sacrifice noun: the giving up of
something one values for the sake
of something more important;

self-sacrifice noun: the act of a
desperate person


‘Mrs Faltrain, taking out a second mortgage is risky,’ my bank manager says, and adjusts his orange tie. I look at his hands, short and stubby. Hairless. This is what it has come down to, my life held in the hands of a bad-tie wearing, short, stubby, hairless man.

‘Is my application approved?’ Say yes, please say yes.

‘I am approving it, but I want to advise you to think very carefully. You could lose everything.’

I think about Gracie. About getting up every morning with nothing to fight for.

‘I lose everything if I don’t,’ I say, and walk out.

I tell Gracie about the money and her face is a new sun. She throws her arms out, wings that seem whole again. She doesn’t understand that we could lose the house and I’m glad. I want at least one of us to believe that we are saved.



Waves of relief wash over me as I sleep tonight. Mum is smiling. The Faltrains are back on track.