I would like to thank my researchers and assistants, Martin Morse Wooster, Lisa Merriam (of Merriam Associates, LLC), and Rhiannon Burruss.
I’d also like to thank Mary Claire Kendall for her writerly advice and valuable work.
I’d like to thank my literary agent, Richard Pine, and the rest of the team at Inkwell Management, and my television agent, Ian Kleinert, at Objective Entertainment.
My editor at St. Martin’s Press, George Witte, deserves my special thanks. A published poet, he brought his unique eye to this book and it has enormously benefited as a result.
I would also like to thank the following:
David Martosko, who trained to conduct orchestras, but now conducts reporters at The Daily Caller as executive editor. He read the entire manuscript and made many helpful additions and subtractions, thus multiplying the manuscript’s clarity and impact.
At the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., Peter Earnest, President, and at the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce, Florida, Rolf Snyder.
Additional thanks are due to: Matthew Boyle at The Daily Caller; John Tamny at Forbes; Wayne Laugesen at the Colorado Springs Gazette; Tunku Varadarajan and Tina Brown at Newsweek/The Daily Beast; John Fund at The American Spectator; James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal, and, on Capitol Hill, the ever-enterprising Jacki L. Pick.