Chapter 3



DID THEY add hours to the day? Benjamin’s workday dragged.

All he wanted was to be on his knees, following each and every instruction Foster gave him. Hell, he even made up reasons to go to the management trailer, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man who haunted his mind. It was pathetic and exciting.

Foster’s words, if you do everything I ask, I may even let you come tomorrow night, kept running through Benjamin’s brain, driving him to imagine the possibilities.

On his lunch break, he checked his messages. He’d gotten a text from his brother, which he didn’t open, and one from Sophia that he did.

You looked good on your knees last night.

He texted back, Thanks. It felt good and then finished the rest of his sandwich.

Did you get your Yule log stroked?

Benjamin snorted and typed, You kiss your Master with that mouth?

I do lots of things with my mouth. Did you?

He chuckled and typed, How do you manage to be raunchy & adorable at the same time?

I have an impressive skill set, she texted and signed with an angel emoji followed by a smirking demon.

A time check showed he had thirty minutes left. He had plenty of time to download the Entwined mobile app. Sophia had gotten him curious about those boards she mentioned.

He opened the app and searched the member pages until he found Foster. God, his profile picture was hot and adorable. Browsing Foster’s interests, Benjamin found they both enjoyed reading fantasy, building things, dogs, and loved blowing-shit-up movies.

Benjamin skimmed down to Foster’s dislike section. It read, I’m thirty-five and too old for nonsense. Bratting is fine, even fun on occasion, but I want an adult relationship with someone interested in submitting. Best case is to find someone who is open to a relationship. I’m past wasting energy on mind games.

Then he checked out comments left by subs. All were glowing, and some might’ve been too positive, like, “If I wasn’t polyamorous, I’d be down on my knees worshipping Master Foster forever.” Or “If I weren’t leaving Upstate New York for another job, I’d make Master Foster mine.”

Yeah, well, if wishes were horses—stop!

Benjamin wasn’t used to being jealous. Looking on the bright side, it did seem like Foster wanted a monogamous relationship. Crushing the urge to raise his hand to volunteer, Benjamin headed back over to where the work crew was assembling. Hopefully, his afternoon would go more quickly.




Even though Benjamin had direct deposit, he used collecting his pay stub as a last-ditch attempt to get back into the management trailer. He made sure he stood at the end of the line.

The damned door labeled Foster Ridgeway remained closed, although Benjamin could almost believe he sensed the sexy Dominant on the other side. Was Foster thinking about him as much as he had thought about Foster?

He’d been half-hard any time he replayed his time with Foster, which meant he had been erect most of the day.

Once the last guy in line stopped flirting with the receptionist and left, she smiled at Benjamin. “You’ve not been in for a while. I was going to toss your stubs.”

“Sorry. I’ll take them.”

“No worries. Here you go. Make sure to shred them if you don’t take them with you. Have a great weekend.”

“You too.” He stared at his pay stubs.

“I’m off. Just make sure the door shuts behind you.” She grabbed her purse and scurried out.

He stared at Foster’s door, willing it to open. Shit. This is stupid.

Benjamin dragged his feet over to the shredder. Just as the machine chewed his third pay stub into strips, the office door opened.

Foster poked his head out. His hair was pulled back in a tail, his wire glasses on his nose. He looked professional in his dark-washed jeans and white button-up. Prim and proper and no trace of the leather-wearing, crop-wielding man from last night. “I hope you have a good night, Benjamin.”

That’s all? Maybe Foster had changed his mind…. “Um, you too.”



WHAT THE hell? chased through his brain all the way home and taunted him during his very thorough shower. As he inserted a plug, he tried to discount the worry that all this might be wasted effort. His overly active dick ignored the warning his mind tried to send, and it remained at full staff. He wasn’t ready for a letdown.

Fuck, last night and this morning had been difficult, but he’d followed Foster’s simple instruction of “Don’t come.” Now he trembled with unmet need as every movement teased him. Fearing a ruined orgasm that might be caused by anything remotely friction related, Benjamin hurried into his clothing.

He buckled on his collar.

Please, dear Goddess, make Foster mean what he said.



BENJAMIN ARRIVED at Entwined at 6:30, and Foster’s cute bright yellow vintage Beetle was parked right next to the door.

Yes! Benjamin’s heart raced with the knowledge that Foster waited inside.

He signed in and dumped his stuff into the locker. Should he add his shirt? In the end he folded his shirt and set it in the locker, then hurried inside the club.

At 6:45, Benjamin stood next to last night’s table. A reserved sign and a digital clock rested there. A shiver of need passed through him at Foster’s forethought to make these arrangements.

This was on.

He dropped to his knees and adjusted his position. When happy with his display, he settled in to wait.

The hardness of the carpeted floor kept him centered on his purpose—to please Foster. Time ticked by as Benjamin reveled in the knowledge that Foster told him to do something and he submitted to the demand.

Members of Entwined gave him a wide berth, but he could feel their eyes on him. Some must wonder who he waited on. Was Foster watching him? He straightened his spine a little more.

He glanced at the clock—7:01 and no Foster. Maybe he wasn’t a Dom who was into being exact about time.

Another check—7:07. Benjamin’s knees were beginning to ache. The pain turned him on.

Still no Foster—7:13. Had Foster decided he didn’t want to do this? Maybe Benjamin wasn’t pleasing enough? Should he go?

Every second seemed like an hour and every minute a day.

At 7:16, doubt ate at him. Where was Foster? What had Benjamin done wrong?

When 7:20 arrived, Benjamin decided he’d wait all fucking night if he had to. He’d be worthy of Foster. If Foster wanted to test him, make him suffer, embarrass him, whatever Foster wanted, Benjamin would do. He’d earn the right to go into the back room and bend over for Foster.

At 7:23, his cock decided to lengthen in anticipation of all the delicious things Foster might do to him… or might not.

At 7:30 a whispered, “Such a good boy,” tickled his ear. “I’ve watched you since you arrived. Your graceful surrender made my testing you even more difficult.”

Benjamin’s heart soared at the praise. Resisting the urge to turn his head and verify the speaker, he didn’t move.

Foster slid into the cushioned seat in front of him. “Your submission is a thing of beauty. I drank in each emotion as the feelings passed over your face. I could see how it translated into your body. You’re stunning.”

“Thank you, Master—I mean, Sir.”

“Either is okay. Watching you surrender, battling your fear and doubt, was an incredible gift.” Foster breathed a bit faster than usual.

“I’m glad I could please you… Master.” Benjamin tasted the word. He’d never called anyone by that title, but it felt right to give this to Foster.

Foster’s breath hitched. “I like the way that word sounds coming out of your mouth.”

“Thank you, Master.” He’d take every opportunity to use the title.

“Tell me, Benjamin, what made you decide you’d trust me enough to surrender in this way?”

Benjamin wanted to say he didn’t know. That would have been the easy answer. “It was a combination of knowing you and believing in your reputation as a good Dom.”

“Were you on the Entwined board?”

Benjamin nodded. “Yes. I’ve never used it before, but—”

“I’m glad you were interested enough to look me up.”

Feeling his face get a little warm, Benjamin said, “It gave me confidence that you wouldn’t leave me hanging, Master.”

Foster inclined his head. “Your faith humbles me, and I plan to meet your expectations, if you allow me.”

“Yes, please, Master.”

“What’s your safeword, honey?”

Top, Master.”

“I see that you opted to wear your collar. Would you like to join me in back?” Foster unsnapped the leash from his belt loop.

“Yes, please, Master.” Benjamin’s heart soared as he tipped his chin out of the way to invite Foster to clip the catch to his play collar ring.

“Very good. Heel.” Foster attached the leash and began moving forward.

Benjamin had never been made to crawl to the back room. His hands hit the floor, and the relief spread through his muscles at the change in position. He stretched as he undulated across the main space and down the hall. Parts of him were loosening up while other parts were tightening.

“Are you stiff?”

“Yes, Master.” Benjamin wished he’d kept the whine out of his voice.

“Stop. Stretch your muscles.”

Benjamin shook out his legs and arms. “Thank you, Master.”

With a curt nod, Foster directed Benjamin with a simple “Proceed, Benjamin.”

The gasps of surprise and purrs of interest from people they passed got further away from his notice with every movement forward.

Fantasies do come true. He crawled for a Master to the back rooms. Dare he allow himself the pretense of Foster being his Master? Not just temporary but….

Foster opened the door and guided him inside. It was a typical room. There was a platform against one wall, cabinets filled with BDSM supplies, and a refrigerator against another. The furniture had already been rearranged from the usual configuration. The padded bench was in the middle of the floor, facing the door, and was adjusted to the lowest height.

Foster inspected the slanted bench and adjusted the height of the hand grabs for Benjamin’s body. He unclipped the leash and then patted Benjamin on the ass. “Sweet one, go lie against that.”

“Yes, Master.” The title fit, and gave Benjamin a sense of security. He crawled to the padded bench, stood, and then leaned on the cushioned surface. Between the pressure of the zipper and pressing down on the bench, his cock was going crazy. He shifted several times and only barely stopped the moan the luscious friction created. Finally he found a way to lie so he didn’t rock himself to an orgasm.

Pushing the door wider, Foster used the doorstop, which would allow members passing by to get a peek at what they were doing and to enter for a closer look. He dimmed the bright lights, giving a tranquil candlelit glow to the atmosphere.

Foster strutted over like he owned Benjamin. Running his hands over Benjamin’s muscles, he massaged Benjamin’s stiff shoulders and rubbed down his back, hitting every sore place Benjamin had strained while on his knees. Foster circled and stood behind him.

Swallowing his excitement and anticipation of what might transpire, Benjamin focused on Foster and his needs. He arched his back to perfect his presentation.

“Mmmm, that puts your ass in a flawless fucking position, doesn’t it?” Foster rubbed a hand over Benjamin’s jean-covered butt. His butt plug tormented him with the suggestion of more.

“Yes, Master.” Benjamin tried to stay attentive to Foster, but he had already started to drift away to that fantastic place he strived to find.

“These need to come off.” Foster slapped Benjamin’s ass.

“Yes, Master.” Benjamin arched back, hoping for more.

Foster reached under him. “So anxious.”

“Sorry, Master.” But he didn’t stop shifting around to assist as much as he was able.

“Don’t be. Remember, I wanted you to drown in your anticipation.” Foster opened Benjamin’s button and then teased his zipper down in a torturously slow manner.

“I promise I am, Master.” He gasped as Foster ghosted his fingers over Benjamin’s erection.

“Mmmm, you’ve made a wet spot.” Foster touched the area Benjamin’s precum had made. Then he skimmed Benjamin’s jeans down, leaving his blue boxer briefs.

Benjamin tried to control his breathing, his thoughts, his body, but none of it was possible.

“Your ass looks lovely in these.” Foster ran his fingers around the waistband.

God, Benjamin had never imagined that would be such a turn-on. He remembered his manners. “Thank you, Master.”

“Such a good boy.” Foster rewarded him with a couple of light smacks to his ass, just enough so Benjamin could feel the slightest sting. Then he returned to his waistband, pulled Benjamin’s underwear down, and left them pooled around his ankles with his jeans.

Having the bottom half of his clothing pulled down but still on gave him a wonderfully filthy sensation. Benjamin thrust his hips back.

“Eager?” Foster rubbed the butt plug, causing it to remind Benjamin it had been a while. Then he patted Benjamin’s bare ass.

“Yes—” Benjamin groaned, hoping for a smack or two. Almost forgetting himself, he added, “Master.”

Foster trailed his fingers to the butt plug and tapped it, sending nudges of pleasure through Benjamin. “Good boy. You understand being prepared for your Master is important.”

Benjamin grinned in victory. Sometimes such preparation could be seen as topping from the bottom because he wasn’t asked to take the initiative, but it thrilled him that Foster got Benjamin wanted to convey he was ready to surrender everything Foster might desire. He’d used a plug to allow Foster to take what he wanted with no resistance, not to demand anything.

Several people passed the open door, then backpedaled to get another view.

Benjamin wanted to scream that they should stay and see him be taken by a real Master. At that moment, he wanted everyone to know and understand that he submitted to Foster completely and without reservation. His deep desire to be owned and taken bled out of him.

Toying with the plug, Foster asked, “Do you want to be fucked?”

Denying his need to scream out yes, Benjamin surrendered the last of himself to the man who mastered him. “As my Master wishes.”

“Fuck, I knew you’d be perfect.” Foster smacked Benjamin’s ass.

“For you, Master.” Benjamin didn’t know where the words came from, but it didn’t make them any less true.

“Good boy.” Foster reddened his ass with stinging spanks.

Benjamin moaned and pushed back to meet Foster’s palm.

“I love how needy you are.” Foster continued administrating the reward others might see as punishment.

Benjamin had to tighten his hands on the grips and locked his hips. Otherwise he would have kept pushing his ass back, and the slide of his dick on the cushion might have proved too much. He balanced on a slippery, unacceptable slope that could lead to him begging for his wants-and-needs list to be fulfilled before Foster’s.

Foster patted Benjamin’s sure-to-be-very-red ass and then circled in front of him.

He cupped and raised Benjamin’s face. Leaning down, Foster inhaled and exhaled in the opposite inhalations as Benjamin’s. He seemed to be synching their bodies and sharing air.

“I’m going to kiss you,” Foster stated, as if Benjamin needed to have a warning. He lingered just out of kissing reach.

“Please, Master… please.” Pleading for what he wanted wasn’t a defeat to Benjamin but a win, because someone had the power to give him something he desired badly enough to make him grovel.

Foster’s lips finally brushed Benjamin’s mouth. The touch was like a pressure cooker exploding. He couldn’t stop his mouth from opening or his tongue from sweeping against Foster’s mouth.

A growl made Benjamin stop.

Foster combed his fingers through the bristly short hair at Benjamin’s nape until he found hair long enough to yank.

Benjamin groaned as another sharp hair-pull turned into a lick of pleasure.

There was no democracy in this kiss. No two ways about it—Foster wrestled the control back. The grip secured Benjamin’s hair, and Foster’s tongue invaded Benjamin’s mouth. Benjamin liquefied as Foster licked and teased. The kiss ended with a nip to Benjamin’s lower lip.

He had thoroughly been put in his place and dominated with a mere kiss. His mind melted.

Raising Benjamin’s chin, Foster stared into his eyes. “I’m going to fuck you.”

“Yes, please, Master.” Benjamin gave everything over to Foster for safekeeping.

Foster stalked across the room to the condom basket.

The scraping of the stepstool behind Benjamin reminded him of their physical differences, which was the tipping point for him. Foster twisted the plug as he eased the device out of Benjamin, leaving behind a void. A zipper being unzipped made Benjamin’s breath catch. The foil wrapper drifted to the floor.

“Look at the door, Benjamin. Your submission has gathered a crowd. Everyone sees how exquisitely you give. They’re envious of what you’re gifting me.”

Five people peered into the room. The fact that his attention had been so consumed he’d missed the audience made Benjamin’s heart beat faster, and the level of his submission increased by noticing them.

Foster skimmed a hand down his back. “They’re watching me take you.”

“Please, Master, use me.” Benjamin wanted to pass over everything he was and ever would be.

“Mine.” Foster must have added lube to his condom-covered cock, because he slid all the way in on one perfect deliciously burning thrust.

Foster filled the emptiness. He clutched Benjamin’s hips and started pumping in and out, setting a tantalizing pace.

Benjamin drifted on a cloud of giving. Thrilled he caused the incredibly sexy groans coming from Foster, he redoubled his efforts to serve with his body.

Foster realigned his hips and thrust, making Benjamin gasp for breath. Bliss of serving mixed with the physical pleasure of being fucked. Good Goddess, how long had it been since he’d had his prostate nailed just right?

“Like that?”

Foster’s cock nudged directly against Benjamin’s sweet spot, making him see stars again and again. “Yes, Master,” seemed to be an understatement, so he might have shouted, “Love it, Master,” but he couldn’t be sure.

Foster tugged Benjamin’s hands behind his back and locked them there. “Do you hear what they are saying about you, Benjamin?”

“Master?” He couldn’t focus on the audience, only Foster.

Completely bound and helpless, even without ropes. But he was free.

Using Benjamin’s hands as grips, Foster increased the speed of his lunges, his mouth next to Benjamin’s ear. “They’re impressed with how you surrender so completely to me.”

“I have, Master. I want to give you everything… anything you want…. All that I am is yours.” Benjamin wasn’t sure if those words were understandable, because Foster’s cock warped his world. He was no longer bound by the realities of day-to-day. He’d left all irrelevant things behind for the higher purpose of serving someone worthy—Foster… Master.

“You were meant for me.” Foster’s soft words penetrated Benjamin’s soul.

Fulfillment of purpose ramped his desire. “Master! You’re going to make me come…. Can I come?”

“Wait.” Foster’s stern voice pulled Benjamin back from jumping headlong into the abyss.

“Yes, I’ll wait, Master.” He stiffened his body and trembled with restraint, but he wouldn’t come without permission, even though the bliss tempted him, promising him relief from his frustration. He craved giving Master Foster his obedience more than the glorious orgasm his body promised.

“Good boy.” Master swatted his ass.

Benjamin held his breath.

The thrusting continued until Foster groaned, “I’m going to come in your tight ass.”

Benjamin’s hands were still held captive behind his back. Thrilled he was giving his Master such pleasure. “Thank you, Master.”

“Such a good boy. You’ve served me well. Come with me, Benjamin.”

He’d never shot hands-free before, though his body seemed poised to try. He rammed his ass back, and the angle must have been just right.

Foster pushed in deep and gave a long grunt of satisfaction.

Holy fuck! Mission accomplished. Foster found satisfaction within Benjamin’s body. The knowledge knocked Benjamin over the edge. He rocked and unloaded against the cushioned bench.

Foster growled as he reached around and wrapped his hand around Benjamin’s cock, helping him finish his orgasm with unparalleled gratification as he worked himself in and out of Benjamin slowly until he collapsed onto Benjamin’s back.

Vaguely aware of the applause from the doorway, Benjamin closed his eyes and enjoyed the weight of his Master on him.

When their breathing returned to normal, Foster pulled out. He zipped up and sashayed over to the door. “Okay, kiddies, the show’s over. Shoo.” He shut and locked the door.

After tossing the condom, he brought over a warm, damp towel, ran it over Benjamin’s body, and then dried him. He held a bottle of water to Benjamin’s lips. “Drink.”

Unlocking his arms, Benjamin sipped the water Foster provided. “Thank you, Master.”

“Welcome.” Foster helped him step out of his pants and guided him over to the platform that had been covered in a silk sheet. “Lie down.”

Benjamin followed the instructions because he couldn’t think beyond the calm, peaceful satisfaction coursing through him.

Foster wiggled out of his leather and dove onto the platform in only a pair of jersey briefs. He arranged the pillows under his head and tucked them both in with a soft blanket so he held Benjamin’s head on his shoulder.

After a long while, Foster cleared his throat. “So, you said I could have anything. Did you mean it?”

“Yes, Master.” Even though the scene was over, Benjamin had a feeling he might always think of Foster as Master… dare he hope his Master?

Foster nodded. “Okay, then, how about a date?”