In Swift, any class, struct, or protocol can be extended. In this case, we can improve implementation of the adapter pattern for MixpanelInstance by using an extension, as follows:
extension MixpanelInstance: Tracking {
func record(event: String, properties: [String : String]?) {
track(event: event, properties: properties)
With this pattern, there is no need to create a wrapper instance and forward implementation calls in the wrapper. Depending on your code base, use case, and particularities, you may find it easier to use extensions over wrapping as a method:
let tracker: Tracking
tracker = FirebaseTrackingAdapter()
} else {
tracker = Mixpanel.mainInstance()
Tracker.shared.set(trackingAdapter: tracker)
In this particular use case, it is to be noted that leveraging extensions does not work for the static implementation of the Firebase Analytics class. It is a limitation to consider when deciding how to implement the adapter pattern.