1–2 prose ed. (Oh … vndone, / And … sister Q)
6 quick alive (but also implying ‘quick with child’, pregnant)
6–8 prose ed. (Dead?… childe, / You … ’ee, / ’Tis … vs Q)
7–8 ’Tis… us There is an element of comic confusion in Putana’s panic: in orthodox theology, heaven would help people only if they did repent.
10 at these years at my age
11–12 qualms… pukings symptoms of pregnancy, including suddenly feeling faint (‘qualms’), frequent need to urinate (‘water-pangs’), and nausea (‘morning sickness’)
12 another thing Probably Annabella has stopped menstruating.
13 credit’s reputation’s
15 water urine. Examination of a patient’s water was a usual method of medical diagnosis in the seventeenth century.
17 case condition, state
18 amended recovered, feeling better espied realized
20 take no care not to worry
23 business things to do
24–6 lineation ed. (Doe… mee! / If… well, Q)
25 do does (colloquial usage)