1. F.H. Leacy, ed., Historical Statistics of Canada (Ottawa, 1983), A2-14.
2. Ibid., A67-69, A75-77.
3. Ibid., M55-56.
4. Ibid., M12-22.
5. Canada Year Book, 1976-77 (Ottawa, 1977), p. 188.
6. Leacy, T147-62.
7. Quoted in Alan Green, Immigration and the Postwar Canadian Economy (Toronto, 1976), p. 21.
8. Ibid., pp. 31-32; Gerald Dirks, Canada’s Refugee Policy (Montreal, 1977), pp. 190ff.
9. Green, p. 36; Freda Hawkins, Canada and Immigration (Montreal, 1972), pp. 125ff.
10. Green, p. 37.
11. Leacy, A385-416.
12. N. Levine, Canada Made Me (Ottawa, 1979), pp. 22-25.
13. Leacy, D205-22, D431-48.
14. N. Meltz and D. Stager, The Occupational Structure of Earnings in Canada, 1931-75 (Ottawa, 1977), p. 165.
15. Leacy, B1-14.
16. Myrna Kostash, Long Way from Home (Toronto, 1980), p. 185.
17. Leacy, B75-81.
18. G. Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism (Toronto, 1965), p. 40.
19. Leacy, G303-17.
20. Ibid., G329-40.
21. Ibid., G401-14.
22. Roy E. George, A Leader and a Laggard (Toronto, 1970), passim.
23. T.N. Brewis, Regional Economic Policies in Canada (Toronto, 1969), Chap. X; Philip Mathias, Forced Growth (Toronto, 1971).
24. On the Seaway’s impact, see W.R. Willoughby, The St. Lawrence Waterway (Madison, Wis., 1961), pp. 218ff., 269ff.; Gerald Friesen, The Canadian Prairies: A History (Toronto, 1984), p. 429.
25. Leacy, Q131-36.
26. John Richards and Larry Pratt, Prairie Capitalism: Power and Influence in the New West (Toronto, 1979), p. 84.
27. Leacy, E175-77, E190-97.
28. J. Finkelman and S. Goldenberg, Collective Bargaining in the Public Service (Montreal, 1983), I, xxvii-xxviii, 4, 12.
29. Meltz and Stager, pp. 70, 170.
30. S. Ostry, Unemployment in Canada (Ottawa, 1968), p. 1.
31. Gérard Pelletier, Years of Impatience, 1950-60 (Toronto, 1984), p. 30.
32. University of Calgary Archives, Bruce Hutchison Papers, file 1.2.3., Hutchison to Grant Dexter, 17 Feb. 1955.
33. Queen’s University Archives, Grant Dexter Papers, Dexter to Tom Kent, 4 Jan. 1956.
34. Public Archives of Canada [PAC], René Beaudoin Papers, vol. 5, Criticisms file, passim.
35. Quoted by Arthur Blakely in Montreal Gazette, 25 Oct. 1961.
36. PAC, Gordon Churchill Papers, vol. 2, Black Friday file, Churchill to Mona, “Sunday eve.”
1. Saskatchewan Archives, Saskatchewan Homestead Records, #100470A – William Diefenbaker.
2. See Simma Holt, The Other Mrs. Diefenbaker (Toronto, 1982), passim; Bishop’s University, T.W.L. MacDermot Papers, file /46, H.B. Robinson to MacDermot, 14 Oct. 1958.
3. See Maclean’s, 29 Mar. 1958, 22-23.
4. University of Victoria Archives, George Pearkes Papers, vol. 7, interview transcript, 12 July 1967.
5. MacDermot Papers, file /46, H.B. Robinson letter, 14 Oct. 1958.
6. PAC, Gordon Churchill Papers, vol. 3, Manitoba file, Churchill to W. Dinsdale, 11 Oct. 1956.
7. Dalton Camp, Gentlemen, Players and Politicians (Toronto, 1970), p. 257.
8. Peter Stursberg, Diefenbaker: Leadership Gained, 1956-62 (Toronto, 1975).
9. See John Meisel, The Canadian General Election of 1957 (Toronto, 1962), pp. 18ff.
10. Maclean’s, 24 Nov. 1956.
11. Churchill Papers, vol. 3, Alberta file, Churchill to W.J.C. Kirby, 24 Oct. 1956.
12. Ibid., Manitoba file, Churchill to Steen, 2 Nov. 1956; PAC, E. Davie Fulton Papers, vol. 7, Convention Organization file, E. Chambers to Fulton, 26 Oct. 1956.
13. Churchill Papers, vol. 2, Convention 1956 file, Churchill to Diefenbaker, 5 Oct. 1956.
14. Ibid., vol. 3, Manitoba file, 24 Oct. 1956.
15. Ibid., Churchill to C. Haig, 24 Oct. 1956.
16. Diefenbaker Centre, Saskatoon, John Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 4, Press Conference, CBOT-TV, 8 Jan. 1957.
17. Fulton Papers, vol. 7, Convention 1956-General file, M.A. Macpherson to Fulton, 17 Dec. 1956; Churchill Papers, vol. 1, Personal file, Churchill to Roblin, 2 Jan. 1957; PAC, Peter Stursberg Papers, Balcer interview, n.d.; Pearkes Papers, vol. 5, Notebook 1956.
18. PAC, John Diefenbaker Papers, Sévigny to Diefenbaker, 19 Dec. 1956, ff.12825-6.
19. Glenbow Archives, Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta Records, file 9, “We Can Win With John”.
20. See Camp, pp. 242ff., for a brilliant account of the convention, and Donald Fleming, So Very Near (Toronto, 1985), I, 322ff.
21. Saskatchewan Archives, T.C. Douglas Papers, Premier 130 file, Douglas to L.L. Lloyd, 3 Oct. 1956.
22. Queen’s University Archives, C.G. Power Papers, vol. 13, 1957 Election file, NLF Memo to Liberal M.P.s and Senators, 6 Dec. 1956.
23. Churchill Papers, vol. 106, Election Organization file, “Forming the Government,” Jan. 1954.
24. Stursberg Papers, Churchill interview, 25 May 1975; Gordon Churchill Papers (Mill Bay, B.C.), MS “Recollections of Political Life,” Chap. X. But cf. Stursberg Papers, R.A. Bell interview, and Stursberg, Leadership Gained, pp. 43ff. In the 1957 election, total Conservative expenditures were $1,539,123 of which just over $1 million went to candidates. The party spent $337,683 on advertising, $10,000 on the ethnic vote, $42,788 on headquarters, and $45,559 on the leader’s tour. Quebec ridings got $321,000, Ontario $407,600. PAC, Progressive Conservative Party Records, vol. 267, Provincial Liaison Meeting 1957 file, “Summary of 1957 Election Disbursements.” For one candidate’s expenses, see PAC, R.A. Bell Papers, vol. 7, Financial Committee file, Budget, n.d.
25. Churchill Papers, vol. 7, Election 1957 Organization file, Memo, 28 Feb. 1957, Notes, 4 and 7 March 1957; Churchill MS “Recollections,” Chap. X; Patrick Nicholson, Vision and Indecision (Toronto, 1968), pp. 40ff.; and generally, PAC, Allister Grosart Papers.
26. Churchill Papers, vol. 7, Election 1957 Organization file, “Plans re Publicity,” 31 Jan. 1957; vol. 1, Personal file, “Basis for Discussion,” n.d.; Camp, pp. 253ff.
27. Ibid., pp. 259ff.; copy in Churchill Papers, vol. 1. Camp had many vicissitudes in his relations with Churchill and Grosart. See Camp, pp. 272-76.
28. PC Party Records, vol. 372, National Campaign Committee file, Minutes, 7 April 1957; PAC, Diefenbaker Papers, Diefenbaker to E. Goodman et al., 29 March 1957, ff.02230ff.; Camp, pp. 280ff.
29. PAC, Diefenbaker Papers, Grosart memo, 24 April 1957, f.02305.
30. Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 4, “One Country, One Policy,” n.d., vol. 5, Truro, May 1957.
31. Ibid., vol. 4, Press Conference, 8 Jan. 1957.
32. Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview, 30 Oct. 1968.
33. PAC, Brooke Claxton Papers, vol. 77, Claxton to W.L. Gordon, 20 Mar. 1957.
34. York University Archives, Douglas How reminiscences, 28 June 1971; cf. Queen’s University Archives, J.J. McCann Papers, vol. 3, Scrapbook, advt. in Arnprior Chronicle, 6 June 1957.
35. Power Papers, vol. 13, 1957 Election file, NLF Memo, 27 Feb. 1957; vol. 80, NLF file, Minutes of National Executive of NLF, 1 Feb. 1957.
36. 16 Apr. 1957. See also Winnipeg Free Press, 25-26 Apr., Calgary Albertan, 29 May 1957, Toronto Star, 17 Apr., 27 May 1957.
37. PAC, H.E. Kidd Papers, vol. 5, f. 17, D.G. Mackenzie to D. MacTavish, 7 May 1957. See also R. Whitaker, The Government Party (Toronto, 1977), pp. 206ff., and Dale Thomson, Louis St. Laurent, Canadian (Toronto, 1967), pp. 504ff.
38. PAC, Paul Martin Papers, vol. 28, Election 1957 P.M. Visit file, Notes of Address, 5 June 1957.
39. Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 5, 14 and 29 May, 5 June 1957.
40. Stursberg Papers, Churchill interview, 25 May 1975.
41. PAC, Diefenbaker Papers, “Memo on Development,” n.d. ff.00512ff. and Memos, 14 May 1957, ff.14550ff.; PAC, Alvin Hamilton Papers, vol. 137, Roy Faibish memo, Nov. 1956; Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 4, “Suggested Speech for Saskatoon,” 1 Mar. 1957. On Hamilton in Saskatchewan, see Patrick Kyba, “Third Party Leadership in a Competitive Two-Party Province,” Saskatchewan History, XXXVI (Winter, 1983), 1ff.
42. Power Papers, vol. 5, Crerar to Power, 21 May 1957; Robert Bothwell and William Kilbourn, C.D. Howe (Toronto, 1979), p. 325; Stursberg Papers, Walter Dinsdale interview, 15 Nov. 1973.
43. As in Kingston Whig-Standard, 27 May 1957. See the Liberal ad in the issue of June 7: “It’s Agreed! The Liberals are Going Back!…The Tories Are Not Going In! Keep Kingston on the Government’s Side!”
44. PAC, Diefenbaker Papers, Hogan to Grosart, 24 May 1957, ff.03258-60.
45. Queen’s University Archives, T.A. Crerar Papers, vol. 132, Power to Crerar, 4 June 1957. Cf. Power Papers, vol. 6, Power to Hutchison, 28 May 1957.
46. PAC, Diefenbaker Papers, “Election Prediction,” 10 June 1957, ff.03380ff.
47. Crerar Papers, vol. 105, Dexter to Crerar, 23 May 1957; Power Papers, vol. 6, Hutchison to Power, 4 June 1957. J.W. Pickersgill later noted, “It is curious that it is so easy with hindsight to see the signs of what happened…and how curious it is that practically no one saw them in advance.” Pickersgill Papers (Ottawa), Hutchison file, Pickersgill to Hutchison, 15 June 1957.
48. See Meisel, pp. 235ff.; Douglas Papers, Premier 66D file, Douglas to Diefenbaker, 11 June 1957: “Black Friday has been avenged”; F.H. Underhill, “The Revival of Conservatism in North America,” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, LII, Ser. III (1958), 14.
49. University of Calgary Archives, Bruce Hutchison Papers, file 2.1.6, Power to Hutchison, 17 June 1957; Power Papers, vol. 5, Power to Crerar, 14 June 1957. See also J.R. Mallory, “The Election and the Constitution,” Queen’s Quarterly, LXIV (Winter, 1958), 465ff.
50. Massey College, Vincent Massey Papers, Diary, 10-12 June 1957.
51. Privy Council Office, PCO Records, file C-20-3 1957, Cabinet Conclusion, 13 June 1957; Massey Diary, 14 June 1957; Pickersgill Papers, Harris file, Harris to Pickersgill, n.d.; Glenbow Archives, J.G. Gardiner interview, 3 and 5 Jan. 1962.
52. Massey Diary, 15 June 1957.
53. Ibid., 20 June 1957.
54. Ibid., 21 June 1957.
55. Based on Churchill MS “Recollections,” Chap. XI; York University Archives, Oral History Programme, Angus MacLean interview, 24 Jan. 1969, Howard Green interview, 10 Apr. 1969, Fairclough interview, 3 Nov. 1968, Fulton interview, 9 Apr. 1969; Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview, 26 Nov. 1973; Stursberg, Leadership Gained, pp. 62ff.; Fleming, I, 341ff.
56. John English, “The French Lieutenant in Federal Politics,” unpublished CHA/CPSA paper 1983, p. 3. Overall, Diefenbaker’s Cabinets had 18 per cent French-Canadian content compared to the 25 per cent in St. Laurent’s and the 39 per cent in Pearson’s. Paul Tennant, “French Canadian Representation in the Canadian Cabinet: An Overview,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1970, p. 107.
57. Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 5, 22 June 1957. Diefenbaker did not speak French well, but he worked at it – as the carefully phoneticized speech texts indicate. See ibid., Speeches, vol. 12, Address in Quebec City, 3 July 1958.
58. For Monteith’s account of his appointment, see PAC, Monteith Papers, vol. 1, Diefenbaker file, Monteith to Diefenbaker, 14 March 1974.
59. Massey Diary, 23 Mar. 1959. For another comment on the Quebec ministers, see Stursberg Papers, Bell interview, 26 July 1972.
60. PCO Records, file C-20-1, Memo, 20 June 1957 and att. Cabinet Document 54/57, 13 Mar. 1957.
61. H.B. Robinson interview, 16 May 1979; John Diefenbaker interview, 15 Feb. 1979; J.L. Granatstein, The Ottawa Men: The Civil Service Mandarins, 1935-57 (Toronto, 1982), pp. 256ff. See also U.S. Treasury Department, Treasury Records, Acc. 68-A-5918, box 85, Can/0/20 (1957), biographical data on Joint U.S.-Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, 7-8 Oct. 1957.
62. J.W. Pickersgill interview, 20 Feb. 1979.
63. PAC, N.A. Robertson Papers, vol. 3A, Holmes to Robertson, 1 Aug. 1957.
64. Granatstein, pp. 266-67.
65. Pearkes Papers, vol. 14, unpublished comments on Lloyd, Canada and World Affairs 1957-59.
66. PAC, Howard Green Papers, vol. 9, Green to R.H. Winters, 6 July 1959.
67. Stursberg Papers, Roy Faibish interview, 27 Sept. 1973.
68. Churchill Papers, vol. 1, Personal file, Grosart to Churchill, 12 Nov. 1957.
69. Queen’s University Archives, T.A. Kidd Papers, vol. 18, Patronage files.
70. PAC, R.B. Bryce Papers, Notebooks 1958; PCO Records, file C-20-1, Memo JRN to Bryce, 20 January 1959; Memo A.W. to Bryce, n.d.
71. Ibid., Halliday to Bryce, 6 January 1959.
72. Ibid., file C-20-2, Cabinet Agendas, e.g., 5 and 6 Dec. 1957; Pearkes Papers, vol. 7, interview, 23 Feb. 1967.
73. Massey Diary, 12 and 14 Oct., 4 Sept. 1957.
74. Stursberg Papers, Douglas interview, 4 Dec. 1972; J.G. Diefenbaker, One Canada: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker (Toronto, 1976), II, 64ff.
75. Hutchison Papers, file 1.2.3., Hutchison to Dexter, 8 Nov. 1957.
76. Thompson, pp. 523ff.
77. Martin Papers, vol. 351, Tape 5, Side 2, 100ff.
78. Claxton Papers, vol. 83, Political Comment file, Gordon to Claxton, 4 Dec. 1957.
79. Queen’s University, Grant Dexter Papers, Memos, 9 and 23 Oct. 1957.
80. Hutchison Papers, file 1.2.4., Hutchison to Dexter, 12 Nov. 1957; Claxton Papers, vol. 83, Political Comment file, Kidd to Claxton, 5 Nov. 1957; Dexter Papers, Memo, 9 Oct. 1957; Power Papers, vol. 5, Crerar to Power, 18 Sept. 1957.
81. See Norman Ward, “The Liberals in Convention,” Queen’s Quarterly, LXV (Spring, 1958), 1ff.
82. L.B. Pearson, Mike: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson (Toronto, 1975), III, 32.
83. Pickersgill Papers, Liberal Party in Opposition file, Pickersgill to J. Dickey, 23 Jan. 1958; Pickersgill interview, 5 Jan. 1983; MacDermot Papers, file /53, G.V. Ferguson to MacDermot, 8 Feb. 1958. The strategy was probably sound in intent. See, for example, Glenbow Archives, Solon Low Papers, f.130, Low to C. Schurter, 9 Oct. 1957.
84. Pearson, III, 33.
85. Stursberg Papers, Martin interview, 28 Nov. 1972. See also Dexter Papers, vol. 7, M. Sharp to Dexter, 5 Sept. 1958; Pickersgill Papers, Sharp file, Sharp to Pickersgill, 29 Aug. 1958; PAC, Donald Fleming Papers, vol. 60, file E2, K.W. Taylor to Fleming, 27 June 1958; PAC, B.T. Richardson Papers, vol. 4, f.9, J. Armstrong to Richardson, 4 Feb. 1958. The report is in PAC, Diefenbaker Papers, ff.00745ff. On how Diefenbaker learned of the report, see Nicholson, Chaps. IV-V; Diefenbaker, II, 64ff. See also Blair Fraser, Maclean’s, 1 Mar. 1958, 2.
86. Massey Diary, 7 and 9 Nov. 1957.
87. PAC, M.J. Coldwell Papers, vol. 58, CCF #2 file, Coldwell to C. Fines, 2 Jan. 1958.
88. MacDermot Papers, file /53, Ferguson to MacDermot, 8 Feb. 1958.
89. Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 8, 12 Feb. 1958.
90. Stursberg Papers, Faibish interview, 27 Sept. 1973. The best account is Patrick Kyba, “The ‘Vision’ and the National Development Policy of the Diefenbaker Government,” unpublished CPSA/CHA Paper, 1984.
91. Hutchison Papers, file 1.2.4., Hutchison to Dexter, 18 Feb. 1958. See also Claxton Papers, vol. 71, Claxton to D. Acheson, 24 Feb. 1958.
92. Power Papers, vol. 6, Power to Hutchison, 3 Mar. 1958.
93. C. Black, Duplessis (Toronto, 1977), pp. 406-8; Pierre Sévigny, This Game of Politics (Toronto, 1965), Chap. V.
94. Queen’s University Archives, Norman Lambert Papers, vol. 2, Connolly to Lambert, 6 Mar. 1958; Whitaker, pp. 206ff.
95. Coldwell Papers, vol. 44, Saskatchewan Premier’s Office file, Douglas to Coldwell, 5 Mar. 1958.
96. Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, vol. 9, 13 Mar. 1958.
97. PAC, Liberal Party of Canada Records, vol. 851, National Campaign Committee file, Connolly to Committee, 14 Mar. 1958.
98. Copy in Power Papers, vol. 13; H.E. Kidd Papers, vol. 6, f.9, Memo by D. MacTavish, 1 May 1958.
99. MacDermot Papers, file /53, Brooke Claxton, “The Reason Why,” 16 Apr. 1958.
100. Pearson, III, 37.
101. Hutchison Papers, file 1.2.4., Hutchison to Dexter, Apr., May 1958.
102. Stursberg Papers, Baldwin interview, 7 Nov. 1973, Nielsen interview, 5 Mar. 1973.
103. Gordon Churchill interview, 9-10 June 1983.
104. Stursberg Papers, Balcer interview, n.d.
105. Hamilton Papers, vol. 198, National Development file, Hamilton to Diefenbaker, 15 July 1959.
106. Diefenbaker Centre, Diefenbaker Papers, Speeches, 30 Nov.-9 Dec. 1960 file, extract from speech draft (in 9 Dec. 1960 file).
107. PC Party Records, vol. 352, Sévigny to Grosart, 28 Sept. 1960; see also vol. 335, Memo “re P.M.G.’s letter…,” 18 Aug. 1961.
108. PCO Records, file R-20-N, Memoranda to Cabinet, 6 Aug. 1958 and 18 Feb. 1959; Joey Smallwood, I Chose Canada (Toronto, 1973), pp. 417ff.
109. Ibid., pp. 396ff.; Diefenbaker, II, 316ff.; H. Landon Ladd, “The Newfoundland Loggers’ Strike of 1959,” in W.J.C. Cherwinski and G.S. Kealey, eds., Lectures in Canadian Labour and Working-Class History (St. John’s, 1985), pp. 149ff.
110. MacDermot Papers, file /53, Ferguson to MacDermot, 12 June 1958.
111. Diefenbaker, II, 256ff.
112. York University Archives, Fulton interview, 9 Apr. 1969.
113. Hamilton Papers, vol. 171, Faibish to R.G. Robertson, 7 Nov. 1958.
114. Fleming Papers, vol. 163, National Development Cabinet Committee file, Taylor to Fleming, 9 Dec. 1958.
115. Hamilton Papers, vol. 198, Northern Development file, Memo for Cabinet: Roads to Resources, 13 Nov. 1958; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 29-30 Jan., 3-4 Feb. 1958.
116. Douglas Papers, Premier 20 file, South Sask. River Dam Construction file, Notes…, 16 Mar. 1959.
117. Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power (Toronto, 1963), p. 222.
118. Based on Hamilton Papers, vol. 130, Menzies file, Faibish to Menzies, 18 Feb. 1960; Queen’s University Archives, J.A. Stevenson Papers, file 1, Martin to Stevenson, 10 Sept. 1957; Massey Diary, 26 July 1959; Gordon Churchill interview, 9-10 June 1983; Stursberg Papers, T.C. Douglas interview, 4 Dec. 1972; PAC, Jules Léger Papers, vol. 1, interview transcript, 22 Oct. 1980; H.B. Robinson interview, 18 Apr. 1983.
1. Saskatchewan Archives, T.C. Douglas Papers, file 115-(3-16), Spry to Douglas, 3 July 1957.
2. Trevor Lloyd, Canada in World Affairs 1957-59 (Toronto, 1968), p. 66; J.G. Diefenbaker, One Canada: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker (Toronto, 1976), II, 197.
3. PAC, Gordon Churchill Papers, vol. 41, “Diversion of Canadian Imports…” 9 Aug. 1957.
4. PAC, Department of Finance Records, vol. 4192, file 8627/C212/U57, Plumptre to Fleming, 29 Dec. 1961; Queen’s University Archives, Grant Dexter Papers, Memo, 9 Oct. 1957.
5. See Douglas Papers, file 115-(3-16), Spry to Douglas, 20 Sept. 1957.
6. Department of Finance Records, vol. 4182, file 8522/U585-1 (1957), “Third Meeting of Joint Committee…7-8 Oct. 1957.” See also Donald Fleming, So Very Near (Toronto, 1985), I, 383ff.
7. Department of Finance Records, vol. 4192, file 8625-03/C2/2m, “Canadian Views…” att. to Schwartzmann to Plumptre, 22 May 1958.
8. Privy Council Office, PCO Records, file E-40-1, “Policy Issues Raised by European Regional Economic Developments,” 28 Dec. 1959.
9. Department of External Affairs, External Affairs file 10364-40, Minutes, 28-29 June 1960.
10. Diefenbaker, II, 202.
11. External Affairs file 8490-B-40, vol. 4, Robertson to Minister, 27 Sept. 1960.
12. Department of External Affairs, H. Basil Robinson Papers, Note on Meeting, 10 Apr. 1961.
13. PAC, George Drew Papers, vol. 390, Robinson to USSEA, 26 Apr. 1961. See also Harold Macmillan, At the End of the Day (New York, 1973), pp, 10ff.
14. Globe and Mail, 17 Jan. and 12 Apr. 1961.
15. Ibid., 15 June 1961.
16. Drew Papers, vol. 390, Memos att. to Green to Drew, 17 July 1961. One academic study estimated that at most $55 million in trade would be lost by U.K. entry. S.F. Kaliski, “Canada, the U.K. and the Common Market,” International Journal, XVII (Winter 1961-62), 17ff.
17. PAC, Howard Green Papers, vol. 7, “Meeting of Canadian Ministers with…Sandys,” 13 July 1961. There are draft Canadian rejoinders attached.
18. PAC, B.T. Richardson Papers, vol. 5, file 4, Jane Armstrong to Richardson, 24 July 1961. The Canadian view is in PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 15 July 1961.
19. Globe and Mail, 21 July 1961.
20. PAC, Donald Fleming Papers, vol. 156, file C13a, “Statement to CECC,” 12 Sept. 1961; Fleming, II, 389ff.; Department of Finance Records, vol. 4326, file 8262-02/61, Minutes of CECC, 13 Sept. 1961; Peyton Lyon, Canada in World Affairs 1961-63 (Toronto, 1968), pp. 448-49.
21. Sunday Telegraph, 24 Sept. 1961.
22. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 14 Sept. 1961.
23. Fleming Papers, vol. 148, file C13a-2, Bell to Fleming, 15 Sept. 1961. Gordon Churchill later said the Accra meeting was “the start of the ruin of relations with the United Kingdom.” Interview, 9-10 June 1983.
24. House of Commons Debates, 28 Sept. 1961, pp. 9054ff.
25. Globe and Mail, 12 Sept. 1961; Fleming Papers, vol. 159, EEC Memos file, Firestone to Diefenbaker, 27 Sept. 1961; copy in PAC, Progressive Conservative Party files, vol. 341.
26. University of British Columbia Archives, Leon Ladner Papers, Diefenbaker file, Ladner to Diefenbaker, 14 Sept. 1961; see also Globe and Mail, 1 Aug. 1961.
27. Green Papers, vol. 7, “Report on Consultations…September 18 to 28, 1961.”
28. Lyon, pp. 542-43.
29. Fleming Papers, vol. 158, file E1, Drew to Fleming, 8 Oct. 1961. For public opinion, see Globe and Mail, 18 Oct. and 7 Nov. 1961.
30. Dexter Papers, Memo of Simon Reisman conversation, 12 Oct. 1961. See also Green Papers, vol. 7, Robertson Memo for Minister, 10 Oct. 1961, and External Affairs file 12443-40, “Record of Meeting” between Diefenbaker and Macmillan, 30 Apr. 1962, where these themes are raised.
31. Fleming Papers, vol. 158, Notes on Conference, 18 Nov. 1961. Diefenbaker, II, 92, indicates that de Gaulle had told the Prime Minister the same thing in 1958.
32. Cited in Green Papers, vol. 7, Robertson Memo for Minister, 2 June 1962; Macmillan, End of the Day, p. 31.
33. Fleming Papers, vol. 158, file E1, O’Leary to Fleming, 22 Nov. 1961. Cf. Globe and Mail, 29 Nov. 1961.
34. Drew Papers, vol. 390, Commonwealth file, “Britain’s Negotiations with the EEC,” 7 Dec. 1961. See also Fleming Papers, vol. 156, file E1, Drew to Fleming, 21 Dec. 1961.
35. Dexter Papers, Memo, 12 Oct. 1961; H. Basil Robinson interview, 21 Apr. 1983; J.L. Granatstein, A Man of Influence: Norman A. Robertson and Canadian Statecraft, 1929-68 (Ottawa, 1981), p. 335.
36. Green Papers, vol. 7, 2 Jan. 1962.
37. Round Table (March 1962), 204; Macmillan, End of the Day, pp. 115-16.
38. External Affairs file 12447-40, vol. 50, Memo for Minister, 5 Apr. 1962 and att. See also ibid., Minutes of meetings, 26-27 Mar. 1962 and ibid., file 6731-40, Drew to Prime Minister, 6 Apr. 1962.
39. Ibid., file 12447-40, Drew to Prime Minister, 9 Apr. 1962.
40. Ibid., Record of Meeting, 30 Apr. 1962.
41. Robinson Papers, Macmillan to Diefenbaker, 13 Aug. 1962.
42. Green Papers, vol. 7, Memo for Ministers, 13 Aug. 1962; Lyon, p. 460.
43. PCO, Cabinet Conclusions, 30-31 Aug. and 3 Sept. 1962. See also Green Papers, vol. 7, Cabinet Committee on Commonwealth and Common Market minutes, and memos in Churchill Papers, vol. 70 and vol. 73, Prime Minister file, Churchill to Diefenbaker, 4 Sept. 1962.
44. Sunday Observer, 16 Sept. 1962.
45. Green Papers, vol. 7, Minutes of Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1962, 11 Sept. 1962.
46. 12 Sept., 16 Sept. 1962.
47. Ibid., 18 Sept. 1962; Macmillan, End of the Day, pp. 130ff.
48. Green Papers, vol. 7, “Possible Breakdown of Brussels Negotiations,” 17 Jan. 1963.
49. Ibid., “Canada’s Attitude to British Entry,” 31 Aug. 1962.
50. On the background to Canadian policy, see Frank Hayes, “South Africa’s Departure from the Commonwealth, 1960-1,” International History Review, II (July, 1980), 453ff.; Brian Tennyson, Canadian Relations with South Africa (Washington, 1982).
51. External Affairs file 11827-40, Memo, Robinson to Commonwealth Div., 20 Feb. 1959.
52. Ibid., Memo, Robinson to USSEA, 28 Jan. 1960.
53. PAC, R.B. Bryce Papers, Telephone notes, 7 Apr. 1960.
54. Diefenbaker, II, 210-11; Department of External Affairs, State Papers 1-1961/1, “South Africa’s Application to remain a member of the Commonwealth,” 4 Feb. 1961.
55. Ibid.; Diefenbaker, II, 211-12; Ramsay Cook, “The South African Referendum,” Canadian Forum (Dec. 1960), 196-97.
56. Drew Papers, vol. 390, Commonwealth file, Bryce to Prime Minister, 20 July 1960. Bryce remembered that the British were the secretaries of the study group – “like Communists, they were always willing to be secretary.” Bryce interview, 13 Feb. 1979. Membership of the study group is given in PAC, E. Davie Fulton Papers, vol. 67, Commonwealth Prime Ministers #4 file, “Constitutional Development of Commonwealth,” 23 July 1960.
57. External Affairs file 11827-40, “Future Relationship Between South Africa and the Commonwealth,” 30 Aug. 1960.
58. Ibid., various drafts of “South Africa and the Commonwealth,” Oct.-Dec. 1960.
59. Ibid., file 50085-J-40, Bryce to Glazebrook, 20 Jan. 1961.
60. PCO Records, file F-2-1(b)-4, Robinson to USSEA, 3 Nov. 1960.
61. External Affairs file 11827-40, telegram, 15 Nov. 1960; Harold Macmillan, Pointing the Way, 1959-61 (London, 1972), p. 293.
62. Ibid., pp. 294-96.
63. External Affairs file 50085-J-40, Memo, Robinson to USSEA, 9 Jan. 1961; Diefenbaker, II, 216-17.
64. External Affairs file 50085-J-40, Robinson to USSEA, 11 Feb. 1961; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 11 Feb. and 25 Feb. 1961.
65. Ibid., file F-2-1(b)-4, Bryce pen notes, 9 Mar. 1961.
66. Ibid. and Bryce to Prime Minister, 9 Mar. 1961. See also Diefenbaker, II, 218-19.
67. Hayes, 471-73.
68. State Papers, 1-1961/3A, Minutes of Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, 13 Mar. 1961; Diefenbaker, II, 219.
69. Confidential source. See also Fulton Papers, vol. 67, Notebook, Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Meeting 1961, and PCO Records, file F-2-1(b)-4, Bryce pen notes, 14 Mar. 1961.
70. Tennyson, pp. 167-68; Hayes, 476-77; J.A. Stevenson, “Mr. Diefenbaker and South Africa,” Commentator, V(Apr. 1961), 15.
1. Bank of Canada Annual Report 1957, p. 15.
2. PAC, Donald Fleming Papers, vol. 165, Fiscal and Monetary Policy file, “Chartered Banks – Prime Interest Rates,” n.d.
3. Privy Council Office, PCO Records, file C-20-3 1957, Cabinet Conclusions, 7 Nov. 1957.
4. PAC, Department of Finance Records, vol. 4123, file C20, Fleming to C. Allison, 11 Feb. 1958; ibid., vol. 4122, file C20, Diefenbaker to Premier W.A.C. Bennett, 20 May 1958, says the same.
5. PAC, L.B. Pearson Papers, vol. 7, “Bank of Canada Report,” n.d., quoting Earl Rowe, George Hees, and Davie Fulton.
6. Ibid., statements of 14 and 16 Mar. 1957 in Halifax Chronicle-Herald and Vancouver Province.
7. See Department of Finance Records, vol. 4123, file C20, J.M. Macdonnell to Fleming, 10 Apr. 1958, for one minister’s attempt to cool the situation.
8. Fleming Papers, vol. 167, Monetary Chronology 1954-57, n.d.
9. James Coyne interview, 16 Nov. 1982.
10. PAC, Peter Stursberg Papers, Fleming interview; Donald Fleming, So Very Near (Toronto, 1985), 2 vols.
11. House of Commons Debates, 10 Aug. 1956, p. 7351, 1 Feb. 1960, p. 599.
12. R.M. Campbell, “The Diefenbaker Years Revisited: The Demise of the Keynesian Strategy in Canada,” Journal of Canadian Studies, XVIII (Summer 1983), 109.
13. PCO Records, file G-89-U, “Possible Federal Government Measures to Stimulate Employment,” 7 Nov. 1957, by J.F. Parkinson.
14. Ibid., “Check List of Programmes…,” 22 Jan. 1958. The Cabinet actions are detailed in ibid., Cabinet Conclusions, 3 Feb. 1958.
15. Queen’s University, J.M. Macdonnell Papers, vol. 8, O.J. Firestone to Macdonnell, 19 Aug. 1958, encl. “Economic Conditions Turn Upwards,” 18 Aug. 1958.
16. A.F.W. Plumptre, Three Decades of Decision: Canada and the World Monetary System, 1944-75 (Toronto, 1977), p. 159. See also J.G. Diefenbaker, One Canada: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker (Toronto, 1976), II, 267ff.
17. Bank of Canada Annual Report 1958, p. 28.
18. Macdonnell Papers, vol. 8, Fleming to Macdonnell, 12 Dec. 1958.
19. R.B. Bryce interview, 3 Nov. 1982; Coyne interview, 16 Nov. 1982. Complaints continued into 1959. See, e.g., Fleming Papers, vol. 42, file B7, Eric Stefanson, M.P., to Diefenbaker, 26 Sept. 1959.
20. See the comments in The Report of the Royal Commission on Banking and Finance (Ottawa, 1964), pp. 454-55.
21. Department of Finance Records vol. 4100, file B30, Taylor to Fleming, 6 Nov. 1958. A later memo on 19 Dec. 1958 set the real deficit for 1958-59 at $900 million and projected those for 1959-60 at $800 million and 1960-61 at $500 million. Ibid., “Some Preliminary Notes on the Budgetary Outlook and Budget Policy,” 19 Dec. 1958.
22. Ibid., vol. 4104, file B30 1959, 17 Mar. 1959.
23. PCO Records, file B-10, Memo for Prime Minister, 20 Mar. 1959.
24. PAC, R.A. Bell Papers, vol. 19, Bank of Canada file, 15 Aug. 1959.
25. Fleming Papers, vol. 42, file B7, 4 Sept. 1959. See also H.S. Gordon, The Economists vs. the Bank of Canada (Toronto, 1961), p. 30; Fleming, II, 69-71.
26. See J.W. Pickersgill Papers (Ottawa), Sharp file, Mitchell Sharp to Pickersgill, 30 Sept. 1959; Fleming Papers, vol. 42, file B7, Dr. J.A. Sullivan to Fleming, 7 Oct. 1959: Coyne had ruined the Liberals and will ruin us.
27. Queen’s University, Grant Dexter Papers, Memo, 4 Nov. 1959; see also University of British Columbia Archives, Leon Ladner Papers, Diefenbaker file, Ladner to Diefenbaker, 18 Nov. and reply, 23 Nov. 1959, one instance where Diefenbaker did not blame the bank.
28. Hamilton interview, 19 Apr. 1983; Churchill interview, 9-10 June 1983; Coyne letter to author, 25 Jan. 1984; Churchill Papers (Mill Bay, B.C.), Memo, “Election Comments 1962,” 1 Oct. 1962. Churchill launched his own attack on Coyne in parliament. See House of Commons Debates, 21 Mar. 1960, p. 2262, and Winnipeg Free Press, 24-25 Mar., 4 and 11 Apr. 1960 for comment.
29. Senate Standing Committee on Banking and Finance, Minutes, 10 July 1961, p. 62.
30. Ibid., pp. 65-66; Coyne interview.
31. Bank of Canada Archives, Bank of Canada Records, address, 16 Nov. 1959.
32. Ibid., address, 18 Jan. 1960. See also House of Commons Debates, 18 Jan. 1961, pp. 50ff.
33. Fleming Papers, vol. 42, file B7, Fleming to Ladner, 5 Feb. 1960.
34. Bank of Canada Records, address, 5 Oct. 1960.
35. PAC, Alvin Hamilton Papers, vol. 198, National Development Fund file, note, n.d., from Roy Faibish.
36. Pearson Papers, N2, vol. 92, Coyne file, 6 Oct. 1960.
37. Department of Finance Records, vol. 4099, file B30 1961, 14 Oct. 1960.
38. Senate Standing Committee on Banking and Finance, Minutes, 10 July 1961, p. 67.
39. In J.T. Saywell, ed., The Canadian Annual Review [CAR], 1960 (Toronto, 1961), p. 180.
40. House of Commons Debates, 21 Feb. 1961, pp. 2265ff. See Pearson in ibid., 20 Feb. 1961, pp. 2200ff., and Fleming, II, 309ff.
41. Fleming Papers, vol. 143, file E2, pen note, n.a., n.d. CAR 1961, pp. 198-99, indicates the areas of agreement between Fleming and Coyne early in 1961. See Peter Stursberg, Diefenbaker: Leadership Gained, 1956-62 (Toronto, 1975), p. 232.
42. Pearson Papers, N2, vol. 94, 17 Feb. 1961. See D.C. Smith and David Slater, “The Economic Policy Proposals of the Governor of the Bank of Canada,” Queen’s Quarterly, LXVIII (Spring, 1961), 196ff., an example of a sharply critical and influential academic assault.
43. Coyne interview; Bryce interview, 2 Nov. 1982; Dexter Papers, letter, J.T. Bryden to Fleming, 7 Apr. 1961; Bell Papers, Bryden to Fleming, 28 June 1961. Fleming denied knowing of the pension raise until March 1961 (Globe and Mail, 27 June 1961).
44. Fleming, II, 313-14; Dexter Papers, Bryden to Fleming, 7 Apr. 1961. The Dexter Papers contain mimeo. copies of the letters Coyne released during the fight with the Cabinet.
45. Fleming, II, 314; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 23 Mar. 1961.
46. Ibid., 30 Mar. 1961.
47. Ibid., 1 May 1961; Fleming, II, 319.
48. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 2 May 1961.
49. Ibid., 26 and 27 May 1961; Stursberg Papers, Fleming interview. See also Fleming Papers, vol. 167, pen notes re meeting with chartered bankers, 15 May 1961, and Plumptre memo, “Budget Meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow.”
50. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 June 1961; Fleming, II, 320-21.
51. Stursberg Papers, Fleming interview; Coyne interview.
52. Dexter Papers, Coyne to Fleming (two letters), 9 June 1961.
53. Ibid., Coyne’s press release, 13 June 1961; Coyne interview.
54. House of Commons Debates, 7 July 1961, p. 7694.
55. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 June 1961; Stursberg Papers, R.A. Bell interview.
56. Coyne interview; Bryce interview.
57. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 June 1961; Fleming, II, 321.
58. Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power (Toronto, 1963), p. 309.
59. Dexter Papers, press release, 13 June 1961.
60. Ibid., Coyne to Fleming, 13 June 1961.
61. PAC, Paul Martin Papers, vol. 352, Tape 11, Side 1, p. 7. See also Denis Smith, Gentle Patriot: A Political Biography of Walter Gordon (Edmonton, 1973), p. 95; L.B. Pearson, Mike: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson (Toronto, 1975), III, 49.
62. House of Commons Debates, 14 June 1961, pp. 6314ff.
63. Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview.
64. Coyne interview; Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview; J.W. Pickersgill interview, 10 Nov. 1982; Stursberg Papers, Fleming interview; Senate Standing Committee on Banking and Finance, Minutes, 10-13 July 1961, passim; Globe and Mail, 14 June 1961; Bell Papers, vol. 19, Bank of Canada file, Bell to C.A. Bounsell, 28 June 1961. Cf. Pickersgill Papers, Harris file, Harris to Pickersgill, 25 July 1961.
65. Dexter Papers, Memo, 15 Feb. 1961, att. to press release, 19 June 1961. Coyne’s memo drew no official or ministerial response in February. After the memo became public, C.M. Isbister of Finance drafted a refutation for Fleming’s use. Copy in Bell Papers, vol. 24, file Finance-Coyne, 20-21 June 1961.
66. 21 June 1961.
67. Globe and Mail, 22 June 1961.
68. Ibid., 23 June 1961.
69. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 20 June 1961.
70. Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview; Fleming, II, 343-44.
71. Stursberg Papers, Bell interview.
72. Dexter Papers, Coyne to Fleming, 26 June 1961.
73. Ibid.; Globe and Mail, 8 July 1961. Coyne said his purpose in making that charge was “to smoke Diefenbaker out” and make him respond. Interview.
74. Globe and Mail, 8 July 1961.
75. Queen’s University Archives, T.A. Crerar Papers, vol. 90, Crerar to Agnes, 20 July 1961.
76. Walter Gordon, A Political Memoir (Toronto, 1977), p. 78.
77. Senate Standing Committee on Banking and Finance, Minutes, passim; Dexter Papers, Coyne statement, 11 July 1961; Globe and Mail, 11-14 July 1961.
78. Senate Standing Committee on Banking and Finance, Minutes, 12 July 1961, pp. 205-6.
79. PAC, H.W. Herridge Papers, vol. 17, Bank of Canada Coyne file, Herridge to C.B. Garland, 16 July 1961.
80. Dexter Papers, Coyne statement, 13 July 1961.
81. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 June 1961.
82. Fleming Papers, vol. 42, Rasminsky file, 1 Aug. 1961.
83. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 June 1961.
84. Fleming Papers, vol. 42, Rasminsky file, Taylor to Fleming, 14 July 1961; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 June 1961.
85. Bank of Canada Archives, Louis Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-552-1, 21 July 1961. The letter is not discussed in Fleming’s lengthy memoir.
86. 18 Nov. 1961; Bryce interview.
87. Rasminsky interview, 8 Nov. 1982.
88. Ottawa Journal, 10 Aug. 1961.
89. House of Commons Debates, 18 Nov. 1963, p. 4856. The legal opinions are in Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-575-4.
90. CAR, 1961, pp. 95-96.
91. Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-607-2(a), Memo, 2 Jan. 1962 att. to Rasminsky to Fleming, 2 Jan. 1962.
92. 9 Mar. 1962.
93. Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-291, “Canada 1961-Article VII Consultations”; ibid., D. Hudon to Rasminsky, 14 and 21 Feb. 1962.
94. CAR, 1962, pp. 178-79.
95. PCO Records, file F-1-5, Report to Mr. Rasminsky, 2 May 1962.
96. Ibid., Cabinet Conclusions, 2 May 1962; ibid., file F-1-5, “Notes Left with PM,” 29 Apr. 1962; PAC, R.B. Bryce Papers, telephone notes, 1 May 1962.
97. PCO Records, file F-1-5, Report to Mr. Rasminsky, 2 May 1962. Smith, Gentle Patriot, p. 107, suggests that the IMF persuaded the government to peg the dollar. There is no evidence of this. Gordon Churchill noted that the decision to devalue was made by only five ministers and considered this “inexcusable.” Churchill Papers (Mill Bay, B.C.), MS “Recollections,” Chap. XV.
98. Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview; Diefenbaker, III, 119-20; Fleming, II, 494-97.
99. Hamilton interview, 19 Apr. 1983; Stursberg Papers, Walter Dinsdale interview and Fleming interview.
100. PCO Records, file F-1-5, pen note, 21 June 1962; ibid., Cabinet Conclusions, 2 May 1962.
101. Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-523-24, Memo, 31 May 1962. Cf. Diefenbaker, III, 121-23.
102. Canadian Press dispatch, 8 June 1962; Diefenbaker, III, 131; Stursberg Papers, Fleming interview.
103. Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-522-182, Plumptre to Bryce, 10 June 1962.
104. Stursberg Papers, Fleming interview.
105. Quoted in Newman, p. 330. On the election use of the devaluation, see Diefenbaker, III, 123; Pearson, III, 59.
106. PAC, Progressive Conservative Party Records, vol. 387, Campaign Strategy 1962 file, Private and Confidential Memo, n.d., and vol. 384, Election 1962, National Campaign Committee file, “Meeting of the National Campaign Committee…15-16 Apr. 1962.”
107. See Hamilton Papers, vol. 130, Brian Mulroney file, Mulroney to Faibish, 5 Jan. 1962: “We have no organizers, no public relations men, no press liaison people – in short nothing.”
108. “The June 1962 Election: Break-up of Our Party System?” Queen’s Quarterly, LXVIII (Autumn, 1962), 337.
109. PAC, CCF Records, vol. 440, Correspondence Candidates 1962 file, Carl Hamilton to B. Mather et al., 6 Apr. 1962; see also Joseph Wearing, The L-Shaped Party (Toronto, 1981), pp. 30ff., and Christina McCall-Newman, Grits (Toronto, 1982), Part I.
110. PAC, Liberal Party of Canada Records, vol. 692, Pre-Campaign Strategy 1961-62 file, “Pre-Campaign Strategy,” n.d.; Election 1962 file, “1962 Election Advertising,” n.d. The Liberals’ Rule One was “…don’t attack Diefenbaker…. Never – repeat never – refer to him. Always attack the Tories without names.” Wearing, p. 35.
111. PAC, Flora MacDonald Papers, vol. 30, Progressive Conservative Election Material File, “A Study of Voter Attitudes toward National Party Leaders and Probable Election Issues,” Apr. 1962; CAR, 1962, p. 12.
112. Desmond Morton, Social Democracy in Canada (Toronto, 1977), p. 20. See also Gad Horowitz, Canadian Labour in Politics (Toronto, 1968) and Desmond Morton with Terry Copp, Working People (Ottawa, 1980).
113. CCF Records, vol. 374, file NCNP IIf, “Summary of a Discussion upon a Campaign to gain Support of ‘Other Liberal-Minded Persons,’ ” n.d.
114. Herridge Papers, vol. 8, file 4, Herridge to Rev. F. Job, 29 July 1962.
115. Ibid., vol. 51, file 6, Argue to Fisher, 10 Jan. 1962.
116. CCF Records, vol. 449, Douglas Correspondence, Hamilton to Douglas, 26 Feb. 1962.
117. Michael Stein, The Dynamics of Right-Wing Protest in Quebec (Toronto, 1973), Chaps. II-III.
118. PAC, Réal Caouette Papers, vol. 4, programme electorale file 1963-4, Lettre aux deputes…, n.d.; vol. 4, finance 1962 file, “Rémarques du trésorier provincial…,” n.d.
119. Ibid., vol. 2, Association des Femmes Créditistes files, correspondence 1961-65, M. Lajeunesse to M. Smith, 10 May 1962. See also M. Pinard, The Rise of a Third Party (Toronto, 1971).
120. Stursberg Papers, John Fisher interview.
121. Glenbow Archives, Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta Papers, file 20, Campaign Memo No. 28, 25 May 1962.
122. Ladner Papers, Diefenbaker file, Ladner to Diefenbaker, 22 June 1962; Diefenbaker, III, 129: “The turning point,” Diefenbaker called it.
123. CAR, 1962, p. 21.
124. PAC, Paul Hellyer Papers, vol. 245, NLF Election 1962 file, Tels., 21 May, 15 June 1962.
125. Queen’s University Archives, C.G. Power Papers, vol. 5, Connolly file, Memos, 30 Apr., 22 May, 7 June 1962.
126. Ibid., vol. 6, Power to Hutchison, 29 May 1962; CAR, 1962, p. 19; D.V. Smiley, “Canada’s Poujadists,” Canadian Forum (Sept. 1962), 121-23; H. Pilotte, “Réal Caouette: Fuhrer ou Don Quixote?” Le magazine Maclean (septembre, 1962), 18ff.
127. Bell Papers, vol. 9, Election Results National file, “Analysis of 1962 General Election,” n.d.; PAC, Douglas Harkness Papers, vol. 89, Election 1962 envelope, David Brown to Harkness, 22 June 1962.
128. Martin Papers, vol. 197, “Implications of the Popular Vote, 18 June 1962,” 20 Aug. 1962.
129. Churchill Papers (Mill Bay), “Election Comments 1962,” 1 Oct. 1962, MS “Recollections,” Chap. XV.
130. PAC, Georges Vanier Papers, vol. 21, Diefenbaker and Pearson file, Memo, n.d.
131. Power Papers, vol. 13, 1963 Election file, Pearson to Power, 23 July 1962.
132. Patrick Nicholson, Vision and Indecision (Toronto, 1968), p. 111.
133. Churchill Papers, vol. 105, Hogan to Churchill, 5 Oct. 1962.
134. Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-523-41, “Possible Plan of Action,” 12 June 1962.
135. PCO Records, file F-1-16(d), “Memorandum on Emergency Financial Measures,” 17 June 1962.
136. Press Release of 22 June 1962, copy in Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-523.
137. PCO Records, file F-1-16(d), “Points to Include…” 22 June 1962 and “Programme Given Us by Mr. Fleming,” 22 June 1962.
138. Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-523-44, Rasminsky to Diefenbaker, 23 June 1962; ibid., file LR76-523, Rasminsky to Diefenbaker, 23 June 1962. See also ibid., Taylor to Fleming, 23 June 1962, making the same points, and Fleming, II, 516ff.
139. Bank of Canada Records, file PR/BR/-12, 24 June 1962. It is worth noting that the U.S. gave aid without stint. See J.F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass., J.F. Kennedy Papers, POF, vol. 90, Treasury 2/63, Fowler to Bundy, 22 Feb. 1963; W.L. Gordon Papers (Toronto), file U-10, Rasminsky to Gordon, 9 May 1963.
140. E.g., Harkness Papers, file 46-99(2), Fleming to Harkness, 27 June 1962. For opposition, see PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 4 July 1962.
141. See Rasminsky Papers, file LR76-543, Ad Hoc Committee on Balance of Payments (Longer Term Measures), 28 June 1962, and Fleming Papers, vol. 162, Cabinet Committee on Balance of Payments, Minutes, 2 Aug. 1962 and passim.
142. Rasminsky Papers, LR76-523, Rasminsky to Cromer, 3 July 1962.
143. Bank of Canada Records, PR/EF-17, press release 13 Nov. 1962.
144. CAR, 1962, pp. 190-91.
1. Department of External Affairs, External Affairs file 26-EBR-40, Heeney to Pearson, 10 May 1956.
2. Dwight Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kans., Eisenhower Papers, file PPF1-F-107(4), Merchant to Eisenhower, 14 July 1958.
3. United States Treasury Dept., Treasury Records, Acc. 68-A-5918, Box 87, file Can/9/30, Scope and Objectives Paper for Canada-U.S. Ministerial Committee on Joint Defense, 4 Nov. 1959.
4. The best account is in J.T. Jockel’s unpublished MS, “No Boundaries Upstairs: Canada, the United States and North American Air Defence, 1945-58,” Chaps. III-V.
5. Department of National Defence, Directorate of History, Office of Chief of Defence Staff Papers, Combined Defence-NORAD file, Memo, CAS to CGS, 17 July 1958, att. as Annex A to “NORAD”, 14 June 1967; J.G. Diefenbaker, One Canada: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker (Toronto, 1977), III, 18.
6. [U.S.] Declassified Documents [microfiche], (78) 238C, Report by Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force to the JCS…, 5 Dec. 1955.
7. Ibid., Partridge to Chief of Staff, 9 Sept. 1955.
8. This became a political issue later. See Trevor Lloyd, Canada in World Affairs 1957-59 (Toronto, 1968), pp. 31-32.
9. Directorate of History, Records, file 79/24, G/C Weiser to AOC, 21 Dec. 1956 and att. report, “Integration of Operational Control…”, 22 Oct. 1956.
10. Ibid., Gen. Charles Foulkes Papers, NORAD Consultation file, “Steps in Development of Integration,” 4 Dec. 1957.
11. Directorate of History, Records, file 73/778, Aide Memoire, 12 June 1957; Foulkes Papers, NORAD Consultation file, “Steps in Development…”
12. York University Archives, Oral History Programme, Pearkes interview, 7 Apr. 1969; University of Victoria Archives, Pearkes Papers, Gen. H.D. Graham interview, 24 Sept. 1970, and Air Chief Marshal F.R. Miller interview, 20 June 1967.
13. Office of Chief of Defence Staff Papers, Answer to Questions file, Extract, 5 Aug. 1957. “There it is, approved,” Pearkes told Foulkes. Cited in R.H. Roy, For Most Conspicuous Bravery (Vancouver, 1977), p. 289.
14. Pearkes Papers, vol. 19, Pearkes to Diefenbaker, 8 June 1965; Privy Council Office, PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 31 July 1957. Cf. PAC, Jules Léger Papers, vol. 1, interview transcript, 22 Oct. 1980.
15. House of Commons, Special Committee on Defence, Minutes, 31 May 1963, p. 510; Pearkes Papers, vol. 19, Pearkes to Diefenbaker, 8 June 1965; Diefenbaker, III, 17.
16. PCO Records, file D-28-3(f), Holmes to Bryce, 31 July 1957.
17. Docs. in ibid., and in Department of External Affairs, External Affairs file 50309-40; Diefenbaker, III, 22-23; J.L. Granatstein, A Man of Influence: Norman A. Robertson and Canadian Statecraft, 1929-68 (Ottawa, 1981); Jon McLin, Canada’s Changing Defense Policy, 1957-1963 (Baltimore, 1967), pp. 44ff.; Directorate of History, Records, file 73/778, Smith to Pearkes, 18 Oct. 1957; Lloyd, pp. 33-34.
18. External Affairs file 50309-40, Robertson to External, 6 Nov. 1957.
19. Extract, 16 Dec. 1957, in PCO Records, file D-28-3(f).
20. Office of Chief of Defence Staff Papers, Answer to Questions file, Léger to Minister, 2 Dec. 1957; Foulkes’s view is in PCO Records, file D-28-3(f), Foulkes to USSEA, 26 Nov. 1957 and reply, 11 Dec. 1957 and 3 Jan. 1958. See also docs. in External Affairs file 50309-40; and PAC, Howard Green Papers, vol. 8, Memo, 12 June 1957.
21. Lloyd, p. 29.
22. James Dow, The Arrow (Toronto, 1979), pp. 85ff.; Robert Bothwell and William Kilbourn, C.D. Howe (Toronto, 1979), pp. 266-67.
23. Dow, pp. 92-95.
24. This account is based on Foulkes Papers, “The Story of the CF-105 Avro Arrow, 1952-62,” a paper by Foulkes, and on Directorate of History, Records, file 181.003 (D5427), “The CF 105 (Arrow) Programme,” n.d.
25. PCO Records, file D-28-3(f), Foulkes to Bryce, 21 July 1958; Directorate of History, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee Records, Minutes of Special Meetings, Memo of Discussions, 18 July 1958; ibid., file 181.003 (D5427), “CF-105 Programme.” On the Bomarc, see R.H. Clark, “Canadian Weapons Acquisition: The Case of the Bomarc Missile,” M.A. thesis, Royal Military College, 1983; PCO Records, file D-28-3(f), Memo to Cabinet Defence Committee, 8 Aug. 1958, and “Progress Report on Implementation of Decisions…21 Sept. 1958.”
26. Docs. in External Affairs files, Washington 3-2-2-9 and 4-12-6; Granatstein, Man of Influence, pp. 318-20; Diefenbaker, III, 36. Pearkes’s biographer (Roy, p. 314) notes that the USAF had no aircraft on drawing boards with the CF-105’s capabilities. True, but the Arrow had been designed to fly in the North, and the USAF (and the RAF) had little need for that.
27. PCO Records, file D-28-3(f), Memo to Cabinet Defence Committee, No. 9/58.
28. Ibid., file C-20-9(a)-M, Cabinet Defence Committee Minutes, 21 Aug. 1958; PAC, Douglas Harkness Papers, vol. 84, file 1, Memo to Cabinet, 22 Aug. 1958.
29. Ibid., vol. 14, file 2, “The Nuclear Arms Question and the Political Crisis Which Arose from It in January and February, 1963.”
30. PCO Records, file C-20-9(a)-D, “Continental Air Defence – Foreign Policy Implications,” 14 Aug. 1958.
31. Ibid., file D-28-3(f), Bryce pen notes, 26 Aug. 1958; York University Archives, Pearkes interview.
32. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 28 Aug., 7 and 21 Sept. 1958. Diefenbaker, III, 36, gets the date of the Cabinet decision wrong.
33. PCO Records, file D-28-15, Halliday to O’Hurley, 9 Dec. 1958. Cf. file D-28-3(f), “Progress Report,” 24 Dec. 1958, which indicates that Avro had made proposals for concluding the Arrow development.
34. Chiefs of Staff Committee Records, Minutes of Special Meetings, 5 Feb. 1959.
35. PAC, Gordon Churchill Papers, vol. 23, Memo to Cabinet, 6 Feb. 1959. See PCO Records, file C-20-9(a)-M, Cabinet Defence Committee Minutes, 5 Feb. 1959; ibid., Cabinet Conclusions, 17 Feb. 1959; PAC, Paul Hellyer Papers, vol. 167, CF-105 file, contains a paper dated 5 Feb. 1959 that sets out the Chiefs’ agreement in full.
36. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 17 Feb. 1959.
37. PAC, A.D.P. Heeney Papers, vol. 2, Memoirs 1959 file, Diary, 29 Mar. 1959.
38. External Affairs file, Washington 3-2-2-7, Washington to External, 1 Sept. 1959. See also Foulkes Papers, “The Story.”
39. External Affairs file 50309-40, Holmes to SSEA, 25 Aug. 1959.
40. Ibid., Washington 3-2-2-7, External to Washington, 27 Aug. 1959.
41. Ibid., two tels., Washington to External, 28 Aug. 1959, and file 50309-D-40, Memo, Robinson to USSEA, 31 Aug. 1959.
42. Ibid., Washington 3-2-2, “Lessons from Skyhawk,” 11 Sept. 1959, att.
43. Ibid., file 50309-D-40, Memo, Robinson to USSEA, 31 Aug. 1959.
44. Ibid., Washington 3-2-2, Memo, 4 Sept. 1959.
45. Ibid., “Lessons,” 11 Sept. 1959, and file 50309-D-40, Memo, SSEA to Prime Minister, 10 Sept. 1959.
46. Eisenhower Papers, Ann Whitman files, Eisenhower Diary, vol. 49, Telecons, Apr. 1960, Call, 8 Apr. 1960. See Lawrence Martin, The Presidents and the Prime Ministers (Toronto, 1982), p. 179.
47. Heeney Papers, vol. 1, Ambassador to US file, Memo of Conversations, 30-31 Aug. 1960; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 17 Feb. 1961.
48. Heeney Papers, vol. 15, US Ambassador file, Heeney to Diefenbaker, 20 Feb. 1961; J.F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass., J.F. Kennedy Papers, POF Canada Security 1961, vol. 113, Merchant to Secretary of State, 11 Apr. 1961.
49. Ibid., Memorandum for the President, 17 Feb. 1961; Martin, pp. 185ff.
50. Kennedy Papers, POF Canada Security 1961, vol. 113, Trip to Ottawa (D) file, “Trends in Canadian Foreign Policy,” 2 May 1961, and Canada Security (C) file, Biographical material, May 1961.
51. Heeney Papers, vol. 2, Diary, 18 Mar. 1962.
52. H.B. Robinson interview.
53. The Americans, Charles Ritchie, the new ambassador in Washington, said, “are beginning to give us the cold shoulder and their reaction to any Canadian official visitor is a snub.” Moreover, the word that Canada was in disfavour “swiftly percolated down into every department of the United States Administration.” Diplomatic Passport (Toronto, 1981), p. 186; Storm Signals (Toronto, 1983), p. 2.
54. PCO Records, file F-2-8(a), Wigglesworth to Diefenbaker, 11 July 1960.
55. Department of External Affairs, John Starnes Papers, Memo, “The Cuban Situation,” 13 July 1960, and Bryce memo for Robertson, 15 July 1960.
56. External Affairs file 2444-40, Robertson to SSEA, 25 Oct. 1960. Diefenbaker later denied any such suggestion. Robert Reford, Canada and Three Crises (Toronto, 1968), p. 164.
57. Heeney Papers, vol. 2, Memoirs 1961 file, Diary, 12 Mar. 1961.
58. External Affairs file 2444-40, Moscow to External, 19 Oct. 1962.
59. PAC, R.B. Bryce Papers, notebook, 22 Oct. 1962, and blue notebook, 21-22 Oct. 1962; External Affairs file 244-40, Memo for Prime Minister, 22 Oct. 1962; PCO Records, file F-2-8(a), Memo for Prime Minister, 22 Oct. 1962.
60. Kennedy Papers, NSF files, vol. 20, Tel., American Embassy, Ottawa, 22 Oct. 1962.
61. Harkness Papers, vol. 14, file 2, “Nuclear Arms Question.” Parts of this were printed in the Ottawa Citizen, 22 Oct. 1977.
62. Foulkes Papers, NORAD Consultation file, Slemon to Foulkes, 3 Mar. 1965.
63. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question.” This differs from the account in Jocelyn Ghent, “Canada, the United States and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Pacific Historical Review, XVIII (May 1979), 169.
64. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question”; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 23 Oct. 1962.
65. Ibid., file F-2-8(a), Bryce Memo for Prime Minister, 23 Oct. 1962; Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question”; Ghent, 169-70.
66. Diefenbaker later said the alert was immediate. PAC, Peter Stursberg Papers, Diefenbaker interview.
67. Granatstein, Man of Influence, p. 352; Diefenbaker, III, 80ff.; External Affairs file 2444-40, Washington to External, 23 Oct. 1962; House of Commons Debates, 22 Oct. 1962.
68. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 24 Oct. 1962.
69. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question.”
70. PCO Records, file F-2-8(a), Memo for Bryce, 20 Nov. 1962. See J.T. Saywell, ed., Canadian Annual Review, 1962 (Toronto, 1963), p. 128.
71. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question”; Peyton Lyon, Canada in World Affairs 1961-63 (Toronto, 1968), pp. 52-54; CAR, 1962, pp. 133ff.; Pierre Sévigny, This Game of Politics (Toronto, 1965), pp. 253, 257.
72. House of Commons Debates, 25 Jan. 1963, p. 3127.
73. Ibid., 20 Feb. 1959, p. 1223.
74. Office of Chief of Defence Staff Records, Nuclear Stockpiling file, Tel., Washington to External, 12 Dec. 1957; Memo to Cabinet Defence Committee, 3 Jan. 1958; PCO Records, file C-20-2, Bryce to Prime Minister, 9 Jan. 1958.
75. Office of Chief of Defence Staff Records, Nuclear Stockpiling file, Foulkes to CGS et al., 13 Jan. 1958, Foulkes to Sparling, 21 Jan. 1958, Pearkes to Smith, 21 Jan. 1958.
76. PCO Records, file C-20-3 1958, Cabinet Conclusions, 9 Dec. 1958, and file C-20-9(a)-D, Memo for Cabinet, 3 Nov. 1959; Harkness Papers, vol. 89, “Aide Memoire on Undertakings to Acquire Nuclear Weapons…”, n.d. [early 1961]. See also Declassified Documents, (81) 174A, National Security Council Memo, “Canadian Access to Nuclear Weapons in Peacetime,” 12 Dec. 1958.
77. Churchill Papers, vol. 82, Memo to Minister, n.d. [Feb. 1963]; York University Archives, Pearkes interview; Diefenbaker, III, 63ff., treats this but fails to mention Norstad’s appearance at the Cabinet.
78. Hellyer Papers, vol. 167, “Sequence of Events Leading to the Procurement of the F-104…”, 11 Apr. 1967; PCO Records, file C-20-9(a)-M, Cabinet Defence Committee Minutes, 27 June 1959.
79. Eisenhower Papers, Whitman files, Staff Notes, “Memo of Conference with President, 10 June 1959”; PCO Records, file D-1-5(b), A.E. Ritchie to USSEA, 24 Mar. 1960, and Record of Cabinet Decision, 3 May 1960; ibid., Memo, D.B.D. to Bryce, 30 May 1960.
80. York University Archives, Oral History Programme, Green interview, 10 Apr. 1969.
81. Granatstein, Man of Influence, pp. 338ff.; External Affairs file 50309-40, “Visit to NORAD and SAC Headquarters…” 16 Mar. 1959; ibid., file 50309-A-40, Robertson to Minister, 23 Oct. 1959.
82. York University Archives, Pearkes interview; University of Victoria, Pearkes Papers, Pearkes interview, 13 Apr. 1967.
83. Heeney Papers, vol. 1, Ambassador to US file, Memo of Conversations with Prime Minister, 30-31 Aug. 1960. This was the period when J.M. Minifie’s Peacemaker or Powder-Monkey (Toronto, 1960) was very popular.
84. PAC, Donald Fleming Papers, vol. 162, Black Binder, “Cabinet Defence Committee Report” presented to Cabinet, 6 Nov. 1959; Heeney Papers, vol. 2, Chap. 15 file, Diary, 17 Nov. 1960.
85. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 6 Dec. 1960 and file N-4, “NATO Long Term Planning,” 6 Dec. 1960. This External Affairs paper specifically referred to Canadian decisions to equip Canada’s NATO forces with nuclear weapons. See also Churchill Papers, vol. 81, F.R. Miller to Minister, 11 Feb. 1963.
86. Diefenbaker, III, 71; External Affairs file 50219-AL-2-40, Robertson to SSEA, 5 Dec. 1960. The Cabinet decision was the product of an agreement negotiated by Bryce, Robertson, and F.R. Miller. See ibid., file 50219-AM-40, Bryce to Robertson and Miller, 30 Nov. 1960. But cf. Green Papers, vol. 3, Robertson to Minister, 5 Dec. 1960.
87. Ibid., Robertson to SSEA, 14 Feb. 1961; PCO, Cabinet Conclusions, 14 Feb. 1961, att. Cab. Doc. 67/61, “Disarmament-Canadian Policy, 1961,” 13 Feb. 1961.
88. Harkness Papers, vol. 84, envelope 1, Bryce to Harkness, 2 Mar. 1961; H.B. Robinson Papers (Ottawa), Robinson to Robertson, 21 Feb. 1961; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 14 Feb. 1961.
89. Ibid.; External Affairs file 50219-AM-40, Ignatieff to USSEA, 4 May 1961; Harkness Papers, vol. 84, envelope 1, Harkness to Green, 4 May 1961, and reply, 5 May 1961.
90. Green Papers, vol. 8, NATO and Nuclear Weapons file, External to Geneva, 18 May 1961.
91. PAC, L.B. Pearson Papers, N2, vol. 49, LePan to Pearson, 21 Feb. 1962.
92. Kennedy Papers, NSF Canada, vol. 20, Diefenbaker correspondence, Merchant to Secretary of State, 26 Feb. 1961, 4 and 5 Aug., 20 Sept. 1961.
93. Ibid., POF, vol. 113, Briefing Memorandum, 11 May 1962; Granatstein, Man of Influence, pp. 349-50; Ottawa Citizen, 14 July 1965.
94. CAR, 1962, p. 32; Diefenbaker, III, 141ff.
95. Gordon Churchill Papers (Mill Bay, B.C.), MS “Recollections,” Chap. XV.
96. PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, Oct. 30, 1962; see J.M. Ghent, “Did He Fall or Was He Pushed? The Kennedy Administration and the Fall of the Diefenbaker Government,” International History Review, I (Apr. 1979), 246ff.
97. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question”; Office of Chief of Defence Staff Records, Defence Policy – Canada-US Relations file, CJS(W) to CCOS, 14 Feb. 1963, re talk with Nitze.
98. Harkness Papers, vol. 89, CAS to Minister, 21 Jan. 1963. Eighteen months were required to get the Voodoos to readiness. Ibid., “Nuclear Arms Question.” See John Hilliker, “The Politicians and the ‘Pearsonalities’,” CHA Paper 1984, 22ff.
99. See, e.g., University of Calgary Archives, Bruce Hutchison Papers, file 1.2.5, V. Sifton to Pearson, 9 Dec. 1959, and reply, 30 Dec. 1959; PAC, J.W. Pickersgill Papers, vol. 256, NLF file, Hellyer memo, 14 Feb. 1962; Globe and Mail, 22 and 30 Mar. 1962.
100. Pearson Papers, N2, vol. 49, Memo, 27 Feb. 1962.
101. Ibid., W.A. Curtis to Pearson, 29 Mar. 1962.
102. Ibid., reply, 5 Apr. 1962.
103. Stursberg Papers, LaMarsh interview, 28 May 1975.
104. Pearson Papers, N2, vol. 22, Pearson to B. Hutchison, 18 Dec. 1962.
105. J.W. Pickersgill Papers (Ottawa), Pearson file, Pickersgill to Pearson, 3 Jan. 1963.
106. Lyon, pp. 130-36.
107. J.T. Saywell, ed., Canadian Annual Review, 1963 (Toronto, 1964), p. 287. Diefenbaker, III, 8 offers the Chiefs opinions on the switch. The most famous critique of the Liberal position is P.-E. Trudeau, “Pearson ou l’abdication de l’esprit,” Cité Libre (avril, 1963), 7ff.
108. Lyon, pp. 138, 540; L.B. Pearson, Mike: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson (Toronto, 1975), III, 71.
109. Pearson Papers, N3, vol. 31, file 100.8 White Paper, Hellyer to Pearson, 24 Aug. 1964. See also ibid., vol. 32, file 109.11 Policy Confidential, Paul Martin to Pearson, 19 Feb. 1964.
110. York University Archives, Oral History Programme, Goodman interview, 5 Feb. 1970; Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question”; CAR, 1963, pp. 288-89; Diefenbaker, III, 153-55.
111. House of Commons Debates, 21 Jan. 1963, p. 2897.
112. Donald Fleming, So Very Near (Toronto, 1985), II, 581ff.; Churchill Papers, vol. 81, Memo, n.d., and Churchill MS “Recollections,” Chap. XVI; Green Papers, vol. 8, Aide memoire, 11 Jan. 1963, att. to Memo for Minister, 4 Feb. 1963, and ibid., 15 Jan. 1963; PCO Records, Cabinet Conclusions, 8 Feb. 1963.
113. House of Commons Debates, 25 Jan. 1963, pp. 3125-28; Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question.”
114. PAC, J.W. Monteith Papers, Diary, 25 Jan. 1963.
115. Lyon, p. 153.
116. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question.”
117. Ibid.; Lyon, pp. 157-58.
118. Green Papers, vol. 9, docs. att. to Memo for Minister, 1 Feb. 1963 and Robertson to Prime Minister, 30 Jan. 1963.
119. Kennedy Library, Sorensen Oral History Transcript, 26 Mar. 1964.
120. Confidential source.
121. Declassified Documents, (78) 301E, Col. Burris to Vice-President Johnson, 6 Feb. 1963. Butterworth later said the press release had gone from the embassy to State where it was seen by George McGhee, George Ball, and Rusk, and then to the White House where it won Bundy’s OK. Ghent, “Did He Fall,” 262.
122. PAC, Georges Vanier Papers, vol. 29, Dissolution file, Memo, 31 Jan. 1963; vol. 21, Diefenbaker and Pearson file, pencil notes, n.d.
123. Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question.”
124. Ibid.; Monteith Diary, 3 Feb. 1963.
125. Ibid., 3 Feb. 1963; Diefenbaker, III, 160ff.; Patrick Nicholson, Vision and Indecision (Toronto, 1968), pp. 230ff.
126. According to the diary of T.W.L. MacDermot, then a gossipy External Affairs officer, McCutcheon raised $200,000 for Diefenbaker and gave it to him in February on the understanding he would step down. (Bishop’s University, MacDermot Papers, Diary, 12 Apr. 1963). There is no confirmation of this.
127. Sévigny, p. 278; Diefenbaker, III, 163; Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power (Toronto, 1963), pp. 370ff.
128. Stursberg Papers, T.C. Douglas interview, 4 Dec. 1972.
129. Ibid., Marcoux interview, 20 June 1975; Caouette interview, 10 Sept. 1975; Sévigny, p. 269; Diefenbaker, III, 165-66. Cf. Montreal Star, 30 Jan. 1963; Thompson’s letter in Globe and Mail, 2 Mar. 1968.
130. Stursberg Papers, Lewis interview, 29 Aug. 1975.
131. Monteith Diary, 6 Feb. 1963. See also Jack Horner, My Own Brand (Edmonton, 1980), pp. 55-56; Nicholson, pp. 260ff.; Sévigny, pp. 281-82; Diefenbaker, III, 172; Harkness Papers, “Nuclear Arms Question”; R.A. Bell letter in Globe and Mail, 20 Jan. 1983.
132. Monteith Diary, 9 Feb. 1963; Sévigny, pp. 284-85.
133. Monteith Diary, 13 Feb. 1963; Stursberg Papers, Bell interview, 26 July 1972.
134. Pickersgill Papers (Ottawa), Weir file, Pickersgill to Weir, 8 Feb. 1963.
135. Stursberg Papers, Bell interview.
136. PAC, Alvin Hamilton Papers, vol. 129, Churchill file, Faibish to Churchill, 30 Jan. 1963.
137. PAC, Liberal Party Records, vol. 688, Correspondence and Memos, Jan.-Feb. 1963 file, “Memo on Conclusions to be Drawn from the January Survey,” 16 Jan. 1963.
138. Ibid., vol. 689, National Office General Correspondence file, “Strategy for Victory,” 12 Feb. 1963.
139. Stursberg Papers, Camp interview, 13 June 1975; LaMarsh interview, 28 May 1975; Judy LaMarsh, Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage (Toronto, 1969), pp. 36ff.; Liberal Party Records, docs. in vols. 705 and 696.
140. Glenbow Archives, Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta Records, file f-2, Camp to Constituency Presidents, 13 Feb. 1963.
141. Stursberg Papers, Camp interview. The Liberals were using Lou Harris, Kennedy’s pollster, but the other parties did not know this. See Montreal Gazette, 9 September 1971. For additional offers of Kennedy aid, see Pearson, III, 80-81; Bruce Hutchison, The Far Side of the Street (Toronto, 1976), pp. 260-62. For the impact of U.S. intervention in Pearson’s view, see A.E. Ritchie’s letter in Globe and Mail, 13 Dec. 1983.
142. J.M. Beck, “The Election of 1963 and National Unity,” Dalhousie Review, XLIII (Summer 1963), 146.
143. Monteith Papers, vol. 1, Election file, Speech, 23 Feb. 1963; ibid., Diefenbaker correspondence, Monteith to Diefenbaker, 24 Feb. 1963, and reply, 28 Feb. 1963; Monteith Diary, 26-27 Feb. and 4 Mar. 1963.
144. Lyon, p. 541.
145. PAC, R.A. Bell Papers, vol. 13, Speeches 1963 file, “Issues of 1963 Campaign.”
146. Churchill MS “Recollections,” Chap. XVI. Churchill and Green agreed on a campaign press release that affirmed the Fleming Committee report. PAC, Churchill Papers, vol. 82, Draft Statement file, 6 Mar. 1963.
147. CAR, 1963, p. 22.
148. Kennedy Papers, POF, vol. 113, Canada Security 1963, W.H. Brubeck to Bundy, 5 Apr. 1963.
149. Stursberg Papers, Bell interview.
150. Kennedy Papers, POF, vol. 90, Treasury 2/63, Dillon to Kennedy, 25 Feb. 1963.
151. See Churchill MS “Recollections,” Chap. XVIII; Winnipeg Tribune, 25 July 1963; House of Commons Debates, 27 May 1963, pp. 319-22, 6 and 8 Apr. 1965, pp. 31-32, 131ff. The letter is in PAC, Churchill Papers, vol. 105, Election 1963-Butterworth file; see also Bryce Papers, telecon notes, 5 Apr. 1963.
152. See Kennedy Papers, White House Central Files, vol. 43, C043, Salinger memo, 6 Apr. 1963.
153. Ibid., POF, vol. 113, Canada Security 1963, Memo for Rusk, 29 Mar. 1963. The remarks are in Lyon, pp. 203-4.
154. The Tory attack infuriated the military. See Foulkes Papers, Air Defence file, “The Truth About the Bomarc,” n.d.; Directorate of History Records, file 74/425, Dunlap to ADC COS Conference, 28 May 1963.
155. Liberal Party Records, vol. 698, Reports to Pearson file, Davey to Pearson, 15 Mar. 1963, and vol. 694, Election 1963 Correspondence and Reports file, Gordon to Pearson, 20 Mar. 1963; Pearson, III, 78-79.
156. Liberal Party Records, vol. 698, Reports to Pearson file, Davey to Pearson, 8 Mar. 1963.
157. See, e.g., Globe and Mail, 2 Apr. 1963. Only the Ottawa Journal, Winnipeg Tribune, Vancouver Province and Fredericton Gleaner stayed Tory. PAC, CCF Records, vol. 442, Douglas Correspondence, W.E. McLaughlin letter, n.d. The Conservatives spent $1,797,512. PAC, Flora MacDonald Papers, vol. 46, “General Election Campaign,” n.d. The Liberals spent $917,574 on advertising alone. W.L. Gordon Papers (Toronto), Election Expenses file, Statement of Campaign Operations to May 31, 1963.
158. CAR, 1963, pp. 34ff.; Bell Papers, vol. 1, Election 1963 file, “Analysis of 1963 General Election”; J.L. Granatstein, “The Armed Forces’ Vote in Canadian General Elections, 1940-68,” Journal of Canadian Studies, IV (Feb. 1969), 6ff.
159. See, e.g., Granatstein, Man of Influence, pp. 355-56; Ritchie, Storm Signals, p. 46.
160. Yale University Archives, Walter Lippmann Papers, Sec. III, vol. 59, file 351, Butterworth to Lippmann, 20 May 1963.