
Abdel-Azim, E., 320

Abelson, R. P., 51-52, 324

Absurd, 30, 47

Absurdiceptors, 85

Absurdity, 15

Academicians, 281

Accessibility, cognitive, 266-267

Acronym, 5

Adams, Katharine Donnelly, xiii

Adams, Patch, 283

Adams, Reginald B., Jr., ix, xii, xiii, 320

Adams, Scott, 80

Adaptation, evolutionary theory, 10-11, 38, 43, 58, 62, 63, 90, 91, 94-95, 97, 111, 125-126, 127, 258, 274n, 289

Adaptive behavior, 54, 59, 251

Addiction, 84, 294

to alcohol, 1, 81-82

to caffeine, 1

to chocolate, 1

to drugs, 81-82

to endorphins, xi, 253

to food, 81-82

to gambling, 81-82

to humor, 1, 26, 62, 253, 290, 294

to laziness, 81-82

to mind candy, xi

to music, 1, 253

to peek-a-boo, 220

to sex and affection, 81-82

to tobacco, 1

Additives, 217, 250. See also Spice(s)

Adrenaline, 68, 70, 221

Aesop, 154, 272

Aesthetics, 80n, 289

Affordance, 9

Agency, 242, 243

Aggression, 52n, 262-263, 291, 296

and nonaggression, 40, 261, 262

AGI models, 86, 88, 89n

Agora, Van, xiii

“Aha!,” 60, 78, 125, 214, 219, 294

AI, strong, 5, 86n. See also Artificial intelligence

AI, weak, 86n. See also Artificial intelligence

AI-complete, 4, 5, 88, 95, 298

AI-hard, 5n

Ainslie, G., 82, 84, 91, 305

Akins, K., 119, 310

Alarm calls, false-alarm, 262-263, 290-291

Alcohol, 1, 82, 128

Alexander, R. D., 60, 305

Algorithm, ix, x, 4-6, 83, 86-89, 296

Algorithmic approach to humor, 4, 5, 296

Allegiance probing, 7, 12, 265

Allin, A., 221n, 315

Allison, Mose, 19

Allman, J. M., 327

Almost-puns. See Puns, almost-

Altmann, G. T. M., 98-99, 316

Alvarado, N., 133n, 223, 315

Ambadara, Z., 305

Ambiguity, 29, 46, 99-100, 106, 110, 134, 135, 136, 165-166, 180, 203, 209, 281

Ambivalence theory, 44n, 288

American Heritage Dictionary, 16, 322

America’s Funniest Home Videos, 152, 153

Amusement, xii, 4, 16, 24-25, 132, 140, 145, 181, 198, 203, 210, 219n, 220, 257, 264, 290, 296. See also Mirth


herbs as, 288

mirth and laughter as, 284-285, 288

morphine as, 70n, 253

Anderson, Barton L., 232

Anderson, J. R., 86, 101, 305

Anderson, S. W., 321

Andreasson, K., 305

Angelman disorder, 21

Anger, 19, 31, 48, 71, 83, 86, 172, 198, 257-259, 287

Anglophone academics, as target audience, 34n

Anthropocentrism, 155-157

Anthropomorphism, 55, 59, 133, 145, 155-157, 293

Anticipation, 18, 51, 53-54, 72, 123, 126, 146, 152, 156, 161, 171, 174, 182, 220, 222, 235, 243, 250, 251-254, 263, 264-265, 297. See also Expectation

Anticipation generation, 62n, 93-95, 97, 102, 107, 120, 127, 136, 147, 166, 221, 222, 264, 299, 302. See also “Producing future”

Anxiety, 79, 147, 217, 257, 263, 288

Aoki, T., 320

Apes, 39-40, 55n, 91, 125, 131, 261, 262, 291

Aphorisms, 214

Apple-peeler, 9-10

Apples, 9, 38, 242-243

Appraisal, 66n, 69, 70n, 73, 133, 252-253

Apter, M. J., 50-51, 305

Archimedes, 48, 122

Arctic, 243, 245

Aristocrats, The, 292

Aristophanes, 31n

Aristotle, 41, 43, 53, 59, 64, 90, 305, 321, 323

Arms race, evolutionary, 23, 264, 268, 292

Arms race, in pornography tastes, 156n

Armstrong, Neil, 104

Arnold, M. B., 70n, 305

Aron, A. P., 217, 275, 295, 311

Arousal, 133, 176, 217-219, 227-229, 247, 251, 252, 275, 284, 295

Arroyo, S., 21, 22, 25, 305

Art(s), x, 128-129, 140, 159, 251, 274, 280, 289, 301

of caricature, 239

humor as a, 6, 270-283, 301

Artificial agent with humor, 3-5, 27, 297-299

Artificial general intelligence, 86, 88, 89n. See also Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, 65-66, 86-88, 89n, 95, 121n, 218

Aschersleben, G., 316

Ashraf, A. B., 133n, 305

Asimov, Isaac, 1

Assessment of intellect, 11-12, 264-269, 294, 295

Assumption, 32-33, 99, 118, 121, 125, 127, 132, 134, 137, 151, 153, 158, 161, 162, 163, 168-169, 172, 175, 186-188, 191, 193, 195, 200, 203-206, 209, 230, 232, 235, 240, 243, 249-250, 254, 276, 293-294. See also Jump to a conclusion; Leap to a conclusion


in activity of belief, 198-199

of directional concepts, 136

of empathy, in Boorstin’s perspectives, 142

of knowledge, 160

perspectival, 148-155, 213

Atkinson, Rowan, 147, 234

Atom, 240, 242

Atomic level of analysis, 160, 252

Attardo, S., 5n, 46, 50-51, 59, 100, 305

Attention, 40, 58, 71, 77, 85, 91, 95, 98, 158n, 211, 235-236, 280, 284, 295, 297

as social capital, 295

Attraction, human sexual, 128, 217, 291, 295

Austin, J. L., 27

Autism, 180

Aversive touch, of tickling, 221-229

Awe, 202, 251

Azim, E., 35, 305, 320

Bacharowski, J., 269, 321

Bachelor party, 215

Background assumptions, shared. See Knowledge, shared

Bad joke, 213, 216

Bain, Alexander, 42, 48, 49, 194, 305

Baker, K. H., 284, 311

Baldwin effect, 126n, 155, 269

Balshine, S., 35, 307

Barber, E. W., 272, 305

Barber, P. T., 272, 305

Baron-Cohen, S., 306

Barry, Dave, x

Barsalou, L. W., 77n, 113, 314

Bartlett, F., 52n, 306

Basic humor, 117, 121, 127, 130-138, 144, 147, 214n, 243. See also First-person humor

Batali, J., 260, 321

Bates, E. A., 311

Batesian mimicry, 23

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 257

Behavior, covert, 74, 76-78, 89, 110, 201, 289. See also Cognitive behavior

Behnke, E. J., 313

Bekoff, M., 80n, 260, 325

Belencaia, Adriana, xiii


active, 157, 177, 179, 187, 188-189, 194, 197, 199, 201, 208n, 225, 230, 242, 288

attribution of, 6, 65n, 143, 147-150, 152-153, 158n, 161-162, 169, 178, 293, 298

commitment (see Epistemic commitment)

default, 103, 104, 110, 163, 166, 170, 172, 173, 176, 181, 198, 199, 223, 282, 294

“false,” 111, 113, 121, 124, 132, 137, 192-193, 195, 197, 198, 206-208, 216, 234, 244, 250, 265, 287-288, 294, 295, 298

high-level, 223, 225, 227

inferential, 152, 185-187, 187, 204-205

perceptual, 225

tacit, 225, 231-232

Benefit, evolutionary, 10, 38, 40, 58-59, 74-76, 81, 154, 258-260, 263-264

Bennett, A., 63

Benny, Jack, 93, 276

Bereavement, 284

Bergen, B., 306

Bergson, H., 54-55, 59, 141, 155, 176, 257, 293, 306

Bergstrom, C. T., 263, 306

Bile, 24

Binsted, K., 5, 306

Biological theory of humor, 1, 7, 9, 23, 37-39

Bipersonal humor, 151, 153, 168, 172, 216

Bird song, 260

Bishop, M., 65, 324

Black, D., 21, 224n, 306

Black boxes, audience members as, 275

Blackmore, S., 11, 306

Blakemore, S. J., 221, 222, 227, 306

Blakeslee, S., 40, 48, 146n, 222, 223, 225, 261, 262, 323

Blind Men and the Elephant, The: A Hindoo Fable, 287

Bloom, P., 146, 306

Blushing, 68, 74, 258

Bonanno, G. A., 20, 284, 317

Bonding, social group, 11, 225

Books, of comedy, 294

Boorstin, J., 140-142, 153, 171, 207, 279, 306

Boorstinian perspectives, 140-142, 153, 171, 207, 279

Booth, Stephen, 252-253, 280-283, 306

Borges, J. L., 188, 306

Borges, Priscilla, xiii

Bower, G. H., 72n, 101, 306

Boyd, R., 11, 118n, 271, 291, 306, 323

Boyer, P., 38, 159, 306

Boyle, Charles, 16

Br’er Rabbit, 249

Brains, x, xi, 12, 62-64, 66-69, 76-77, 83, 93-96, 101-103, 118-121, 125-126, 128-129, 129n, 130, 158, 178, 216, 218-220, 228, 239, 251, 279, 292, 301-302. See also Neural funny bone

electrophysiology, 52

functional architecture of, 2, 4, 21, 25, 97, 101, 289-290, 299

Brain scans, 35, 179, 302

Branigan, C., 313

Breazeal, C., 86, 307

Brennan, S., 239, 307

Bressler, E., 35, 307

Brewer, M., 181n, 307

Bridge experiment, 217, 295

Broadbent, D. E., 98, 307

Brooks, Mel, 141

Brooks, Rodney, 307

Brun, M., 80n, 323

Bryant, J., 217, 275, 307

Bubb, C. C., 117, 215, 218, 249, 307

Buddhist, 32

Burgdorf, J., 125n, 261, 321

Butt of the joke, 40, 43, 139, 140, 162, 246, 248, 267, 288, 292

Buxman, K., 284, 317

Byers, J. A., 80n, 260, 307

By-product, evolutionary, 10, 48, 127, 154, 225, 254-255, 257, 274n, 289

Byrne, A., 193n, 307

Caffeine, 1. See also Coffee

Calculus, mathematical, 175

Calculus, social, 76

Call, J., 55n, 145, 290, 307, 326, 327

Campbell, W. K., 312

Camus, A., 15

Candid Camera, 163

Cangiano, Caston, xiii

Cannon, W. B., 69, 307

Cantor, J. R., 217, 275, 307

Caricature, 7, 55, 138, 239, 274, 302

Carlin, George, 24, 136n, 276

Carlson, G. N., 308, 324

Carpenter, Karen, 214

Carr, J., 67, 150, 275, 283, 296, 307

Carrey, Jim, x, 7

Carroll, N., 242, 307

Cartoon(s), 7, 17, 35, 60, 68, 274, 294, 302

analyzing humor, 278

Darwin caricature, 241

Dilbert anticipating problems, 94

Kasparov chess, 83

Mother Goose and Grimm, “funny noise,” 183

XKCD, hypothetical situation, 96

Cartwright-Smith, J., 22n, 318

Caruthers, D., 319

Casey, K. L., 70n, 319

Catch trials, 181

Cathcart, T., 112, 178, 285n, 307

Causation, theory of, 18, 78

Censor model of humor, 44, 51, 52, 204-206

“Central conundrum” of humor, 26

Chair sculpture. See Oops!, sculpture

Challenged expectations, 183, 184

Challengers (beliefs), 184, 185

Chalmers, D. J., 65, 77n, 85, 154, 307, 308

Chambers, C. G., 99, 308, 324

Channon, S., 129n, 327

Chaplin, Charlie, x, 7, 146

Chapman, A. J., 35, 308

Chasing, in play, 152, 261-263, 293

Cheating, 75, 76n, 82, 198-199, 258-259

Chena, T., 305

Cheney, D. L., 262, 308, 325

Chess, ix, x, 66, 83n, 88, 93-94, 107, 188, 191-192, 232, 263, 296

Chevrolet brain, 12, 126

Children, humor and mirth in, 32, 35, 38, 42, 58, 157, 180, 220-221, 242, 266-267, 275, 298. See also Infants

Chimpanzees, 90, 125-126, 261-263, 290-291

play in, 145, 261

theory of mind in, 145

Chislenko, Alexander, xii, 159n, 308

Chocolate, 1, 2, 214n, 218

Christenfeld, N., 39, 228, 315

Chwalisz, K., 69, 308

Circular definition, 24. See also Definition, circular

Clark, A., 65, 85, 154, 308, 322

Clark, M., 219n, 308

Clarke, A., 127, 308

Classifying humor, 143, 156, 280. See also Humor, taxonomy of

Cleverness, 120, 123, 198, 246-249, 267. See also Wit

Close, M., 160, 273, 308

Closure, 107-108, 301

Coffee, 105, 107, 214n, 218

Cognition, xii, 63, 66, 70n, 73, 79, 83-91, 95, 97, 100-101, 104, 117, 120, 154, 297, 298

distributed, 154

embodied, 69, 85, 89-92

extended, 154

Cognitive accessibility, 266-267

Cognitive agent, 289, 297-298

Cognitive anchor, 203

Cognitive architecture, 17, 18, 65, 76, 86, 89, 94, 117, 123-125

Cognitive behavior, 77-78, 80, 86, 292. See also Behavior, covert

Cognitive bug, 225

Cognitive censors, 52, 204-206

Cognitive collusion, 154

Cognitive elaboration, 204n

Cognitive emotions, 66, 81, 85, 87. See also Epistemic emotions

Cognitively impenetrable belief, 227n

Cognitive mastery, 266-268

Cognitive mechanisms, 26, 103n

Cognitive processes, 66, 70, 301-302

Cognitive processing, 5, 61, 62

Cognitive scaffolding, 65

Cognitive science, 4, 39n, 66, 83-84, 280

Cognitive theory, 6, 57

Cohen, T., 33-34, 308

Coherence, 15, 62n, 98, 124

Cohesion, group, 269

Cohn, J. F., 305

Collins, A. M., 101, 308

Collins, J. E., II, 17, 49, 50, 173, 202-204, 206, 328

Color-blindness, 18, 298

Color perception, 16-18, 178, 298, 301

Combinatorial explosion, 93, 96, 97, 192, 297

Comedian(s), 1, 16, 54, 60, 93n, 112, 130, 157, 158n, 164, 181, 216, 240, 246, 255, 265, 270, 272, 275, 281, 290, 295

gene for, 291

Comedy, x, 1, 7, 23, 39n, 55, 60-61, 68, 117, 139, 159, 164, 182n, 189, 219-220, 228, 229, 270, 271, 277, 278-280, 294, 301, 302

Comedy clubs, 294

Comedy-in-the-wild. See Humor “in the wild”

Comic essence, 271

Commitment. See Epistemic commitment

Commitment indicator, used in joke analysis, 161-162, 165, 166, 169, 171, 173

Commitment problem, 74-75, 81

Common ancestor, of logic and humor, 292

Common code theory, 77n

Common knowledge. See Knowledge, shared

Communication, 235, 255, 258-263, 291

intention in, 160, 270

laughter as, 23, 38, 58, 131, 257-270

Competition, 41, 43, 83, 88, 147, 250, 261, 263, 265, 269, 288, 292, 295-296

in the brain, 13, 86, 89, 90-91, 118, 120-121, 140, 284, 297, 298

of jokes as memes, 272

sexual, 7, 128, 263-264, 295

Complexity theory, 4, 5n

Comprehension, 6, 35, 51, 89, 91, 97-105, 110, 114, 118-123, 134-135, 148, 175, 204-206, 209, 249, 253, 254, 294

Compression tool, used in joke analysis, 163, 169

Computation, 102, 297

theory of, 4

Computational model of humor, 3-6, 86-88, 129

Computational problem of humor, xi, 12

Conation, 83

Conception, 47, 50, 59, 72, 77n, 113-114, 148, 183-184, 206

Conception of babies, 179

Conception/perception distinction, 113-114

Concepts, 77, 91-92, 97, 101, 136, 197, 228

Conceptual blending, 85, 97

Concern, 142, 184, 185, 188, 197, 254, 262

Confectioners, 68, 270, 288

Conflict resolution, 79, 111-116

Confusion, 21-22, 27, 29, 79, 81, 84-85, 87, 91, 110-115, 124, 184, 194-197, 201, 230, 254, 276-277, 281, 282, 286n, 288

Connoisseurship, 219, 267, 295

Conscious accessibility, 19, 26, 110, 221, 242, 282, 302

Consciousness, 13, 115, 123-124, 126, 131, 199, 200, 281, 302

Contagion of laughter, 22n, 262, 268, 284

Context free, 17

Contradiction, 15, 52, 54, 62n, 64n, 79, 84-85, 87, 98, 100-102, 112-114, 118, 124, 175, 184, 188-189, 192, 195-197, 201, 209-210, 230, 240, 242, 281, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294

Contrastive valence, 45n, 253. See also Limbic contrast

Co-opting, 43, 263, 264-270, 291

Corbit, J. D., 140, 325

Correa, Rodrigo, xiii

Coser, R. L., 269, 308

Cosmic coincidence, 18

Cosmides, L., 289, 327

Coulson, S., 52, 98, 100, 122, 126, 204, 306, 308, 309

Counterexamples, 177, 182-201

Counterfactuals, 72, 126, 191, 244, 290, 291, 293

Cousins, N., 284, 309

Covert entry, 118-119, 121, 127, 132, 135, 147, 158, 161, 162, 165, 167, 169, 170, 179, 181, 193, 208n, 225, 230, 238, 272

Cows, 266

Craig, A. D., 70n, 309

Crawford, M., 34, 309

Creativity, 84-85, 141n, 290

Credit-assignment problem, 218-219, 295

Cress, Jacob, 180, 236

Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, 21

Crick, F., 43

Cuckoo chick, 12

Cultural ecosystems, 292

Cultural evolution, 12, 30, 63, 68, 117, 128, 155, 213, 270, 274n, 277n, 291

Cultural fitness, 214

Cultural magnification, 122

Cultural replicators, 11, 290

Cultural selection, 214

Cultural symbiont, 11

Cultural transmission

of habit, 268-269

of information, 154, 164

Culture, 32, 35n, 38, 52, 58, 96, 100, 154, 214, 215, 220, 249, 259n, 262, 271, 295, 298, 301

vs. instinct, 38

Currie, G., 193n, 309

Cuteness, 67-68n, 74

Dachille, Lindsay, xii

Damasio, A. R., 66, 69, 71, 72, 73, 84, 97n, 111, 309, 321

Damasio, H., 321

Darwin, Charles, 7, 8, 39, 239, 261, 290, 309

caricature of, 239, 241

post-Darwinian biology, 3

Darwin-Hecker hypothesis, 39, 228

Data, 66, 72, 77, 86-87, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103n, 106, 118, 120, 146, 163-164, 185, 205, 209-210, 234, 289. See also Knowledge

for analysis of humor, 39, 130, 148, 159, 178, 299

empirical, ix, 5n, 8, 20, 26-27, 99, 102, 125, 133, 181, 295, 302

Data (character on Star Trek), 3, 299

Data consistency. See Data integrity

Data integrity, 67, 127, 274, 275n, 289, 291, 294, 297, 299

checking of, 290, 292

Daum, I., 129n, 327

Davidson, K., 318

Davidson-Katz, K., 284, 318

Dawkins, R., 11, 259, 263, 309

Deacon, T. W., 122, 125, 262, 291, 294, 309

Death, 217, 221, 289

Debugging, xi, 111, 118, 120-121, 129n, 133, 178, 199, 234, 277, 288, 293-295, 297

Deception, trickery, 28, 110, 138, 145, 151, 155, 161-163, 168, 174, 184, 185, 193, 198, 216, 227n, 235, 243-244, 263, 269n

Deception indicator, used in joke analysis, 162

Decision making, 72, 76, 83, 84, 86n, 88, 90, 97n, 118n

Deconstruction, of text, 216

Deep Blue, 88

Definition, circular. See Circular definition

Deformity, 41, 55, 242

DeGeneres, Ellen, 216

De Groot, A. M. B., 309

Déjà vu, 25, 122

Delirium, 250

Del Prete, Sandro, 226

Demons, 243

Dennett, D. C., ix, xii, xiii, 10, 11, 24, 25, 26, 32, 55, 62, 63, 66, 67, 87, 91, 96, 106, 115, 119, 123, 124, 126, 130n, 143, 148, 154, 167, 171, 179, 181, 199, 200, 252n, 253n, 271, 290, 309-310, 314, 319

Dennett, Susan, xiii

Dependent variables, 178, 179, 181

Depew, D. J., 269, 327

Depression, 38, 286

Derision, 41, 42, 137, 238

Descartes, R., 53, 70, 310

Desiderata, 289

Designer drugs, 274

Desire attribution, 6

de Sousa, R., 66, 310

Development, 2, 6n, 35, 220, 261, 266

de Waal, F., 261, 312

Diamond, J., 271, 311

Diener, E., 69, 308

Differential cultural replication, 158, 290

Differential reproductive costs, 295

Dillon, K. M., 284, 311

Diminishment, 50, 173, 203

Dirty jokes, x, 61, 214n

Dirty mind, 265

Disambiguation, 29, 99-100, 209, 281-282. See also Ambiguity

Disappointment, 141-142n, 192, 254, 282-283, 286n

Discovery, 13, 25, 27, 60, 67, 78-79, 87, 119, 122-125, 127, 214, 219, 254, 288, 292, 293, 294. See also Insight

Discrimination, in sense of humor, 11-12

Disparagement, 42, 58-59, 249, 292

Display of intellect, 291

Dissonance, 242

Distress, 91, 254

“D’oh,” 161, 174, 190

Dolitsky, M., 119, 311

Dolphins, 55n

Domestication, evolution of, 271

Double take, 164, 243

Doubt, 79n, 81, 110, 111, 187, 188, 276, 288

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 192-193

Drunkenness, 41, 128, 161, 183, 185, 217, 259

Dual-perspective humor, 151, 169, 172, 173

Duchenne, G., 19-20, 178, 311

Duchenne laughter, 19-25, 39-40, 133, 140, 142, 178, 179, 284, 296

vs. non-Duchenne laughter, 267, 269, 284

Duck, 230

Dumouchel, P., 258n, 323

Dutton, D., 217, 275, 295, 311

Eastman, M., 40, 42, 130, 157, 176, 311

Eberhard, K. M., 308, 325, 326

Eccles, J. C., 322

Ecological validity, 181n

Ecology, mental spaces as, 246

Eddy, T. J., 290, 322

Edelman, M., 35, 321

Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I., 38, 262, 311

Einon, D. F., 260, 311, 322

Ekman, P., 20, 23n, 70, 311, 312

Elaboration, 98, 204n, 291

Eleck, R. E., 22n, 318

Electrostimulation, 25

Elephant, and the blind men, 287

Elliot’s problem, 96n

Ellsworth, P., 311

Elman, J. L., 89n, 311

Elster, J., 66, 311

Emotion(s), 6, 7, 12, 21, 22n, 24-26, 45, 61, 146n, 147, 155, 165, 167, 217, 219, 228, 247, 249, 250-254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 284-285, 297, 302

conflicting, 146n

dynamics of, 279

epistemic (see Epistemic emotions)

interfering, 139-142, 189-190

lack of, 3, 142

concurrent with mirth, 155, 165, 167, 190, 192, 198, 219, 228n, 288

non-interference of other, 179

Emotional algorithms, 86

Emotional amplifier, 253

Emotional embodiment, 69, 91-92

Emotional mechanism, 289

Emotional processes, 301

Emotional responses, unconscious, 242

Empathic perspective, 279

Empathy, 140, 141, 146n, 153, 207-208

Endorphins, xi, 253

Energy, nervous, 44

Enev, Miro, xiii

Enhancement effects, 180

Entertainment industry, 294

Enthymematic jokes, 32

Epilepsy, 25, 55

gelastic, 21

Epinephrine, 68n. See also Adrenaline

Epistemic actions, 191

Epistemic capacities, 91, 184, 186, 299

Epistemic caution, 109-111, 152, 158, 162, 191, 200, 215, 223, 231

Epistemic commitment, 91, 104-116, 118, 121, 124, 131-132, 134, 149, 152-153, 155, 158, 160-162, 164-166, 168-173, 175, 177, 179, 186-187, 191, 192, 194-195, 197-198, 200, 202, 208n, 221-222, 225, 229, 234-235, 238-239, 254, 279, 288, 292-293, 295

Epistemic emotions, 66-67, 66n, 76-80, 84-92, 111, 122-127, 214, 249, 254, 259, 282, 289, 299

adaptive purpose for, 289

Epistemic incompatibility, 184

Epistemic integrity, 154. See also Data integrity

Epistemic power, 184-187, 225, 234

Epistemic predicament, 298

Epistemic reconciliation chart, 116, 234

Epistemic strength. See Epistemic power

Epistemic undecidability, 184, 196

potent, 184-185

weak (asymmetric), 185

Erb, M., 328

“Eroica” Symphony, 194

ERP experiments, 52

Errors, 249. See also Mistakes

Escher, M. C., 229

Essentialism, 3

Ethnicity, 280

Ethnic slur jokes, 32

Eugenspiegel, Till, 249

Eureka!, 1, 122, 123, 254

Evolution, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 40, 144n, 213, 243n, 258, 264, 274, 290, 291, 292, 294, 299

cultural (see Cultural evolution)

of funny bone, 12

of laughter, 262

Evolutionary benefit. See Benefit, evolutionary

Evolutionary explanation, 6, 289

Evolutionary theory, 63

of emotion, 74-76, 127-130

Exaptation, 7, 23, 154, 255, 269, 274n

Expectation(s), 18, 27-29, 42, 45n, 47, 49n, 50, 54, 59, 62n, 72, 84, 93, 97, 99, 100, 102, 106-108, 110, 121, 134, 138, 145n, 146, 148, 152, 154, 158, 163, 165n, 168, 170, 171, 172-174, 182, 183, 185-187, 191, 194, 198-200, 202, 203-205, 209-210, 217, 221-222, 234-235, 238-240, 250-254, 262-264, 279, 288, 291, 293. See also Anticipation

strained, 47, 253

violation of, 108, 138, 199-200, 240

Experimental controls, 181

Extended cognition, 154

Externalization, 18-19, 43


of behavioral traits, 74

of the humor trait, 274

of jokes, 32-33, 215

Fables, 154, 272

Facial action coding (FAC), 133, 223

Facial expressions, 22, 181, 275

Fadiga, L., 313, 323

Fagen, R., 80n, 260, 311

Fallon, J., 142

False alarm, 70, 146n, 253, 268, 290-291

signal, 262

theory, 146n, 262, 268

False expectations, 99

False negatives, 178

False positives, 162, 178, 188

Falsifiability, 159, 177-182, 197

Family resemblances, 201, 213

Fan, Justina, xii

Fauconnier, Gilles, xiii, 77, 85, 97-98, 126, 130n, 290, 312

Faulty inference, 111, 209, 276, 289, 293. See also Reasoning, mistakes in

Feedback, 22n, 69-73, 90, 92, 191, 228, 285-286

Feldman, J. A., 312

Feminism, 175, 295

Fernandez-Dols, J. M., 259, 312

Fibonacci series, ix

Fictional mental spaces. See Fictions

Fictions, 98, 103, 113, 120, 133, 138, 156, 165, 192-193, 243, 261, 289-291

Fields, W. C., x

Filip, H., 308

Filling in, 32, 103, 172, 282

First-person humor, 131, 133, 135, 137-139, 142, 143, 147, 148-157, 165n, 170, 180, 182, 188, 190, 207, 213, 216, 223, 227, 234-235, 246, 288, 292. See also Basic humor

audience-subject coincidence in, 156

First-person perceptual reality, 98, 261, 291

First-person perspective, 131, 261

Fisher, R. S., 305


genetic, 10, 11, 43, 63, 259, 263, 274-275n, 290-291

memetic, 214

Flack, J. C., 261, 312

Flattery, 268, 291

Flavor perception, 82, 178. See also Sweetness

Flavors, of mirth and other emotions, 68, 123, 147, 216, 236, 238, 247

Fluid Analogies Research Group (FARG), 85, 88, 89n, 100, 101, 235, 307, 310, 316

fMRI, 35

Fodor, J., 89n, 312

Fogassi, L., 313, 323

Folk funnies, 290

Folk hero, 174, 249

Folklore, 299

Folk psychology, 55n, 160

Folk theories of humor, 26, 179, 243

Fool, 15-16, 41

Fooled, being, 44, 223, 225, 227, 230, 277

Foolishness, 190

Foot, H. C., 35, 308

Forgetting, 157, 188-191

Forster, K. I., 98, 317

“Forward model,” 222

Foster, C. A., 217, 312

Fowler, Malcolm, 236

Frame problem, 96-97, 107, 164

Frames, 51-52, 97, 100-102, 103, 155, 205

Frame-shifting, 51-53, 100, 204-205

Francis, R., 2, 312

Frank, M., 20, 312

Frank, R. H., 66, 74-75, 75n, 78, 81, 84, 258, 259, 312

Franklin, S., 86, 312

Fredrickson, B. L., 140, 313

French, R., 77n, 89n, 101, 307, 313

Freud, S., 37, 44-45, 51-52, 205n, 313

Freudenstein, T., 262, 315

Frey, Seth, xii

Fridlund, A. J., 39, 259, 313

Fried, I., 25, 313

Friend, T., 54, 313

Friendliness, with regard to social capital, 295

Friesen, W. V., 20, 23n, 311, 312

Frijda, N. H., 73, 313

Frith, C., 221, 306

Frith, U., 306

Frog, 137, 154, 289

Frontal lobe, 25

Frozen accident, evolutionary, 43

Fructose, 1. See also Sugar

Fry, W. F., 284, 313

Funhouse, 49

Funny, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 35, 46, 50, 53, 55, 61, 99, 110, 123, 129, 130-131, 133, 135, 137, 139-140, 142, 145, 148, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 167, 170, 171, 173, 188, 195, 196n, 199, 213, 214, 249, 279, 280, 302

intrinsically, 17

why some jokes are more so than others, 213, 216-219

words for in other languages, 28-30

Funny bone, 2, 6, 10, 62, 117, 129n, 133, 271, 274, 290

two senses of, 28

Funny-ha-ha, 27-34, 183, 184, 186

Funny-huh, 27-34, 79, 182, 184, 186

Fusiform gyrus, 25

Gallagher, D., 69, 308

Gallese, V., 77n, 207, 313, 323

Ganis, G., 77n, 113, 317

Garden-path sentence(s), 98-99

Gardner, Martin, ix

Gargalesis, 221n

Gazzaniga, M. S., 125, 313

Gender, 280

differences, 11, 34-35, 45, 60, 294-296

Gene(s), 2, 6n, 12, 38, 43, 58, 74-75, 79, 81, 260

of bacteria, 144

gene’s eye point of view, 74-75, 79, 258-259

genes for x, 2

Generality, 33, 60, 294

General Problem Solver, 65

Genome, 269

Gervais, M., 20, 22, 39-40, 261, 313

Gesture, 7, 20, 164, 276, 277

Gesundheit! Institute, 283

Getting a joke, 19, 25, 27, 60, 107, 119, 130

Gibbard, A., 259n, 313

Gigerenzer, G., 118n, 313

Gilbert, William, 15

Giobbi, R., 277

Glee, xi, 3, 50, 268

Glitch, 43, 113, 251

Glucose, 1, 2, 301. See also Sugar

God(s), 53, 156, 243

GOFAI processing model, 106

Goldstein, D. G., 38, 118n, 313

Goldstein, J. H., 35, 314, 328

Goldstone, R. L., 77n, 113, 314

Goldsworthy, A., 243, 244

Göncü, A., 220, 314

Gonzales, Laurence, 64, 285, 314

Goodale, M. A., 102, 320

Good taste, 38n

Goose bumps, 10

Gopnik, A., 67, 78-79, 314

Gordon, B., 305

Gortner, Marjoe, 250, 314

Gould, L., 328

Gradient ascent, 238

Grahek, N., 70n, 314

Grammar-based models, 6

Grammatical humor, 51

Grannes, D., 85, 101, 325

Gratier, M., 220, 314

Greaves, L., 67, 150, 275, 283, 296, 307

Grecius, M. D., 320

Green, J. D., 312

Greengross, Gil, xiii, 35, 269, 314

Greenspan, P., 140, 314

Greenspan, S., 73

Gregory, J. C., 224n, 314

Gregory, R., 134, 290

Gressley, D., 34, 309

Grice, Paul, 160, 235, 314

Gricean humor, 235, 246

Gricean maxims, 235

Griffin, R., 290, 314

Griffiths, P. E., 66, 69, 75n, 314, 315

Grodd, W., 327, 328

Grotesque items of humor, 242

Group selection, 263

Gruner, C. R., 315

Guha, R. V., 66, 318

Gull chicks, 159

Gustafson, D., 70n, 315

Güzeldere, Güven, xiii

Haas, Heejeong, xiii


acquired, 290

bad, 292

of thought, 90, 156, 293

Hagan, C. C., 320

HAHAcronym, 5

Hairs, as levers, 224

Half-serious. See Nonserious

Hall, G. S., 221n, 315

Hallet, B., 244

Hallucination, 18, 25, 271, 281

Hamlet’s problem, 96

Hammerschmidt, K., 262, 315

Hammer sculpture, 236

Handicap, in evolution, 258n

Happiness, 3, 259

Hard-wired instincts, 67, 158-159

Hare, B., 290, 327

Harris, C. R., 39, 133n, 223, 228, 315

Hart, J., 305

Harvard Square, 200

Haugeland, John, 64, 315

Hauser, M. D., 55n, 199, 200, 260, 315

Haydn, Joseph, 238

Hayes, P. J., 96, 319

Haywood, S. L., 98-99, 316

Headlong commitments, 200. See also Presumptions

Healing, 283-286

Hebb, D. O., 218n, 315

Hecker, E., 39, 315

Hedberg, M., 148

Heerey, E. A., 317

Hegemony, 269, 296

Hempelmann, C. F., 324

Herbs, 288

Herrnstein, R. J., 74, 315

Hertwig, R., 118n, 324

Heterophenomenology, 26-27, 148, 178-179

Heuristic leap, 149, 157, 177, 179, 185, 225. See also Assumption; Jump to a conclusion; Leap to a conclusion

Heuristics, 82, 88, 94-95, 107-108, 117-118, 121, 149, 160-162, 180, 187, 201, 205-206

used in joke analysis, 160-164

Heuristic search. See Time-pressured heuristic search

Hierocles, 215, 249


of airplanes, 166

of funny bone by memes, 290

of reward systems, 82

of rodent-sensors, 225

Hilgard, E. R., 83, 315

Hinde, R. A., 269, 315

Hinton, G., 136n

Hobbes, Thomas, 40-41, 287, 316

Hodja, Nasrudin, 249

Hoffman, Lisa, 80

Hofstadter, Douglas R., xiii, 77n, 85, 88, 100, 101, 130n, 235, 307, 316

Holland, R. W., 326

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 193

Holmes, Sherlock, 192

Hominid, 10, 40, 125, 262

Hommel, B., 77n, 316

Homonymy, 31, 215, 281-282

Homo-ridens, 55

Homo sapiens, 26, 91, 220

Honeyguide, 260

How vs. Why questions, 2

Huber, O., 129n, 324

Huh, Angie, xiii

Human touch, 223-224

Hume, D., 18

Humming, 222, 285


in ancient physiology, 24

appetite for, 121n, 291, 294

appreciation of, 2, 3, 6, 12, 15, 23, 34-35, 121n, 154, 156, 164, 175, 180, 257, 269, 291, 295, 297

approximate conditions for, 121, 157-158, 230

as a backup system, 206

boundaries of, 213-214, 216, 220-250

close kin of, 214, 219, 239

consumption of, 144, 290, 297

creation of, 5, 12, 16, 150, 157, 188, 270, 277n, 280, 295, 301 (see also Humor, production of; Humor, generation of)

definition of, 16

dependence on thought, 5

detection of, 5n, 20-21, 24, 40, 62, 140, 159, 205, 265, 267-268, 294-295

epistemic function of, 295 (see also Data integrity)

essence of, 2, 213, 301

generation of, x, 3, 6, 57, 191, 246, 274, 297 (see also Humor, production of; Humor, creation of)

no necessary and sufficient conditions for, 213

as a probe, 302

production of, 35, 130, 157, 269, 295, 296 (see also Humor, creation of; Humor, generation of)

purpose of, 9, 41, 43, 111

“real world,” 7 (see also Humor “in the wild”)

like redness, 17-18, 34

sense of, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9-10, 11, 17, 18, 28, 33, 34, 35, 43, 50, 60, 62, 157, 159, 220, 267, 296, 298-299

as a social corrective, 293

sophistication in, 156

taxonomy of, 57, 280, 301 (see also Classifying humor)

theories of, 37-55, 201-208

travels poorly, 34n

Humor feathers, 268, 298. See also Display of intellect; Showing off

Humor “in the wild,” 150, 271-272

Humphrey, N., 130n, 316

Hunches, 108, 186, 200

Hurley, M., ix, xii, xiii, 127, 191, 316

Huron, David, xii, 10, 45n, 71, 72, 104n, 129, 238, 240, 250-254, 283n, 301, 316

Hutchins, E., 85, 154, 316

Huxley, J., 143, 144n

Hypotheticals, 191

Idealized cognitive model/rationality(ICM), 84, 97, 101

Ideational pun. See Puns, almost-Ideomotor theory, 77n

Ignorance, 265

Illusion(s), 229-234

bistable, 230, 231

chess piece color, 232-233

devil’s tuning fork, 229

duck-rabbit, 230-231

elephant legs, 114

moving almonds, 232, 234

Necker cube, 230-231

Penrose triangle, 229-230

in tickling, 225

unstable, 229, 230

wheel spokes, 115

Imagination, 219, 252

Impersonal humor, 156, 288

Implicit sociality, 259

Implied audience. See Implicit sociality

Impressions, 240

Inappropriate comparisons, 205

Ince-Cushman, Alexander, xii

Incomplete information, 82, 299

Incongruity, 59, 146, 182, 183, 203, 288, 292, 293

Incongruity-resolution theory of humor, 37, 45-53, 55, 60, 171, 194, 201-203, 206, 209, 220, 222, 262, 288

Indefinition, 282, 283

Independent variables, 178, 179

Ineffability, 24, 277

Infants, humor and mirth in, 38-39, 58, 131, 220. See also Children

Inference, 147, 225, 234, 266

high-level, 225

logical, 232

tacit, 232

Information, 17, 18, 259

taken for granted, 266

Information gradient, 265-266

Information-handling process, 4, 5

Information highway, 10-11, 291

In-group humor, 33

Innateness, 6n

Inner eye theory of humor, 207

Insect-detectors, 224

Insects, 221n, 224

Inside jokes, 60, 215

Insight, 67, 78, 79, 80, 81, 89, 91, 122-125, 214, 219, 249. See also Discovery

Inspector Clouseau, 54

Instinct, 38, 269

Instinctive comedians, 277

Insult, 292

Intelligence, 15

Intelligent design, 290

Intentional stance, 6, 55, 143-148, 150, 151, 154-158, 158n, 160-161, 166, 174-175, 180, 187, 207, 228n, 246, 265, 268, 290

higher-order, 261

recursion of, 144-145, 158n

Intentional system, higher-order, 55

Interference effects, 180

Internet spam, 292

Interpretation, 194, 203, 209, 210, 230

role of in joke analysis, 178

Intrinsically funny, 279

Intrinsic appetite for humor, exploitation of by memes, 291

Intrinsic quality, 17-18

Introspection, 26

Introspective methods, 280

Ishiguro, A., 320

ITPRA model of expectation, 45n, 251-252

Ivanov, Kaloyan, xiii

Izard, C. E., 70, 316

Izzard, Eddie, 276

“Jack and the Beanstalk,” 249

Jackendoff, R., 6, 85, 238, 316

Jack tales, 249

James, William, 68, 77n, 184n, 311, 316

Janata, P., 320


Jasper, H., 322

Jeannotte, L. A., 261, 312

Jests of Hierocles and Philagrius, The, 215

Jigsaw puzzle, 123, 235, 294

JITSA. See Just-in-time spreading activation

Jo, B., 305

Job-interview ploy, 268

Johnson, M., 85, 91, 311, 317

Johnson, Virginia, ix, x

Johnson-Laird, P. N., 70, 320, 321

Johnston, R. E., 259, 317

Joke(s), x, 1, 17, 23, 27, 29, 31-34, 44, 46-47, 50-51, 61, 93n, 100, 107, 118, 121, 130-138, 144, 147-153, 157-176, 192, 214, 216, 247, 272, 274, 294, 296, 297, 302

abstract painting, 270

afraid of widths, 136

Aggie cruise emended, 273-274

Aggie on cruise, 149

AIDS and Alzheimers, 188

analysis of, 157-176, 178

antibiotics, 283

antique desk, 135

appendectomy patient, 168

appreciation of, 291

atheist in Amazon, 53

bamboo chopsticks, 31

banana in your ear, 160

behaviorists, 34

being talked about, 247

Jack Benny stick-up, 93

blurry face, 19

brain as greatest organ, 67

bulimic bachelor party, 215, 216

Bush on Roe v. Wade, 41

buttered toast, 177-178

camel purchase, 273

cancer improving, 135

capitalism and communism, 169

cardboard belt, 208

Carpenter, Karen, 214

Catholic photons, 45

chatting barber, 117

Cheerios, 218

chess riddle, 188

chewing ice cubes, 155

chicken and egg, 155

chicken crossing road, 180

chromosome, 9

circular definition, 24

class assignment, 257

closure, 301

clown chef, 27

coffin riddle, 124

coke, yolk, 266

Conestoga wagon settler, 182

confessional, 217

cowboy riddle, 124

currency exchange, 172

died in the service, 165

dinner special, 135

dirtbag riddle, 238

disease named after me, 283

dissecting a frog, 289

doctor at home?, 50

doctor: “So are we going to tell your husband, or what?,” 143, 144-145, 175

dog for sale, 135

“d’oh,” 164

drinking classes, 247

driving the wrong way, 170

drugstore cigarette sales, 164

eating lettuce, 218

email, 45

Empire State Building run-up, 142

explaining jokes, 130

face as mop, 127

face of a child, 45

fear and sex, Freud, 45

fish tank, 209

French horn player, 250

Freudian slip, 44

Freud’s theory of, 44

Frisbee, 16

Germans laugh, 19

“get your own damn blanket,” 168

“goes without saying,” 24

goldfish tank, 42, 110, 119, 206, 209, 216

greatest Polish comedian, 270

hair breaks, 135

half a dog, 31

happy and sad at same time, 139

“here, whisper in my ear,” 171

he who laughs last, 15

“Hi, Ball,” 167

“Hi, Jack,” 166

hold the nail, 136

horn louder, 51

horticulture, 211n

hot dog vendor, 32

hunters—“First, let’s make sure he’s dead,” 164

“I don’t have a girlfriend, but …,” 148

“I like your dog,” 135

“illiterate?,” 175

“I’m a married man!,” 160-161

“in case of beer,” 135

Indian beer, 47

inferiority, 40

integral of x-squared, 174

Irish frog on head, 137

“I want to die peacefully in my sleep …,” 150

jockey without horse, 64

judge bribing attorneys, 151

judgment, 42-43, 58, 287, 292

kickboxing computer, 296

Korean, 31-32, 298

laugh alone, 264

lawyer, 213

life is like a bridge, 208

lightbulb riddle, 249

little girl buying candy, 151

look out for number 1, 117

lost luggage, 187

man about to throw himself off bridge, 138

masturbation, 61

mayonnaise or spinach, 51

medical practice, 135

memetic evolution of, 11, 158, 209, 214, 217, 290-292

Mephistopheles and lawyer, 54

meteorologist and Indian, 285n

morality, 247

muffin, 193

nail and hammer, 136

Newfie with bandaged ears, 32

nice belt, 201

no checkbook, 135

nothing to play with, 38

orange juice concentrate, 148

outdone yourself, 220

outhouse, 82-83

panhandler and David Mamet, 278

park bench, 278

pastry cook, 37

pearly gates, 193

pedant and silversmith, 215

petting zoo, 216

philosopher and pizza, 137

pig thief, 249

play fairly, 247

a priest, a rabbi, and a nun, 138

prisoner free to go, 135

puns, 134

quickie, 172

rednecks, 57

resist temptation, 247

robbery acquittal, 46

rope walks into a bar, 89

ruined, 32, 181, 200

Santa riddle, 238

senator, 169

serf elk, 112

seventeen legs, 104, 235

Sinatra, Frank, 173

O.J. Simpson riddle, 238

speed of dark, 51

squeaky sandals, 215

stuck truck, 247-248

as supernormal stimuli, xi, 159, 270, 272, 274

surgeon riddle, 195-196, 200

surgeons on operations, 41

survival of the fittest, 37

talking muffin, 137

teacup and antelope, 235

tell the truth, 247

10 kinds of people, 33

Texan prepositions, 40

Thanksgiving, 112

that look, 34

tickle my fancy, 220

timing, 270

told in the forest, 16

tragedy vs. comedy, 141

used cars, 135

ushers, 41-42

ventriloquist, 169

walk a mile in their shoes, 200

what we know for sure, 109

Wilde, Oscar—friends, 246

Winnie the Pooh, 31, 33-34

“yeah, yeah,” 27

“Yo, Gert,” 167

young enough, 247

“young lady named Tuck” limerick, 163

Joke-blindness, 275

Jump to a conclusion, 137, 156, 189, 193, 198, 265, 279. See also Assumption; Leap to a conclusion; Heuristic leap

Jung, W. E., 137, 206, 208, 316

Jürgens, U., 262, 315

Just-in-time (JIT) processing, 101-104

Just-in-time spreading activation(JITSA), 101-104, 107-109, 112, 118-119, 126, 131, 154, 179, 204n, 216, 238, 266-267, 276, 280, 282, 286, 302

Kaas, J. H., 125, 316

Kahneman, D., 327

Kamide, Y., 98-99, 316

Kant, Immanuel, 47, 50, 59, 122, 202, 253, 316

Karmiloff-Smith, A., 311

Kataria, M., 283, 284, 317

Katcher, A. H., 328

Keil, F. C., 320, 323

Keith-Spiegel, P., 37-38, 44, 317

Keller, Helga, xiii

Kelley, W. M., 320

Keltikangas-Järvinen, L., 323

Keltner, D., 20, 269, 284, 317

Kessler, M., 244

Kickboxing, 296

Killjoy, interpretation of “theory of mind” results, 290

Kim, Ally, xiii

King James Bible, 283

King Lear, 282

Kinzel, Doreen, xiii

Kirsh, D., 66, 191, 317

Klein, D., 112, 178, 285n, 307

Knismesis, 221n

Know-how, practical, 271

Knowledge, 27, 63, 89-91, 101, 109, 112, 113, 119-120, 127, 147-149, 151-152, 154, 158, 160-161, 173-175, 181, 192-194, 196, 199, 202-203, 207, 209, 234, 238, 240, 249, 264-268, 275, 294, 298, 302

shared, 7, 13, 23, 33, 112, 113, 144, 158, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169, 276, 291, 294, 298

statistical, 242

Knowledge-relativity of humor, 31-34, 213, 214, 216

Knowledge representation, 51, 120, 127, 144-145, 289-290, 294, 297-298

Koestler, Arthur, 9, 55, 122-123, 125, 170, 294, 317

Konner, M., 75n, 317

Kosslyn, S. M., 77n, 113, 317

Krakauer, David, xiii, 191

Kraut, R. E., 259, 317

Kubovy, M., 239, 319

Kueneman, K, 284, 318

Kunz, M., 133n, 317

Kuru, 21

Kutas, M., 52, 308, 309

Lachman, M., 263, 306

Lachter, J., 98, 317

LaFollette, H., 206, 317

Lahr, John, 317

Laird, J. D., 22n, 86, 317

Lakoff, George, 3, 91, 97, 317, 318

Lange, C. G., 68, 318

Language, 10-11, 31, 35, 38, 68n, 126, 129n, 166, 197

Language instinct, 269

Language of thought, 106

Lanzetta, J. T., 22n, 318

Larson, Gary, x

Laughlab, 164

Laughlin, Philip, xiii

Laughter, 9, 11, 12, 16, 19, 34, 41, 45, 47, 48, 49, 145, 146, 148, 150-153, 155, 157, 164, 165, 171, 181, 191, 198, 199, 202, 220, 230, 246, 249, 250, 253, 255, 257, 259, 260, 263, 264, 290, 291, 294, 296, 297

as being “about” humor, 23

as analgesic, 284

is the “best medicine,” 283

in blind and deaf children, 38, 58

contagion of, 22, 262, 268

evolution of, 262

as hard-to-fake signal, 267-268

inappropriate, 21

as nonaggression signal, 261

purpose of, 24

in rats, 261

social, 19

Laughter Yoga Club, 283-284

Laugh track, 22

Laurel and Hardy, 234

Lautenbacher, S., 133n, 317

Law of Noncontradiction, 64n, 65, 76, 85, 292

Lawyers, 41, 54, 108, 151, 152, 213

Laying on of hands, 250

Lazarus, R. S., 70n, 318

Leap to a conclusion, xi, 4, 149, 181, 208n, 299. See also Assumption; Jump to a conclusion; Heuristic leap

LeDoux, J., 70, 83-84, 318

Lefcourt, H. M., 284, 318

Leiman, J. M., 100n, 326

Lemmon, Jack, 234

Lenat, Douglas B., 66, 318

Leslie, A. M., 306

Lesser, R. P., 305

Levelt, P., 134

Levenson, R. W., 140, 313

Levine, J., 328

Levinstein, Ben, 193n, 318

Levitin, D. J., 10, 318

Lewin, R., 290, 324

Lewis, D., 193n, 318

Lewis, J., 239, 320

Libido, 62, 67, 74, 274

Lieckfeldt, Ina, xiii

Lies, 116, 193

Limbic contrast, 253-254

Lincoln, Abraham, 210

Linguists, 27, 28, 100n, 104n, 134n, 239

Literary analysts, 279, 280

Locke, John, 16, 318

Loftis, J. M., 39, 313

Loftus, E. F., 101, 308

Logic, 46, 49, 51-52, 63-67, 76, 87, 89-90, 92, 109, 197, 201, 205, 225, 232, 267, 292

Logical mechanism, 138, 157, 163, 201, 204

Long division, 297

Longstocking, Pippi, 249

Lucas, Katerina, xiii

Luceya, S., 305

Ludicrous, 15, 16, 38, 48, 159

Lust, 79, 121, 246

MacDonald, K. A., 313

Machine-learning, 86, 93, 296

Magicians, 199, 201-202, 277

Maglio, P., 66, 191, 317

Magnetism, 15

Magnuson, J. S., 99, 308

Mammal, 26, 43, 125, 128, 198, 213, 220, 260

Manakata, Y., 89n

Mancuso, R. A., 313

Manurung, R., 323

Marañon, G., 69, 318

Marcus, Gary F., 89n, 318

Marijuana, 265

Marinkovic, K., 99, 318

Marriage, 161, 275

Martin, C., 321

Martin, L., 22n, 326

Martin, Rod A., 35, 283-284, 307, 318

Martin, Steve, x, 34, 283

Marx, Groucho, 45

Marx, K., 87

Marx brothers, 15

Maserati software, 12, 126

Masters, William, ix, x

Masturbation, 61, 63, 142, 214n

mental, 294

Mate-attraction, 291

Mate search, 291, 292

Mate selection, 295

Matsusaka, T., 261, 319

Matthews, B. J., 327

Mauro, R., 239, 319

Maynard Smith, J., 260, 319

Mayonnaise, 168

McCarthy, J., 96, 108-109, 171, 319

McClelland, J. L., 89n, 319, 321, 324

McGhee, P. E., 35, 38, 266, 314, 319, 328

McKay, J., 319

McKay, Ryan T., 91, 319

Mechanical behavior, 54-55, 59, 171, 176, 293

Mechanical theory of humor, 54

Mechanism of humor, 42

Meltzoff, A. N., 78, 314

Melzack, R., 70n, 319

Memes, 11, 64, 214, 209, 214, 217, 290, 291

Memory, 20, 66, 72, 85, 89, 119, 140, 185, 188, 219, 297. See also Forgetting

emotion and, 155

fallibility of, 297

long-term, 97, 105, 106, 110-112, 116, 120, 154, 157, 198-199

working, 86, 97, 101, 103, 105, 106, 110-112, 157, 158n, 179, 184, 201, 213, 254

Menon, V., 305, 320

Mental models, 154, 171, 294

Mental space(s), 12-13, 77, 90, 95-104, 105, 114, 117-122, 126, 127, 130n, 134, 138, 144-150, 144n, 155-156, 162-163, 166, 169, 171-175, 191, 210, 215, 234, 238, 240n, 243, 254, 263-267, 272, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294

consistency checking in, 210

Mesolimbic fingerprint, 178-179

Metacognition, as a solution to the credit assignment problem, 219

Metacognitive avoidance techniques, 266

Metahumor, 146, 163, 193

Microemotions, 240, 252, 254, 282, 288

Microexpectations, 240

Mihalcea, R., 5n, 319

Milavsky, B., 328

Miller, Geoffrey, 12, 268, 269, 314, 319

Miller, George, 67

Millikan, Ruth, 160, 319

Mills, C. M., 320

Mills, D. E., 284, 318

Milner, A. D., 73n, 102, 320

Milner, P., 321

Mimicry, Batesian, 23

Minchoff, B., 284, 311

Mind, 255, 293, 294

Mind candy, xi, 270, 280

Mind control, by magicians, 277

Minsky, Marvin, 10n, 37, 51, 52, 100-101, 103n, 122, 155, 130n, 204, 205, 296, 320

Mirror neurons, 77n, 207

Mirth, 6, 13, 21-25, 27, 39n, 44, 47, 48, 50, 58, 67-68, 81, 85, 87, 117-142, 146, 147, 149, 155, 163, 165, 170, 178, 179, 180, 191, 200, 210, 215, 216, 218, 221, 227, 229, 240, 254-255, 266, 267, 269, 270, 272, 275, 276, 284, 285, 286, 292, 294, 295, 297

adaptive purpose for, 289

degrees of, 216

-delivery systems, jokes as, 31n

modifiers (see Mirth modifiers)

pleasure of, 292

as a product of other enjoyments, 219n

trigger of, 297

Mirth modifiers. See also Emotions, concurrent with mirth

derogation, 170

self-congratulation, 147

sex, 176

wit, 175-176

Misattribution of arousal, 171, 217, 247, 275, 295

Misdirection, 157, 216. See also Deception, trickery

Misinterpretation, 133-135, 216, 227, 282

Mistakes, xi, 40, 43, 51-52, 59, 85-87, 117-118, 120-121, 132-133, 141-142, 146, 148, 150, 152-154, 165, 166, 168, 169, 172-173, 175, 188-192, 195-197, 202-206, 210-211, 221, 230, 232, 234, 238, 243, 250, 254, 287, 292, 293, 294

cost of to organism, 161, 289

Mister Hulot’s Holiday, 152n

Mistry, J., 220, 314

Misunderstanding, 59, 173

Mitterndorfer, K., 80n, 323

Mo, Z., 239, 320

Mobbs, D., 62, 129, 305, 320

Mochida, T., 86, 320

Mock aggression, 291

Mocking, 58, 292

Models of learning, 218n

Monarch, N. D., 317

Monkhouse, B., 150

Montalvo, F., 5n

Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 153-154

Moran, J. M., 129n, 320

Morgenbesser, S., 27

Moron joke, 267

Morreall, John, 320

Morrison, Keith, xii

Moser, David, xiii

Mosier, C., 220, 314

Mother Nature

fooling, 274

natural selection, xi

Motion picture video, 234

Motion-sickness, 48

Motivation, 60, 66n, 67, 70, 71n, 72-84, 86, 90, 113, 120, 122, 140, 160, 251, 258-260, 286n, 292, 295, 297, 298

Motoneurons, 77

Mount Olympus, 156

Movies, 294

Mr. Bean, 147

Mr. Magoo, 147, 161

Müller, M., 88, 320

Multipersonal humor, 151, 172, 180n, 217

Munakata, Y., 89n, 321

Munroe, Randall, 96

Murray, B., 244

Music, 10, 157, 194, 238, 240, 250, 251, 253, 288, 301

Musical joke, 7

Musicians, 252n, 255, 270, 288

Müsseler, J., 316

Myers, Mike, 54

Myths, 154-155

Naïve Bayes classifiers, 5n

Naïve subject, 272

Narrative, 46, 49, 113, 140, 148, 155, 163, 167, 171, 192, 209, 239-240, 271-272, 279

Nativism, 6n, 37, 58, 62, 65, 67, 78, 85, 90, 220, 255, 290

Natural causes, nonintentional, 243

Natural history of humor, 8

Natural selection, xi, 2, 7, 102, 126n, 127-128, 140, 159, 258-259, 291

Near-humor, 213

Negotiation, emotional expression as, 269

Neisser, U., 181n, 320

Nerhardt, G., 202, 205, 320f

Nervous systems, 43, 69, 93, 225, 288, 290

Neumann, U., 239, 320

Neural funny bone, 61, 62n, 129. See also Brains

Neural network, 4, 101, 106, 111

Neurons, 69, 77, 218n


of humor, 25

of laughter, 21-23

Neurophysiology, 17, 35, 62, 64, 68, 70, 71, 72, 225, 251, 271

Neuroscience, 21, 125, 128-129, 178, 180, 242

cognitive, 179, 181n

computational, 4

Neurovascular bundle, 183

Newberry, R. C., 80n, 260, 325

Newell, A., 65, 86, 317, 321

New Mexico, University of, xiii

Nichols, Eric, xii

Niedenthal, P. M., 69, 321

Nietzsche, F., 80

Nixon, R., 240

Nonhumor, 3, 57, 158, 194

Nonjokes, 158, 181, 200, 213

Nonlinguistic humor, 290

Nonreplacement, 50, 173, 202-204

Nonsense, 15, 46, 48, 51, 59, 201, 292, 293

Non sequitur, 51, 235

Nonserious, 15, 40, 59, 291

Nonverbal humor, 234

“No soap radio,” 181

Nostalgia, 219

Novelty, 67, 242, 264, 266, 277

NP-complete problems, 4, 5

Nucleus accumbens, 35, 62

Nuñez, Rafael E., 91, 318

Oatley, K., 70, 321

Object permanence, 64-65, 220

Oemig, C., 317

Office, The, 31n

Ohkawa, K., 86, 325

Olds, J., 73n, 321

Olfaction, 298

Oliphant, M., 260, 321

O’Mara, D., 323

Omark, D. R., 35, 321

Omark, M., 35, 321

One-liners, 5n, 136, 236

Ontogeny, of laughter, 58

Oops!, sculpture, 235-237

Orbicularis oculi muscle, 19, 133

Order, proper for joke delivery, 32, 275n

O’Reilly, R. C., 89n, 321

Organon, 64

Orgasm, ix, 67, 70, 79, 216, 294

Orientation response, 262

Oring, Elliott, 155, 321

Other minds, 143, 144, 243, 291. See also Problem of other minds

Outrageous Okona, 3n

Owren, M. J., 269, 321

Oxford English Dictionary, 16

Pain, 25, 48, 69n, 70-74, 76, 78-80, 84-85, 139, 152, 164, 174, 182, 216, 253-255, 284

Pain, H., 323

Panksepp, J., 125n, 261, 321

Pantelidou, Athina, xiii

Paradox, 138, 234, 260, 291

Parahippocampal gyrus, 25

Paresthesia, 182

Parisi, D., 311

Parker, Charlie, 214

Parker, Dorothy, 211n

Parody, 238-239, 274

Parr, L. A., 261, 321

Parvizi, J., 22n, 321

Patel, A. D., 10

Patterson, F. G., 312

Patzig, Günther, 321

PDP Research Group, 324

Peacock, 268

Peak shift, 240n

Peek-a-boo, 39, 220, 234

Penfield, W., 25, 128, 321, 322

Penumbral cases, 201, 213-255

Pepe le Pew, 54

Perception, 18, 22, 47-48, 50, 59, 69n, 71, 72, 77n, 78, 83-85, 91, 95, 98, 101-102, 105, 113-114, 116, 128, 140, 146-147, 155, 158, 161, 180, 183-185, 206-207, 217, 225, 232, 261, 265, 275, 298

Perceptual beliefs, 185, 221

Perpetual motion machine, cognitive, 97, 299

Phenomenology, 68, 84, 85, 102, 119, 123, 128, 180, 223, 225, 240, 298, 301

of humor, 15-35, 61, 301

original meaning of term, 15

Phenylthiocarbamide, 17n

Philagrius, 215, 249

Philips, Emo, 67, 127, 296

Philosophy, 18, 24, 193n, 206n, 287

Phlegm, 24

Physical humor, 61, 138, 234-235, 238

Physiology, 19, 24, 38, 69, 75, 179, 252, 258

Piaget, J., 52n, 64, 322

Pickett, Joseph, 322

Picture with no woman, 225, 226, 227

Pinker, S., 10, 48, 269, 322

Plato, 90

Play, 59, 80n, 122, 124, 145, 152, 262, 281, 291, 293

as practice, 80n, 260-261

purpose of, 293

social, 261

Play behavior, 145, 220, 260, 291

Play face, of chimp, 261

Play panting, in chimpanzees and other primates, 290

Play theory, 37, 38-40, 201, 244, 260, 262-263

Pleasure, xi, 3, 7, 11, 41, 43-44, 58-60, 69n, 70, 72-74, 76, 80, 84-85, 117-119, 123, 125, 127, 140, 147, 156, 171, 175, 191, 210, 214, 219, 238, 242, 246-247, 249-250, 253, 257, 262, 264, 271-272, 290, 292

Pleh, Csaba, xiii

Plunkett, K., 311

Poker face, 258

Pollo, C., 325

Pollock, John, 86, 322

Popper, K., 322

Popperian creatures, 290

Poppins, Mary, 249

Popularity, with regard to social capital, 11

Pornographers, 68, 270, 288

Pornography, 63, 156n, 159, 270, 274

Port, R. F., 89n, 327

Potegal, M., 260, 311, 322

Povinelli, D. J., 145, 290, 322

Powers, Austin, 54

Practical jokes, 162-163, 198, 290

Pragmatic actions, 191

Praise, laughter as, 269

Prasertdee, Jenny, xiii

Pratfall, 11, 145, 220, 246, 271

Preachers, preaching, 250-251

Predator, 23, 40, 58, 262

vs. prey, 263


behavioral, 21, 57, 129, 180-182, 196-197

in ITPRA model, 251-252

Prefrontal cortex, 35


as content in jokes, 39n, 163

about robot lack of humor, 3

as a source of faulty assumption, 195, 196

surgeon-as-male, 196

Premack, A. J., 55n, 322

Premack, D., 55n, 290, 322

Prerational processing, 225

Presumptions, 12, 113, 118, 150, 186, 200, 202, 240n

Preuschoft, S., 262, 322

Preuss, T. M., 125, 316

Primary and secondary qualities, 16-17

Primates, 26

intentional states of, 145

play in, 261

theory of mind in, 145

Priming, 99, 180-181, 215, 218, 228, 229, 279, 282

emotional, 72, 218, 228 (see also Transfer of arousal)

Prinz, Jesse J., 69, 70-71n, 73, 322

Prinz, W., 316

Prion, 21

Prkachin, K. M., 133n, 305, 318, 322

Probe, humor as, 268, 302

Problem of other minds, 24

Problem solving, 3, 25, 27, 50, 60, 77, 78, 84, 92, 103, 105, 118, 125, 165, 191, 192, 214, 236, 254, 290, 294

Producing future, 120, 220, 239, 263. See also Anticipation generation

Proffitt, D. R., 78, 322

Projection error, 19, 121, 194, 279

Promiscuity, 11

Prospecting by trial and error, 134, 271, 275, 288, 295, 301

Proteins, 4

Proto-humor, 133, 246, 261, 264, 293

Provine, R., 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 228n, 259, 261, 262, 269, 295, 323

Pseudobulbar palsy, 21

Psychology experiments, jokes as, 272

Psychophysiology, 132

Punch line, 46, 49, 51, 134, 136, 138, 149, 152, 157, 158n, 169, 171-176, 181, 182n, 189, 202-204, 211, 215, 222, 230, 270, 272-273, 275n, 287, 297

Punishment, 73, 74, 79, 90, 218

Punning riddles, 5

Puns, 5, 7, 27, 31, 42, 45, 51, 61, 99, 110, 133-135, 141-142n, 144, 153, 156, 166-167, 170, 206, 208-209, 216, 234, 238, 247

almost-, 280-282

Purpose, 9-13, 45, 68, 94, 234, 235

of emotion, 73, 75n

of humor, 9-13, 40, 41, 43, 55, 58, 111, 289, 292

of laughter, 20, 23-24, 40, 45, 58, 264, 291

of play, 80n, 260, 293

of tickling, 225

Purposes, derived, of humor, 154, 264-270, 290

Puttonen, S., 323

Puzzles, 7, 85, 108-109, 122-123, 125, 136n, 200, 214, 235, 249-250, 294

Pylyshyn, Z., 89n, 312

Qualia, 123-124, 124n, 129, 178, 252, 254-255

inverted, 24

of mirth, 254

Qualification problem, 108-109

Quality, intrinsic. See Primary quality

Queior, Paul, xii

Quidnunc, 265


are they birds?, 267

are they ducks?, 230n

Racist humor, 39n, 218

Ramachandran, V. S., xii, 40, 48, 146n, 222-223, 225, 240n, 261, 262, 268, 323

Ramachandran and Blakeslee theory of tickling, adaptation of, 222

Rapp, A., 328

Raskin, Victor, 46, 50, 59, 100, 323


of behavior, 12

free-floating, 275n

Rationality, 73-74, 76, 80-81, 84-85, 258, 298

Rats, laughter in, 261

Rattlesnake, 260

Ravaja, N., 132, 323

Reaction, in ITPRA model, 251-253

Reader response, 280

Real time, 4, 12, 94

Reason gone mad, 45

Reasoning, 64-67, 76, 78, 84, 87, 91, 111, 118, 120, 148-150, 191, 204-206, 221, 225, 299

mistakes in, 51-52, 195, 259 (see also Faulty inference)

Reber, R., 80n, 323

Recipe for humor, x, 57, 157, 301

Reciprocal altruism, 75, 154

Reciprocity, 270

Recurrent loops, 22

Recursion, 126, 144-145, 158, 228n, 261, 285-286

Recursive inferential depth, 265

Rehearsal, 63, 220, 291

Reiss, A. L., 305, 320

Release theory of humor, 37, 44-45, 51-53, 201, 288

Religion, 63, 80, 159

as an in-group, 33

Religionist humor, 39n

Repetition, of jokes and other humor, 154, 180, 219, 221, 276, 291

Replication, 11, 74, 158, 260, 270, 290, 291

Replicator, 10, 11, 158, 290, 291

Representations, of perception and abstract, 47

Reptiles, 213

Reward system, 2, 12, 13, 35, 62, 62n, 63, 73, 73n, 74, 82, 84, 90, 111, 120-121, 123-124, 127-130, 140, 147, 218-219, 254-255, 274, 275n, 290, 292, 294-295, 298

Rhapsodies, 251

Rhetoricians, 276, 279

Rhyme, 267, 281

Richerson, Peter J., 11, 118n, 271, 291, 306, 323

Riddles, xii, 3, 5, 53, 76, 80, 124-125, 188, 194-197, 200, 214, 235-236, 238, 249-250, 298

Ridicule, 42, 137

Ridiculous, 15, 29, 131-132, 138, 156, 176

Ritchie, Graeme, 5, 46, 59, 97, 98, 140, 208-211, 306, 323

Ritual, 262, 288

Rivers, Joan, 276

Rizzolatti, G., 77n, 207, 313, 323

Robot, 66, 86, 296-299

Rock circles, 243-245

Rodden, F. A., 327, 328

Rodent-detectors, 224, 225, 227

Rogers-Ramachandran, Diane, 240n, 323

Rogue cultural variants, 291-292

Roller-coasters, 167, 220-221

Romantic, interpretation of “theory of mind” results, 290

Rosenbloom, P., 86, 317

Ross, D., 258n, 323

Ross, W. D., 323

Roy, Deb, xii

Rozenblit, L., 323

Ruch, W, 327

Ruiz-Belda, M. A., 259, 312

Rumelhart, D. E., 319, 324

Runners’ high, xi, 253

Russell, Bertrand, 64, 90, 250, 324

Ruthruff, E., 98, 317

Saari, Donald, xiii, 229

Saari, T., 323

Saccharine, 274

Sadness, 48, 198, 216, 286n

Safety signal, 38, 40

Salvato, Teresa, xiii

Samson, A. C., 129n, 324

Samuels, R., 65, 324

Santa Fe Institute, xiii, 191

Savage-Rumbaugh, S., 290, 324

Saxe, John Godfrey, 287, 324

Scatological, 12


Apartment, The, tennis racket scene, 234-235

“are rabbits birds?,” 267

ATM forgetting, 190, 246

banana peel, 146

bingo, 235

birthday gift, 193

bison discovering grass, 123

box of apples, 242

Boy who Cried Wolf, 154

break-dancing video, 153

cheating wife, 198-199

chess blunder, 191-192

clicking “undo,” 132

coffee cup glued to the table, 107

Complacent Frog, 154

daisy, rock, and cloud, 156

daughter late at airport, 208

discovering the lights are on at home, 182, 185, 186, 201

Divorce Barbie, 198

drinking old milk, 183, 185-187

duplicate hat deception, 162-163

entering a restaurant, 103

explaining the Newfie joke, 33

exploring a room in the dark, 161

file not in folder, 254

foam-rubber brick, 198-9

football blunder, 191-192

forgetting to press a button in the elevator, 131

“forty miles per gallon!,” 162

gas station cigarette, 154

Grasshopper and the Ant, 154

Hamlet’s problem, 96

having a stroke, 183

hearing a “funny sound” while driving, 183, 185-186

hollering to someone not there, 131

Holmes, Sherlock, 192-193

hyena, wildebeest, and baboons in the office, 108

incongruous symptoms, 49

instrument out of tune, 194

jigsaw puzzle that doesn’t all fit, 235

Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamlined Baby car, 106-107

keys left on the table, 184

kicking a ball filled with air, vs. lead, 161

lava spurts, 235

looking for lost sunglasses, 131

mailman’s bicycle, 199

McCarthy, John: “funnier!,” 171-172

nuclear reactor, 189

oysters, 155-156

painting oneself into a corner, 154

penguins and fried eggs, 96

phantom pain or paresthesia, 182, 185-186

pizza delivery video, 153

playing catch on the beach, 103-104

playing chase, 152

prize-winning pussy, 167

raccoon in the garage, 111

rats in the dark, 224

recognizing there is coffee in a cup, 105

river-wading, 151

sawing off the limb we sit upon, 154

sea-sickness, 48

slipping on the staircase, 197

spare tire story, 150

tall, thin, and short, fat clowns, 242

tennis, 188-189

three ends of rope, 201-202

Three Stooges carpentry, 234

throwing the anchor in the water, 110

waiting for the instant replay, 132

walking across the rotating funhouse bridge, 49n

wet-paint signs, 152

Schachter, S., 69, 217, 324

Schadenfreude, 139, 152, 214, 219, 238, 246, 254, 288

Schank, R. C., 51-52, 100-101, 155, 155n, 324

Schemas, 46, 97

Schemata, 52n

Schickele, Peter, 194

Schooler, L. J., 118n, 324

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 47, 50, 53, 59, 113-114, 122, 183, 202, 206, 324

Schwerdt, P., 305

Science fiction, 3

Scientific American, ix

Scorn, 29, 292

Scripts, 46, 50-51, 53, 97, 100-101, 103n, 107, 155, 166, 171

Scruggs, Dickie, 38

Search space, x, 77, 96, 107, 108, 191, 197, 238, 271, 291

Searle, John R., 5, 324

Sedivy, J. C., 324-326

Seeck, M., 325

Seidenberg, M., 100n, 326

Seidl, Bettina, xiii

Self-control, 82, 114, 140, 188, 258

Self-evident principles, of logic, 64-65, 90

Self-reference, 243

Self-report, 21, 25, 35, 39n, 178-179, 181, 197

Semantics, 5, 20, 29, 52-53, 62, 77-78, 97, 99, 101, 105, 110, 117, 124, 129n, 134-136, 149, 173, 178, 193n, 276, 296

Semantic script theories, 46, 53, 100, 171

Sensation, 17-18, 68n, 70, 73-74, 79, 91-92, 101, 179, 182, 185, 221, 223-225, 227, 232, 234, 258, 271, 284

Sentences, any one as a punch line, 211

Sex, ix, 34, 44-45, 54, 63, 70, 78-79, 99, 128, 173, 176, 214n, 217, 238, 257, 275

Sexist humor, 39n

Sexual emotions, 11, 82, 123, 257, 271

Sexual humor, 51

Sexually transmitted disease vectors, 11

Sexual selection, 11, 12, 23, 264, 268, 275n, 294-295

Sexy, 67-68

Seyfarth, R. M., 262, 308, 325

Shakespeare, W., 278, 280-282

Shamans, 288

Shammi, P., 129n, 325

Shanks, N., 206, 317

Shastri, L., 85, 101, 325

Shepard, R., 113-115

Shibata, T., 86, 325

Showing off, 153, 291

Shultz, T. R., 46, 59, 202, 209, 325

Siamese cat, 167

Sick jokes, 49

Simon, H. A., 65, 321

Simon, Neil, 279-280

Simpson, Homer, 164

Singer, J. E., 217, 324

Situation comedy, 7, 60, 182n, 228n

Skinnerian organisms, 290

Slapstick, x, 52, 61, 234, 238

Slipping on a banana peel, 52, 55, 94, 141, 146

Slugs, saccharine and humor as, 274

Smiling, 7, 19, 21, 22n, 25, 30, 133n, 203, 220, 227n, 235, 239, 259

Smith, Adam, 264, 325

Smith, Jane Ellen, 34, 308, 325

Smith, Jean R., 35, 308

Smith, L. B., 89n, 326

Smullyan, Raymond, 220

Sneezing reflex, 11

Social capital, 7, 11, 75, 139, 270, 291

Social competition, 292

Socrates, 59, 90

Solemnity, 1, 21, 34, 250

Solipsism, 277

Solomon, Richard. L., 140, 325

Solomon, Robert C., 69, 71, 325

Solomona, P. E., 305

Somatic marker hypothesis, 72, 111-112

Soussignan, R., 22, 325

South America, 26

Spandrel, 154, 274n. See also By-product, evolutionary


human, xii, 6, 9, 11, 18, 26, 43, 81, 126-127, 269, 291

of humor, 3, 61, 133, 144, 301

of meme, 11

nonhuman biological, xii, 6n, 18, 39, 55n, 58, 62-63, 123, 128, 159, 220, 261-262, 271, 291

Specifications, of a model for humor, 302

Specificity, 31-34, 60, 294

Spectrum, inverted, 24

Speech acts, 17, 19, 98, 135, 161, 166, 168, 169, 172, 173

Spencer, H., 44, 325

Sperber, D., 160, 325

Sperli, F., 21, 325

Spice(s), 171, 205n, 214, 217, 238

death as a, 217

disparagement as a, 249

excrement as a, 217

insight as a, 214, 219

nostalgia as a, 219

racial perception as a, 217

Schadenfreude as a, 214, 219

sex as a, 214, 217

superiority as a, 214

violence as a, 217

wit as a, 175, 176, 214

Spinelli, L., 325

Spinka, M., 80n, 260, 325

Spivey, M. J., 98-99, 325

Spivey-Knowlton, M. J., 326

Spreading activation, 97, 101, 106, 158, 193, 196, 228, 266, 276, 286. See also Just-in-time spreading activation (JITSA)


Stand-up, 60, 164, 277, 296

Star Trek, 3, 299

Statistical regularities, as a solution to the credit assignment problem, 219

Stepper, S., 22n, 326

Sterelny, Kim, 11, 326

Stereotypes, 163, 168, 169, 173, 175, 195, 197, 238

Stewart, J., 112

Stich, S., 65, 324

Stimulus-delivery devices, 279

Stock, Oliviero, 5, 326

Stone, Tom, xiii

Strack, F., 22n, 326

Strapparava, Carlo, 5, 319, 326

Strick, M., 286, 326

Stupidity, 11, 15, 29, 126, 147, 159, 165, 170, 267

Stuss, D. T., 129n, 325

Subjective qualities, 124, 179. See also Qualia

Sudden glory, 40, 43, 53, 123

Sugar, 1, 67, 73, 82, 124, 214n, 218, 274, 294. See also Glucose; Fructose

Suls, J. M., 45, 46, 49, 59, 202, 209, 326

Superiority theory of humor, 37, 40-43, 45, 48, 50, 53, 55, 58-60, 139, 147, 171, 194, 201, 214, 234n, 249-250, 270, 287-288

Supernormal stimuli, xi, 159, 270, 272, 274

Support Vector Machines, 5n

Surplus, economic, 75, 270

Surprise, 47, 58, 106-110, 118, 133, 136, 170, 193, 198, 238, 242-243, 251-252, 254, 264, 276, 288, 292

Surprise Symphony, 238

Surprise theory of humor, xii, 37, 53-55, 58, 122 288, 292

Survival value, 9, 73n

Suspended disbelief, 138, 193

Sweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Expectation (Huron), 251-253

Sweetness, 1, 67, 124, 159, 214n, 274, 295, 301

Sweet tooth, evolution of, 2, 10, 28, 67-68, 274

Swinney, D., 100n, 106, 190, 326

Swiss, Jamy Ian, 277, 326

Symbiont, cultural, 11

Sympathetic instant utility, 207-208

Sympathy, 38, 71, 146n, 264

Syntax, 5, 99, 134, 135, 281, 296

Szarmarasz, Vera, xiii

Taboos, 205n, 219, 246, 258

Tag, as chess for chimps, 263

Tanazawa, Takao, xiii

Tanenhaus, M. K., 99, 100n, 308, 324-326

Tanganyika, laughing epidemic, 228n

Tanie, K., 86, 325

Tati, Jacques, 152n, 234

Taxonomy of clothing, as a metaphor for taxonomy of humor, 280

Telegraphing the punch line, 134, 158n, 171, 189, 222, 230, 272, 297

Television, 1, 22, 60, 93n, 141, 152, 163, 274, 294

Tension, 11, 44-45, 52-53

in ITPRA model, 251-252

Texts, humorous, 5n, 51, 203, 209-210, 216, 301

Theater, 1, 298

Theater of cruelty, 49

Thelen, E., 89n, 326

Theodorus, 53

Theory of humor, 15, 159, 178, 206, 223, 253n, 289, 301

Theory of mind, 55n, 144, 180, 207, 261, 263, 290, 293

Therapsids, 213

Third-person humor, 138, 139, 140-142, 143-176, 180, 189-190, 192, 207-208, 213, 246, 249, 288

benefit of, 154

evolution of, 147

Thompson, J., 38, 326

Thompson, W. L., 77n, 113, 317

Thorndike, E. L., 73-74, 326

Thought experiment, 25-26, 113, 224, 296

Thought-provoking (vs. laugh-provoking), 247

Three Stooges, the, 141, 210, 234

Threshold, variable, of pleasure, 271

Threshold of awareness, 281, 282

Tickling, 39-40, 48, 59, 220-229, 232, 234, 262, 263, 293

of apes, 39, 261

aversiveness of, 221, 223, 224

as a cognitive bug, 225

inability to perform on oneself, 221-222

of the mind, xi, 24, 39, 117

of rats, 261

Time-pressured heuristic search, xi, 4, 12, 82, 88, 94, 117-118, 121, 164, 210, 265, 291-292, 297

Timing, 61, 93, 123, 146, 158, 167, 172, 186-187, 200, 229, 239, 255, 270, 275-277, 275n, 288

Tinbergen, Niko, 159, 326

Tobacco, 1

Tomasello, M., 55n, 145, 290, 307, 326, 327

Tomkins, S. S., 70, 327

Tomlin, Lily, 37, 61

Tooby, J., 289, 327

Toy model, 85, 263

Training set, 296

Trampoline, Huron’s backstage, 253-254, 288

Transfer of arousal, 176, 217-219, 227, 228, 229, 247, 275, 288, 295

Treisman, A., 98, 327

Trembath, D. L., 34, 325

Trickery. See Deception, trickery

Tricksters, 174, 198, 249

Trimmer, Barry, xii

Triumph, 27, 40, 41, 147, 246, 250

Trivers, R. L., 75, 154, 295, 327

Trottier, Leo, xii

Trust, 12, 71, 109, 111, 258

Trust falls, 198, 220, 221, 234

Truth, 12, 80n, 112, 118, 193, 294

Tufts University, xii, 199

Tugade, M. M., 313

Tulips, 281-282

Tunes, recursion in, 285

Turing, A. M., 327

Turner, M., 97-98, 126, 312

Turning the knobs, 177, 178, 179, 192, 194

Turpeinen, M., 323

Tversky, A., 327

Twain, Mark, 109, 139, 177

Twenty questions, 57-60, 289-296

as a model-selection criteria, 180

Type I errors. See False positives

Type II errors. See False negatives

Uchikawa, Y., 320

Uchino,Toshiyuki, xiii

Uekermann, J., 129n, 327

Uematsu, S., 305

Unchallenged perceptual beliefs, 185

Unger, Felix, 54

Unsupervised cognitive process, 12, 93, 200, 297

Vaartjes, Johan, xiii

Valence, 69-74, 84, 121-122, 135, 139-140, 147, 189-190, 217, 219, 229, 253, 254, 257, 284-285, 288, 295

contrastive (see Contrastive valence)

negative, 69, 79-80, 121, 135, 139, 140, 142, 190, 193, 198, 217, 230, 254, 257, 284-286, 288

positive, 24, 44, 69, 78, 80, 122, 133, 140, 142n, 147, 198, 217, 219, 254, 269, 284, 285, 286, 288, 295, 297

Valéry, P., 120

van Baaren, R.B., 326

van Gelder, T., 89n, 327

van Hooff, J. A. R. A. M., 261, 262, 322, 327

van Knippenberg, A., 326

Veatch, T. C., 327

Verbalization paradigm, 197

Vervet monkey, 262

Vestibular system, 48-49, 80

Vidal, Gore, 250

Violence, 81, 153, 217, 238, 291

Virginity, for a joke, 230

Viruses, cold, 11

Viruses, memes as being like, 11, 271

Viscera, 69

Visceral, 70, 74

Visceral eye, of Boorstin, 140, 142

Visual puns, 234, 247, 248, 249

Vogt, B. A., 70n, 327

von Goethe, J. W., 264

Voyeuristic perspective, of Boorstin, 140, 141, 142, 153, 171, 279

Waldorf, V. A., 34, 325

Walker, C., 80n, 260, 307

Waller, A., 323

“Warming-up,” 228, 229

Wary commitments, 200. See also Hunches

Watson, K. K., 129n, 327

Weber, B. H., 269, 327

Weirdness, 242

Weisfeld, G. E., 35, 327

Wellman, H., 78, 314

“What it is like,” 26

White, E. B., 289

Wig, G. S., 320

Wild, B., 129n, 327, 328

Wilde, Oscar, x, 40, 246, 297

Willful agents, 225, 243

Williams, Robin, 297

Wilson, C. L., 313

Wilson, D. S., 20, 22, 39-40, 160, 261, 313, 325

Wilson, E. O., 259, 260, 328

Wilson, S., 284, 317

Winawer, Jonathan, 232

Wincing, 133, 152, 153

Wine tasting, as metaphor for humor connoisseurship, 246


Wiseman, R., 164, 328

Wit, x, 3, 15-16, 117, 128, 130, 132, 157, 175-176, 197, 198, 214, 238-239, 246, 247, 249, 250, 254, 267, 270, 296, 298

Witcher, B. S., 312

Wittgenstein, L., 3, 100, 204, 328

Witticisms, 1, 55, 117, 155, 163-164, 247, 257, 270

Witty rhymes, 31, 214

Wodehouse, P. G., x

Wolfe, Tom, 107, 328

Wolpert, D., 221, 306

Woman, old, who lived in a shoe, xi

Wonder tissue, x

Woodruff, G., 290, 322

Wordplay, 3, 7, 15, 156

Wright, Steven, 16, 51, 122, 136, 270

Wyer, R. S., 17, 49, 50, 173, 202-204, 206, 328

Xie, Stephanie, xiii

XKCD, 96

Yaglovskaya, Yuliya, xiii

Yamamoto, M., 86, 328

Yong, Y. L., 323

Young, R. C., 317

Zahavi, A., 263, 328

Zajonc, R. B., 70n, 73, 328

Zigler, E., 328

Zillmann, D., 217, 275, 307, 328

Ziv, A., 35, 328

Zysset, S., 129n, 324