Executing client and server

First, we start server execution with the echo_server_ipv6.py Python script. After executing this script, the server it will wait for connections:

usage: echo_server_ipv6.py [-h] --port PORT

When executing the server script, we must use the port argument to establish the number where the server is listening for connections:

python echo_server_ipv6.py --port 7575
Waiting connections in ::1:7575

Next, we start the client with the same port parameter:

python echo_client_ipv6.py --port 7575
Connected to the server --->::1:7575
Send data to server: Hello from ipv6 client
Write your message >

And we will see that the server has already identified the connection:

Connected to ('::1', 3210, 0, 0)
Received data from the client: [Hello from ipv6 client]
Sent data echoed back to the client: [Hello from ipv6 client]

Now we can write any message on the client, and in the server log we can verify that the message is sent:

Received data from the client: [Hello from ipv6 client]
Sent data echoed back to the client: [Hello from ipv6 client]
Received data from the client: [This is a new message]
Sent data echoed back to the client: [This is a new message]

In this screenshot, we can see the execution in the socket server:

In this screenshot, we can see the execution in the socket client:

Upon receiving the exit message, the server will close the connection. The client has also received an exit message and will also close the connection.