
First and foremost, my deepest gratitude to Mark Doten and Bronwen Hruska. You got this book when no one else (in publishing) seemed to get it. I would not be here without the audacity of Soho Press. To Mark specifically for his brilliant eye and ear, his gift for arc and story that made the book better; you are a winning-lottery-ticket of an editor. To everyone at Soho—Abby Koski, I’m looking at you—you make dreams come true. Thank you.

To the Ucross Foundation, heaven on earth, where I found my ending.

To everyone in my life, beloved friends and family, who supported my declaration that I was writing a novel without once calling me crazy (to my face) or seeing a page of it. To Mary Gordon, whose love and friendship have been an unanticipated treasure in this life, and whose single comment opened up the whole book. To Kara Levy, Helene Wecker, Brian Eule, Zoë Ferraris, and Michael McAllister for countless infusions of moral support (and to Kara and Helene for invaluable early-draft reads). To Mary Hansen for helping me get this book into the world. To Khristina Wenzinger for generous and vital help on pacing and structure. To Ingalisa Schrobsdorff, Sheehan Grant, and Adam Cimino for being early and steadfast champions.

To Clare Beams, how do I honor the level of attention you showed this book, the meta and micro ways you nudged it into what it became. I am perpetually grateful.

To Michelle Adelman, words are inadequate. For your sanity and communion in writing, book drafts, and living life. To Emilee Yawn, for friendship and creative kinship beyond imagining.

To Bernard Galm, literary co-enthusiast and devoted uncle. To Stacey Berg, for planting a seed for the novel, encouraging its most embryonic form, and for unwavering love and encouragement. To Amalia, Ella, and Ruby Galm for being the best-ever antidote to writing.

And finally, to Paul Galm. For an almost inexhaustible capacity to walk with me through the days, for the love, humor, and real talk that make me the luckiest sister I could imagine.