ALL OF THE FOLLOWING EVENTS ARE TRUE, and were first penned as they happened; yet, my memories are seen through my own wavy glass and may differ from my characters’ recollections. I have changed the names of some people in this story while keeping those who agreed to be so designated.
I wish to thank Scott, my loving husband of thirty years, for his support both financially and emotionally throughout the living and the telling of this experience. I also thank Bobbi for her consistent hard work, the amazing talent that she shared unstintingly, and her friendship. I greatly appreciate my many readers, editors and friends who have offered valuable advice and moral support at various points in this book’s genesis including The Gotham Writers’ Workshop—especially Amy Sickels, Chip Carleton (thanks for sharing!), the late Bill Binzen, Riga Meadow Equestrian Center, Susan Wallace, Gretchen Lengyel, Ronald Jones, Michael Morphis, Matthew Smyth, Alexandra Lange, Amy Reiss, Laurie Egger, Christopher Hewat, Mari Ann Fortuna, Carol Kalikow, Dan Dwyer, Cynthia Knabe, Charles and Sara Bachman, Kitty Benedict, Gregory Miller, Stephanie Emerson, Aimée Bell, George Massey. Mickey Pearlman (who taught me a thing or two about memoir and line editing), and Thomas Whitridge for his beautiful book making.
Lastly, I am deeply indebted to the superb horses and my growing family of equine-devoted friends who labored, remade, repaired, volunteered countless unpaid hours (especially Terri Licata), boarded and rode at Weatogue Stables throughout its rebirth. I am thrilled to have shared this journey with you. Horses, and horse people, are special, indeed.