Micah threw his arms around his mother’s neck and kissed her with an enthusiastic smack.
Mel couldn’t help the envy in her gut, either. Or the guilt that circled because of it. The feeling wasn’t for Micah specifically. She had a special relationship with the little boy, even if he’d never call her ‘Mommy.’ Didn’t want Micah Lucas to call her that, anyway.
She just wanted what Andi had. The child. The bond. The little person who looked just like his dad.
“What’s wrong, Mel?” Her friend’s blue eyes were concerned as she set her two-year-old to his feet.
Mel swallowed a sigh. “Nothin’. Had a great weekend with the boys, notwithstanding ‘the incident’ at Marty’s.”
Jared groaned at her air quotes and she flashed a smartass grin.
She’d meant it when she’d promised he’d be on his own regarding the toppled cart.
Cole arched a dark eyebrow.
Andi looked at Mel, Jared and back. Then at her husband. Her expression feared the worst.
“Of course, I’ll let Jer tell you all about that.” Mel beamed when her husband narrowed those beautiful mocha eyes she loved so much.
“The zoo was fun, Daddy!” Ethan announced, bouncing up and down and tugging on Cole’s hand. “Uncle Jared bought me a zebra, and Micah got a giraffe!”
“That’s awesome, E-man!” The tall detective ruffled red curls, then his steel gaze landed on his partner of three years. “What happened at the grocery store? Need I go request video footage?”
“Oh, God no.” Jared pinned Mel with a glare. “Just remember, when they leave, you’ll be stuck here. Alone. With me.”
She giggled.
“Let’s have a seat and you can tell me all about it.” Cole’s statement wasn’t a suggestion.
“Don’t kill him, okay? Sometimes I’m fond of him. But a maiming might be okay,” Mel offered.
Her husband’s partner wore an even more curious look, and threw his arm around Jared’s shoulders.
When her man feigned right to get away from him, Cole smirked and playfully shoved him forward, sending the kids into a fit of giggles.
The guys faded into the living room, taking the boys with them. Deep voices mixed with Ethan’s much higher one faded in and out.
Cole’s laughter followed.
“Aren’t you concerned?” Mel asked Andi, who’d stayed with her in the dining room.
“Nah, the boys are fine. Body parts all accounted for, no casts or limps.” She winked, and took a seat at the table.
Mel grinned.
“I trust you guys, wouldn’t leave my kids with you otherwise.”
“I know. Appreciate that. We really did have a great weekend.” She took a seat opposite her friend and sucked back another sigh.
The thousandth one of the weekend.
The female cop’s gaze was already appraising.
Darn detective.
“Did you and Cole have a nice weekend? I bet it was great to get away.”
Andi’s pretty face lit up and her chestnut ponytail bobbed with her nod. “It was awesome. The bed and breakfast was really nice, and the couple that runs it convinced me romance never dies. They’ve been married forty years, and are so cute. Still so in love.” She touched her cheek, and Mel smiled.
Her friend had no worries. Cole was completely head over heels for Andi. It was so obvious when they were together. But the detective hadn’t been digging for affirmation. Her expression was wistful; she was no doubt reminiscing over the weekend.
“I think Cole missed the kids more than I did. But I kept him…distracted.” She looked at Mel and flashed a grin that had them both laughing. Her face went pink up to her ears, contradicting her confession.
“That’s great to hear.”
“I love being a mom as much as I love being a cop, but sometimes parents need Mommy and Daddy time.”
She shoved away the sadness that hit at Andi’s lighthearted comment. She’d meant no harm. Mel swallowed and forced her eyes forward, instead of looking away like she wanted to.
Andi grabbed her hand. “Hey. What’s up? For real.”
“I hate that you notice stuff like that.”
Her smile was unapologetic. “Pete would be proud; he’s usually the more perceptive one.”
She spoke of her partner; Mel had always liked the other detective, and his wife, Nikki.
“Nothing’s wrong, really.”
Her friend gave her a long look that called her a liar. After all, they’d talked about this before.
She sighed. “I started my period Friday night. No baby. Again. It’s been months. Every time a start my period, I’m sure it’s never going to happen. Jared says I need to be patient; that it’ll happen when it’s supposed to, but…” She blinked away sudden tears and broke eye contact.
“He’s right, sweetie. Just relax. It will happen. Enjoy being with your man. Trying is fun. But we don’t want to tell our husbands they’re right, of course.” Andi squeezed the hand she still held.
She forced another nod.
“Wow, no smile for me? Not even a little one? I was trying to be funny.” Her eyes were wide when Mel looked back.
She managed a smirk. “I always enjoy being with Jared.”
“Babe, we should probably go. Gotta pack the car.” Cole popped his head in the dining room and paused. “Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Mel stood. Made her lips curve up. “You didn’t. Just chatting.”
Andi rose and tugged her into a hug. “It’ll be okay. Call me later if you wanna talk.” She pressed a kiss to Mel’s cheek. “Thanks again for keeping the boys. We had a great weekend.”
“Anytime. I mean it. Your kids are awesome.”
Cole flashed dimples and opened his arms. “Thanks. Ethan’s going on about the fun he had. Probably will for days.”
Mel went to her husband’s partner and stepped into his hug.
“Get your hands off my wife,” Jared playfully barked.
Cole held her tighter and she laughed. “Maybe I’ll keep them both.”
“Nah, two women are more trouble than one.” Andi’s voice was dry, but she grinned.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Cole quipped, and earned a smack from his wife.
They all laughed.
The guys shook hands and Mel kissed the boys.
Jared helped Cole get the boys’ paraphernalia into Andi’s SUV.
She waved as they pulled away, and couldn’t help but sigh. Sat on the top step of their small porch.
The sun would set soon, and there was a great view from the front of their house.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Jared drew her close when he took a seat beside her. His lips brushed her temple, then her cheek.
Instead of answering, she turned her face and met his mouth with hers.
It didn’t take him more than half a second to deepen the kiss. Their tongues danced and dueled, and Mel wound her arms around his neck, nestling close.
He kissed her until her toes curled, and desire settled low in her belly, making her wish her period was already over.
Jared rubbed her back and held her afterward, her cheek resting over his heart.
She closed her eyes, savoring the comfort of the thump thump of his heart, she could feel as well as hear.
“You didn’t answer me,” he whispered, pressing another kiss to her temple.
“Nothing’s wrong. Had a great weekend and I love sitting here like this with you.”
“I love sitting here like this with you, too. Even if my ass is already going numb.”
Mel laughed and lifted her head. “Don’t ruin it.”
He flashed a grin that had her insides wobbling. “Sorry.”
“You aren’t even.” She poked his chest, and Jared chuckled.
“Probably not. I am grateful you’re talking to me after ‘the incident.’” He made air quotes like she had earlier, and waggled his eyebrows.
She laughed again. “Well, you are lucky for that, I guess. What did Cole say?”
“He laughed, I told ya he would.”
She rolled her eyes. “Men.”
Jared’s grin widened and his pressed his lips to her forehead. “On a serious note, he was grateful no one was hurt badly. Ethan piped up his knee had a boo boo, but Cole didn’t kill me. If one of the boys would’ve been really hurt, I’m sure he would’ve.”
“I would’ve arranged a nice funeral.”
“Hey! That’s all I mean to you?”
She grinned and cocked her head to one side. “Maybe.”
Jared growled and kissed her.