
IN RUNNING THE BLACK DOG for the last twenty years, I have been proud to work with and privileged to get to know a multitude of wonderful people who have contributed in countless ways to make The Black Dog a culinary and cultural icon. We have been lucky to attract outstanding talent, and some of the best have been around the longest. This, the first Black Dog cookbook, has been around a long time, at least in the hearts and minds of a dedicated few. I would like to give special acknowledgement and offer my sincere appreciation to Charlie Esposito, who has been in the kitchen and on the floor for more than 25 years; and to Jack Livingston, another 20-plus-year veteran, our most original executive chef (even though he disavows titles) and our overall culinary mentor. I would also like to applaud Doug Hewson, who interned at The Black Dog 15 years ago and returned just recently to take over our kitchens. And in particular, my deep gratitude goes to Elaine Sullivan, without whom this book would never have been seen. It has been Elaine’s job to ride herd on all of us, to keep us in line and on target, and most of what you see and read (not just in this book, but in all our catalogs and media, since she took up the challenge here a dozen years ago) is a product of her handiwork and a result of her vision.

And hugs and kisses to my best friend and sweetheart, Susan Branch, who has fed and nurtured me and brought new vistas to my life. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to Bob and Charlene Douglas, for their friendship, trust, and consideration over all these years, and for starting it all.

~ Joe Hall


From left: Jack Livingston, Doug Hewson, Elaine Sullivan, Joe Hall, Charlie Esposito