Chapter 4

Why me again?

"I knew I couldn't trust you to be in charge. Look at this mess!" Ummi screamed at me and Khadi, inspecting the broken window. It was scary when she got mad, to where I got Goosebumps whenever she did.

I told her I tried to do my best, but there were too many freakin’ kids. Khadi couldn't believe I didn't solely take the blame. I didn't feel like fighting.

"Umm, I didn't even see the person who did it. What can I do to make it right?” Khadi whined, frowning. 

“How can you make it right? Maybe grounding you for an entire month. No going out except to school and with me.” 

I tried my best not to laugh. Khadi's face expression was too priceless not to. 

"Stop laughing." She looked at me. I raised my eyebrows challenging her. What was she going to do? I had all the evidence of her misbehaving anyway.

"Oh, by the way, Gabrielle. I ran into Aliyah on my way here. She said she would call you to go out or something. " Ummi said passing by me heading straight to the window. If it was about going to the party, I wasn't interested.

The girl had no plans for her future, only caring about partying and being seen. Definitely wasn't where I was headed. But who am I to judge?

“Let me call the window people to get this fixed. Don’t worry. I got this. Wait here.”

“Thanks, Umm. I really appreciate it.”

“And make sure you give Aliyah a call. Don't just stay at home, Gabbie. Go have some fun for once. Boston was a mess for you. You need a break."

“I’ll think about it.”

Khadi returned to her room annoyed while Ummi came back with the Yellow Pages and sat down. She made some coffee and looked for window installers. Perhaps this will gave us a opportunity to finally talk and clear the air.

“So, how’s Maleek?” I started the conversation awkwardly. Ummi cleared her throat and got up to pour herself coffee.

“He’s alright. He's having issues with his mother these days.” She mumbled, but clear enough for me to hear it.

“What issues?”

“She doesn’t agree with our relationship because I have children. I guess I’m not good enough for him in her eyes.” As Ummi spoke, I was fired up.

“What kind of mother would even say that? You don’t need her approval for happiness. Do what makes you happy.” For once, I was proud of myself for answering in such a manner. Ummi turned to me smiling. I smiled back giving her a quick wink. “Everything will be fine, Ma, I think he loves you.” I took a little bit of coffee myself and at this moment, began thinking about Dad. I didn’t want to ask her why they separated to spoil the moment. However, if there was anyone after him who'd be there to support her, it would be me.

“I knew it would be hard for you to accept us.” She said straightforwardly. I didn’t know what to say but I just couldn’t get over the pain of my parents being divorced. Maleek knew he couldn't be my Abee but if he works hard enough, he might be a good second one. I hoped I’d be long gone working in another state by then.

“Okay, enough I might cry. Did you get in touch with Aliyah yet?” Ummi started washing dishes and took away my cup. 

“Nope, the girls are going to a party on Wednesday. Not sure if I’m gonna go.” I buried my hands in my pockets, resting my body on the counter. 

“You should, you need to go out. These years are so precious that you’ll never going to live them again.” Maybe, she was right. I had the stay-home bug on most days.

“Alright, you got me. I will call Aliyah and see what’s going on.” I felt bad and returned to my room. I had to ponder what the hell is going on by myself. “Just lay down and take it in.”

Would things be different if I stayed home? I checked my messages seeing none, as usual. I didn’t text Aliyah back, but as soon as I opened Snapchat, my phone rang; a call from Aisha.

I straightened up, ready to answer. “Hey. Salam alaykum, Sis.” I answered.

“Wa alaykum As-Salam. Get ready, we’re going to the mall in an hour!” She sounded excited. “The mall? For what?” I said annoyingly but the hell if I care.

“Layla and Aliyah are going. Would miss out on some fun? Come on as I saw your wardrobe needs an update.” I opened my mouth in shock, my wardrobe? Her garbs needed to be thrown out and set on fire not mine.

“Fine, will you come pick me up?” I asked getting off my bed annoyed. “Yeah, I’m already ready. I’m waiting on Aliyah and Layla you know how they are. Probably coming by in an hour.”

“Okay then, I’ll be ready.” I said as I headed to the bathroom. “See you, Masalam.” Aisha responded and hung up. I took out one of my best outfits from my closet pondering on what did I just get myself into.

Took a quick shower and blow dried my hair, making the curls pop. Khadi came in my room with a grin on her face. “Are you going out?” “Yeah”. “Me and the girls are going to the mall.”

“Wow, you’re going out for once, I should write this down on my calendar.” As she spoke, I grabbed my brush, ready to throw it at her. She backed up and ran out of my room yelling “Ummi”. “What a rascal?”

Ummi raised her to be so spoilt. My dad didn’t. But as Khadi got older, she became a big headed. I did a little makeup for the first time in a while. I was on fleek. It turned out looking good.

Only thirty minutes passed since Aisha called and I was already bored. I went into Khadi’s room to see what she was doing and as usual; she was taking selfies on her bed. “Aren’t you getting tired of that, updating your profile every day?” She tried so hard to be liked by others. It was comical.

“Oh my god, are you wearing that? From what thrift store did you come out of?” She made me hit her with one of her pillows. “My closet, thank you very much, and for your information it’s nice.”

“Yeah, nice if you’re a sixty-year-old widow.” She laughed loudly holding her stomach. I rolled my eyes. Why did I bother checking on her? Khadi was straight roasting me.

I was about to say something but before I could, my phone rang. It’s Aisha, again.

“Hello?” I answered shushing my sister who was mumbling something. “Get downstairs, we’re in front of your house.” Aisha laughed at something Aliyah and Layla said.

“I’ll be there.” The phone hung up, and I hurried.

I noticed she was driving her dad’s car. “Why is she waving at me?” It ain’t like we didn’t see each other for a long time. Anyway. The rest of the squad were chatting and completely ignored my presence. Once I got in, they greeted me.

“Your outfit is cute.” Aliyah complimented sucking on a lollipop. “Shukran, Sis.” I replied nicely, Layla was on my left talking on the phone with somebody. She didn’t even bother to give the salaams.

Aisha began driving to the mall and from that moment on I was sure I wouldn't have a good time. “So what are you planning on buying? Anything in particular?” I asked.

“We want to look for some outfits for the party, I also want to buy some new shoes.” I sighed as Aisha explained. Damn! We might be at this mall all day.

“Great, I need more makeup. Seriously. My collection is going dry because I don't have the proper concealer." Layla finished her phone call and turned her attention towards the rest of us. 

“I can’t believe this, she was supposed to do my hair on Wednesday morning and now she can’t.” Layla said frustrated. She threw her phone in her bag, resting her head on the window. Being dramatic, as always.

“There are hundreds of hairstylists in New York you will live.” Aisha said taking the words out of my mouth. 

“Hannah, I trust her with my hair. If I go to someone else, it'll get messed up.” She ranted while I stayed silent.

I tried getting close to them again, but it was hard. Last year, we got into so many fights. They ended up ignoring me and bad-mouthing me to others. I'm over it, but after they apologized, I concluded I had no one closer. It saddened me they backstabbed me, but we must let it go at some point. Holding onto stress ain't good.

Aisha pulled up to a parking lot, the closest spot near the entrance. Everyone complained of thirst and wanted something to drink. "Get out. We're going to Starbucks." yelled Aisha. 

"I hope they are not still profiling people. Hey, I might have to use the restroom before I buy something." said Layla. Everyone laughed so hard that people passing by thought we were drunk. Today is so sunny; something I didn't experience at Boston.

The mall was packed. After ordering our drinks, we waited patiently. We started checking out some of the boys coming inside. "I wonder if they Muslim." I said. 

"Those beards lookin' good." Aisha blurted even though she is engaged to Yunus or supposed to be.

“Finally.” Layla gasped once our drinks were ready. The store was mad busy. Was Layla over the top with her remarks? Anyway, We're heading to Forever 21. 

I walked with Aisha while Aliyah walked with Layla. The booths between the clothes were too small for all of us to fit. There were many things I liked, but as usual I was being boujie. Ummi told me to have a good time, right?

“Do you like this?” Aisha smiled at me while she pointed at a flower-printed outfit. It gave off a summer vibe perfect for this exact time of the year. “It’s cute, why don’t you try it on?” Perfect for her because she was the girly type.

“Should I?” I nodded, reassuring her. She took it off the raft and went into the changing room. While she was trying on the outfit, I went towards Layla and Aliyah, to see what they were up to.

They were talking about something but soon as they saw me; they stopped and changed the subject. Why did I even come along? They keep doing this nonsense.

“What were you guys talking about?” They thought I wouldn’t ask. “O-oh just this top, Aliyah said I should try it on.” I read right through them. “It’s pretty, try it on.” The top Layla was holding was ugly and sheer. They glanced at each other as Layla neared the fitting room. A few seconds later, Aisha opened the fitting room door revealing herself in the flower garment.

“How do I look?” She said smiling. I clasped my hands in excitement. “You go girl, oh my god! You should get it.” I'm being honest. Layla and Aliyah gave her the thumbs up.

“I guess I will!” Aisha was happy. While she changed back her, I took the chance to look around the store and looking over some tops. Just flirting with the idea I would get something, I guess.

After I circled the section a few times, Aisha came out of the fitting room, heading towards the checkout counter. I turned around to see where Layla and Aliyah were, but they were nowhere in sight. 

Aisha paid for her dress and then walked towards me with the most priceless smile ever. I was happy for her, but once she saw I wasn’t with the rest; her smile faded. “Where are they?” She asked confused.

“They disappeared a while ago. I didn’t see where they went." I replied.

"We should call them" said Aisha. I didn’t care much to that extent, but I acted as if I did.

She pulled out her phone first, worried. “Where are you?” She spat as soon as one of them answered, looking in the direction of the exit of the store.

“Okay, I see you never mind.” She hung up and pointed to the entrance, on the other side of the hall. I nodded and followed, looking around.

“Where were you?” I tried sounding concerned. They frailly smiled at me. “One of Layla’s friends called, it was too much noise inside, so we had to take it outside.” Aliyah explained.

“Oh, was it someone we know?” Aisha said. “No, someone from work. I need to take a double shift this Friday.” Layla complained and from the look on her face, I believed her.

Layla and Aliyah had a way of twisting their words and it amazed me. At some point, it becomes a little over the top. “Anyway, let’s go to another store, I’m sure you can find something there, Gabbie.” Aisha took a hold of my upper arm and led me on her way. As we neared the store, I noticed the banner reading, Debbie’s. I assumed everything was cheap inside by the look of the storefront. 

My cup was half-full and I needed more. I should’ve gotten a Venti. We arrived at Debbie's and we instantly looked around. Aisha kept raving about the deals they had as we came upon the entrance.

“This store looks a bit shady, don’t you think?” Directing my question towards Aisha, who was too busy looking at everything. She glanced and motioned for me to hush. What's her deal?

Quickly afterwards, she came beside me. “Aliyah is the one who wanted to come here. There are rumors about the owners being part of the Italian mafia. I'm not sure if it's true. Now, you wouldn’t want to miss out on these items for a cheap, would you?” She chuckled, directing me to keep looking for a top.

 “Come here. Hurry. Look at this.” Aisha took a top out of the rafts which looked like it was my audition outfit to work on a street corner. 

“Aisha, I would never wear this.” I took a hold of the shirt and returned it.

“Oh, come on! You need to try it live a little!” She grinned handing me the shirt back and pointing at the fitting rooms. I shook my head in dismay. “Are you crazy? I’m not trying this on.” I gave it back to her, and she looked like she wasn’t having any of it.

While me and Aisha were arguing about the shirt, I didn’t notice that a woman behind her was calling us. “What are you doing with that shirt?” She questioned cutting off our conversation.

“Nothing, I'm trying to get my friend to try it on.” Aisha explained. Layla and Aliyah came up, listening to what the woman had to say. While we were in the middle of the conversation, I peeked my head to look behind her, noticing a group of men coming out of a room, watching us. They didn’t look like they were security. 

“I don’t think you are here to just try on things. What else do you ladies have in mind?” She stressed crossing her arms. I almost choked.

“Excuse me, what do you mean?” I said in response. Was she accusing us of something? I couldn't fathom the thought. They were in the back watching us the whole time as if we were criminals. It was nonsense she's implying that we were trying to steal a ten-dollar top.

“I saw you putting something in your bags. You know the censors will go off the second you step out.” She taunted while giving an eye to the security guards. I couldn’t believe it. Seriously?

“Are you serious? We didn’t steal anything. We are just looking around like the rest of the people.” Aisha returned the top in its rack, trying to erase any misconceptions, but that didn’t work.

“Is there problem here ladies?” A security guard came up after waiting with the group of men watching us, giving them some kind of signal. 

Raging in anger, I said “This lady right here just accused us of shoplifting, I think it’s very inappropriate.” expecting he would help us.

“How dare you? I’m the one who works here and I know my eyes are not lying!” She said in the most brashest of tones.

“Listen Maam, I don’t know what your problem is, but it’s not us. We did nothing.” Aliyah said, which was surprising.

“Girls, I think you need to open your bags.” The security guard demanded.

“I don’t see a reason why I should show you my bag. You got to be crazy. This lady is profiling us based on the way we look and you are too!” We were the only black folks here while a few white customers stood around probing, looking scared.

Moments later, the guard had the audacity to grab my bag. I yanked it back towards me stepping back. As I did that, he reached for his gun inside his belt. “Oh, so now you’re gonna shoot me!? Is that what’s this is all about!?” I yelled at the top of my lungs, not caring. "Make a scene, Sis." I caught everyone's attention, and now a small group was gathering in front of the store to see what was happening.

“I will need you to calm down, no need to be upset it’s just procedure.” he said.

“I’m sure, murder is not one of your procedures.” Aisha nudged me with her shoulder to shut up, stepping in front of me.  She thought she could protect me, but I knew I how to stand my ground. Never would I be humiliated for such nonsense.

“It’s just a misunderstanding here.” Aisha grabbed my bag from my grip with full force giving it to the security guard. “Aisha!” I protested. She sharply turned around saying “Are you trying to get yourself killed?” I shook my head in disbelief, looking behind her. The guard opened the bag forcefully and rummaged through it.

“Then shut up and stay silent.” Aisha turned around giving the guard and lady a fake smile. The guard then looked at us sternly before turning around and giving a nod to the men standing right in front of the side room.

“Why didn’t you give him the bag when he asked? You got us in trouble!” Layla remarked at me, pissed. 

“He has no right digging in my possessions. What was I supposed to do!?” 

A few seconds later, the group of men surrounded us, and one of them spoke in a very strong accent. “Ladies, I think you need to come with us and give us your cellphones.” Their black suits made them look intimidating, but the expressions on their faces signaled otherwise. 

“We did nothing wrong. There is no reason for us to come with you. Any you are not getting my phone!” I mouthed.

“I think, it isn’t a question, our employee here saw you taking that shirt.” A different man ignored my protests, stating his opinion, and it was obvious the other one next to him was in agreement. Deep down, I knew something was going down. There was no way possible this cheap ass clothing shop is making money. Something's going on behind closed doors.

“She didn’t see, she assumed. It’s clear she wanted a reason to single us out.” Aliyah added, defending us both even though she was probably the most nervous amongst us.

“You aren’t in a position to protest, now follow us and give us your fucking phones, NOW!” We complied unwillingly taking our phones out of our bags. One of the men then grabbed Layla by her upper arm, dragging her towards the side room. Right before we could say anything, the rest did the same to us. It left us with no choice but to enter this strange room which resembled a gas chamber. We heard the gates of the shop close and the lights appeared to dim.

They seated us down in different chairs and told us to wait. Meanwhile, Layla and Aliyah turned to me while their faces were red in anger.

“This is all your fault, you should’ve tried on the top instead of pushing it away.” Aliyah said in a rebuking tone. I didn’t know if I could tolerate her or the other girls any longer. 

I breathed out saying "Ya Allah" and then answered. 

“I said no! This isn’t because of me! They had their eyes on us the first minute we walked in.” 

“Right, spare me. I shopped here before with no incident.” Aliyah rolled her eyes at me tapping her foot impatiently against the floor.

“Maybe if you apologize, it would make things better.” Layla popped her head behind Aliyah, giving me a kind look of pity.

“Look, I didn’t lie and I have no reason to apologize, I didn’t steal anything.” Just as I said that, Aisha next to me quickly interjected. “Everyone shut up.” Her eyes darted to another room right at the doorstep, we could see shadows and a lot of whispering.

It was at that exact moment I thought I wouldn't never return home. We're going to get whacked in this fake ass department store. “

Aliyah, what do you know about the owner?” I pressed, not giving her the joy of sparing her a glance. She huffed, “Not much, there are rumors he is a mafia boss around town." 

"What kind of mafia boss could own a cheap dump like this?” Aisha said believing every word. 

"Freakin' geniuses. The ones who knew how to manage the businesses underground making it a gateway for all kinds of money." I said.

Aisha looked scared as ever believing everything that was said. I nodded as we suddenly spotted an exit. "Should we run for it?" As I processed the thought, the door opened revealing a middle-aged Italian man holding a long gun dressed in expensive clothing, looking directly at us. Next to him was a woman wearing a Gangster style hat with brunette hair holding the same gun. "This must be his wife" I thought. The man's dark eyes and blonde hair reminded me of someone from a Goodfellas movie.

“I guess you are the special guests.” He said smiling while Layla was the only idiot, popping her bubble gum smiling back and looking like she was flirting. 

"Don't do this now" I thought. We were in deep shit and this girl is acting dumb as hell. Sheesh, I just hope Ummi doesn't find me lying in a ditch somewhere off the highway.  All the worst-case scenarios ran through our heads, but escaping didn't look like an option. 

“Look sir, we didn't do anything. Your worker accused us of stealing and it was an obvious mistake.” Aisha's courage impressed me while the man and woman seemed unfazed.

“Take them to my office. I'd like to ask them a few questions.” The man ordered. Without hesitation, the guards grabbed each one of us. 

"Get off of me, chump." I yelled pulling away. 

The office was far more arranged than the hallway they held us in. Then again, who cares? We need to get the hell out of here. 

We all sat down on a leather sofa which looked like it costed a few thousand dollars. Aisha began talking first and I couldn’t even look the man in the eyes.

“Sir, I’m sure we can clear up this misunderstanding.” After she finished her sentence, he turned to us and said “I don’t appreciate you girls coming in to my store and stealing.” He stopped in front of his desk, expecting us to admit our guilt.

“We weren't stealing. We were shopping. Look at the cameras.” I spoke up as his gaze focused on me. He wasted no time in responding.

“That employee is my wife, and I’m sure I would trust her more than you.”

"His wife? We are now in deeper trouble" I thought. If he was such a powerful man why would his wife be working as an employee at this store? Anyway.  After a few moments of silence, the woman who we thought was simply an employee entered the room.

“I suggest you check the security cameras. Obviously, she must be mistaken. I know my friends.” Aisha said which was the most courageous statement I heard from her ever.

“I am confused honestly, few people come here to shop for clothes. How is this store making money, then?” The man suddenly pulled out his gun, setting it on the desk, making sure we got a full view of it. Everyone now turned their attention to the gun. We were frightened. My funeral is all I thought of. I'm not going to make it neither will my girls. 

“It’s not every day we get a group of lovely ladies visiting us and having an interest in buying clothes.” With that said, he made sure we knew he was the boss, and he's not talking about the department store. I didn’t know what to say.

“You’re right, Ricardo honey. This is not a store where they come to fool around. People come here for business only” She said in her deep Italian accent.

“We want no trouble, Sir. We apologize if we did something wrong. Please, our families are waiting for us at home” Aliyah pleaded in desperation. She tried getting up, but one of his guards stood up next to her, holding his gun, sending fear through her bones.

“Sit your ass down.” Aisha whispered, then turning to the man. “Are you trying to say we are thieves?” 

“If you are at a point where you want to steal a ten-dollar shirt, then yes. Maybe you take Opiods. Who's knows? I don't give a fuck” He said while the other woman with the gun laughed, circling his desk.

“In all honesty, she would never wear that shirt.  She is the kind of introvert you know who doesn’t go out much.” Aliyah stepped in, stating. It was true, but why is she dissing me?

They all laughed together. “Goody two shoes, never expected to see someone like that at my store.” He said looking at me while I darted my eyes downward.

“Are y'all hiring? I’m jobless at the moment.” Layla said playing with her khimar. She's gonna make me slap the black off her. I remained silent.

“We aren't, not at the moment.” The man's wife said barely glancing at her. 

“My friend here is telling the truth. Gabrielle is only here to keep us company. If she wanted to steal something, I can assure you, it would be from Victoria's Secret.” We all gasped. How could Layla deliver a low blow like that? She must think we are going free and no, my fashion taste ain't that bad.

“It sure looks like maybe you are telling the truth. Are you sure you are friends?” The man said as Layla laughed away nodding. “She is like the ugly duckling of the group.” Everyone in the room was now dying of laughter. 

I was raging inside. I couldn’t believe Layla was roasting me and tried my best to keep myself from crying.

Aisha patted my back, reassuring me everything would be okay. I looked back at her with a partial grin.

“So, it appears to be a misunderstanding.” He grabbed the gun off the table and placed it back in his holster. “You are free to go, young ladies. Think again before coming here. This isn’t a place you want to be around.” The man got up from his seat, gradually exiting the room while his wife and the other woman walked behind him.

It left us in a trance to what just happened. I never thought I would experience a thing crazier than Boston. Damn! I can't stay out of trouble. We left the store arguing about me feeling offended. Layla said she had to do it to keep the Italians' thoughts occupied. 

"Italians like Black people's jokes, my dad always told me. I'm sorry, Sis, but I had to or they would have killed us." 

"No problem, Layl. Thank you. You saved us." We kept looking back to see if someone was following us as we exited the mall. My paranoia ate my insides alive, and the fear of this store would forever live within me.