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Because he’d made his choice impetuously, Iksander had to stop in with his lawyers and catch them up. They too were shocked by his actions, their objections peppered with considerably longer words than the djinniyas.
“Resign yourselves, gentlemen,” he advised when he grew weary of arguing. “This is happening. It’s your job to make it work.”
Their faces told him they’d find a way, however reluctantly. That was satisfying, though it did leave him to his thoughts.
I’m not doubting myself, he realized. This is the right decision, no matter what happens with Connor and Georgie.
Without really planning where he was going, he returned to the royal suite. His absentmindedness ended when he reached the door to his dining room. The chamber was a lengthy oval, its curving walls ribboned by a mural of the Glorious City’s bay. The impression that the waves dipped and sparkled wasn’t an illusion. The painting was enchanted to portray current conditions—his personal weather app, he supposed. More interestingly at the moment, his lovers sat on opposite ends of the long table. From the looks of it, they were practicing sending pictures onto each other’s scrolls.
Georgie squinted at the image that had appeared on hers. “I can’t tell. Is this supposed to be a puppy or an armadillo?”
“An armadillo!” Connor objected. “It doesn’t look anything like that.”
“Well, what’s that thing around the puppy’s middle?”
“A sweater. It’s a puppy from somewhere cold.”
“Oh.” She tilted her head for a second look and then jumped. “Oh! You’re making it wag its tail. I want to learn to do that.”
Connor grinned naughtily.
“Hello,” Iksander said to both of them.
“Iksander!” Georgie cried, her unstudied pleasure a joy to him. “You’re back.”
“I am,” he agreed, pushing off from the doorframe he’d been leaning on. He took a seat equidistant between the pair. Then—as a good portion of his stress dropped away—he slouched down and stretched his legs. His neck found the perfect spot to rest on the chair’s padded leather back. Though tired, he was inordinately glad to be here with them.
“Something happened,” Connor guessed. “More than facing off against your mother.”
Without moving the rest of him, Iksander turned his head. Nervousness welled inside him at the news he had to share. “I’ve disbanded the harem.”
Connor’s blue eyes widened.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” Georgie said.
“I can, though my lawyers warn pensioning them off will be expensive.”
“Did you . . .” Georgie hesitated. “Did you do it for us? Because you’re afraid we’ll be jealous?”
He smiled as he turned to her. She got up and sat on the table’s edge next to him. Because she seemed concerned, he took her hand.
“I did it partly for you. Maybe a great deal for you. The last thing I wish is to hurt either of your feelings. However, I also did it because it was time. People shouldn’t be possessions, even if they think of it as an honor.”
“The concubines weren’t pleased,” Connor concluded.
“With the exception of Georgie’s friend, Yasmin, they were appalled. I’m hoping they’ll warm to the concept eventually. They deserve to shape their own destinies—as you deserved when I tricked you into punishing Luna so horribly.”
Georgie looked at him. Though calm, she didn’t deny the admission. “You were afraid I’d be too tenderhearted, that I’d let a dangerous monster off the hook.”
He hadn’t been certain she understood this. “I cannot swear,” he said, “that if I had to do it again, I would choose differently. Nonetheless, I know what I did was wrong.”
She surprised him by smiling faintly. “You are choosing differently. You don’t have to free the harem. If you want to spare my and Connor’s feelings, you could behave as you did with Najat and simply stop visiting them.”
“I— They deserve to be free. And the stakes are not as high as they were with Luna.”
Georgie’s smile curved deeper. “I suspect your mother would say they’re high enough. You’re being politically brave. You make me proud to call you a friend.”
Her praise embarrassed him, which wound his nerves tighter. Knowing the hardest part was coming, he blew out a calming breath.
“I want to be clear you don’t owe me anything in return for making these changes. That understood—” Still tense, he sat straighter. “I would like to officially request that you and Connor—” he turned his gaze to the angel and back to her “—become my consort and kadin.”
This knocked Georgie’s mouth open.
“Is that like asking us to marry you?” Her voice was higher, her cheeks gone pink.
“Yes. I should clarify the arrangement is a commitment but not a set of chains. Though traditions differ here, if there comes a time when you wish to part from me, our union can be dissolved. Think it over. I believe we have a window during which my people are more likely to accept our . . . non-standard union, but for you this is an extra big decision. My world is different from yours, and my position as sultan would certainly complicate your lives. As you may have noticed, it’s difficult for those close to me to go about their business like ordinary folks.”
He was aware of how stiff he sounded. His palms had broken out in a sweat, but only one was free was wipe on his trouser leg. He wondered if he ought to add something romantic.
“Wow,” Georgie murmured before he could. Her eyes cut to Connor.
“If you wish to discuss this privately with each other . . .”
“The choice is Georgie’s,” Connor said. “She already knows my answer.”
Understanding burst within him—a punch of exultant joy that spread out from his sternum. Connor wanted to make the promise. He was ready to marry him.
“Connor . . .” Georgie said.
“Search your heart,” the angel advised. “Are you ready to do this? Do you believe it will make you happy? Do you think you can be a good partner?”
Iksander saw from Georgie’s expression that she wanted Connor’s help in deciding.
“If it is too soon,” Iksander interjected, “I would ask again later.”
Maybe she read his uncertainty. She touched his face, her own visibly relaxing. “I know you love us.”
“I do,” he agreed. “So much I feel I might burst with it.”
Her eyes gleamed with affection. “I don’t have doubts about you, only about learning to fit in here.”
“You seem a quick study,” he pointed out.
“Probably I ought to embrace the adventure.”
“That decision would be in line with what I estimate to be your spirit.”
“All right,” she said, breaking into a grin. “Let’s do it.”
BLOOD RUSHED INTO IKSANDER’S face as her words registered. The play of his expressions was extraordinary—unsureness and wonder and finally a love so intense she realized she was watching desire forming.
“You’re agreeing to marry me,” he said as if he couldn’t quite believe it.
Georgie scooted farther back on the dining table and swung her feet happily. “We both are.”
Iksander covered her knees, his hold contracting in an arousing squeeze. She shivered as he breathed faster. Because he seemed temporarily incapable of moving, she undid the sash to her outer robe. A shrug caused it to slip down her arms and pool behind her. She wore the thinnest possible white tunic underneath, the shape and shades of her breasts clearly visible. She knew her nipples were sharp from the way the silk caught on them.
Tiny, glittering beads of sweat broke out on Iksander’s brow. He glanced at Connor, who was now rising from his chair. “Shall we . . . seal the deal with a kiss?”
“More than a kiss, I hope.”
Iksander pushed up so quickly he caused her pulse to skip. It didn’t slow as he exerted pressure on her knees, gently pushing her thighs apart. He stood between them, his hips narrow but solid. She felt herself grow wet as he slid his hands up and down her loose trousers.
“I can magick these away any time I want,” he warned.
Georgie bit her lip and smiled. Connor had moved to Iksander and was quietly shifting his chair aside. When the seat was out of the way, he hugged the other man from behind. His arms were beautiful to Georgie, his hold on Iksander’s ribs relaxed but enveloping. He nuzzled Iksander’s neck, and the sultan flushed again.
Connor chuckled. “This is all the magic you need.” To demonstrate what he meant, he pushed one hand to Iksander’s groin, wrapping and squeezing the slanted heft of his erection. “Georgie would strip every stitch herself for another ride on this.”
“God,” Iksander breathed, squirming at the extremely firm caress.
Connor wasn’t mistaken in his claim. Georgie’s sex went molten as Iksander’s head fell back and rolled sensually. His cock hardened beneath the other man’s massage, stretching longer and thicker until it really was irresistible to her. Grabbing the handiest hold in reach, she tugged him toward her by his sword belt.
Because the finish on the table was slick as glass, she tugged herself closer too.
Iksander cursed as his scimitar bumped the table’s edge. Hurriedly and with a flattering bit of fumbling, he detached the decorative scabbard and slid the whole thing aside.
He came forward then, obliging her to lie back. His palms propped him first followed by one forearm. With his heat pressed to her, he kissed her deeply, a ravaging, breath-stealing plunder of lips and tongue. All the while, his fingertips skimmed the shell of her ear, the pad of his thumb stroking lower to tease her skittering pulse. Every light touch tingled, every inch of her skin defenseless against him.
By the time he released her, nipping her lip on the way, she barely knew her name. Her head took more than one heartbeat to de-fog.
“You could magick me naked now,” she offered.
He smiled, his quickened breath fanning her. “Not yet. I like the feel of this silk on you.”
He ran his hand up her side to cup and squeeze her breast. His hold verged on rough but felt delicious. The grip was possessive—never mind the things he’d done to prove he wouldn’t be. Right then, he wanted to control her, to claim her as his partner. The knowledge made nerves that didn’t care about correctness go wild inside of her. She squirmed, and his green eyes lit knowingly. He bent his head with ominous intent, his mouth surrounding her taut nipple. He pulled at the peak through the silk—lips, tongue, cheeks all entering the game. She couldn’t stay silent under his onslaught. The erotic power of his tugging drew a low cry from her.
He drew back on hearing it. His eyes glowed with hot djinn fire, unmistakable for anything human. That excited her too. She chafed his waist with the inside of her knees.
Smiling, he pushed his hard length up the seam of her labia.
Her fists curled into his outer robe, her reaction to the tantalizing friction impossible to contain. A second later, her tensing hands hit nothing but hot bare skin. Iksander’s garments had disappeared, just as he’d threatened to do to hers.
Not coincidentally, Connor’s had vanished too.
“What the—” Iksander looked around, seeming as shocked as her.
“Whoops.” Connor laughed from behind his muscular shoulder, revealing he was the culprit. “Guess I’m more impatient than you are.” He stretched sideways to collect a small jar from the table. The container bore the same flowery pattern as Iksander’s teeth-cleaning disks. “Oh look! Where did this pretty pot come from? The label says it’s Royal Lubricating Butter. You must be throwing strange dinner parties here.”
Eyes twinkling, he clucked his tongue in pretend censure.
“Haha,” Iksander retorted breathlessly. “You magicked that from the bathing room.”
“Did I? Perhaps you’re right. Sometimes I’m not as well behaved as an angel ought to be. For instance, if I were really wicked, I’d open this and smooth what’s inside all over my long, hard cock.”
Iksander sucked in a breath as Connor unscrewed the lid. He’d craned his neck around to see Connor’s face, but his view of the rest of him was blocked. Even so, he and Georgie knew the moment Connor made good on his threat. The sound of his slicked-up palm squeezing up his shaft couldn’t be mistaken—no more than the pleasure that briefly closed his eyes.
When his lashes lifted, his irises glowed like Iksander’s.
“I’m going to take you in the ass,” he said. “I’m going to drive so deep you’ll think I’m fucking you in the heart. I’m going to do it because it’s what you crave. As much as you like pretending you’re overpowering Georgie, you want to be overpowered by me.”
“You always . . . give people what they want?”
Connor seemed to enjoy the way Iksander’s question broke. “When I can. Especially, when it’s what I want as well.”
“When you’re in me, then I’ll take Georgie.”
This came out too harsh to be a question, though it conveyed the hint of one.
“Then you’ll make love to Georgie, and I’ll make love to you.”
The men’s gazes held. Georgie was too fascinated to feel excluded. They wanted things from each other. Hard things. Male things. Fight-to-the-top-of-the-heap striving things. She couldn’t deny she found this exciting. The rebel in her felt a wisp of the same urges.
“You swamp me,” Iksander confessed in a rough whisper. “Both of you. I could explode from wanting the pair of you.”
Connor’s eyes hooded with a sly smile. “Hopefully, you’ll hold off exploding a bit longer.”
Gently, his hands bracketing Iksander’s ears, he turned the sultan’s face back toward her. Iksander braced on his arms again.
“Stay like that,” Connor said. “She’ll want to watch your reactions.”
The order drove a shudder up the sultan’s ripped torso. Goosebumps pebbled around his nipples, his hips shifting restlessly over hers.
“Her clothes . . .” he said unsurely.
“Leave them for now. Silk is nice to rub against. You could, however, shove one hand down her pants.”
Iksander was agreeable to that. His green eyes flared as he slid his hand in and cupped her mons. Once again, Georgie had the sense that his hold claimed her. His two longest fingers slid between her pussy lips, the heel of his palm compressing her clitoris. Heat welled from her as he rocked a bit of weight into it. The pang he stirred was incredible. Her lashes fluttered, a reaction she couldn’t help. The corners of Iksander’s mouth twitched. He was enjoying his victory.
He didn’t have long to gloat. Connor was pulling his cheeks apart, positioning his lubed-up cock to press inward. He did that without delay. Iksander sucked in a breath as Connor mouthed his shoulder.
“Big enough for you?” Connor laughed.
Iksander couldn’t speak. He moaned and came down on both elbows. Georgie stroked his perspiring back, loving the feel of his muscles shifting with longing. Connor came closer too, in sawing surges that jogged Iksander over her. Every inch Connor gained made the sultan’s neck arch back with delight.
“God,” Iksander swore, his hand now clenched and tangled in the silk covering her hip. “I can’t concentrate enough to— Fuck.”
Connor had loosened Iksander up enough to move freely. He began to thrust slowly in and out all the way, his expression clearly communicating his pleasure. Iksander groaned, and the cloth of her trousers tore.
If he couldn’t spell her naked, she guessed he’d do it the old-fashioned way.
“Wait,” he gasped to Connor. “Wait. I want to get into her.”
Connor stopped rolling in and out.
Iksander’s hand shook as he backed up to rip the rest of her clothes. Path clear, he fit himself to her entry. The tip of his cock felt like it was steaming. Then again, maybe that was her. When he was set, his palm smoothed the ball of her shoulder. His touch was surprisingly tender, considering how ready she could tell he was.
“I’m so glad,” he said. “So very glad the three of us are doing this.”
He pushed then, forging into her passage, filling her pussy with his satiny hot thickness. She sighed at the bliss of the penetration. Her legs slid naturally up his sides, her hands riding up his athletic chest. His signature djinn scent surrounded her, wild mint warming in the sun. This smell had become as dear to her as Connor’s, as reassuring and homelike. Her thumbs met above Iksander’s heart, rubbing where the vigorous beat vibrated his breastbone.
He was magical and real at the same time.
“I’m glad too,” she said.
Connor smiled. He stroked Iksander’s short hair behind one ear, kissed it, then reached to comb her spiky locks. “Is it time for me to move again?”
“Oh yes,” Iksander encouraged throatily. “If you would.”
They didn’t rush. Connor thrust, and Iksander squirmed, and Georgie wriggled under him. It was one-two-three, like a line of playing cards rippling over in slow motion except they kept setting up again. Iksander’s fingers caressed her clit as his cock rubbed long and sleek inside her. Her excitement rose and rose—and not just from her own enjoyment. Connor worked Iksander’s pleasure spots: his prostate, the sensitive ring of his entry. He knew how Iksander liked to be nipped, how the simple slap of flesh on flesh got him going. What got him going got Georgie. When Iksander groaned with longing, she felt the craving too. She arched, about to come, and Connor shoved harder.
The sound his damp palms made on the table did insane things to her.
“With me,” she said, finding Iksander’s pebbled nipples and giving them a twist. “Iksander, Connor, come with me.”
Iksander sucked a big gulp of air. The next time Connor’s hips smacked his, Iksander put more strength into his thrust. She didn’t fight the inevitable. The men were going to drive her over. She was going to enjoy it. Connor grunted, and their next thrust came in powerful synchrony. Iksander swelled, her body tightened, a cry ripping hoarsely from her throat. Fingers tightened on her clit, pinching the nerves inside it exactly right. More cries broke, more hot male weight shoving down on her. Iksander’s breath broke beside her ear.
The fierce burst of heat his cock shot out decimated her. Her climax was delicious—sweet and sharp as she toppled, and then pulsing lengthily.
She surfaced in time to see Connor’s head fling back. His hips went fast, fast, fast, and finally held deep in orgasm.
“God,” Iksander said, half-prayer, half-exclamation of wonder.
He was trembling on top of her. Georgie kissed his shoulder then licked a salty drop of sweat. Connor patted him from the other side, pulling free so the sultan could ease his weight off her. Too flattened then to move, they lay on their backs on the long table, with Georgie in the middle.
“Hm,” Iksander said, still somewhat winded. “I never noticed there was a painting on this ceiling.”
Georgie laughed. “I guess you haven’t been throwing strange dinner parties.”
“Only with you two.”
Connor sighed happily. “I’m getting better at taking you.”
That amused Iksander. “Humility isn’t a problem for you, is it?”
“Not really,” he admitted.
Iksander smiled with his eyes closed.
“Iksander?” Georgie said. “Speaking of humility, sort of. If we marry you, that doesn’t, like, make us your co-rulers. Because that doesn’t seem appropriate to me.”
She had his attention then. Iksander turned on his side, propped his head on his folded arm, and considered her. “My mother would be reassured to hear you say that, though possibly also skeptical. No. The title of kadin or consort doesn’t convey ruling power. People might consider you and Connor to have my ear, but that’s as far as it would go.”
“Good.” Georgie said this so firmly Iksander’s brow furrowed quizzically. “I’m no queen. I learned that growing up with Luna. She’d have loved me turning power hungry.” The empress would have loved her hating Iksander even more, but that hadn’t worked, obviously. “I like being the boss of me. Maybe a little more. Running a country, though, wouldn’t be my cup of tea.”
Iksander looked past her to Connor.
“I don’t want to run things either,” the angel said. “I respect the free will of others, and being the boss trips that up. I . . .” He hesitated. “I believe Georgie and I would rather support you. We see the load you carry, how deeply you care about your citizens. We can’t promise not to have opinions, but I think we’d rather help you help them.”
Iksander’s eyes welled with tears. Georgie touched his chest with her fingertips, but he seemed all right when he spoke.
“Your words move me more than you can imagine.” He cleared his throat. “There is one issue I should bring up. I’m not certain I can father children. As you know, Najat never became pregnant. If Georgie conceives by me . . .” He shook his head. “The younger people might like to see a child of yours on the throne. By all reports, you’re already a heroine to them. The older generations I’m not so sure about. However much I hope attitudes will change, I can’t promise they’d accept a half-human as their ruler. We’d have to decide if that was a fight we could win.”
“I didn’t think of that.” Georgie’s heart beat faster. He was making this marriage business feel realer by the second. “Back home, we don’t have hereditary leaders. What will happen if you don’t have an heir?”
“If my authority continues to be respected, I’d name a successor, someone with sufficient popular approval who’d behave with integrity. I could also declare a Ruler’s Quest. We haven’t had one in generations, but that’s how the House of Nummius—my house—was established.”
“It’s a magical selection process,” he added. “A sword in the stone sort of thing.”
“I hope you don’t mind me saying that sounds fun.”
Iksander smiled crookedly. “I have pride, the same as any djinni. I’d like to see my line continue. I’m most concerned, however, that my city flourishes.”
Georgie’s own eyes pricked. “I hope your people know what they have in you.”
“They’ll be our people,” Connor said. “Iksander is sharing them with us.”
This concept probably wasn’t as astonishing to Connor. Georgie was a mostly ordinary girl, a simple junk upcycler. She’d never had marry-a-royal fantasies.
“Your face!” Iksander said, bursting into a laugh.
“I’m realizing how big this is.”
“You’re up for it,” Iksander assured her. “I’ve not a single doubt.”
“Me either,” Connor seconded, hugging her from behind.
“You never doubt me,” Georgie accused.
“And you never let me down.”
She knew he meant this, however unlikely it seemed to her. More importantly, she knew he’d believe in Iksander just as much. Connor was no fool, but where he loved, his faith was unshakable.
Maybe that’s true of every angel, she mused. They believe in us no matter what.
“I guess I can’t doubt the team,” she said.
“The team’s a winner.” Connor planted a kiss on her shoulder.
“Unstoppable,” Iksander said, dropping one to her nose.
He was grinning, and her lips curved to match. Her heart had slowed, the nervousness that sped it abating.
As long as she was allowed a nap, unstoppable sounded great to her.
GEORGIE’S VOICE SLIPPED into Iksander’s dreams like smoke.
We’re supposed to attend that dinner tonight at his vizier’s. If I don’t wake him in time to change, we’ll be late.
If you wake him like that, we’ll be even later.
The second voice was Connor’s. Hearing it, the sultan grinned into the pillow his face was buried in. Georgie giggled at Connor’s answer, which deepened his grin and caused an interesting heat to pool between his legs.
“Iksander can dress magically. Anyway, he’s dared me too many times. I have to defend my female honor.”
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Connor said unsurely. “He’s only mentioned it twice that I’m aware of.”
“Come on. You know I have to. Plus, this was in that fancy box in his closet. He must have some interest in what I’m proposing.”
Okay, now his groin was experiencing more than heat. His cock was thickening, his hips an inch away from needing to squirm and lift. The idea that she’d discovered his hidden box of toys was equally titillating and alarming.
You’re not a coward, he told himself. Plus, this might be too good to miss.
“I can hear you,” he mumbled into the soft pillow.
“Excellent,” Georgie said. “Probably you should be awake when I start spanking you.”
He turned his head sideways to look at her.
She stood beside the bed. The first thing he noticed was that she was naked—her breasts, her pubis, her lovely limbs on glorious display. The second thing that registered was the paddle she was holding. He’d bought it years ago from a street peddler, on one of his occasional, in-disguise wanderings. The base was teak, the padded cover royal blue leather with embossing. At the time, he’d thought the color had caught his eye. Now, seeing her slender fingers wrapped on the handle, her slightly callused palm being tapped by the batting flat, he realized the toy must have been designed for a woman’s hand. Connor’s larger grip would have swallowed it. As to that, so would his.
Well, he thought, somewhat startled by the subconscious message he seemed to have sent himself.
Georgie grinned at his expression.
“You should be afraid,” she said. “I’m not one of your soft little harem girls. If I use this on you, you’re going to feel the sting.”
“Am I?” he asked faintly. His cock was throbbing now, a red-hot pole of yearning beneath his hips. Even as he ordered himself not to, he ground his pelvis into the bed. The friction of the sheets on his aching flesh was so welcome he bit his lip. Then, because he just couldn’t stop himself, he writhed into them again.
“Hm,” Connor said to Georgie. “Forgive me for doubting you. You seem to have called this correctly.”
Her throaty chuckle sent ripples down his spine. “You’re not the only one who can read Our Majesty.”
He didn’t object to the nickname, which secretly tickled him. He did know enough to pretend to be offended. “Is reading me all you plan to do?”
“Impertinent!” she scolded and tossed her head. “For that, you need to crawl out here and bend over.”
She pointed imperiously with the paddle. Though she was acting, her demeanor got to him. His body felt like it belonged to someone else as he moved to obey. He wasn’t breathing right, his muscles thick and tingly all over.
“Palms on the mattress,” she barked. “You’ll need to brace well for me.”
He glanced at Connor, whose dreamy blue eyes were rounder than usual. The angel was naked too. When he absently rubbed his chest, Iksander noticed he was erect—so erect that his cock shuddered at vertical.
Maybe Connor hadn’t seen Georgie go full dominatrix before tonight. Evidently, he found it inspiring too. Iksander tried not to groan at that commonality between them.
“Better do what Georgie says,” his other lover advised. “You wouldn’t want her to be too hard on you.”
Iksander snorted through his nose. Too hard was precisely what he hoped for.
Georgie swung and caught his right buttock.
He gasped and rubbed the muscle, the impact catching him by surprise. The paddle’s swing had whistled, the force with which it hit him resounding through every single nerve in his ass and some in his cock as well. His tip was abruptly wet, excitement welling there helplessly.
He guessed Georgie wasn’t messing around.
“More or less,” she said, her tone too harsh to resemble a question.
He stared at her, dazzled and perplexed. She was beautiful like this: flushed and in charge and radiating authority. That wasn’t an act, or not completely. Georgie had power beyond her magic; had the sort of confidence that didn’t come from titles or accidents of birth. Her confidence was that of a woman conscious of her own skills and usefulness.
He wondered, just for a moment, if she knew this about herself.
“More force or less,” she repeated.
“More,” he said, shaking himself as he understood. “I can take more than that.”
Her smile was smoky, her lavender eyes half veiled by her red lashes. She stroked the edge of the paddle suggestively. His body reacted with a shiver.
“Please, Georgie,” he added.
Her lashes rose as her eyes darkened.
“Wait for me,” Connor said.
She was willing, so he climbed onto the bed in front of Iksander, his aroused body more tantalizing than the sultan could stand right then.
“Don’t touch him,” Georgie warned. “Just for now, Our Majesty is mine.”
Connor’s mouth quirked in approval. “I like him being yours. It’s fun to watch, besides which I can take care of me.”
He slid his hands down his front to prove it, his fingers weaving together beneath his balls while his thumbs rubbed the sides of his monster shaft. Without thinking, Iksander licked his lips. He remembered how sweet sucking him off was.
“No,” Connor said, his voice assertive too. “This time you’re all for Georgie.”
Iksander’s body tensed, sexual energy buzzing out from his bones. What was it about being told he couldn’t have something?
“Ready?” Georgie asked.
He looked back at her. “Yes,” he said breathlessly.
She drew her arm back and walloped him. That was so good he gasped. She spanked him again, lower on the same cheek. He twitched at the burn of impact, at the near instant healing rush. The sounds her actions made were unmistakable for any other act. It should have been humiliating. Maybe it was a bit. Mostly, though, it shocked his lust onto a plane so high it rendered shame irrelevant.
“You need discipline,” she said, somehow intuiting his thoughts. “You need me to spank you.”
He groaned as the blows continued, as he trembled with enjoyment. She rained them around his hindquarters until the abused flesh pulsed like it was on fire.
“You need this,” she repeated. “And you need it from me.”
“Yes,” he agreed, the word coming out a croak.
She’d pushed him to the point where he couldn’t bear not to take some pleasure. His hips began to lower. He was going to rub them against the bed.
“No,” she ordered, grabbing him from behind and kneeing his legs wider. His arousal climbed even higher at her roughness. “Hold on a little longer. I don’t want you to give in yet.”
Sweat stung him when he blinked. The severity of her expression, the will that blazed out from her, was everything he could have asked and more. She was into this, the same as Connor was. Nothing in him, no matter how dark or hard, repulsed her.
“I love you,” he said.
She pursed her mouth. He sensed her fighting not to break character.
“You should,” she said gruffly. “I deserve it.”
He smiled, and she rolled her eyes.
“I think you should let me fuck you now,” he said. “Since, as you say, I’m all yours.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Maybe I’m not done spanking you.”
“If you’re under me, you could spank me at the same time.”
He saw the idea hit her, the pink that stained her cheeks and lips heightening. “I’ll probably do it hard.”
“So will I,” he promised.
He grabbed her as she began to laugh, flinging her onto her back on the mattress no more than a foot from where Connor knelt.
The angel held himself as he had before, his testicles hefted on his fingers, his shaft vibrating thickly between his stroking thumbs. His cock was noticeably darker, its bulbous head shiny with pre-come. He must have had more self-control than Iksander. If he’d been trickling that fast and hot, he couldn’t have resisted rubbing off an orgasm.
“Do her good,” Connor said when Iksander wrenched his eyes upward. “I want to watch and get myself off with you.”
Iksander swallowed. “You like pleasuring yourself.”
“He hasn’t been doing it very long,” Georgie said. “Masturbating is kind of a kink for him.”
Iksander shook his head in bemusement. All three of them were freaks.
“We’re lucky,” Connor said the same as if he’d spoken the words aloud. “Partners don’t always get each other going this intensely.”
“Speaking of going,” Georgie pointed out.
She still gripped the paddle—somewhat white-knuckled, he observed. He was between her legs, feet on the floor, knees edging her relaxed thighs wider. Her scent was high, her pulsing heat a lure his cock was reacting strongly to. It knew the paradise that awaited it, not to mention how ready her slick soft walls were to envelop him.
Only Connor could have distracted him from that.
“Yes,” Iksander said to Georgie. “How could I have forgotten?”
Quivering with anticipation, he lowered himself to her. Positioning himself involved an assortment of sharp pleasures. The cling of her satiny lips. The press of his fingertips angling his erection. Aware that Connor’s eyes were glued to the spot, he pushed in lengthily.
The groan that spilled from him was rapturous.
Georgie moaned, obviously experiencing similarly delectable sensations. “God, you’re so hot and big.”
He pushed until he couldn’t push anymore. Her pussy clasped him from stem to stern, not a millimeter spared, as if God himself had fashioned them to fit each other. He wasn’t sure he could breathe. He certainly didn’t dare moving. He was going to come if he rubbed two more atoms against her. Actually, he might come if Connor sighed. His closeness to climax was a hairsbreadth from agony. Shudders of pleasure wracked his body.
Georgie wriggled, and that was nearly the end for him.
“Should I?” she asked.
She rubbed the flat of the leather paddle against his ass, which nearly sent him over a second time. He sucked in air and held on by his fingernails. He more than wanted her to hit him: He desired it with every fiber of his perverse djinn being.
She read the answer in the hot green glow that ignited behind his eyes.
“I promised you hard,” she said. “I hope you’re up for it.”
“If it helps, I dare you to do your worst.”
He drew back slowly so he could thrust, but also to savor her pussy’s cling. Though that pleasured her as well, she held onto her intentions.
Her next hard swat propelled his inward stroke.
He cried out, abruptly abandoning his attempts to control himself. He did her—as Connor put it—in long wild thrusts, harder, deeper, smacking her body as she smacked his. This was abandon, and she was meeting it. No, she was driving it, directing him with her paddle so that the sting and the ache and the sense that she was expelling his inner demons tangled into one immense pleasure.
To his amazement, she came before he did. Her pussy clenched around him. He felt himself swell within that ecstatic grip. His head arched back and something wet hit his chest. Connor was coming. He heard the other man panting, the quick slap of palms squeezing up his cock to draw out the climax. Iksander opened his eyes and got a swift flash of images. Connor’s flushed penile skin. His dark raised veins. His swollen head pulsing ejaculate.
All those triggers flipping at once were too potent to resist. Iksander’s peak detonated. He couldn’t have delayed it for anything. Georgie dropped the paddle, her hands catching his to squeeze. He needed them to hold onto. His orgasm wasn’t stopping. It shot from him in a ferocious torrent. The cry that tore from his throat was somehow orgasmic too. The sun seemed to swallow him. Was this heaven? This sweetness so strong it hurt?
He must have lost himself in it. The next thing he knew Georgie was sitting up holding him.
“Shh,” she said, stroking his hair gently.
His face was wet—with tears, he suspected, though he couldn’t remember shedding them. As he swiped them off with his hands, Georgie’s legs hugged his hips. A moment later, her calves squeezed him for good measure.
“I’m all right,” he said.
She smiled, and Connor sat beside them.
“That was big,” he said.
“The biggest,” Georgie agreed waggishly.
Iksander laughed. He guessed maybe he didn’t mind their sense of humor. Right then it was helping him feel less embarrassed.
“I was right,” Connor announced, confusing him. “We’re going to be late for the vizier’s dinner.”
“Shoot,” Georgie said. “I didn’t actually mean for that to happen.”
Iksander laughed again, the warmth that filled him pleasant in the extreme.
“Murat will forgive us,” he predicted. “Even viziers understand sometimes one chooses to put love first.”
# # #
Intrigued by threesomes? Here’s the opening to The Billionaire Bad Boys Club. Enjoy!