
Simple garden archway

Turn rustic materials into a flowering arch



Time: 1 day

Skill level: Beginner

Looking for a garden feature that’s low cost and easy to assemble? Then this archway trellis is perfect. It’s made from inexpensive steel “rebar” that you can find at any home center. Once the trellis is covered with climbing plants, the steel disappears and you have a dramatic entryway into your garden.

This design, about 7 ft. high and 6 ft. wide, is made of two 20-ft. lengths of rebar that you bend into arches. You then simply join the arches with rebar circles, lashing them together with wraps of copper wire. No welding needed—and there’s no maintenance. The materials for this trellis cost less than $25. For comparison, a welded metal or high-end vinyl trellis costs several hundred dollars.

Here you’ll learn how to create smooth bends in rebar and how to assemble the trellis. You’ll need a few simple tools, including a conduit bender for tight curves and a hacksaw for cutting the bar to length. You may want to pick up an angle grinder and a metal-cutting blade for quicker rebar cuts. And don’t forget to buy a pair of heavy leather gloves.

Allow a full day to build your first trellis. Once you’ve mastered the process, you should be able to build a second one in less than half a day. Rebar itself is relatively inexpensive: A 20-ft. length of 1/2-in. costs about $7 and 3/8-in. about $5. The main problem is getting your 20-ft. lengths home. Rebar is floppy, not stiff. One trick is to buy a 16-ft.-long 2x4, attach it to your roof rack and then lash the rebar to it. (Be sure to attach a red flag to each end of it.) Otherwise, delivery costs vary from $50 to more than $100.

Create smooth bends with stakes

To create that swooping arch from the 1/2-in. rebar, make a simple bending jig on the ground. Cut the 10-ft. length of 1/2-in. rebar into ten 10-in.-long stakes (Photo 1). Drive one rebar stake into the ground and tie a 3-ft. string to it. When you pull the string taut, you create a compass and can mark a smooth arc with chalk (Photo 2). Space the other nine stakes evenly in a semicircle around the arc, driving them at least 5 in. deep (Photo 3).

The 3-ft. radius makes an arch that will span 6 ft. You can make it larger or slightly smaller if you want. But bending 1/2-in. rebar into a 2-ft. radius is difficult.

Rebar may kink when you bend it, so insert a cushion (a 9-ft. length of plastic garage door stop molding; sold at home centers) between the rebar and the stakes to soften the bend (Photo 4). You can use some other firm but flexible item, like vinyl siding or a strip of flexible hardboard to cushion the rebar as well.

Photo 4 shows how to bend the arches. Hold the rebar at the ends while you bend it to keep the arch smooth. Overbend it slightly; the ends will spring back a bit when you release them. Don’t worry about that; the arches will form the correct radius when you set them in the ground.

Create circles with a conduit bender

Link the arches together with circles bent from the 3/8-in. rebar. Cut the rebar into 4-ft. lengths and bend them with a 1/2-in. conduit bender (available in the electrical department of any home center or hardware store). Work on a solid surface and simply fit one end of the rebar into the lip of the bender. Then form the curve by pulling the handle and pressing down on the tool with your foot (Photo 5). Shift the bender and continue the bend until you have a complete circle. The circle will have a 12-in. diameter. Cut off the extra rebar. Don’t worry if the circles aren’t perfect. Minor imperfections will be minimized when you wire them to the arches, and hidden when your greenery grows.

Assemble the arches

Now find the ideal spot in your yard for the trellis and lay out the footprint (Photo 6). To keep it sturdy and stable, you have to sink each arch end about 18 in. into the ground. Measure up each leg and wrap tape at the 18-in. mark as a depth guide (Photo 7). With a helper, press the ends of the two arches into the ground. Drive a stake partway down to get started, or use a 3/4-in. steel pipe as a holder (see “Solution for hard soil”).

Then add the 3/8-in. rebar circles. Position the first circle about 2 ft. up from the bottom of your arch. Any lower and you may be inviting little feet to use the trellis as a makeshift ladder. Use cable ties to temporarily secure the circles in place, with the cut ends against one arch (Photo 8). Later you’ll cover these sharp edges with the wire wrap. Space the remaining circles evenly around the arch. They’ll be about 6 in. apart. The cable ties allow you to easily reposition the circles for the best appearance before you wire them into place.

To bind the circles, simply wrap the copper wire around the arch/circle joint. There is no special technique here. About 2 ft. of 18-gauge solid copper wire will do. Just keep the binding tight and extend it about 2 in. along the joint for good stiffness. Finally, tap the wire ends down flat to the rebar with a hammer.

Once you attach the circles to the arches, your trellis is ready to shepherd creeping vines upward, adding height and dimension to your outdoor space.

Figure A

Garden archway


You’ll need rebar in two sizes: 1/2 in. for the arches and 3/8 in. for the circles.

Materials List

Two 1/2-in. x 20-ft. lengths of rebar (for arches)

One 1/2-in. x 10-ft. length of rebar (for stakes)

Two 3/8-in. x 20-ft. lengths of rebar (for circles)

18-gauge copper wire

Plastic garage door stop molding or other stiff but bendable material

Conduit bender

Cable ties

Chalk bottle

Hacksaw blade installation

Install the blade so the teeth face forward. Hacksaws are designed so the blade will cut when it’s pushed (the forward stroke) rather than when pulled (see photo). Some blades have an arrow that shows the correct installation (the arrow points toward the handle). Install the blade so it’s tight in the saw and won’t bend. When you do a lot of cutting, the blade will heat up and expand, so be sure to tighten it if it starts to bend.


Solution for hard soil

If you have hard soil, you won’t be able to push the arches directly into the ground. Instead, you’ll have to plant the rebar arches in a pipe. Drive an 18-in. length of 3/4-in. galvanized pipe most of the way into the ground as shown. Pull out the pipe and poke the dirt from the inside of the pipe until it’s open. Then push the 3/4-in. pipe back into the hole and drive it down until it’s flush with the ground. Now, simply insert the arch ends in the pipe.




Cut 1/2-in. rebar into ten 10-in. stakes. Saw about two-thirds of the way through with a hacksaw, then snap off the stake.



Drive a stake and tie a string to it. Mark a 3-ft.-radius arc on the lawn using the string to guide the chalk bottle.



Space nine stakes evenly around the semicircle, and drive them down about 5 in. Mark the middle stake with a string.



Lay plastic molding around the stakes. With a helper, center the rebar on the middle stake and push the ends around the semicircle.



Bend the rebar into a circle with a conduit bender. Cut off the extra rebar. Repeat until you have nine circles.



Position the anchor holes for the trellis 6 ft. apart and 12 in. between arches. Drive in stakes to start the holes, then pull them out.



Position the trellis and push the ends 18 in. deep into the ground. Mark the depth with masking tape.



Position the circles between the arches with cable ties. Then tightly bind the circles to the arches with 2-ft. lengths of copper wire. Wire down as much of the side of the circle as you can to make the circle stable.


Call 811 or visit to locate underground lines before you dig.