Chapter 2. The organizational environment: In good company


If you want something done right…better hope you’re in the right kind of organization. All projects are about teamwork—but how your team works depends a lot on the type of organization you’re in. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the different types of organizations around—and which type you should look for the next time you need a new job.

A day in Kate’s life


PMOs can be supportive, controlling or directive

When an organization sets up a PMO, it can operate in a few different ways. A PMO can be supportive, helping teams standardize their project approaches by using the same document templates and practices for estimating and reporting on their progress. Some PMOs are controlling, confirming that teams are following all of the processes they’ve defined through audits, interviews, and observation of project documents and practices. Still others are directive, actually managing each project by assigning a PMO member to each one.


there are no Dumb Questions

Q: I’m still not clear on the difference between a project coordinator and a project expediter.

A: They’re actually pretty similar. A project expediter is somebody who keeps track of status but has no decision-making authority on a project at all. A project coordinator is someone who does pretty much the same thing, but does get to make some of the minor decisions on the project without having to run them by the functional manager. Coordinators usually report to somebody who is pretty high up in the organization, while expediters are more like assistants to the functional manager. Both of them usually exist in weak matrix or functional organizations.

Q: What’s the difference between the way teams are run in a functional organization and a projectized one?

A: Think of a major bookkeeping project being run by the admin department. Usually the head of admin is the one who is ultimately responsible for what happens to the project. If a project manager is called in to help out, she’s just there to keep things straight for the admin department manager. The team is made up of people who already report to the admin manager, so nobody questions his authority. That’s an example of a functional organization.

Contrast that with the way the bookkeeping project would be run if a consulting company that specialized in bookkeeping were contracted to do it. The company would assemble a team of bookkeepers and assign a project manager to lead them. When the project was over, the team would dissolve, and the team members would go join other teams working for other project managers. That’s how a projectized organization works. The team is organized around a project and not around a job function.

Q: Can I be an effective PM in a functional organization?

A: Since project managers don’t have much authority in a functional organization, it’s hard to have as much impact in a functional organization as you would in a matrix or projectized one.

Of course, you can be good at your job in any kind of organization. But, for your company to really get the most out of having project managers on staff, it really pays for it to look into changing the way it balances power. The project managers who are accountable for project success or failure should also have the chance to influence the team, budget, and schedule for those projects.

Q: Does the PMP exam favor any kind of organization?

A: When you’re taking the PMP exam, if you see a question that mentions a PM, then you should assume that the question is asking about a matrix organization if it doesn’t say up front which kind of organization is being described. Functional organizations are usually painted in a negative light because they tend to give less authority to project managers.

Back to Kate’s maintenance nightmare

Let’s figure out how things are working in Kate’s new organization, and start to think about how we can improve things.


Managing project constraints

When Kate thinks about solutions, she’s going to have to deal with the project’s constraints. Every project, regardless of what is being produced or who is doing the work, is affected by the constraints of time, scope, cost, quality, resources, and risk. These constraints have a special relationship with one another, because doing something to deal with one of the constraints always has an effect on the others.


Any time your project changes, you’ll need to know how that change affects all of the constraints.

For Kate’s project to succeed, she needs to think about the project constraints. If she doesn’t manage these six constraints at the same time, she’ll find that her project is either late, over budget, or unacceptable to her customers.

there are no Dumb Questions

Q: I’ve heard project constraints referred to as the “triple constraint.” But there are six of them here. What gives?

A: Some project managers focus on cost, scope, and time as the main constraints of a project. But just thinking about those three constraints doesn’t give a clear picture of all of the constraints you need to account for when planning a project. The important thing here is to understand that cost, time, scope, quality, risk, and resources are all related to each other. You need to pay attention to all of them and if you manage your project in favor of one of them, it will affect the others.

Q: I’ve heard of an old saying: “Faster, cheaper, better—pick two,” but doesn’t that mean that there are only two constraints that you can manage at any given time?

A: No, that’s an old (and somewhat cynical) project management saying. When a project manager says it to a customer or stakeholder, what he is saying is that there’s no way to reduce cost, shorten the schedule, and increase quality all at the same time. At least one of those things absolutely has to give…but the saying is a little disingenuous! We already know that all six of the constraints are related to each other, and there’s almost never an easy, obvious trade-off where you can sacrifice one to improve the others.

Q: What if I know that a change will impact just scope, but not schedule or cost or any of the other constraints? Can I go ahead and make it?

A: Whenever you are making a change that affects the project constraints, you need to be sure that the change is acceptable to your stakeholders. They’re the people who will be impacted by your project. The term applies to your team, your customer, your sponsor, and anybody else who is affected by the change.

A lot of project management is about evaluating what a change is going to do to your project constraints, and using that impact analysis to help stakeholders make choices about what to do when changes come up. Sometimes a change that affects the quality of your product is completely unacceptable to your stakeholders, and they would rather delay the project than sacrifice the product’s quality.

Q: In my organization, we have some projects that sound like they’re functional and some that are fully projectized. Where does that kind of organization fit in?

A: Sometimes a company that mostly runs its projects in a functional way will create a special team that gives the project manager more authority. When a company manages using many different types of organizational structure, it’s called a composite organization.

Q: Wait, this is a little confusing. What’s the difference between a composite organization and a hybrid one?

A: A composite organization is made up of multiple organizational structures. A hybrid organization takes practices from multiple types of lifecycles and creates its own approach to doing work. An example of a composite organization might be one where the organization is mostly functional but creates a project team where the project manager has authority in order to accomplish a temporary result. A hybrid organization, on the other hand, is one where the teams might be using predictive processes where they identify scope and deadlines up front for projects, but then put incremental delivery goals into the process so that they can get fast feedback from customers on unfinished products. Think of hybrid organizations as using a mix of traditional and agile development techniques and composite organizations as a mix of functional and cross-functional project teams.

A hybrid organization uses a mix of traditional and agile development practices.

Organization Magnets Solutions

In a functional organization, which is what Kate works in, project managers don’t have the authority to make major decisions on projects. Projectized organizations give all of the authority to the PM.


Can you work out which description goes with which organization type?


Exam Questions

  1. Which of the following is NOT a Project Constraint?

    1. Quality

    2. Scale

    3. Time

    4. Cost

  2. A project manager is running a data center installation project. He finds that his stakeholder is angry that he’s run over his budget because the staff turned out to be more expensive than planned. The stakeholder’s unhappy that when the project is over, the servers won’t have as much drive space as he needs. Which of the following constraints was not affected by this problem?

    1. Quality

    2. Resource

    3. Time

    4. Cost

  3. Which of the following is NOT an example of operational work?

    1. Building a purchase order system for accounts payable

    2. Submitting weekly purchase orders through a purchase order system

    3. Deploying weekly antivirus software updates

    4. Yearly staff performance evaluations

  4. You’re managing a project to build a new accounting system. One of the accountants in another department really likes the current system and is refusing to be trained on the new one. What is the BEST way to handle this situation?

    1. Refuse to work with him because he’s being difficult

    2. Appeal to the accountant’s manager and ask to have him required to take training

    3. Get a special dispensation so that the accountant doesn’t have to go to the training

    4. Work with him to understand his concerns and do what you can to help alleviate them without compromising your project

  5. Which of the following is used for identifying people who are impacted by the project?

    1. Resource list

    2. Stakeholder register

    3. Enterprise environmental factors

    4. Project plan

  6. Your manager asks you where to find a list of projects that should be managed together. What is the BEST place to find this information?

    1. Project plan

    2. Project charter

    3. Portfolio charter

    4. Program charter

  7. You want to know specifically which business goal a group of projects and programs is going to accomplish. Which is the BEST place to look for this information?

    1. Project plan

    2. Project charter

    3. Portfolio charter

    4. Program charter

  8. A project coordinator is having trouble securing programmers for her project. Every time she asks her boss to give a resource to the project he says that they are too busy to help out with her project. Which type of organization is she working in?

    1. Functional

    2. Weak matrix

    3. Strong matrix

    4. Projectized

  9. A project manager is having trouble getting customer feedback on her project. Even though she knows the product won’t be complete for several months, the company guidelines say she should release an early version and get feedback from end users. Which type of organization is she working for?

    1. Functional

    2. Virtual

    3. Hybrid

    4. Projectized

  10. The project manager for a construction project discovers that a new water line is being created in the neighborhood where he’s managing a project. Government regulations require that a series of forms for city environmental changes need to be filled out before his team can continue work on the project. This is an example of:

    1. A portfolio

    2. A program

    3. An enterprise environmental factor

    4. A project

Exam Answers

  1. Answer: B

    Scale is not a project constraint. The constraints are scope, time, cost, quality, resource, and risk.

  2. Answer: C

    There is no mention of the project being late or missing its deadlines in the example. The project was over budget, which affects the project’s cost. The project won’t meet the stakeholder’s requirements, which is a quality problem. And the staff was more expensive than planned, which is another cost problem.

  3. Answer: A

    Building a purchase order system for accounts payable is a project. It’s a temporary effort that has a unique result.

  4. Answer: D

    When a stakeholder is negatively impacted by your project, you need to manage his expectations and help him to buy into your project.

  5. Answer: B

    The stakeholder register is where you identify all of the people who are impacted by your project.

  6. Answer: D

    A program is a group of projects that should be managed together because of interdependencies. A program charter fits the description in this question.


    Usually there’s some benefit to the company by managing them together.

  7. Answer: C

    A portfolio charter will give the business goal that a group of projects and programs will accomplish as part of a portfolio.

  8. Answer: A

    Since the project manager has to ask permission from the functional manager and can’t overrule him, she’s working in a functional organization.

  9. Answer: C

    The project manager in this scenario is working for a hybrid organization. She used predictive methods to understand that her project won’t be completed for several months and is about to use adaptive methods to get early feedback on the unfinished product.

  10. Answer: C

    Since the project manager is filling out the forms because of a government regulation, this is a good example of an enterprise environmental factor—specifically, an external enterprise environmental factor.