Dedicated to friends and family
who recently passed:

Dave Arian

Alfred “Fre” Ballesteros

Valentin “Cochino Daddy” Barcenas

Trevor Campbell

Glenn Capers

Michael Castro

Wanda Coleman

Ron M. Daniels

Joseph Fabian

Arnulfo T. Garcia

Tom Hayden

Tony Hernandez

Ronnie Kaplan

Greg Kimura

Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen We Langa

James Lilly

Tony Little Hawk

Rene Montez

Isaiah Negrete

Mary Nelson

Nelson Peery

Gamaliel Ramirez

Thelma Hernandez Rodriguez

Jonathan Sanchez

Nancy Singham

John Singleton

John Chee Smith

John Trudell

Carlos P. Zaragoza


my dear brothers Alberto and José René