Lucy McBath | April 2018

We think of ourselves in different stages of life using many different adjectives. I have been a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Candidate for Congress was never really part of the lexicon. Years ago, as a flight attendant with Delta Air Lines, my goals in life were much like anyone else’s in America: to be a good mother, to teach my son to be a compassionate man who would share his worth with the world, and perhaps to walk him down the aisle on his wedding day. Those simple dreams ended the day after Thanksgiving of 2012. My son, Jordan Davis, was shot and killed while sitting in the back seat of a friend’s car at a gas station, listening to music. The man who killed my son opened fire on four unarmed teenagers because he said the music was too loud. That man felt empowered by the stand-your-ground statute.

Overnight, I went from suburban mom to activist seeking justice for Jordan. I had witnessed what happened to [17-year-old Florida high-school student] Trayvon Martin and how, bit by bit, the defense in [neighborhood watch captain] George Zimmerman’s case worked to dehumanize the young man who was walking home from a convenience store. While Jordan’s shooter was initially found guilty on three counts of attempted murder, the first-degree murder charge ended in a mistrial. In an October 2014 re-trial, however, the shooter was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Losing my son in such a senseless way fueled my lifelong commitment to community activism and my sense of the importance of political engagement, both of which run in the family. My father was the Illinois branch president of the N.A.A.C.P. for more than 20 years and served on its national board. As a child, I traveled with my family attending marches and rallies supporting the civil-rights movement and the coalitions of organizations fighting alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

After losing Jordan, I became the national spokesperson and faith and outreach leader for Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. While it was terrible at first, I’ve learned that sharing my personal story has, thankfully, made an impact. One of the most effective ways to inform and persuade people is by telling them about your first-person experience. It’s a credential I wish upon no one, but I’ve found solace and purpose through my fight. We need more common-sense solutions to difficult problems.

In my work, I’ve shared my story with Congress, governors, legislators, pastors, voters, and neighbors. The people I’ve spoken with, particularly in Georgia, have inspired me and taught me a lot. In their homes and churches, on their doorsteps and on the phone, over and over people have said that what’s missing in politics today is leadership. Voters are looking for elected officials to have the courage to break through the blaring, divisive rhetoric and come together to forge common-sense change for the common good. In the weeks since the [school-shooting] tragedy in Parkland [Florida], we’ve all witnessed the reaction from Washington. It’s been much the same as the response after every other mass shooting.

It’s not time to have the debate.

Let’s wait and see.

It isn’t the time to act.

What has inspired me the most after Parkland is the students. These young folks are stepping up and have—quite literally—mobilized for their lives. From an early age, I taught Jordan that he possessed the power to effect change in a world where he might, as an African American, be unfairly judged thanks to preconceived biases. I’d like to think these students are making the change that he cannot.

So, with much prayer and reflection, I’ve decided to run for Congress in my home district of Georgia’s 6th. I am running so that I may humbly offer my voice in this debate for the safety, security, and hope of prosperity for my neighbors in Georgia and across the country. I qualified to run on International Women’s Day—a happy coincidence for me considering women are often told it isn’t their “time.”

My work moving the discussion forward in gun-violence prevention—through dialogue and, even more important, through listening—is how I will uniquely approach other important issues as well. My story doesn’t begin or even end with one subject. I am passionate about access to women’s health care; as a two-time breast cancer survivor, I know how critical it is for women to have access to preventative care, including mammograms. A more stable family—and overall society—can be measured by the health and well-being of women and children. And the economic and social advancement of women depends on coverage. On the campaign trail, I will be sharing my experience and discussing how it directly contrasts with the experience of our current member of Congress.

As a flight attendant, I’ve met tens of thousands of Americans from all walks of life traveling for all sorts of reasons—it’s often said that the journey, and not the destination, is what matters. I know that my final destination is a reunion with my son. As for the journey, I’m constantly amazed at how my life has transformed. I am a daughter and a mother. I am a sister and a friend. I am an advocate. And now, I am a candidate. I am humbled to be all of these. There was a time when I thought my life was over. But a new path forward has opened. In sharing my story, I will embrace the journey and seek comfort in the ultimate destination.

(McBath won her Congressional race. In 2019, she began representing Georgia’s 6th district in the U.S. House of Representatives.)