
I wish to thank the following artists who have generously contributed their work to this book:

Robert Baxter

Frank Bettendorf

Guy Billout

Ted Chaffee

Alan E. Cober (courtesy Ellen Cober)

John G. Crane

Steve Cosentino

Dave Creek

R. Crumb

George Dugan

Steven Guarnaccia

Don Helms

Stephen Huneck

Aya Itagaki

John Joline

Maya Lin

Zelma Loseke

Michael Mitchell

Victor Moscoso

Alex Pinkerson

Stephen Plume

Omar Ruiz

Paul Rump

J.R. Smith

Reinhart Sonnenberg

Trina Schart Hyman

Gidon Staff

Lynn Sweat

Joey Tate

Joan Waltermire

Ricker Winsor

I am particularly grateful to Amy Jeynes, managing editor at North Light Books, for seeing this book through to completion; Peter Mallary for additional and valuable editing; Judith Church and Scott Dodson for offering key suggestions; my agent, Jill Kneerim, for getting this project off the ground; and my key organizer, Suzi Claflin, for keeping it there. In addition, the following people have given important technical and moral support:

Phillip Bowman

Bill Germer

Ira Ginsberg

Mahlon Hoagland

David Kelly

Don Lambert

DeWitt Mallary

Brian McGuiness

Ben Moore

Phyllis Nemhauser

Emilie Perry

Ed Reinhardt

Mason Singer

John Stephens

David Webster

Finally, I'm indebted to the following writers and thinkers who, through their work, have contributed to my understanding of the subject of creativity:

Gregory Bateson

Deepak Chopra

Werner Erhard

Robert Fritz

Arthur Koestler

J. Krishnamurti

Douglas Hofstadter

Peter Loundon

Steven Pinker

Twyla Tharp

David Whyte

For Michael Mitchell, who showed me what was possible with drawing
