www.jeffgalloway.com for more info on this product.


This sports drink has a patented formula shown to improve recovery. It also helps to improve hydration. I recommend having some in the refrigerator as your fluid intake product taken throughout the day. Prime time to drink this regularly is the day before and after a long or strenuous workout day. During a prolonged speed training session, have a thermos nearby for sipping on walk breaks.

Research has also shown that drinking Accelerade about 30 minutes before running can get the body’s start-up fuel (glycogen) activated more effectively and may conserve the limited supply of this crucial fuel. For a discount on this product, go to www.jeffgalloway.com and click on the “Accelerade” logo.

Endurox R4

This product has what I see as a cult following among runners. In fact, the research shows that the 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein helps to reload the muscle glycogen more quickly. This means that the muscles feel bouncy and ready to do what you can do sooner. There are other antioxidants that speed recovery. Prime time for this reloading process is within 30 minutes of finishing a run. For a discount on this product, go to www.jeffgalloway.com and click on the “Accelerade” logo.