Using the memory graph hierarchy tool

Now that we've properly configured our project, let's take a look at the tool itself.

Let's use the following code, for the sake of having a simple, working command-line Hello World! application:

class Hello {
func world() {
print("Hello, World!")

let hello = Hello() // set a breakpoint here

The preceding code is pretty simple; it just prints Hello, World! in the console.

With a breakpoint set on the line, run your program, and, in the Debug toolbar, hit the icon that looks like a graph. It will open the Memory Graph Hierarchy tool:

You can also access it from the debug navigator menu, as follows:

Voilà! We get the result shown in the following screenshot:

Grandiose memory debug tool

This is the grandiose memory debug tool. As with many tools within Xcode, the screen is split into three main components:

There are two very useful shortcuts that are also presented in this screen, shown as follows:

The shortcuts are as follows:

This tool is very powerful, and it's very important to master it. It will ultimately help you to better understand how your applications and projects behave. While for the sake of demonstration we used very simple code examples, and they didn't yield any issues, in the next section, you'll see the most common issues that you may encounter while tracking down memory leaks.