Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
‘acquired love’ 85–6, 98–9
AD (Alzheimer’s dementia) 12, 25, 96–7
addiction, love equated with 87–8
Afonina, Alissa 187
‘Albert’ (with shunt inserted for hydrocephalus) 57–8
alpha wave activity in approach to orgasm 78–9
Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) 12, 25, 96–7
Amelung, Till 112–16
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists 150
amnesia 67–70
in patients operated on for epilepsy 14–16
paedophilic preferences and 114
role in sexuality 8, 12–16
aneurysm, rupture during sex 80–3
anteretrograde amnesia 70
apprehended violence orders for dementia patients 169–71
‘Arnold’ (with shunt inserted for hydrocephalus) 57–8
arteriovenous malformation 81–2
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) 125–7
Asperger, Hans 125–7, 129
Asperger syndrome 125–7
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 125–7
‘Barbara’ (with AD and Capgras delusion) 96–8
‘Barry’ (with stroke and ‘acquired love’) 85–6, 98–9
basal ganglia 88, 90–1
Behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (Bv-FTD) 25, 28, 95, 169
Bianchi-Demicheli, Francesco 103–4
Blaxendale, Sallie 69–70
blood pressure, aneurysm and 83
Boy Erased 62
brain anatomy see also neuroimaging
people with ASD 139
sexual activities and 1–2
brain damage
hypersexuality following 187–8
paedophilic preferences and 109–10
personality changes after 99
traumatic brain injury 20–1
brain imaging see neuroimaging
Brown, Sanger 8
Bucy, Paul 9
‘Burden of Normality’ syndrome 45–6
Burns, Jeffrey 177
Bv-FTD (Behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia) 25, 28, 95, 169
Cabaser side effects see dopamine treatments
Californication 146
‘Cameron’ (boyfriend of ‘Samantha’) 81–2
Capgras delusion 93, 96–8
Carmichael, Philip 179–80, 183, 185
Carnes, Patrick 147, 159
caudate nucleus 91, 144, 155–6
Christie, John 38–9
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 164
‘compulsive sexual behaviour disorder’ 149–50, 153–5
Conley, Garrard 62
coprophilia following lobectomy 117–18
Crash 103
custodial hardship 184–5
‘David’ (husband of ‘Barbara’) 97
De Clérambault’s syndrome (erotomania) 93–6
‘Debbie’ (with Multiple Sclerosis and paraphilias) 120–4, 175
deep brain stimulation 53–5
déjà vu, hippocampus and 116
hypersexuality resulting from 24, 168–74
hyposexuality resulting from 28–9
increasing prevalence of 188–9
Devinsky, Julie and Orrin 118
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
includes ASD 127
includes homosexuality 60–1
on paraphilia 103
on sexual addiction 149
Diamond, Jared, Why is Sex Fun? 7–8
disorders, defining 105–6
dopamine, in romantic love 88
dopamine treatments
Cabaser side effects 35–6, 187
hypersexuality following 33–5, 54–6, 182, 186–7
legal issues arising from 179–81
Requip side effects 186
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 26, 144–5
Duchovny, David 146
‘Dustin’ (with brain injury and ‘acquired love’) 99
Ecker, Christine 139
‘Edith’ (with dementia) 190–2
electroencephalograms (EEG) 75, 78
Ellis, Havelock 149
emotional responses
changes after neurosurgery 9
role of amygdala in 17–18
epilepsy see also seizure surgery
early views on 65
frontal lobe seizures 30–1
induces orgasms 31–2
erotomania 93–6
Everything In Its Place 119, 176
exhibitionism see paraphilias
extra-marital sex 71–2, 83
fetishism see paraphilias
Fisher, Helen 87–8
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) 27, 88
formicophilia 103
Frith, Uta 126
frontal lobes
frontotemporal dementia 25–6, 191
effect of love on 89–90
hypersexuality and 156–7
role in sexuality 25–8
frontoparietal region, damage to 105
frontostriatal network 144–5
functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) 27, 88
Galen 65–6
Gallinat, Jürgen 144
‘Gary’ (with tumour and paedophilic preferences) 106–10, 113, 176–7
gender differences
in people with ASD 134–6
in sex-induced aneurysm 81–3
in sexual changes after seizure surgery 49–50
in use of pornography 152–3
generalised seizures 42
‘George’ (with Asperger syndrome) 125, 129–32, 140–1
Germany, treatment for paedophilia in 112
Glasgow Coma Scale 21
GlaxoSmithKline 186
Gowers, William 67
Handmaid’s Tale, The 63
‘Harry’ (with epilepsy and safety pin fetish) 101–2
Haymes, Dick, obsession with 93–4
Heath, RG 59–60
herpes encephalitis, brain changes due to 11, 57–8
hippocampal sclerosis 31, 44
hippocampus 13, 116
Hippocrates, On the Sacred Disease 65
Hirschfeld, Magnus 149
homosexuality see also sexual orientation
regarded as disorder 60–1
Hughlings Jackson, John 67
humans, sexual uniqueness of 7–8
hydrocephalus 56
hypermetamorphosis 9–11
hyperorality 9–11
hypersexuality see also sexual orientation
after accidents 23–4
after brain injury 187–8
after dopamine treatments 54–5, 179–82
after lobectomy 117–18
after neurosurgery 3–4, 9–10, 13–14
after seizure surgery 47–8
ASD and 133–5
in people with dementia 24, 190–2
in people with Multiple Sclerosis 121–3
role of amygdala in 18–19
targets for 167–8
in people with dementia 28–9
in people with frontal lobe seizures 30–1
in people with temporal lobe epilepsy 42
hypothalamus 16, 60–1
‘ictal’ manifestations 32
impulse control disorders 34, 54–6
infantilism 103
infidelity 71–2, 83
internet pornography 143
intracranial haemorrhage 80
intracranial pressure 64, 83
‘Isaac’ (with dementia and alleged sexual assault) 168–74
‘Jack’ (with brain injury) 20–2
Jambart, Didier 186
‘Jim’ (with somnophilia) 103–5
‘Joe’ (partner of ‘Sarah’) 67–9
Johnson, Virginia 62, 72–5
Justice Advocacy Service 171
Kanner, Leo 125–6
Kaplan, Helen Singer 74
Kinsey, Alfred 148–9
Klüver, Heinrich 8–9
Klüver-Bucy syndrome 9–12, 118
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von 149
Kraus, Shane 154–5
Kühn, Simone 144
laterality in temporal lobes 49
left caudate nucleus 155–6
left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 89–90
left putamen activity in pornography users 144
legal issues 168–79
Ley, David 146–52, 157–8, 163–5
Liberos laboratory 77
Little Death, The 103
losing love, effect on brain 92
‘Margaret’ (with Bv-FTD and erotomania) 93–5
Martin, Terry 180–1, 185
masochism, and ASD 135–6
Masters, William 62, 72–5
Masters of Sex 72–3
claimed to cause epilepsy 66
in people with ASD 131, 134
pornography use and 151–3
Memento 70
men see gender differences
mental impairment, effect on sentencing 184–5
mescal, effect on monkeys 8–9
mesolimbic pathway 88
migraines, linked to amnesia 70
misidentification delusions 96
Molaison, Henry (HM) 10–11, 44–5
monkeys, neurosurgery experiments 8–10
Motor Neurone Disease 95
Mowat, Mary-Jane 180, 185
Multiple Sclerosis 119–20
music, for people with dementia 97
myelin in nerve cells 120
Myth of Sex Addiction, The 146–8
neuroimaging see also brain imaging
during orgasm 75–6
fMRI 27, 88
hypersexuality and 155–6
people in love 88, 90
people with ASD 139
positron emission tomography (PET) 27, 75
revolutionary effect of 40
Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) scans 94
neurosurgeons, attitudes to outcomes 37–9
NeuroTribes 128
‘Norman’ (with Parkinson’s disease) 179–82
nymphomania 148–9 see also hypersexuality; ‘sex addiction’
obsessions (paraphilias) 135–6
Onanism: Or a treatise upon the disorders produced by masturbation 66
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 59
orbitofrontal cortex 26
‘orgasmic reconditioning’ treatment 137–8
brain activity during 75–8
difficulty researching 77–8
early research into 72–4
from pornography use 152–3
induced by seizures 31–2, 49
limited understanding of 77–8
seizures triggered by 30–1
Ortego, Neil 121, 175
paedophilic preferences
after dopamine treatment 35–6
possible causes 113–15
sudden development of 106–13
paraphilias, and ASD 135–6
parietal lobes, effect of damage to 105
Parkinson’s disease 33–4, 179–81 see also dopamine treatments
patient interviews 23
PET (positron emission tomography) 27, 75
‘Peter’ (with temporal lobectomy) 47–8
Pfizer, settles class action 35, 187
pituitary gland, role in sexuality 41
alleged ‘addiction’ to 146–8
brains of users 142–5
Porter, David 185
positron emission tomography (PET) 27, 75
Pramipexole side effects see dopamine treatments
Prause, Nicole 76–7, 152
prefrontal cortex 26, 75–6
public masturbation, by people with ASD 131, 134
putamen 144
‘Ray’ (with Parkinson’s disease) 52–4
Requip side effects see dopamine treatments
‘resetting the brain’ in sex/porn addiction 163–4
Rieber, Inge 61–2
right caudate activity in pornography users 144
right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 155–6
Rippon, Gina 49–50
‘Rita’ (wife of patient with brain injury) 29
‘Roger’ (with transient global amnesia) 71–2
romantic love, brain changes in 87–101
‘Rosa’ (wife of ‘Ray’) 52–4
Rush, Benjamin 149
Russman, Brian 159–63
Sacks, Oliver 118–19, 176
sadism, and ASD 135
safety pin fetish 101–2
‘Sally’ (with tumour and stroke) 28–9
‘Sam’ (with zoophilia and ASD) 135–6
‘Samantha’ (with ruptured aneurysm, temporal lobe seizures and erotomania) 81–2, 95–6
‘Sarah’ (with transient global amnesia) 67–9
Schäfer, Edward 8
Schöttle, Daniel 131–2
seizure surgery
changes in behaviour after 13–14
possible outcomes 45–8
sexual side effects 37–51
induced by sexual activity 31, 80
triggered by safety pins 102
septal region, effect of treatments on 58–60
‘sex addiction’ 146–8, 159–64
sex therapy 158–63
sexual activities
transient global amnesia triggered by 71–2
‘compulsive sexual behaviour disorder’ 149–50
effect of brain conditions 5–6
in people with ASD 133–9
legal responsibility for 168–79
parts of brain involved in 27–8
risks of infidelity 71–2, 83
safety of after neurosurgery 64
seizures induced by 80
sexual automatisms 32
sexual orientation
attempts to alter 52
changes after brain damage or neurosurgery 47
people with ASD 140–1
radical changes in 111
sexual response cycle 74
‘Sharon’ (with temporal lobectomy) 46
shock therapy, sexual orientation and 62
shunts 56
Sieveking, Edward 66–7
Sigusch, Volkmar 61–2
Silberman, Steve 128
‘sleeping beauty syndrome’ 103–4
small vessel ischaemia 94–5
somnophilia 103–5
SPECT scans 94
stereotaxic hypothalotomy 60–2
‘Steven’ (with Parkinson’s disease) 33–5
induced by sexual activity 80
personality changes due to 85–6
subarachnoid haemorrhage 80
subthalamic nucleus 55
superior medial cortex 26
Swerdlow, Russell 177
symphorophilia 103
TBI (traumatic brain injury) 20–1
temporal lobes see also frontal temporal lobes
bilateral removal of 8
in dementia 169–70
role in sexuality 10
seizures in 9–10, 30–1, 42
unilateral removal of 102, 117
‘Terence’ (lawyer with dementia) 24–5
‘Tessa’ (with traumatic brain injury) 22–3
effect of damage to 28–9
neuroimaging in hypersexual males 156
The Handmaid’s Tale 63
The Little Death 103
The Myth of Sex Addiction 146–8
Thompson, Vanessa 158–61
Tissot, Samuel-Auguste 66
‘Todd’ (with temporal lobectomy) 116–19, 175–6
transient global amnesia 67–9
traumatic brain injury (TBI) 20–1
trepanation 44
unfaithfulness, risks of 71–2, 83
United States, ‘addiction’ treatments in 148
ventral tegmental area 88
Verdins principles 184–5
visual agnosia 9–11
voyeurism see also paraphilias
ASD and 135
WHO International Classification of Disease 149–50, 154–5
Why is Sex Fun? 7–8
Wing, Lorna 126
women see gender differences
zoophilia 135–8