Thanks to my fellow MORWA writers who have kept me propped up all these years, with a special shout-out to Julie Beard, Eileen Dreyer, Angie Fox, Shirl Henke, Jeannie Lin, Shawntelle Madison, Karyn Witmer-Gow and Pat Rice, in absentia.
Thank you to Nicole Norris for a superb beta read, Nam Nguyen for the excellent developmental editing advice and Dana Waganer for perfect proofreading. Thanks to Kim and Jenn at the Killion Group for the spectacular cover.
A special thank you and a big hug to my long-suffering critique partner, Megan Kelly. Thanks for great friendship, great input and the great big fat red pen.
As always, to Darl. I love you more than I can say. I couldn’t do this without you.
To Corey and Patrick, just for being you.
Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37