The Horton House

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Cable Cars in San Diego

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The Carnegie Library

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The San Diego Baths

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San Diego State’s First Year

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The 1890 Federal Census

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The Great Race

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Babe Ruth in San Diego

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The “Stolen” Cabrillo Statue

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San Diego’s Warship

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The German Raider

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The Navy Swimming Pool in Balboa Park

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Spreckels’s Yacht

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The Pork Chop Express

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The Liquor Fixers

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The Rumrunners

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A Gambling War in the City

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The Short-Lived Career of Chief Harry Raymond

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The Hole in the Fence

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The Heist on the Dike

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The Revolutionaries

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A Ruined Woman

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Death of the Butterfly Dancer

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The Royal Coach Affair

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The Bribe

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Dragsters on the Boulevard

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The Student Strike

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The Young Communists

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The Silver Shirts

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A Textbook Controversy

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The Last Temptation of the Book Censors

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Douglas Gunn

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Albert G. Spalding

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Leon de Aryan

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Scott O’Dell

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Donal Hord

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